The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, October 18, 1917, Image 4

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    News From All Over The
--------- City---------
Possibly About You or Your Friends
Mrs. Anna Kiggs is in Stayton
Will and Minni^ Hassl»r
for a visit with relatives.
Sublimity wore Stayton visitors
Mrs. N. Geymer. of Kingston, Monday.*
J. Ed Brown, of Portland, re- |
was a Salem visitor Saturday.
home Tuesday after visit­
Formaldehyde and Blue Vitrol
ing several days with relatives
At Slopers Drug Store.
Mrs. A. E. Bradshaw has re­
turned to her home in Corvallis.
Mrs. L. H. Davis and daughter
Good Soda, at Beauchamp's
were tradii g here Monday.
and everything for the sick room.
Wm. Munkers and family
Ben and.Ted Gehlen are home !
were in town Tuesday.
from the Yakima valley, where
Mrs. Frank Baal of Fern Ridge they have been the past three or
' “Some of the people I met on my way down town were huddled
up and apparently half frozen. But the weather didnt su>em par­ was trading in town Wednesday. four months.
ticularly cold to me. I think it must have been that new Mesco |
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoehrndel,
Pyramid Fly Catchers
Underwear I nut on that kept out the cold. There was a warm,
The kind you hang up, 2 for 5 of Roseburg, were over-Sunday
comfortable f ehng ab u i wh -n I slipped it on. "
guests at the W. W. Elder home
cents at Slopers Drug Store.
M. Sehuff is home from an en­ Mr. H. is a prominent merchant
joyable visit with relatives in in his home city.
J. H. Brewer and family left
Portland and Washington.
Mesco Underwear is a friend to every man—no m atter what his
"H er Beloved Enemy” is a Tuesday for Pilot Rock. Ore., to |
business. Every part of this unusaal Underwear tits perfectly and
strong play to be shown at Star remain indefinitely.
always allows complete freedom.
A. Zimmerman who lives east
There is no "prickly” sensation when in a warm building, be­
Mrs. E. Small and daughter, of Sublimity was a caller VVed-
cause Mesco Underwear allows perfect ventilation at all times.
And the perfect weave of the garment protects the wearer from of St Johns, Or., visited Stayton nesday. Mr. Zimmerman is the
road supervisor of his district.
any possible exposure to the cold winter winds. The body is always friends over Sunday.
properly protected and continually kept warm and comfortable.
Mrs. E. F orretteand daughter p n r T h - jt S l i m m e r ff)M
Miss Leona visited Salem Satur- r U r l l l d l ^ u m n i C r COKl
New Underwear be Mesco
I Use Beauchamps Cold and
Good Drugs» Good Cigars
“I Didn’t Realize How Cold it Was This
M E S C O Underwear ;
I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roscoe. of Gr! ^ e
Gteatr for cotd»,
Summit, have arrived in Stayton Gr,W f Constipation Biliousness
to remain during the winter.
! f nt Nea,^ache-
^°x< Money
r n
back if not satisfied.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace L ily mo- !
The puny who took the biggy
Mrs. J. H. Quinn, of Linn
Announcements have been re-
to Mollalla Sunday to visit
county was a Stayton visitor on robe out of a buggy in the Cla-
by friends here of the
dek bam Sun lay Oct. 7 is known relatives.
birth of a son, Oct. 3, to Mrs. F.
Mrs. John Kintz and Mrs. Ed
Ira B. Carter and wife came and had better return same to
R. Berry, at Sarpy, Mont Mrs.
of Sublimity visited rela­
down from The Dalles for a few The Mail office at once.
Berry was formerlyMillie Frame.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jackson tives here Monday.
days visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Doll and
Mrs. E. D. Crabtree left Mon­ are now residents of Stayton, ! Remember "The Neglected Misses Marie Henkel and Ina
day for a visit with friends in having moved here from Mill Wife” also "Luke on the Tin Can Harold spent Sunday at the John
City. They occupy Mrs. Stamp’s Alley” at Star Theatre Wed.
Steinberger home at Union Hill,
There will be preaching at the where they enjoyed a birthday
Mrs. Carrie Palmer has just house.
Fred Rock was taken suddenly Kingston church Sunday, Oct. dinner.
returned from a visit to Portland
Friday morning, and was con- 21 both morning and evening.
Salem and Lebanon.
! fined to his bed for several days, All are invited to be present
j He is now about again,
Mr, and Mrs. J. M. R ingo! Feeling use Nyals Beef-Iron \
Saturday night with rela- and Wine Tonic. Made of Beef
Mrs. 0. S. Lyons, of Scio, was
badly injured, and her son Vic­ tives in Brownsville, and Sunday extract, Tr. Iron and the stimu-
For Infants and Children
had a wrist broken in an au­ drove to Junction City, where lating properties of Sherry Wine,
In U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s
with John Amort, in they visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. $i large bottle at Beauchamp’s
A lw ay s bears
Drug Store.
Salem. Saturday morning. Fast Parry.
S ig n a tu re of
driving and a misunderstanding
regarding the right-of-way are
Programs at
blamed for the accident.
Doll’s Gash Store
Fur That Tired Run Down
Star Theatre
for the Week
't a t e
O lio . r l ’. r c_‘ T o le d o . i , ,
L u c a s C o u n ty .
