H. A. BEAUCHAMP,M.D. Physician and Surgeon STAYTON. O REG O N C. H. BREWER, M. D. v!'*f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON S t a y t o n . O reoon Wilbur N. Pintler, D A D . FARM AND CITY LOAN« If vou arc paying a high ra te of in­ te re st. why not refund your loan at a lower ra te and more liberal term*. It In not good huainese to pay a higher ra le of in te re st th an the m ark et durnanda, nor la it goodhoai. ncaa to keep your aurplua lurid* on I tim e deiawita a t 3 to 4 p e rc t. p er an ­ num when 8 per cent can readily be aecured on flrat Farm M ortagca, If you have money to loan or wiah to refund or aeeure a new one, eall or w rite 8. II. H ELTZEL, S tay Urn, Oregon, DENTIST Oihro Opp. Lanrcfleld Shu« Store Phone *162 S tiv lo n , Ore Surprise Party H. H . H E L T Z E L Mrs. Chamberlin and family, who mode in the northwestern part of town, were very agree­ ably surprised Sunday when Home of her relatives motored V. A. GOODE over from Salem and gave a sur­ LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC prise dinner in honor of her fath­ Office Room No. 8, Hoy Mil*. er's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gosser, father and G. F. KORINEK, V. S., B. V. Sc mother of Mrs. Chamberlin, Mr. V eterin arian and Mrs. Fred Anderson and T rent« all domentie animal«, alar little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. appliua th e Tuberculin teat. Frank Wells and two small sons, Telephone 3x7 Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Gosser and O ffic e a l S ie y lo n S ta b le * daughter Delphine, Mrs. Thomas STAYTON . . . . OREGOf Gosser Jr., and Masters Randolph Phillip, Eugene and Clarence Gosser, also Miss Florence Gosser who had spent the week end with her sister in Stayton. A ttornev-at-L aw — N otary Public School Notes Million Letters In the Mails Today Bearing Magic Words “ With the Colors” Keynote of the Splendid Work the Y .M .C .A . Does Among Our Men In Uniform Is Keeping Them In Touch With the Folks at Home. w as evening on tb e broa n d la the Y M. C. A.” Fine. Clean-Cut, U pstanding Fellows. and beyond#lt? The last contact the How close those benches w ere pack­ soldier has with this life he loves so well la a cup of tea given him by the ed with men. bending over the long Y. M. C. A. tree Just before he goes tables absorbed In th e ir wrlUng! "ever the top” to a hand to hand stru g ­ W hat an appeal to th e sym pathies gle with the enemy. And aa he cornea those g reat groups of sc’disns make! tottering back from No k.r.n’s Land, Fine, clean cut. upstanding fellow*, wounded, but strong enough and some of them m ere boys, one thinks plucky enough to keep on his feet, Im m ediately of the sacrifice they have even before hi* wounds are dressed made for the rest of us and how pre­ the Y. M. C. A. Is waiting for nlm with cious they ere to some one back home. tea and sw eet chocolate, the greet com­ forts of the man In the trenches. Do Som ew here. In far off »arm or village you wonder th a t the Red T riangle la or city stre e t, th ere are p aren ts or called ’ th e best loved trad em ark In b ro th ers or wives who would give all the worldT” One soldier In F ran ce haa they p o sses* 'fo r one glim pse of th o se called It "th e last evidence th a t an y ­ sunburned faces as you and I see body care*." If every thinking cltlsen could see them on th e h la st night before going aerate. And It wes with a th ro b of with his or her own eyes som ething th e h eart th a t I w atched them , bent of tb e actual work being dons for our over th eir le tte r paper. In one afte r men by th e association th e re would be no question of th e Y. M. C. A. having an o th er of those seven big tent*. to appeal to th e public for money. T hese w ere th e tenia of the Y. M. C. R ath er than lot this easentlal work A. On th a t teat night In Am erica the falter for an In stan t rich men wonld association was serving th e soldier* eall th e ir m otorcars, poor men would In the best of all ways—giving them an opportunity to w rite home. On forego coveted possessions o r even ne- previous n ig h ts they had enjoyed box­ cessltles. T h* work m ust go on. be­ ing bouts, movies, concerts, dram atics cause th ere is no on* th in g th a t con­ and a acore of h ealthy en tertain m en ts trib u tes *o much to th e sp irit and ef­ s s well as roltglous meetings. But on ficiency of the troops. T he Y. M. C. th is la st night home ties w ere strong­ A. Is w orking night end day to help est. And perhaps th a t la the keynote tbe governm ent win th is war. And of th e splendid work the T. M C. A. every penny th a t la given to eld