Mr. and Mrs. Franco have! brought their non Max uoa.e l'ro.n the hospital ive are glad to ALEXANDER & DAUGHERTY. Owners urn/ islurs know the little fellow is improv-i C. E. DAUGHERTY, Editor and M u m p e r injr. • Miss White of Brownsville waa| Entered as second class m atter at the postotfice at Stayton. Marion \isiting at the Misses Alta and County, Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3, ISTi). Agnoss Brown home this week. Jack H ardison went over on Subscription the coast to start a new crtam -l ________ _______________ er.v and take a vacation. Aldred Lyons • I (A* S la te E ditorial A»»oc>»tion an d of th« W illam ette Volley E ditorial Martin IS llllining tlu creamery while he is away. A .to ciatio n Rev. Doxie preached at Lyons Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application church and gave a very interest­ ing sermon. Miss Agnoss Brown Fercip Adrertisi ig Represented by The American Press Association rendered a solo. T he S T A Y T O N M rtiL Price $1.00 Per Year In Advance Address a'l Communications to The Stay ton Mail NOTICE TO SCHOOL PATRONS There are strong interests in and near Salem that are boost­ ing for the Liberty-Jefferson road to be made the Pacific li ghway between Salem and Jefferson instead of the Mar ion-Turner road. These are selfish interests in that they have a ver narrow view of the proposition or are looking at it from the standpoint of their •wn interest and do not take into consideration the whole of Marion •ounty. If the road is put overjn those hills-nll of the southeastern section of the county from Salem south to Jefferson are deprived of a hard surface road. The road should be located where it will be the most good to the greatest number of people irrespective cf what interests are affected. From the standpoint of economy only the county court should put an emphatic no against the hill road. The fall term <>f the Stayton Public Schools will commence Monday September 17. UU7. W. A. WEDDLE. Clerk. I PEYTON PEYTt GRAVELY DID A GREAT/ THING WHEN HE INVENTED/ I thinc I PLUG TOBACCO O R A V E L Y 'S YES, BtJT IT WAS THE I . GRAVELY QUALITY THAT l „ WAS THE GREATEST THING) CELEBRATED C h e w in k P lu & B E F O B K T M U IN V X N T .C N O F O UR P A ie N f XIW-PBOOI I »O U C H G R A V ELY P LU O TOBACC * M A D E » T R I C T L V F O . n l • C I ' I V -4 W O U L D NOT K k t e 1 <6 .M IM T». N O W T H f P A T lN f P O U C H ► ’ F R E S H AN O C L E A N AM l A L I T T L E C H E W O F O JA - A N O L A S T S L O N O r n T H .N O F O H O IN A R / 1 t J?J0.9rav«ht billy POST i TT CATCHING -B C O M fTY ' ,T „ r t.i l 'K .. 1 r ' T i GENTLEMEN H . : | • «* ' BNCW STRAIOT1 , ' An Iowa paper has the follow­ Norman Davie returned home ing to say regarding crop condi­ the last of the week. While away he worked in Toledo and tions back there: “ The crop of Newport and also visited Port- small grain now being harvested promises to be enormous and the land. Mrs. G. F. Kormek and Miss; corn cro|. *ith a la w ly mcrea». Marian Alexander return«! Tues- " '* * * ' *"?.»"* corn , , e __ the past month promises to l>e dav from a sojourn of three or, ; , , - ' i i the argest the country has ever evening. four weeks in Junction City. , * „ . . . „ . .__ _ ... . . . . . known. Potatoes too are being F o x V a lle y G e m s There will be preaching at the Dr. J. W. Thomas left Wed- ¡n ,arRer quantiUes than Mt Pleasant church Sunday 19th nesday morning for his home in ever before and of all crops the both morning and evening. Seattle, after visiting his mother. C. D. Wilson and wife and . .only one of any consequence that Hrs. J. R. Trask and baby were Mrs. C. \N. lhomas and ot*u’r 1 ¡s not Up to the average is the Week end visitors in Salem. relatives. hav and that is better than was G. \ \ . DeJardin is away on anticipated a while back.” Miss Ruth Fuson, of Aumsville A musical entertainment was his vacation and Mrs. ( . E. lay- Mrs. Thomas is here from was a caller in the valley Wed­ given at Lyons Hall Aug. 4 1917 lor is doing his work in the bank nesday. . v v eastern Oregon for a visit at the for the benefit of the Red