F ra n k J. Liien«.-/ m -iuea o at'.i to r ., ho U
e p .r tr.v r c f II.u l.rm o ' V. J. C i-ero y
;»Co u .ln ,i b u s in e s s In th e C .ty of T -
’o. C on y a n d S ta te a f o re s a id , a n d
.M f i r n i ill p a y t 'i e s u n <( 0X 11
U .V :i?..1 D D O L L A R S f o r e a c h a n d e v -
r y i -uo c f C r ’ a r r 'i t h a t c i n r . r t b - cure 1
. / t l .s uue o f I L W l.M O A T \ R " . ! I C U H - .
Marperite Clark
“ Out of the Drifts
and a 5 Reel Paramount Plav
"EGGED ON.” A 1 Reel
Klever Komedy.
Money to Loan
I H ave M ade A rra n g e ­
ment* for loaning eastern money,
will make very low rate of inter­
est on highly improved farms. Ho­
mer H. Smith.¡room 5, MeCornack
Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Phone 96.
FO R SALE 1 new no. 4 cream Sep­
arator apply to Mrs. Geo.Oasner 39t4
Wayne Arey
and Doris Grey
FOR SALE —Pure hi ec An coda Cock­
erels. E. Forrette.
FO R SA LE— 55 acres Santiam bottom
about half in cultivation, several
Her Beloved Enemy” land
acres can b.a easily cleared, balauce
good timber. Four roomed house good
A 1 Reel Heinie Louie Comedy barn and other out buildings. Silo 8x24
place is fenced and crossed fenced
mostly woven wire; running water in
paature. Near S. P. depot and county
road, grade school, mail route, telephone
Second Episode of the
in house and family orchard. Price I
3000 part cash balance, terms if desired i
Apply to Alfred Beal Aun sville. Ore., |
j or Ed Beal Bakerfield Cal.
Gives you all the room—«11 the com­
fort—«11 the convenience« and beauty ob­
tainable in any car selling at $1200.
A nd yet the operating economy— the
mechanical reliability— the ease of hand­
ling and the wonderful power that have
producd «uch marvelous road and econ­
omy record« in every section of the world
are not only maintained— but augmented.
YOU can SEE the VALUE hi the MAX­
WELL at $748,
“ Know America the Land
We Love” and "Ford Trav­
eler” Two Feel Lonesome
Luke Comedy. “ Luke on
Tin Can Alley.”
FOR SALE—A phone and shares in
th« Stayton Mutual Telephone Co., alxo
a 12 3-4 yard piece of lineolum good as
new. Inquire of E. Roy.
At J. R. Gardners Cash Store
You will find Silks, Tapestries, Mesalines and Crept* De
Chenes to suit any taste, Fancy Cloakings for winter
Coats and a large and beautiful stock of tine Dress Goods
W e have also a late and large shipment of SHOES just
arrived. Umbrellas, Rubbers, Pnrafine Coots, Pants anti
Rubber Boots. W e carry a full line of Diamond Dyes
Including black for wool.
J. R. Gardner’s Cash Store,
Stayton, Ore.
Boys Chocolate Calf School Shoes
Solid Oak Soles $4.00
Auto Gloves. Warm Gloves
for Cold Weather
Lancefield Shoe Store
Any Flavor You Like
East via California
Is a pleasant winter route. Travel in comfort
through a land where it is always summer.
There’s San Francisco,’ San Jose, Del
Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove.Santa
Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach,
Venice and many other charming re­
sorts, and much beautiful scenery
Three Daily Trains
Portland to San Francisco. Standard
and tourist sleepers, dining cars, sol­
id steel equipment. Particularly a t­
tractive at this season of the year.
Tamrmg Car $ 7 4$
9 7 4 $ , C lis a 910*9, f trf lM 914*9,
9 1 0 * 9 . A lt
t . I . h. Omtrmt
| Saves gasoline, gives more power and
more miles per hour. Made to fit any
machine. For further particulars write
Peter J. Etzel, Suhlimity, Ore. 41t3
FOR SALE— Driving horse six years
oln and a rubber tired buggy. Address
John Sandaer Scio, Ore., Rt. 2.
’Of- ' d W
The New 1918
WANTED —A girl for general house­
work. Family of three. Inquire of S.
H. Heltzel, Stayton.
Weakening” ^
“Neglected Wife”
of Patterns Ever Brought into the
Valley are now on Display at
Packed so you can take it as far as you like
and the Choicest selection
Wholesale and Retail
rn/.N’ic j. crirvrr.
N o ta r y P u b lic .
n a i l 's C a ta r r h C u r e Is ta k e n I n te r n a lly
a n d a c t s d ir e c tly u p o n th e blood a n d m u -
co o s s u r f i '- e s r f th e s y s te m . 8 « n d fo r
te s tim o n ia ls , free.
F . J . C H E X i l T f t CO . T o le d o . O.
S o ld b y a ll D m e s l s t s . 73c.
T a k e H a ll's F am ily P itta t j r co n st!n atio n .
Any Quantity You Wish
S w o rn t o b e f o re n o a n d su b s c rib e d In
i* - p r e —- c e , U ils 6 th d a y o f D ece m b e r,
V. D. 1SS&
The Largest
Ask your local agent for particulars
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
A jent
See our Clubbing offer in another column.