From All Over T tn R oy a l B aking P o w d e r m akes it possible to pro­ duce appetizing; and w h olesom e cakes, muffins, com bread, etc., w ith few er eg g s than are usually "~ ~ \ J ! ossi blv A bon t Y ou or Y our Friends required. In m any recipes the num ber o f e g g s m a y be re­ duced and excellent results obtained b y adding an additional quantity o f R oy a l B akin g P ow d er, about a teaspoon, for each e g g om itted. T h e follow ing tested recipe is a practical illustration: SPONGE CAKE B1R FC TIO N S —B oll »u g a c an d w e te e until »v ru p spin* a th re a d an d a d d t o tha atiftiy b eaten w h ites o f egg*, b ea tin g until t h t m ixture i* co ld Sift to g e th e r three tim es th e flou r, salt a n d b a k in g p o w d e r; b eat y o lk s o f e gg s un til th ick ; ad d a little c t a tim e flour m ix tu re a n d egg yolks a ltern a tely t o w h it# o f egg m l atu re, s tir­ ring attsr each addition. A d d 'f* cu p co ld w a te r a n d flavoring. M i* lig h tly aud bake in m o d e ra te o ve n o u * hour. 1 cup suear H cup w ater 2 teaspoon* R o y a l B a lin g P o w d e r 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon »alt J* cup c o ld w ater 1 teaspoon flavoring ROYAL method c a lle d (or 6 eggs and n o b a itin g p o w d e r T h e o ld B A K IN G P O W D E R L sty M ade from Cream o f Tartar, derived from grapes, adds none but healthful qualities to the food. EN D S A LE Keep Cool by Using Leave your laundry at Forest , Mrs’ (] f* KI° ri,,ek Fr*d,,y Mack's Barber Shop. afternoon for Junction City for a , ,, , , , visit at the home of her sister, Mrs J. K. Gardner is home Mn? w c Farry. from her visit in Junction Citv. . ,, , Norwood hskew went to Salem new Mlgs last Saturday morning, where ne Big variety of sizes at Slopers. has secured employment during Peter Deidrich was a Salem the vacation period, visitor Thursday. Lois Bracken, who has been E. T. Griffith o f Aumsville employed in the hotel at Mill was a Stayton called Tuesday. City, returned to her home a few LILLY H A R D W A R E CO. ÄS*** A N D These Hot Boys But Perfection Oil Ed Dougherty o f Jordan was day8 a>ia transacting business in Stayton M*ss Marian Alexander left Tuesday. this morning for Junction City, J. W. and A1 Phillips o f Coon where she will visit a couple of 4 Hollow were trading with our weeks. i Geo. Neitling injured h i s merchants Tuesday. m thumb quite seriously a few days Fly Paper m ago while working in the rock m Sticky or iwison at Sloper s pj^ p r Brewer took several Drug Store. m stitches to close the wound. A chance for you to stive m on ey on a num ber o f m 11 W. F. Folli» and wife spent The Howell Sunday school gave m items you w ill need. T h is is not a sale o f e v e r y ­ the week end at t ascadia, and a picnic last Sunday in Taylor’ s thing in the store, b y any means, but is m ade up o f # report an enjoyable trip. grove on the Little North Fork. m good s here and there throughout the store. W e Mrs. Dr. E. H. Hobson o f Scio A large crowd was present and a m w ent through ou r entire stock and w h erever a short is spending a few days with Mr. good time is reported. m piece or a small lot. or a slightly m ussed piece o f and Mrs. W. H. Hobson. J. P. Williams and daughter, m m erchandise w a s found, on w en t a green O dd and Mrs. Luther Stout has been Miss Ella, are home from a visit E nd Sale Price T a g — and w e certainly put low m spending a few days with her to Portland. While there Miss m prices on these tags. B e lo w are listed on ly a part parents in Salem. Williams attended the sessions of m o f the bargains that w ill greet you at this sale. B. F. Berringer of Mehama the Educational Association. WE ADVISE YOU TO BE HERE EARLY m was trading in Stayton Wednes­ A large number of Stayton1 m 15c Cynthia Crepe, now.................................... 8c day. people are planning to attend the 15c fancy Summer Goods, now..........................11c annual camp meeting o f the Mrs. Dan Dodson of Deer Island 20c “ “ ** “ ........................ 