Cross. during his absence. home of her mother. Mrs. Frank EM Trask and wife spent Sat­ Opening Address Jack Hardison J. P. Wilbur is the proud Silhavy. urday and Sunday with relatives Solo My Own U. S. owner of a new Velie six auto­ Sunday the members of the la Jordan. Mrs E. E. Trask mobile and he is exhibiting it to Salem Military Band picniced Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hobson Piano Solo Robins Return his friends with a considerable and fished at Taylor’s grove east •re the happy parents of a taby Myrtle Brown amount of pride. Mr. Wilbur On their return boy, on Aug. 11th. Recitation Go Mv Boy When has accepted the agency in this of Mehama. home in the evening they stop­ F. A. Marriels returned last Duty Calls Hazel Philips territory for this make machine ped in Stayton and favored our week from a month’s stay in Quarette Old Glory and is only too glad to demon­ •astern Oregon. Eug. Canning Jack Johnston strate his machine to a prospec­ people with several selections that were much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Abels were M r s . E. E. Trask, Mrs. tive purchaser. The following persons have among those attending the flag Frank Wycoff A. B. Salmon of Portland re­ been treated for injuries by Dr. ST A Y T O N raising at Jordan Sunday. - Flag Drill Little Boys presenting Penn Mutual Life Brewer the past week. Marciel Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrett, of Recitation May There Be No Insurance Co., was transacting Baker, the 8 year old daughter Stars Upon Our Flag Salem, visited the latter’s par- business in Stayton Tuesday. of Mr. and Mrs. 0 . M. Baker Martha Berenger ants last week. Misses Margaret Griffeth and fell off a mule she was riding Miss Hazel Richards, of Mill Piano Duet Myrtle Brown and Jennette Meredith came from and injured her elbow; E. R, Ibella Surry City, was a Lyons visitor Friday. Salem Tuesday accompanied by Nelson cut his finger severely Paul Johnston Otto Zimmerman, of Mehama. Recitation Dr. Griffeth in his auto and with a cheese knife: Frank Sieg- A share of the banking business returned home Tuesday after an Solo Jessie Dream Geo. Pealing stopped at the M. E. parsonage. mund mashed his finger in the Piano Solo Moonlight on the •xtended stay in Lyons at the F. of Stayton and vicinity Lake Ibella Surry He, went to Mill City and picked gear of a threshing machine; A Marriels residence. g ran d t fell off a bundle wa- is solicited. Rec. When the Kid Joined the up his daughter on his way back, R. Surry and family spent Colors Mrs. Frank Johnston Miss Meredith is visiting here, j „on an(i injured his shoulder: ‘Tuesday and Wednesday of last Solo Go to Sleep My Baby N’ello Mack went before the Mr. Bentz injured his finger and ♦reek with relatives near Amity. Maxine Berry Marion county exemption board blood poison has developed: Mr. You are assured of a safe deposi­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Merser and Flower Drill 8 Little Girls and was examined one day last Nipple of West Stayton fell off tory and courteous treatment at fami ly were Sunday callers at Piano Duet Under the Double week. He i s registered i n a hay stack and injured his Mrs. Geo. Johnston’s. this bank, by ample capital and Eagle Myrtle Brown, Ibella Wheeler county but the board shoulder. Surry there gave him premissiom to be The Brown-Petzel Co. recently long experience in the banking Solo Last Night was the End examined before the local Ixiard. [ soid a big bill of lumber to be H t. P l e a s a n t business. Gn the bridges between of the World Agness Brown He passed the physical examina- U3€(] Recitation Railroad tion but claimed exemption on Stayton and Turner. They have Charley Parish of Oregon City Mr. W. R. Surry the ground that he had several already commenced sawing on * lle d at the Henry Senz home Piano Solo Sweet Bye and Bye attacks of appendicitis in the the logs they have been driving Wednesday. Miss White past few months. His case will the past week. More than half. *ifcss Alma Howard of Lebanon Quarette Don't Bite the Hand have to be passed on by the 0f the drive is now in the