The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 08, 1917, Image 1

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    Ofwfrtn HUtorle»l floctoty
Has the Largest Circulation of A n y Paper in the Santiam Valley
S T A Y T O N , M A R I O N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 8,1917.
¿3rd. Year, N o. 45.
I sutlers and resident* without the H0n0r Guard Girls Meet Double Wedding Held In
Railroad Gets
Stay ton Tuesday
City Franchise
! disadvantages o f Inck of trans-
portation facilities.
Last Thursday evening the
Hurruh for Slayton and its
Honor Guard held their first
meeting of this school year at
Not many people are aware of
the fact that a double wedding
took place in Stayton on Tuesday
i Crabtree; Asst. Leader, Ruth evening but nevertheless it is go,
for on this date the Birthday club
A number o f the ladies o f Stay-1 * * ' * " ” “ *“ MHr8hal[ ; T rea8 '
their husbands and
ton are arranging for a Mother ^
**rg e *«t at Arm «..
famlies at the 1. O. O. F. hall.
Goose Bazaar to be held Saturday :
rv_____u... o . l ioi-> t > u „
i Plan« were made for work for Promptly at 7 o’clock the party
At the regular meeting o f the l u m b e r 8th 1917. The object
this year and regular meetings marched into the dining room,
city council held last Tuesday ,,f thl‘ hazaar '8t<> raise money to
will I k * held at 3:40 each Thurs­ where an excellent repast await­
evening the mutter of greatest purchase yarn to I * used in knit-
day afternoon in the high school ed them. Dinner was served by
importance to the people of Stay-
■w**K*i**. helmets, socks etc.
Misses Theo Matthieu, Marian
ton w b s the railroad franchise *,° r l ^e
w ^° have^ enlisted
Alexander and Wava Brown.
through thetowrf, and the mayor ' n
service o f Uncle Sam from
The affair was in honor o f the
and entire council showed their l *1‘8 community and the ladies
wedding anniversary o f Mr. and
progressivoneBH by voting to give are expecting a hearty response
.Mrs. Matthieu and Mr. and Mrs.
the road the right, of wav as ask- HS lfu*Re
are to
8(‘ nt a*
A lexanders» at the conclusion of
Francis X. Hoerth has fitted up
ed for and also granting them a Christmas presents and will go
the dinner.preperations fora bur­
in the Beauchamp Drug
power franchise for fifty years. d' rer* to the Stayton boys who
lesque wedding were made. The
Mr. I.ynott stated to a Mail are serving our country as a re­ Store Building and is now carry­ company assembled in the lodge
ing a complete line o f electrical
representative just before leav­ membrance from home folks.
room and the wedding party en­
and appliances. He has
ing for Portland yesterday morn­
tered to the strains of Mendels-
ing that he wished the press to ever vou may wish to give to aid had quite a stPck o f fixtures for shons march. First ca. i C. E.
convey both his and the com­ in the bazaar and your contri- some time but has never rented Daugherty who “ performed the
pany's deep appreciation and tuition will be greatly appreeiat- a store room and made a bid for ceremony, then Mrs. Wilbur, as
hearty thanks to the mayor, city ed not only by those who are the patronage o f the public, de­ "matron of honor” followed by
council and the entire Stayton conducting the enterprise but by pending largely on his electrical Mr. Wilbur, with “ a blushing
council for the noble way they our boys when they receive their contract work. He will continue bride” on each arm, Messrs A l­
to do all kinds of electrical work
have responded in granting these presents.
exander and Matthieu the “ bride­
The committee who has charge work but will put these supplies
grooms” brought up the rear It
Both Mr. Lynott and Mr. Hu- of the affair is composeb of Mrs. on the market
is hard to imagine a more laugh­
sum were in attendance at the H. A. Beauchamp, Mrs. W. F.
Last Friday the ladies o f the able sight than the wedding party
public meeting and assurance Foil is, Mrs. Stanley A. Starr,
presented, the brides with their
was given that this was indeed a Mrs. C. fcl. Daugherty and Miss Re(J Cross made UP 25 Packages magnificent lace curtain veils
railroad and
that locomotive Ella Williams.
there." Mrs. Lee Tate and Mrs. carried by Master Jack Hah and
whistles would be heard from
H. A. Beauchamp selected the Neva Smith and the matron of
this line in Stayton in a few
contents of the packages that are honor with her Parisian attire
moths. This will be a steam
sure to gladden some soldier bovs and the wonderful combination
I’ aStor W. J. Warren
line at the start but to be electri­
heart at Christmas time. The o f feathers and flowers that a-
fied as soon as the power sites
packages were identically the dorned her head. O f course the
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
can be developed and prices on
same and besides many useful remainder o f the party wore the
copper wire and other commodi­ p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m.
articles, candy, etc., each pack- conventional attire.
ties needed for electrification get Epworth League 6;30 p. m .,,
„ . .