14c 35c Sport Cloth..................................... 26c is visiting her mother Mrs, J. W. Christian church at Turner, Or., m 25c Dress Crepes ................................ 18c Kiphart for a few days. which opens Saturday, July 28.1 I 1.25 Ladies Princess Slip .......... ....... 88c The regular monthly business Mrs Ada Highberger of near 1.00 Men’s Fancy Dress Shirts................. ...... 65c meeting and social of the Chris- j ü Aumsville was a Stayton caller 60c Men’s Sum: . • Ui 38c * tian Endeavor society will be 25c Boy’s Summer Shiits and Pants..................20c Tuesday, held Friday evening at the resi­ 70c S ilk ......................................................................25c Ì® J. W. Mayo and family have dence of C. E. Daugherty. v® been rusticating in the Tillamook is country for several days. Arthur McKenzie of Linn coun­ mi \ , » 'S 'S % S ty was a business visitor in Stay- j ton Tuesday. Joe Kobeline and family of F A R M A N D C IT Y L O A N S Jordan were Stayton visitors Money to Loan - I Have Made Arrange­ ment 8 for loaning eastern money, j If you are paying a high rate of interest, w h y not refund Tuesday. will make very low rate of inter- I your loan at a lower rate and mere liberal terms. It is not eat on highly improved farma. II - Mrs. Oscar Applet of Lyons mer H. Smith, room 5, McCorn: rk good business to pay a higher rate of interest than the v as transactihg business in our Bldg., Salem, Oregon,|Phone 96. city Tuesday. market demands, nor is it good business to keep your sur­ tf. ____________________________ Louis Geisler of Linn countv plus funds on time deposit at 3 to 4 per annum when FOR SALE —1 black driving mare | was a business visitor in Stayton 7 year old gentle weight about 925. 6 °/c can readily be secured on first Farm M ortgages. If Tuesday, Will sell or trade for cow. you have m oney to loan or w ish to refund or secure a new Leo J. Rock, Stayton Ore. Joe Silbernagel and family one, call or write S. H. H E L T Z E L , Stayton, O regon. spent Sunday at the K. Geisler FARM LANDS-The Government needs Farmers aa well aa Fighters, Two home in Linn county. million three hundred thousands Acres Joe Hamman and family left of Oregon & California Railroad Co. yesterday for a trip over f he j Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads Columbia highway. Mrs. Dr. Brewer and sister and sale. Containing some o f best lands left in United States. Laige F R O M S P O K A N E IS N O W Mrs. G. L. Brown motored to Copyrighted Map, showing land by Salem and Gervais Tuesday. sections and dexcription of soil, climate O D D Don’t Cook Yourself (). '•:.!• /inn -nnn o f Mohu a LxGrandcget* washing powder v >s n Staytoi , ,!!• ;• T and metal poliah factory. Salem Laundry agency a t Foundation in for Doll and Mack’s Bather Shop. Kaufnum brick block. S. H. Heltzei was a Salem \ is- Henry Mutachler has returned it >r Wednesday. from a tour of Washington, ld- John Fast o f West Slayton was »ho. Montana and a portion of a Slayton caller Wednosdliv. British Columbia. Norma Stamp ia visiting with R°v* Jameson of Astoria wiil l a Frank at Shaw this week. occupy the pulpit at the Baptist J. A. Hendershott made a bus- cL,hur<* ''ext Sunday July 29. mess trip to Salem Tuesday. Everybody cordially invu*L N o P h o s p h a te N o A lu m f | Cook Stoves W o have them in One, Two and rhree Hole Sizes C om e in and see them As Long as we Live DIAMOND DYES W ill Continue to be the Standard P a ck a g e dyes ol the W o r ld —One o f the Characteristics o f D IA M O N D D Y E S is that the colors they yield are perm anent colors. It re­ quires neither experience nor skill to use D iam ond D yes successfully. c A full line o f colors can be had at J. