The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 16, 1917, Image 4

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T<^ 1^4 ' '
Prices Cut Still
Deeper on Remaining
Summer Goods
i'iews From All Over The
Don’t Cook Yourself
These Hot Days But
Possibly About You or Your Friends
Keep Cool by Using
W e have gone throu ,h ou r stock o f rem aining sea­
sonable g ood s and reduced the prices still turther for
final clearance.
stocks have
W h e n y ou com e and see h o w our
gone d ow n during the last few
w eeks
you will realize that w e must have offered real b a r­
gains ta have m oved so m an . goods,
still m any w eeks
in w h ich
for there are
tv' use these goods, but
for us the season is practically at an end.
Shipments of Fall Goods are Already
on the way.
Doll’s Gash Store
It! # #
Auction Sale Season is Here
Deal w ith the auctioneer who does the most busi­
ness. You will find there is a reason for it. There­
fore to insure the utmost security, satisfaction and
profit: you should date your s^le early with
BEN T. SU O TELL, Live Stock Auctioneer
Who holds sales nearly every day in the sale season.
For reference see any one who has heard me or both
banks of Stayton.
Home of Best Pictures
SHOW S *• Wednesdays. Sat­
urdays and Sundays
Bring Your Old Iron
and Rubber to
If in the
The Oregon
Agricultural College
F or
Chevrolet or Buick
Four or Six
P hone or Call on
0 . M. Baker, Agent
Kingston. O re.
Methodist Church
Next Sunday night at the
Methodist Episcopal church one
o f the most interesting summer
right services will be held when
C. E. Daughertv editor of the
Mail, will make an address on,
“ The Newpaper’ s Influence on
The Community Life” dealing
with one o f the important pro­
blems of American Citizenship.
This is a subject every citizen
ought to be interested in and one
every thoughtful man and wo­
man ought to hear Mr. Daugh­
erty tell of. The pastor will
give a ten minute talk preceding
the address of the evening on
“ The Complete Angler's Vaca­
tion Message” . T h e Misses
Hamman will renter a duet.
A large audience is expected.
At the morning service the
pastor will take for his theme
for pulpit discussion “ Christian
Failures or Causes of Religious
Apostacy” . The public respect­
fully invited to all services.
E. B. Lockhart minister.
Where trained *peri«li»ts with modern lab*
oratories and adequate equipment fire in­
struct on lending to collegiate decrees in tho
following schools
AG R ICU LTU RE, with 15 department«;
COMMERCE, with 4 departments;
EN G INEERING with 6 departments, in­
cluding Civil. Klcrtri • >. 1. Highway. Industrial
Art«. Irrigation and Mechanical Engineering;
FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer­
HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart­
ments. including training in the Practice
M INING, with three departments, includ­
ing Chemical Engineering,
THE SCHOOL OF ?*USIC, offers instruc­
t s ti :n the principal departments of vocal
and i-i'trtimental music.
1 0 8 " cad»*t»4 in 1916-17, and won recommen-
d&ti< n for O. A. C. from the Western Depart-
m ■ ' • f the l'. S. War Department as one of
fifteen *'distinguished institutions”
higher h-arning. All cadets will be furnished
complete uniforms by the V. 8. Government
and the junior and senior cadets, enrolled in
th- R. O. T. C.. will be giv< n commutation for
rtatioa ard
sul.«i st*nce at the six weeks’ Summer ramp.
Information on request.
Corvallis. Oregon.
It is expected by the Sunday
school people of Stayton that
next Sunday morning a delega­
tion from Salem representing
the district organization w i l l
visit Stayton and the Sunday
schools here for the purpose of
arranging a Sunday school con­
vention to be neld here in a
couple o f weeks when it is hoped
to form a district with Stayton
the center.
This organization
would take in the schools held
in places in the country within
reasonable reach, it is understood
and Rev. E. B. Lockhart who
has been asked to co-operate,
states that the move, if put on,
would mean an impetus to church
co-operation and Bible s t u d y
throughout this section. Harry
White president of the Salem
district, Miss Grace Sherwood,
secretary, and others may b e
Mrs. F. Silhavy and Uriah are
Mrs. .1. F. Robertson was here
vititing Mrs. S. on the ranch
from Detroit Wednesday.
