LV«v (V ’ ÄVT0N MAIL THE 23rd. Year, No. 36. Try To Keep Highway Where It Will Serve The Most People Has the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley S T A Y T O N , M ARION C O U N T Y , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , SE PTE M B E R 6, 1917. He will appoint two other mem­ bers. Each of the other towns represented at the meeting will appoint similar committees and all other districts that would be benefitted by the water grade route will likewise appoint Cftm- mittees. The committee appoint­ ed by the Stayton Commercial Club is George Keech and J. W. Mayo. Those from Stayton who attended the meeting were: E. Roy, Forrest Mack, Lee Tate, L. A. Thomas, Prof. Ford, George Keech, Jos. Fisher, John Thoma and C- E. Daugherty. Rebekahs Held District Warning to Persons Entering Woods k Convention At Mill City Wednesday Portland, Sept. 4. All pysons entering the forests must I>o ex­ tremely careful at this time about lighting fires This is not the Fire Marshal warning of the usual type. There is a very ur­ gent reason for this warping. The woods just now are filled with military patrols with rigid instructions to shoot public ene­ mies caught setting fire to the forests. Therefore it is doubly neces­ sary to be careful as military patrols, while instructed to exer­ cise every precaution, might pos­ sibly make a mistake. These military patrols are op­ erating in every part of Otegon where forests are to be found. Their location is not levealud 'for obvious reasons. They move from place to place and keep to cover as much as possible. Their task is that of hunting down public enemies who have been firing the Oregon forests, and they are under orders from the Western Department of the army to deal instantly and vigorously with such public enemies. So if necessary for you to go into the woods, be careful about lighting fires. No doubt ¡1 would lie better to keep out of the woodB unless you have urgent business therein. The Rebekahs held their Dis­ trict convention at Mill City on Wednesday afternoon and even­ ing. A large crowd was in at­ tendance at both sessions. Those from Stayton lodge who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kingo, Mrs. II. A. Beauchamp, Mrs. Horace Lilly, Mrs. W. H. Hobson, Mrs. V. Dare Sloper, Mrs. Lucinda Miller, and Miss Ella Williams. Misses Bessie Clow and June Kearns and Mr. Frank Thomas joined them mak­ The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ing a total of 13 members present Clifford C. Carter passed away from Stayton. E. C. Titus and Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock Jess Shepherd furnished the cars at the family home north east and attended the social in the of Sublimity. The little fellow evening. was but six weeks old, and tine There were about 100 members young parents have the sym­ present from the various lodges. pathy of the entire community The Mill City team did the inita- in the loss of this little life. The tory work. A fine program was funeral services were held at the rendered. Mrs. Ringo sang in home on Monday morning at 10 her usual sweet voice, Mrs. a. m., conducted by Rev. Lock­ Trask, of Lyons, also delighted hart. Interm ent was in the the audience with a song, Mrs. Union Hill cemetery. A large Hobson told a story and members number of relatives and friends of the various lodges gave num­ were present bers that were much appreciated. Dinner was served in the beau­ CARD OF THANKS tiful new hall at 6 in the evening and a splendid banquet was en­ We wish to express our thanks joyed at Midnight. The Mill City to our many kind friends and lodge deserves much credit for neighbors for their sympathy the hospitable manner in which and help during the illness and the guests were received and en­ death of our baby We also thank tertained. all for their beautiful floral offer­ Mrs. Mary Lank ester state ings. Mrs. Grace Elder entertained president of the order, was pres­ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carter. at dinner Monday evening in ent and gave an interesting talk ; honor of Mrs. W. C. Parry, of at the close of the session. READ THIS! ¡Junction City. Covers were laid Until further notice Nendel’s i for W. W. Elder and wife. Dr. Feed Store will deliver Tuesdays Korinek and wife, Mrs. I’arry and Saturdays only. Flour de­ and the hostess. Later in the livered at any time. evening the Elders entertained 2t Wm. Nendel. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Miss Marian Alexander. Light re­ The greatest opportunity for Vale—Construction starts on freshments were served and an patriotic service since the war enjoyable evening was spent. concrete garage building here. commenced if offered to the housewives of this state. The season of perishable fruits and vegetables is upon us. The value of the thousands of war gardens planted in response to the president’s appeal will de­ pend upon the effort made now to preserve their products. Let every housewife be a sol­ dier in the food army. Can and dry everything not required for immediate use. Let nothing go to waste. Foods preserved for home use will release other sup­ plies for our soldiers at the front. There will undoubtedly be high prices and scarcity of many ar­ ticles next winter. Those who provide for the future now will have little to worry about then. For recipes describing effective and inexpensive methods of can­ These are all-wool suits— best makes— many pat­ ning, drying and pickling call upon Oregon Agricultural College terns, styles and materials— big values at the regular or the Department of Agricul­ price— but to close them ont at once we have di­ ture at Washington. Many of thes > reci; t? supplied from offi­ vided them into three lots and priced them as cial source - are being printed for your service in the daily news­ papers. Ijet there not be a minutes de­ lay or the waste of a pound of foud that c in be preserved. Our boys are proud to fight for our homes and liberty; let no woman be too proud to do her bit in con­ Full line Oxford Men’s Silk Shirts, All Straw and Pan­ serving the food supply. Shoes, tan or black $5 and $6.00 values, ama Hats One-Half - -rubber or leather Special now at regular price. Sail­ soles; $5.00 Shoes The announcement of the mar­ $3.63 now $3.65 ors, 50c each. riage of George Washington Beers, son of C. C. Beers, of Lyons, to Miss Maud Sheffield, daughter of Chas. Sheffield, of Amity, has been received by the Telephone 166 136 N. Commercial Street Mail. Word was received Monday evening by Mrs. W. H. Downing of the serious illness of her sis­ ter Mrs. Eva Pierce of Oklahoma Virtually unanimous sentiment in favor of the water Krade route for the Pacific highway between Snleni and Jefferson was express­ ed at a heavily attended meeting at Turner on Tuesday night at which delegations from Aumsvil- le, Marion, Turner and Stayton were present Committees will urge the state highway commis­ sion to choose this route, which would pass through the lower country which ¡ h without hills und would go through Turner an