. , ,
congratulotions an impromptu
* " lost deiec'ous
down to prices that are some­ Prayer martin« . y a r , W e d n e ..* « "
frtiit cake, made by Wm. Trout, program composed o f readings,
where near reasonable.
day evening at 7:30.
that even “ mother” couldn’t weal solos and duettes, both ser­
This is the most progressive
Meeting o f the Sunday school
ious and humorous was enjoyed.
step Stayton has taken in a long Iniard the second Monday of
Later all joined in singing the
time and is one that will place every month at 7:30 p. m. Of-
good old songs we all love and
Stayton Red Cross is badly in
our town on the mnp giving us ficial board meeting the same
i need of wood. A stove has been then an evening long to be re­
connections with the outside evening at 8 o ’clock.
donated them, is there not some membered * was brought to a
world, permitting U9 to exploit
one who will take some wood to close.
our natural advantages and un­
A full attendance is desired at their headquarters in the Merri-
limited resources to prospective the Red Cross Friday afternoon, field building?
Council Grants Prospec-'Mother Goose Bazaar.I
tive Road Right Of
W ay Through City
Serial N o. 1134
A Big Lot of Mens 12
and 14 inch High Cuts
at $4.89 per pair
Citrus Washing Powder
25c a package
15c p er c o m b
Keg 35c Macaroni
Sugar, Berry and Cane
25c a package
$ 8 .0 0 p r s a c k
Electric Store
Methodist Church
i #W'i
A twii*,
< hkmh > ì
We Have
No need to let the winter weather catch you unprepared*
Our stock was never more complete and early buying
will give you your choice of the entire stock*
There never were better garments: material, workman­
ship, style and price combine to make them worthy of
your patronage.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Boys Shoes W O O L E N M I L L S Boys Clothes
----------- -
Miri mHHfl Md § Mr i tm t mt
Basket Ball
Seniors vs. Sophs.
Juniors vs. Fre^h.
Friday 8:15 p. m.
Admission 15c.
- ■ .UR.
_ _
- - ""•P'
“ The W orld's
Great Snare"
Around the life o f the Western
goldminer there has ever been
cast a romantic halo.
breath of
romance has been
breathed into the thrilling novel,
See us at the
"T h e Worid.s Great Snare,” by
E. Phillips Oppenheim and has
been flashed into living fire on
North Portland, Ore., Nov., 19 to 24 with our Big Type
the screen by the Famous Play­
ers Film Company in its adapta­
tion o f the celebrated novel in
wnich beautiful Pauline Freder­
ick is starred. It is the featured
Paramount attraction at the Star
Theaire Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Thomas
Arthur Forette and family were
From beginning to end, the trading in town today.
were in Salem today.
drama is one quick succession of
A. Griffeth o f Turner called at „Mrs. J. H. Missler and little
gripping situations i n which
daughter are visiting in Salem.
this office Wednesday.
Paulin» Frederick is superb. In
support of the star there appears
several popular players.
picturd marks the first produc­
tion o f John Kaufman since join­
ing the Famous Players.
Bring us your Liberty Bond and we will give you a
premium on any size bond you may wish to trade
for merchandise at our store. Liberty Bonds here
Mrs. Lee Tate, Mrs. V. A.
worth more than your money. Try and see.
' Goode, Mrs. C. H. Brewer, Mrs.
We are now showing you a dandy new line o f W «il
I J. P. Wilbur and Mrs. Roy Hall
Pants. Price right. W’e also have a new line o f
! motored to Salem Saturday in the
plain white dish ware, anything you may want.
I Wilbur car, to take in the carni-
| val o f nations put on by Salem
We have Crescent 99, Crescent 44, Crescent 300 and
Red Cross.
Crescent 3-4-1 which is the very best line o f Coffee
for sale anywhere in the U. S. A. Customers ot'
ours who were at the State Fair and others who
tasted this coffee at the free demonstration booth
"Chicken Feed”
declared the Crescent Coffee the best they ever
tasted. Price 25.30, 30 1-3 and 35 cents per lh.
Try it i f yon b«*” P never done so. Get our prizes
on turkeys for Tha ksg ring.
W h o W an ts to Know?
Pacific International Live Stock Show
A week from Friday
Telephone 166
lE a g iie i iri p
General Merchandise
The men you admire are the men who wear our clothes
136 N. Commercial Street
t h e s t o r e t h a t u n d e r s e l l s b e c a u s e it s e l l s t o r c a s h
The Greatest Bargain Ever Offered
Bishop All-Wool Clothes
$ 15
The Suit *nd Overcoat You Need
You Carry Home More Goods for
your Eggs at