Miss Nora Crabtree has gone near Mehama.
to Detroit for a short visit.
Miss Idris Rossell is visiting »t
Linen pound paper and envel­
Forest Grove.
opes to match at Beauchamp's.
L. Dillard has moved into the
Theo. Lake of Mill City is
Cora Hendershott house.
spending a few days at the home
M. J. Crabtree, wife and baby
of W. J. Hewitt visiting his
visited Salem friends Sunday.
father who is quite ill.
Mrs. A. Flank and daughter
Mrs. A. L. Murphy and Mrs
of Shaw were in town Tuesday.
J. E. Sloper are visiting their
M. S. Burson of Mehama was sister Mis. Byron Robertson at
in town Sasurdav.
Ral|'h Urban has a new electric
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller are
at the C. J. Thomas farm, near
Wayne Ashby motored to Wil- 1 Gooch, where Mr. Miller is doing
hoit Sunday.
some carpenter work.
Master Henry Deidrich is the
Misses Margery and Wilma
proud owner of a new bicycle.
Miller, of Maclcay, are spending
Sherman Swank o f Aumsville the week at the home of their
was a Stayton caller Wednesday. cousin. Mrs L. S. I^imbert
J. P. Wourms of Fern Ridge
was trading in Stayton Monday.
For sunburn or chap 25c and
Frank C. Smith of Shaw was a
sizes at Beauchamp’s.
Stayton caller Wednesday.
Mis. D. A. Harden has return­
E. C. Downing of Sublimity
to Pleasant Hill, after an ex­
was a Stayton caller Wednesday.
tended visit at the C. E. and G.
P. C. Freres of Fern Ridge
L. Brown homes.
was a business visitor in Stayton
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Follis and
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Alexander
Chas. Rossiter and E. C. Denny
motored to Salem Sunday after­
of Sublimity were transacting
noon in the Follis car.
business in Stayton Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp
Sloper’s Drug Store
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs
Is headquarters for Mrs Prices L. A. Thomas motored to New­
Canning Compound.
port Sunday for a few days stay.
Miss Anna Mullen, o f Salem,
We Have
was a guest of Miss Emma StretT
A goodly supply of flags in
one day last w-eek.
assorted sizes.
Sloper’s Drug
Mrs. J. A. Hendershott left Store.
Tuesday mhrning for a visit of
J. Sheard left Friday last for
a few days with Salem friends. Long Beach, Calif., where he ex
Geo. B. Jacob one o f Salem’s pects to open a cleaning and dye
real estate men was transacting ing establishment.
business in our city last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Ijunbert
Miss Gladys Rice, of Corvallis, and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Mack
is visiting her sister. Mrs. Hor­ and daughter Fay. spent Sunday
ace Lilly.
at the Jeff Thomas farm in Fox
J. P. Wilbur and family motor­ Valley.
ed to Silver Creek Falls Sunday
and spent the day.
.J. Ray Blakely came up fromj
Eugene Sunday for a visit with j
Stayton relatives and friends.
Mrs. Wm. Cladek visited from
Money to Loan I Have Made Arrange­
Saturday until Monday with
ments fur loaning eastern money,
Gervais friends.
will make very low rate o f inter­
est on highly improved farms. 1! j -
Miss Bessie Clow is in Port­
mer H. Smith.'room 5,
land, where she has secured a
Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Phone 96.
position as a stenographer.
John Downing has gone to
FARM LANDS The Government need«
Mill City where he expects to
Farmers as well as Fighters, Two
work in a logging camp.
i million three hundred thousands Acres
Nyals Face Cream
of Oregon & California Railroad Co.
Grant Lands. Title revested in United
States. To be opened for homesteads
and sale. Containing some of best
lands left in United Ststes.
Copyrighted Map, showing land by
sections and description o f soil, climate
rainfall, elevations, temperature etc.,
by counties.