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store, Stayton, Ore. Here is a Real Bargain Opportunity D o ll’s Sash S to re R ^ a ir ä Mach. Shop Why go to Salem for your work when we can do it? M O T O R T R O U B L E S O U R S P E C IA L T Y rainfall, elevations, temperature etc., by counties. Postpaid One Dollar, Choice complexion powders at Grant Lands Locating Co, Box 610 9-27 Sloper’s Portland, Oregon New Line of CQIgates Dr, Brewer reports the arrival WANTED 10 or 12 Loganberry pickers of a daughter at the home of to carnP at my yard, one mile east of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Smith July 24. Marion, may give adultH work in dryer Mrs. F. F. Foster left Tuesday morning for Portland for a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Philippi, of For Kingston, left yesterday on an J Home of Best Pictures auto trip to California. Crias. Gehlen and .J. M. Shep­ SHOWS - Wednesdays, S t % herd visited Falls City and other urdays and Sundays Polk county towns last week. or Call on The city o f Hubbard has let the contract for paving l j miles of their main streets. K ngston, O re. Miss Hilda Williamson, of Sa­ North Bend box factory will lem, is visiting her sister, Mrs, adJ sawmi 1 to increase output. J. A. Hendershott. Stanley A. Starr is spending a Congresj promised western railroads increased pay to meet ^ew days in Portland, being H IG HEST PRICES PA D iwcrca. ed wages authorized by called there by the illness o f his -------- law but have given no relief. A mother. •. Oawego Smelter here| starts bear cin live a long time by Frank Siegmund and Henry Z. Oct. 1, on ore shipped from S'in s ' ir -r its paws but a great in-¡Schroeder were Salem visitors Saturday. , industry cannot. ^ ^ernardino, Cal. STAR THEATRE If in the Market Chevrolet or Buick f our or Six Bring Your Old Iron and Rubber to »AMMAN’S BARN 0 . M. f aker, Agent Ladies Pumps. and Children’s White Goods Oxfords and not included in this Sale. Lancefield Shoe Store ICE CREAM CLASSIFIED Any Flavor You Like ADVERTISING Any Quantity You Wish Wholesale and Retail Packed so you can take it as far as you like AN EXPERT AUTO MAN At Brown’s Auto Bargain Sale of of evenings expect to start picking about July 16. Telephone Farmers 33 E. E. Pengs.________________ 2 n t 2 FOR S A L E -W hite leghorn cocker- 7-26x FOR house. tr“ i' nestcd ■tock- Good lay* A,|,lrcM A- McKenz'c* • Scio, Ore., Rt. 2 SALE -A firat-clasa modern Inquire at Gehlen’s Store. 29tf FOR SALE OR RENT The building known a» Stayton Garage. Inquire at 29tf Stayton Feed Store. FOR S A L E - -Angelus Player Piano and over 100 rolla o f muaic. Geo. E. Balsiger, R. I). Selo, Ore. 7-26-62 FOR SALE -Brood sows heavy with pig. Inquire of Seatak & Thomas, FOR SALE A thoroughbred Duroc Jersey boar, weight about 400 Iba. Alao some atock hogs. Apply to VV. F. Harris, North Santiam. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN Good five pa senger car for $225. Dave Pugh’s <•: r i t Halvoraen & Burns Garage Salem Ore. 30-x-J HENDERSHOTT’ S Newport Charming Resort by the Sea Those who seek rest, and sea-shore recreation, will find abundant opportunity at Newport. Am ple hotel accommoda­ tions, cottages or camping arrangements. Low Round Trip Fares Daily Trains— Each Direction Ask our nearest agent for folder ‘ 'Newport” or write John M. Scott, General Paxsenger Agent Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES See our Clubbing offer in another column.