pond. fVtui ued home Saturday after That’s Feeding You Wheeler county board. Mrs. Nettie Crump left Friday ♦pending a week with Miss Hazel Canning, Trask, Johnston Stanley A. Starr who has been for Milwaukee, Wis., as a dele­ Lam bert. and Wycoff in Portland for the past ten days gate from the Sublimity camp reports his mother doing nicely to the national convention of the Miases Angeline Ryan, Anna Rec. The Song of our Flag Hazel Philips after under going an operation Catholic Order of Foresters, to W clntvre and Will Rvan motored Duet Come play with me Wednesday Aug. 8th. He is be held in that city. She was • d Salem Saturday eve. Maxie Berry and Venica expected home in a day or two. accompanied to Portland by her Miss Zona Ray visited over Grimes Clarence Beauchamp and wife. daughter, Mrs. Leo Rock. iunday with home foil*: •>•>44444044444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ice cream and cake was served Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy, Forest Independence is working hard Mrs. Linn Lambert called on ♦ bringing a net profit of $34. Mack, wife and son. and Misses * on its campaign to establish su- \ Mrs. Frank Habberman Sunday. 4 W. R. Surry and family mo- Ruth Roy and Malina Sestak left gar beet growing and secure fac­ A Complete Line of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Shank and 4 4 •on, Mrs. Roxie Shank and tored to Amity Ore. to see his Wednesday morning for an auto tory next year, ♦ daughter Mis3 Grace motored to niece, Miss Mary Wyatf, mar- trip through Washington and 4 British Columbia. Before they <• th e John Gunsauies home Sun­ ried. 4 Mr. Jack Johnston and family return they expect to visit Mrs. day. « took Mr. and Mrs. E.'E; Trask I)r- Watson in Victoria. a Miss Clara Michels of Lebanon « and Mrs. Baine Martin* to Mill Warren Richardson is home is visiting at P. H. Lamberts. 4 City Sunday called at the home from a several months sojourn ♦ The Misses Hazel Downing of Clifford Trask spent "a very ♦ in Alaska. He is not very favor- and Verna Shank were Sunday 4 pleasant evening look ov.-r the ably impressed with that country ♦ *uests of Miss Gladys Downing. new shingle mill and new bridge, as an agricultural district and ♦ H. R. Sha k, wife and son, « Charlie Parson is ha' ing a few says that very little stock is ♦ Raymond, Wayne Huber and of his neighbors help him raise a kept. The princ ipal employment ♦ Earnest Knapp were Sunday new barn. ♦ is furnished by the mines and a visitors of Mrs. Roxie Shanks. Ralph Trask is being kept the government railroad now un­ ♦ Mrs. Willing of Stayton was a busy helping re; air his. friends der construction. ♦ He reports ♦ week end visitor at F. X. Hot- auto since he c^me home from Guy Kearns working on the rail­ ❖ tingers. Oakland. road arid doing well. ♦ 4 Frank Habberman is doing Fred Merrills has returned Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ringo are ♦ * Some carpentering at Munkers from Pendleton where he went home from their motor trip. to help in harvest says crops While away they visited Astoria, tin s week. * « Seaside, Netarts, Tillamook anci P. H. Lambert and family are nearly a failure. GLADYS HULETTE 4 visited a t W. R. Brenners Mon­ O. V, Kane and family and other coast points. They report V 4 Lloyd Trask start d on a trip to a very enjoyable trip. At Star Theatre Sunday I-Come in and Examine our Stock Goods 44 day. War department recommends -IN - Miss Roxana Shank visited Kalamath country in their Ford. 4 4 Mr. Parson lost 3 cows on r.c- $130,000 for improvement and With Miss Maud Smith Sunday. "HER NEW YORK” J and be Convinced 4 G. H. Ray called on Mr. and count of them drieking swampy $30,000 for annual maintanonce 4 4 Also a Good Show Saturday % « " L i n n Lam bert Monday ( water so the ¡State Vetenary says of Coos Bay. < • 4 4 4 4 4 4 < •* * + + * * * < '* 4 4 * 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 + ?+ Lyons News Notes Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton, Oregon Capital $25,000.00 Spring and Summer Goods at GEHLEN’S STORE W e also Carry a com- l plete line of iStypie and Fancy Groceries