the Is doing am ong our men in uniform — work la a direct assistan ce to the h ealth , happiness and stre n g th e t your keeping them In touch with home. boy and mine. Magic W eeds, “W ith th e Colors.” •n ap eh o ta of Keleldeeoeple W ork. U these tlm ss there a re som e le t­ In all th e big cities In F ran ce where te rs th a t m ean m ors to s s than any w a have aver read before. T hey ar* our men pans through In large num­ w ritten oa sh e e ts of paper a tam ped bers. th* Y. M. C. A. is operaUng w ith th e S tars and S tripes end th e hostels, w here they can get bed* and red trian g le of th e Y. M C. A., and m eals a t a minimum c o s t In London they beer tb e m agic words. "W ith the th* A m erican Y. M. C. A. naa erected Colore “ T h ere e re m any m ore then e U rge building for our eold teru 'aad a a million auch le tte rs in the m alls now clubhouse tor A m erican officers. T h ere are Y. M. C. A. dugoute rig h t whllo you reed this. P erh ap s o ne a t behind the front line Irene he*, w here le ast la on it* way to you. Each one th e soldiers can get hot drinks, crack­ of our I I cantonm ents, where the new ers and o th e r com forts a t all hours. n ational arm y la boing trained. Is O ver 2,000 mon who had been reject­ using more than a million sh eets of ed on ecconnt of physical disability th is paper every month. In the d ra ft ■ have been able to get Into th* B ritish arm y alone th a t m eans 14.000.000 fila­ arm y by reason of th* physical work m ents of love every month reaching ; of th e B ritish Y. M. C. A. out from the great encam pm en. w nere 'A fleet of m otor car* leave* th# big the men are being trained lo ts the Y M. C. A. h ead q u arters In London e t g rea test arm y tble nation ha* ever m idnight every night to pick up sol­ dream ed and binding inem to th e diers who are w andering about tb e h ea rts e t home. Multiply th a t by stre e ts w ithout an y wholesome lodging thinking of all the o th er places where tn which to spend th* n ig h t Thee* Uncle Bam has men w ith th e flag—In cere a re o perated by Engllahw om ea navy yards, on the high ease. In arse- of position and refinem ent, who rep o rt n a’s and officers' training camp* and th a t they never m eet any dUcourteay "Over T h ere” In France. In all th ese at th* bands of th e soldiers. T he Im­ places men a re w riting home. Thoae portance of thU service can be esti­ unassum ing little sh eets of notepaper m ated by th e fact th a t a t least 60.400 gladden million* of h earts e day. soldiers are on leave In London every They tra n sfe r m ore love from one week, p v e r half of these sleep la Y. M. C. A. beds every n ig h t Sophomores from scoring above E n tertain m en t on Vast Scale. them but they would win. The Th* Y. M. C. A. haa erectad a big score was 23 to 16 in favor of the auditorium , seating 3,000. In each of th e big d raft camps, and h u g e Chautau­ Sophs. The Fresh played a qua tents, seating 2.500 In the otner heavy game but the Juniors car­ encam pm ents. The association Is run­ ried it by 3 scores, the Freshmen ning a 22 week en tertain m en t circuit the cam ps and Is paying 16 had 15 scores and the Juniors 18. Mnong com panies of en tertain ers, who are The Basket Ball games for Fri­ tra v e lin g to 30 camps perform ing be­ day evening will be plaved bet­ fore th e men. ween the two Literary Societies. In each of th e d raft camp* tb e Y. L C. A. has ten secretaries engaged The average attendance of the In educational work Tbe association pupils of the grades and high t« seeing to *tt th a t every man who schotfl is very good at the pres­ canhot speak E nglish la vaught to do ent time. so. In m any of tne cam ps tha asao- cU tlon haa a singing director, who Is teaching th e men to sing th e popular Sylvester Bronn was taken to and m artial airs th a t do ao much to Salem Monday, where he under­ keep up th eir spirits. Of 14 Y. M. C. A. men e t Camp went a surgical operation. His Dlx only th ree ar* being paid full eal- The potatoes are dug and the high school students are proud of the results of their work. There were four wagon loads of * Lulay & Schindler potatoes hauled from the fields, and the students feel that the Contractors fc Builders yield repaid them for their Dwelling houses a specialty trouble. The boys left town Let us figure on your build­ early Thursday morning and at ings noon they were ready for the We can save you money "eats” prepared by the girls. A good job gauranteed The girls helped the boys in the afternoon and the work was fin­ Phone 77 P- 0 . Box 198 ished quickly. 