T he S T A Y T 0 N M A IL Former Residents Here ALEXANDER * DAl'GHERTY, ihvner* nml Publishcrs Mr. and Mrs. Willis K. Morton, C. E. DA UGHERTY, E ditor und M untrer of Martinez, Calif., accompanied by Miss Josephine Bennett, of Entered as aecond dass m atter at the postoffice at Stayton, Marion Spokane, Wash., and Master County, Oregon, undor the Act of Conpress of Maivh 8, 187t*. Bennett Norti n, of Merced. Calif., who are touring th * Pa­ cific and Columbia Highwj.. s, Su’usciiption Pricc $1.00 Per Ycar In Advancc stopped over for a visit with rel arises here last week. Mrs. K r . u b ' r of t h e S tu te F d i t o r i t l A i* c c .*lton e r d o f t k e W i H e m c t t e V o lley Fditoria ! | Morton ami Miss Bennett are --- A. h » » i ti« rt sist rs of 11. F. Bennett and formerly resided here. Advertising: Hates Ma !e X e\\ \ Upon Application F reign AuTertisi.:g Represented hy Ti e Ait ..rie;.: Presi Association Mr. Omark. of Turner and Mr. White, of Salem, are goin-r to Aumsville next Sunday for the purpose of organizing their S. S. They gave a short talk here last Sunday and expect several dele­ gates from here to Aumsville. Mrs. Willis Keithley has been ■ick a few days. LeRoy Sperry, of Woodburn, is visiting friends and relatives here. Threshing has begun in this vicinity. Mr. Benton Newman and wife Seattle are visiting with his par- ants here. I. R. Hammar is employed by W. T. Harris, building a root house. . Laten Davis lost two head of eattle last week that were bitten by a rattlesnake. Mrs. W. S. Elliott and daugh­ ter Inez of Woodburn were vis­ iting relatives here the past week or two. S. E. Kuenzli spent Saturday and Sunday with his son Byron in Salem. Gilbert Beal and wife expect to move over near Crabtree in the near future. Mr. Wood made a business trip to Salem recently. Several children in the neigh­ borhood have whooping cough. Ht. Pleasant JZ L R A V fc lL Y « CELEBRATED Chewing Plu£ B E F O R E T H K IN V E N T IO N O F O O P PATfc NT a i r - p r o o f p o u c h G R A V E LY P L U G TOBACCO M A D E S T R IC T L Y FOR ITS C H E W IN O Q U A LIT Y W OULD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T IO N N O W THE PATENT P O U C H K E E P S IT FRESH AND C LE A N AND G O O D A L IT T L E C H E W O F O R A Y E LY IS r N O U O H A N D L A S T S L O N O E R T H A N A fllO C H E V Y O F O R D IN A R Y P L U O . J * X l9 r * t’*tpJoAuv('Co fln w T .. BILLY*POSTER’S DlllBOARDS AHE WINNING RECRUITS EVERY PAY/ Stayton Boy Enlists * * Luther Cole is another Stayton bay who has answered his coun­ Misses Anna McIntyre and try ’s call. Last Thursday he Margaret King of Salem are vis­ went to Clackamas, where he iting at M. F. Ryan’s. enliUed in Company M. Oregon Professor Ford of Stayton was National Guard. Last summer in this vicinity Thursday. "Coley” pitched for the ..Loju” Albany sawmill closed until af­ Mrs. Ben Thayer, of Scio is ball team at Salem and practical­ ter harvest because of a labor stopping at Floyd Shelton’s. ly all of this team belongs to Co. ! shortage M. Luther was among those Sheridan 18,(XX) acres above chosen in the recent d raft, but the Grand Ronde reservation sold his name was so far down on the To colonize 1000 Belgians. Stores list that he was afraid he would schools and churches will be built not be called, so volunteered. He on land. Will involve over $2.- Mrs. Kopf of Montana, is visit­ was home on a leave of absence ; ooo.ooo. ing her uncle. Joe Brandt. this week wearing the uniform Hermiston—Outlook bright for I The fire that has been raging of Uncle Sam and makes a fine laundry here -Concrete sidewalks in the timber is now under con­ looking soldier. soon to be built—Honey bee in­ trol. dustry flourishing in this valley. Mrs. Gertie Bridges, of Albany NOTICE TO SCHOOL PATRONS Sheridan-Paving between here visited last week with relatives here. The fall term of the Stayton and Bellevue widened to 16 ft. Bandon—Sunset Woolen mills Mrs. Bessi* Philippi, accom­ Public Schools will commence have commenced operation. panied by her mother, attended Monday September 17, 1917. W. A. WEDDLE. Clerk. The commerce of the United the lecture in Stayton Sunday- States exceeds that of any other evening. nation in the world, and meas­ Mrs. Wheaton Huntley has re­ ured by ton-miles is probably turned from a visit with her Are thirst quenchers. Leave greater than that of all the rest mother. your thirst at our fountain. of the world combined. It is Don’t forget the basket dinner Beauchamp’s. moved on the lowest rates and by Sept. 2nd at Kingston church. Miss Anna McIntyre of Salem the highest paid class of labor in Mrs. T. W. Creech entertained is spending the month of August the world. Efficient use of oper­ the Club Saturday, at the home of her grand-mother ating units has made this pos­ Messrs Blakely and Mack, car­ Mrs. L. McIntyre. sible. penters, are completing E. D. Dr. A. Bursell, of Aumsville, Freew ater—30 to 50 ton fruit Philippi’s new barn. leaves for Los Angeles about .drier to be erected here. Miss Marie Henkel is spending Sept. 1st to take up post-graduate Legislation encouraging to her vacation with her brother at i work. American Merchant Marines is Tacoma. i Miss N ettie Crabtree, who has necessary to prosperity of Ore­ been employed at the woolen gon shipyards after the war. mill, has returned to her home at