A l - THE S T A Y T O N M A I L tion agent, Lorene A. Parker, Salem, upon request. GRAVE LY'S A L E X A N D E R ¿t DAUGHERTY, Owners and I'ublishcrs C IL IB IU m C. A. Beauchamp and wife were Salem visitors Sunday. C. E. DAUGHERTY, E ditor and M upager R e a l Chawing Plug M b Ar m .kJL, Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. notice the names of Joe and Julian IVJardin. brothers of G. W. Oe- Jardin of this city, and George Maten, brother o f Mrs. M. J. Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application Crabtree. Subscription Price $1.01) Per Year In Advance .v. A number from Stayton at- 1 Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association tended the dance given by the ladies of the Sublimity Red Cross Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail at that town Friday evening. All « report a good time. The ladies had charge of the dance which SUMMONS. was held in the Foresters hall. 1 In the Circuit Court o f the State This was decorated very attract­ o f Oregon for Marion county. Depart­ m ent No. 2. John L. Apple. Plaintiff, ively for the occasion. An un­ vs. Daisy Apple, Defendant. To Daiav usually large crowd was preoent Apple, the above named D efendant: IN' A sugar famine is threatening to "do their bit" for the Red T H E N A M E OF T H E STA TE OF us. Our present sugar supply is Cross. O R E G O N , vou are hereby required to sufficient for our own consump­ appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court tion only until the first of Janu­ We have been using at the and cause on or before the 27th dav o f ary. Decem ber, 1917, and if you fail so to rate of ninety pounds per capita answer, for want thereof the plaintiff per year. The French have for w ill apply to the Court for the relief sometime been on a ration o f less prayed for in his complaint, to-w it:— than two tablespoons per d a y ,1 That the bonds o f matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant and unless the American Nation be dissolved and that he have such can send them a hundred thous­ other and further relief as to the Court and tons during the next two m ay seem just and equitable. This months this ration will be re­ summons is served upon you by publi­ duced to nothing. Cut down the cation in the Stayton Mail by order o f Hon. Geo. G. Bingham, Judge o f the amount o f sugar to six table­ Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon spoons a day for each person and The American p eo p le mr% for the Third Judicial District, dated our task is done. Everv conser- j waking up. They resen Li the 10th day o f November, 1917, the vation committee in each com­ first publication to be on the 15th day charge that they are wastef* 1 o f Novem ber, 1917. and you are re­ munity should begin a campaign quired to appear and answer on or against the use o f cane and beet Bank deposits all over the before the 27th day o f December. 1917. 3ugar for holiday confectionery, country are increasing by leaps S. H. H ELTZEL. and using glucose, molasses, com 46t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. and bounds. svrup and dried fruits instead. A family of five should limit A re you a depositor T the sugar used in all cooking and served on the table inr any form, including candy, to one pound (2 I f you are not, join the finan­ cups) a day for the remainder of cial preparedness army. Man­ the year. After January the age to lay aside a certain new West Indian crop will be amount o f cash. W e ’ll be glad available and the sugar situation to explain our banking system. will probably be less tense. Recipes for holiday confection­ ery will be sent to anyone in the county by the Home Demonstra- Sugar Saving Campaign Now On lo o K fait T H i rncrri(.V0N_ U A L IT IS HOT U A L / N QAAVMY WITH OUT .THIS S t A L . Thrift Is N ow a S TA TE / N [£ ) ] - \ / . A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity N ational Slogan STA YTO N .KH37ER ^ O A T -Y O U CAN BE r> e x c u s e d r o R c h e w i n g a h y l OLD THING BECAUSE YOU CAN*~ [REAPTHAT BILL BOARD. f is solicited. You are assured of a safe deposi­ tory and courteous treatment at this bank, by ample capital and long experience in the banking business. Farmers & Merchants Bank o f Stayton, Oregon Capital $25,000.00 BANK THREE JOYOUS DAYS December 4,5, and 6,1917 * • Stayton’s First Chautauqua Festival Inspiring, Hawaiian Music to Be Feature of Big Chautauqua Program ' Educational Entertaining Every afternoon and evening of the three days brimful of highest class enter­ tainment by the best artists to be found on the Chautauqua Circuits. Splendid Lectures, Wholesome Enter­ tainment, inspiring Music Single Admissions: First afternoon 50c, evening 50c Second afternoon 35c, evening 50c Third afternoon 50c, evening 75c N E of tin* rara franta In »lorn O C1 i J u i UU , - m p ...< - o r a ff o r o o o n avanlnt; • m n iw t w a o u u vjiin, rt. |ir'izr.vii for wnllan munli-lnnn am final;« nfiiirnt«'! ml ■» ■ » ò o it «*»•! n ■:.~r>rnt T I io . i a .e ii. I ll- Vkitir.ii a n d hUllur* ihn U l-k v um >> r«*ra. W ith Season Tickets admitting holder to all 6 entertainments $1.50 Children’s Ticket $1.00 |,. m > lilt* iH'iltl am i tifili, aoiifhlnir am i irln tfn l im lix ’ li»* o f Irr Ih r W a ik ik i H a- T on i* I’ n' T n m <■« who /im it'a il ilia Nlainln ill a manlier timi ifriiiv tha T l i U frin ii; ut H a i u m ili * iu u ..» i .»in ,iir.iiiAIWMl Ilia l j i ii« u ii« of a » « . , o n « >u t lui im .iia ■ - Tickets cn Sale at Beth Banks