8TAYT0N, OREOON. In order to help the Red Cross work as much as possible, many of the high schoolgirls spend the noon hour snipping. This work was crowding the Red Cross workers and the giris are help­ ing by doing it for them. Bath Tubs, Lavatories and Walter Goss and Harold Aekin all Sanitary fittings—Farm­ spoke to the high school students ers-W e carry a. line of Monday morning, on the Y. M. pumps, leader water sys­ C. A. campaign now on. They tems, etc. Gasoline engines. told how the Y. M. C. A. work was hflping the boys at the front and how the students could help JACOB SPANIOL make things more pleasant for the boys. The Apollo Literary society STAYTON MEAT MARKET held a short business meeting Monday and elected Lynn Neal SESTA K & the B. B. Captain, and the A. C’s TH O M A S, also held a business meeting and P ro p rie to rs . elected Roy Follis the Basket Ball captain. Several of the high school stu­ dents went to Corvallis last Sat­ urday to see the football game played between the 0. A. C. and K fkst Market Price Paid Far Fat Slock the Washington State College. While in the city some of the Commercial students visited the If in th e M arket Commercial D epartm ent For Loreen Parker, County Food Administration demonstrator, is C hevrolet o r Biiick to give a demonstration to the F our o r Six Food Preparation class Thursday Phone or Call on (today) at 1 p. m. in the Domes­ tic Science room. 0 . M. B aker, A gent The 7th and 8th grades are Kingston. Ore. doing special work in drawing, preparing posters for the Thanks­ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AUG. 17 giving program which is to be given in the higt\, school auditor­ Kingston- Stayton- Salem ium. Friday Nov. 23. AUTO STAGE The 6th grade spent last Sat­ Will m ake regular trip* every day. urday at Fulton’s, enjoying a .Sundays included as follow*: very pleasant late fall picnic. UAI.KM PHONR 1*M I A. M. ;P. M. The 5th grade is making a 7:40 l . v . . . . K in g sto n ---- Ar 5:30 I 7:50 ........... S t a y t o n . .. ......... 6:00 | thorough study of Indians, the 8:00 l. . . . . ..S u b lim ity ........- 4:60 3rd and 4th grades are studying •8:20 ......... A u m sv ille ......... 4:30 Pilgrims and Indians.; 8:40 j . ......... T u r n e r .:.............. 4:16 9:16 I A r . . . . Salem ' .1 a : l l > The pupils of the fourth grade •M eet* T rain 62northl>oumi a t A um s­ are planning on dramatizing a ville. S tage leaves opposite 0 . E. de- ■pot In Salem. fable and putting it on the stage. The poems of James Witcombe Stayton-West Stayton Riley are being read and discuss­ o. » . 8 r : fi;()0pln 4 6 a.m . i ed by the pupils of Mrs Lau’s 7:00 a.m . • Lv Stayton A 4:10 p.m. 8 K)0 a.m . A r W. Stayton Lv 8:12 a.m . room. mother and Mrs. H, J. Marking 6:18 p.m. 6:00 p.m. The Basket Ball gam-'» of last .ore with him. He is reported to Friday evening were played. H a T rm n A*.:to Stcjre The Seniors worked to keep the be recovering nicely. TINWORK and PLUMBING Fresh, Salt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butter. part, of the wor'd to r.nnfh»r than ata- t l i t l c can nx press. S tatistics e re pretty poor anyw ay w hen I com et to reckoning In term s of love and human 'tendernea* L et’s put It t la way: T hat the Y M. C. A. la th* b: :geat ex- prea* com -any the world has ever *e ,-n. ar. I the parcels It la handling are the love* and devotion* of human bein';*. * -’** Tn all th e p-m*« t*-« majority, of t » Y. M. r . ' e h.(v# .»ft lucre •lea ro«tr>p« t „o i '» work a la :-’* [ »«cause ita appeal is rre s ie tio ie to I any red blooded man. H arry Lauder the faosMus . Scotch singer and com * die», new on his farew ell concert tour In the U nit 'd State*, la giving all hU sp are tim e to th e service of the a sso ­ ciation and Is singing to th* soldiers a t ah th e cam ps he can reach. In one of th e d raft rs m p s th e Y. M I C. A. 1* supervising ath letics on 120 I playing flelda, providing full athletic ! equipm ent. T be w inner* of th e Inter- regim ental gam es will play th e cham ­ pion* of th e o th er camps. One of the g re a te st service* ren d er­ ed by th e association Is th e making W HY SO WEAK? Kidnap TroebU May Be Sapping Yew- Life Away. Many Peepla Have Learned This Fact. When a healthy m an or woman be­ gin* to run down w ithout ap p a ren t cause, become w eak, languid, depres­ sed, suffers backache, headache dizay «pells and blader disorders, weak kid­ neys may be the cao*«r. The slig h test symptom of kidney trouble ia too se r­ ious to neglect. _ Doan’s Kidney Pill* i out of money orders by which the men have earned th eir fam e by th e ir effec­ can send th e ir pay hom e to th eir fam­ tiveness in stren g th en in g