Postpaid One Dollar,
Grant Lands Locating Co. Box 610
Portland, Oregon
Four large rolls of toilet paper
for 25c Beauchamps Drug Store.
Dr. Brewer was called into
consulation last Tuesday by Dr.
Hobson of Scio.
John Olmsted is spending a
few days visiting Cecil Schaefer
and other Stayton friends
FOR SALE—Young brood sow due to
Ida Frank of Shaw is visiting farrow Oct. 3 write or phone E. Forrette
W AN TED-O n c loan o f $1,000, 2
with her sister Mrs. V. Dare
loans o f $1200 each, seal property se­
Sloper for a few days.
Developing and Printing
curity interest 6 to 8 per cent if inter­
ested call at Stayton Mail office.
Films and cameras Sloper’s FOR SALE —A first-class modern
house. Inquire at Gehlen’s Store. 29tf
Drug Store.
Mrs. Adam Susbauer of Sub­
FOR SALE OR RENT -The building
limity is recovering from her ' known as Stayton Garage. Inquire at
Stayton Feed Store.
recent illness.
Portland, Oregon, wants 10,-
W. P. Mulkey and wife of Me­ FOR SALE - Baled straw, 2 brood sows.
0'X) men to build wood and steel hama were Stayton callers Wed­ 2 cows, 5 pigs, and 10 Shropshire bucks
A. Forrette, Aumsville, Ore., Rt. 1 tf.
FOR SALE - White Leghorn Cockerels
Rainier— Hull of steamer Lur-
Rev. Fr. Lai nek spent several from trapnested hens that laid 208 eggs
line fitted as modern cannery for days this week at Beaverton i or better their pullet year, price 75c
packing Salmon on Columbia.
each. A. A. McKenzie Scio P. O.
R iseburg—$512,000 to be spent
Mrs. W. C. Yost and niece, FOR SALE A full blood Jersey bull
Coos county logging, mill and in Douglas county on permanent Miss Margaret Hensley, left Aug. calf, cheap if taken at once. Address
ipyard operators are now shert road work this year.
Gth for the coast where they will Raleigh Harold.
0 men.
visit friends and relatives.
FOR SALE -Young pigs 7 weeks old.
to Floyd Crabtree, Phone 1x83
Mill City $10.000 suspension
Miss Marie Hinkel left this
idge over North Santiam being
Sunday Sept. 2nd there will Morning f o r Tacoma, Wash., FARM FOR RENT On account of [»or
hialth am compelled to leave the farm
ilt here.
be a Basket dinner at the King­ where she will spend her vaca­
and will rent to right man at reasonable
Albany—Watson Brothers Iron | ston church and C. E. Daugh­ tion.
price. T. J. Hill
>rks here sold and machinery erty will preach at 11 a. m. and
Frank Lesley, wife and son
FOR SALE A thoroughbred Duroc
II be moved to Portland.
2:”0 p. m. A cordial invitation Wilbur motored to Eugene Sat­
Jersey boar, weight about 400 lha. Also
.‘ nded t o everybody t o urday evening and spent Sunday sou,e stock hogs. Apply to W. F.
^ane county buying caterpiller i
fine and grader for road work. come.
with friends returning Monday. Harris, North Santiam.
Perfection Oil
Cook Stoves
W e have them in
One, Two and Three Hole Sizes
Come in and see them
Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Handker­
chiefs, Corsets, Dress goods, Shoes, Ribbons,
Gloves, Laces, Groceries-In fact everything
usually found in a general store can be had at
J. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store,
Stayton, Ore.
Harvest Shoes
Gloves For Hop Pickers
New Fall Shoes in Now at
Lancefield Shoe Store
Any Flavor You Like
Any Quantity You Wish
Wholesale and Retail
Packed so you can take it as far as you like
F am ily
R esort
People seeking rest and quiet recreation
will find them at
Newport Beaches
Good hotels, cottages and tents provide
pleasant abiding places for summer
Surf bathing,
fishing and
Week End Fares
Are on sale Saturdays and Sundays
limited for return the following Monday.
Season Tickets on sale daily.
Ask your local agent for tickets and descriptive booklet
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
See our Clubbing offer in another column.