Brownsville. Bring Your ♦ Old Iron Mrs. Glady Trask, of Mill City, M. Lynott, who wa3 here a ; visited the first of the week at and Rubber to little over a year ago and ran a the home of her parents, Mr. railroad survey from Salem to ; and Mrs. A. Hill. the Min to Pass, was in town Mr. and Mrs. W\ F. Follis, Monday evening with several Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cornish and HIGHEST PRICES PAID prominent men of Portland, Mrs. Mable Crabtree motored to among them being Waldo F. Wilhoit Springs Sunday. Stewart, Judge M. G. Munly and If in the Market LARGEST STOCK and a Mr. Potter. It looks as For though he was interesting some Of toilet and medicated soaps in the city, on display at live wires in the proposition. Chevrolet or Buick Sloper’s Drug Store. Address all Communicatic» North Santiam THAT POUCH WILL APPfAll GENUINE GhAVElŸ? j PE EN CHEWED if TO OFFICERS AND M E N -H fiE NAVY ANO THEf REAL PREPAREDNESS. EH JPREME COURT EVO Ì3ÌNCE OtO TIPPECANOE/ to The Stavton Mail Kingston Kinks Thrift Is Now a National Slogan The American people waking up. They reten hn charge that they are w a stef< ’ Bank deposits a ll over the country a r t increasing by leaps and bounds. Our Soda Waters A r t you a depositor ? I f you a r t not, join the finan- cial preparedness army. Man­ age to lay a tid t a certain amount o f cath. W e’ll he glad to explain our banking tytlem . STAYTO N STATE BANK Railroad Promoter Here HAMMAN’S BARN A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity is solicited. Mr. and Mrs. Perry W right •n d daughter Lenaperl, Mrs. V. N aistanek and Mrs. S. H. Heck­ man, of Salem, motored to the llrs . Roxie Shank home Thurs­ day Miss Wright remained for « visit with friends in this vi­ cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Samine, Four or Six Preaching and basket dinner Mr. and Mrs. Sack Dyer,of Port­ at Kingston church Sunday Sept. land, w’ere Sunday visitors at Phone or Call on 2nd. Everybody welcome. John Huber’s. They motored There was a family gathering 0 . M. Baker, Agent from California. W. H. Tate, of Oak Grove, at the M. A. Stayton home Sun­ was a business visitor in Stayton Kingston, Ore. The Misses Gladys and Hazel day, all the children except Mrs. Wednesday. .Downing are visiting relatives at Glen Mangle, of Montana, being La comb. J. B. Van Handel, Geo. Roeser WHEN IN NEED OF AUTOMOBILE present. There were seventeen TIRES SEE Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hayes relatives at dinner. Those here J. H. Etzel, John Zuber and J. •n d family and Miss Lena Fuller from out of town were Miss Rox­ B. Breitenstein, of Sublimity, of Dallas motored to the John ie Stayton, of Spokane; Mrs. G. were Stayton callers Wednesday. Huber home Sunday. P. Buffington, LaCrande; Miss Miss Dora Smith is now em­ Nell Stayton and Marie and Rox­ .;. * .> 4 . •> Guaranteed 6000 miles For disenfecting purposes. 2 ployed in Stayton. ie Mount, Silverton; Mrs. H. E. «• cans for 25c at Beauchamp’s. Frank Habberman and wife Davis, Vancouver, B. C. JOE HAMMAN, Agent Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp ♦¡sited in Munkers this week. and little daughter and Mr. and Linn Lambert and wife. Lewie Mrs. L. A. Thomas returned the •n d Irvine Ray and Jim Burton last of the week from an en­ ' were entertained at the G. H. joyable outing at the beach. The Lieutenant Ralph Ware, w Ray home Sunday. t r a i n 'd iparialia ta with mudava l a b ­ i trip was made in the Doctor’s o r a W t o h r ir# i « and adequata equtpmant ( I r a In- •> Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wright in private life is employed on t Buick. ■truition trading t s caliagiata dagraai l a t h . following nahoola: •nd daughter, Mrs. V. Nadstan- Spokesman-Review of Spokar Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lilly, a<*- AOP.ICULTURE, with IS dap ar tm an ta) •k, Mrs. S. H. Heckman, Misses Wash., has ju st returned fre COMMERCE, with 4 da partm anta; companied by the latter’s sister, ENGINEER ING. with d dapartmanta, In Grace, Verna and Crystal Shank the officers school at the Presic Miss Gladys Rice, motored to findin g Civil, Klv.trical, Highway, Ind n atrlal .tailed at the W. R. Ray home on in San Francisco and is visiti Arte. Irrigation, and Mechanical Fnginavriag; his uncle T. J. Ware and 1 Lebanon Sunday. •Thursday. FORESTRY, in rla d ia g Logging Knglntar- grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Thom J. W. Mayo accompanied by V. Ing Miss Cora Ray called at the HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major d .p art- for a few days. A. Goode and wife, motored to want«. including tr ain in g in tha Fraatica ♦ Lee Downing home Sunday. * Portland Thursday evening, re- H our # ; W. H. McLain and wife of MININO, with thraa daparlmcntc. laalad- Mrs. Theodore Cornick w | turning Saturday. Luther Cole ing Chamical Kngincvidag; 8helbum were Sunday visitors has been visiting her motl went with them as far as Clacka- PHARMACY. <• <• * •> •> c- ■> <• * <• <• <• A Complete Line of i Spring t <• and Summer Goods at 1 GEHLEN’S STORE ♦ W e also Carry a com- plete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in and Examine our Stock Goods and be Convinced ♦ ♦ ♦ « «* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ < « •> « ♦ •» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■> « •> ■» •» « « ♦