the kidneys ilies. In som e of th e big c a ro ls the and keeping them well. Can S tayton Y. kl C. A. Is providing banking facll- reader* dem and fu rth e r proof of th eir ; itlea for th e men aa well. m erit than the following statem en t? Do Your Bit W ith a T enner. Mr*. M. B. Churchill, 706 Belmont T his m onth (N ovem ber) the Y. M. S t.,Salem , O re..says ’’Three years ago : C. A. m ust raise f35.000.040 to carry ! was down in bed fo r a week w ith my on It* w ork am ong our soldlera and their alllea until next July. Of this back. I couldn’t g e t up or down w ith ­ j 135.000.000 about 324,000.000 will be out help and my back was w eak and •pen: on tb e work with our own troops lame. I was sick all over. H earing or about $10 for every man in Uncle ao many recommend Doan,a Kidney Sam 's uniform , if everybody who has Pills, I sent for a box and had taken received le tte rs from soldiers and sail only a few doses when I fe lt b e tte r. i m w ere to co n trib u te $10 th e task Two boxes stopped the trouble in every ] would be easy. Are your boy’s health way and I fe lt like a different p erso n .’* and happiness and clean soul worth Price 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t sim­ $10 to you? Your town mayor, your pastor, your ply ask for a kidney rem edy—g e t I school su p erin ten d en t will kr.ow who D oan's Kidney Pills—the sam e th a t j Is th e tre a s u re r of th e cam paign com Mrs. Churchill uses. Fnster-M ilburn j m tttee in your county or town. Other- Co., P rops., Buffalo. N. Y. ! wise send a check or money order t o ' i Cleveland H. Dodge, tre a su re r, 134 Dare Sloper and wife returned E ast T w enty-eighth stre e t. New York Saturday from a business trip to I city. Only sacrificial giving by m illions of Portland. j givers will m ake possible t-ho contln Harvey Anderson and wife ! nance of th is v ast work for Am erican are visiting in Milwaukie. ! soldiers and for thoae of our allies. Several from here attended the foot ball game at Corvallis Sat­ urday. There will be a big mas.* meet­ Mrs. H. Beauchamp and Mrs. ing at the high school auditorium Lee Tate were in Salem Friday. Friday evening. Out of town speakers will be present. A cor­ dial invitation is extended to all Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun­ to be present and hear talks on days at 8:30 a. m. important issues of the day. Rev. Fr. Lainck. Pastor Big Meeting Friday St. Marys Church i» T O W E R 'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Waterproof Absolutely. Its loose f it and “good feel "put you at ease on any job that turns up. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED a j . Town» co. ^ boston FUNERAL DIRECTOR —J . M. RINGO— STAYTON OREGON S ta te o f O hio, c ity o f T o le d o , I _ • L u c a s C o u n ty . f F r a n k J . C h e n e y m a k e s o a t h t h a t h e la e e n lo r p a r tn e r o f th e firm o f F . J . C h e n e y A Co., d o in g b u s in e s s In t h e C ity o f T o ­ ledo. C o u n ty a n d S t a t e a f o r e s a id , a n d t h a t s a id firm w ill p a r t h e s u m o f O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r each a n d ev­ e ry c ase o f C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t be cu red b y th a u s e o f H A L L ’S C A T A R R H C U R E . F R A N K J. C H C N E T . S w o rn t o b e f o re m e a n d s u b s c r ib e d In r t y p re s e n c e , t h i s 6 th d a y o f D e c e m b e r. A . D. UK. (S e al) A. W . G LEA SO N . N o ta r y P u b lic . H a l l ’s C a t a r r h C u r e Is t a k e n I n te r n a lly a n d a c t s d ir e c tly u p o n t h e b lo o d a n d m u ­ co u s s u r f a c e s o f t h e s y s te m . S e n d f o r te s tim o n ia ls , free . F J . C H E N E T A C O .. T o le d o . O. S o ld b y a ll D r u g g is ts . 75c. Taka H alt’s F assilv P ills t o r a A . A . Cutter Loggers and Cruisers Currin Loggers, Factory Calked Florsheim and Master made Dress Shoes for men School and D ress Shoes fo r Boys and Girls Lancefield Shoe Store Low Round Trip Fares to Land Products Show, Portland Through California T o th e East Costs B u t L ittle M o re You have Choice of 4 Trains Pailv Portland to San Francisco Superb Scenery of Siskiyou and Shasta mountains Visit to Dear old San Francisco Choice of Three Routs East £ Through Ogden with Wonders of High’Sierra Nevadas Through Southern California and Sunset Route Visit Los Angeles—Tourist Centre Of the West. „ Visit the ApacHe Trail L et us arran g e your trip to th e best ad v an tag e Ask any A gent fo r p articu lars o r w rite Jo h n M. S co tt G eneral P assenger A gent Portland, O iegon i .. SOUTHERN' PACIFIC LINES