Gray Hair« Can't M..Wo You Old. l'eo^ila uo uot grow oiU so fast as ttu-y used to. Time ".as when tlio fa- tlicra and the mothers seldom left borne. They would not tliluk of taking ivtrt in any sort of frivolous conversation. > landfntlier and father, too. went around the house with a "dirk us tho t o iib** sort of face, and if > ¡0 young folk got too hilarious "Tut. tut,” you we uld hear them say. Now granddad enjoys a good play, a fc tl nil game, and a baseball game no . .-a him as young ns the next one. Lira to ! That Is the right Idea. Don't give up to the gray hairs. t ii'-er threads should not absorb all th * golden hues from your life. Keep abreast of the times. Read up so you cau converse with your clill- il n on modem topics. ■ ■! crest yourself In their work and tl ir play. Ilelp them play and you v I keep your heart young.—Los An- g> "s Herald. Get this $ 1 .8 5 LI M U L O W ea r-E v e« Chawing tbs Crude Rubber. \bout the first process rubber goes . iingh on the way to become a tire tubs is mas.¡cation. After the .,!« Para is washed it is broken up o lumps and tossed into the crack- These are machines with heavy •rs, which take the rubber In be­ ef a them and chew it Entering masticating room o f a factory, the d impression is that there is a brush burning or else there is a den ot ;cs at hand. The rubber snaps and '.ties like burning branches and n hisses shudderingly. The stuff is -t at until It comes up iu regular ■c-.s. very thin and looking like a -1 of cake dusted with^rumbs. Then er thorough drying in vacuum cham- . s it Is ready to be put in with the ideals aud other things that make ■ : ie compound —New York Sun. A Hint For Young Romeos. !f the hero has no bad habits ho 6 >u!d acquire tome or at least lead t ro believe that he has one or two. L unship Isn't complete unless the b -olne can beg him to quit something t! it is destroying his sweet health or, v ;se still, something that makes him r m.n a bold, bad man. She used to l ..ud beg us to quit gambling, and & civ years after the wedding she was c: cl enough to tell us that she knew a the time that we were not a gam- l -r. She was Just humoring us.— C ¡tie Calian in Fort Worth Star- One »'OR SAi .'. Cl M» I S ì:. pi W l . . . i M. Berry, le ci , Ore. 7 T.-v . 11 ^ , il,«— - f IIMII.J«aii.'ftwn FO R S A IA Id .i 1 > u r iv n ,r : 7 year o' I gentle 'wight Will .-. Il >•!' trade fi-r niw, 111 e imiti D25. l co J lb h It. Slayton Ore. v FARM L. NDS T, ,. i niiu iit Farnteih tt < v . If a Fighters. Ywoj million th'ce hundred il >n «"dtt Aerci of Dreg' i t1 :ti 11 .irto i K ulroml (! .. tirant 1. ■ i> I II r 1 evc. ght 1 uki 1! •. Inquire Al- l it.c, Meh ittiit. Ore. 7- >-x ^ ■usttwt. » « -A » Look for the “ Wear-Ever” trade mark on the bottom utensil. If it is not there, it is not “ Wear-Ever. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES of every Cut out the Coupon— bring it to us today! "W ear-Ever” Coupon W W e wifi accep t t h i . cou pon en.l S l . t S in paym ent T E ver ' six-qu art A lum inum Kettle, w hich sells < ») provided you present the coupon m pem on at thia ‘ *r b e fo re June 30.1917. and w rite on tho coupon your name. adJress and date o f purchase. N a m e ------------------------------------- — ---------- —— —--------- — A d d r e s s -------- ---- ------------------------------------------------ —- — — — - --------- ............ . . ................_________ Data.........................— LILLY HARDWARE CO. Do V t fail to take advantage of our dubbing offer. of the World’s Greatest Photoplays— D. W. Griffith’s Six Great Stars in One Super-Picture D. W. Griffith Blanche Sweet Mae Marsh Lillian Gish Dorothy Gish Henry Walthall Robert Harron Has made long­ er pictures than “ Her Condoned Sin” but he nev­ er made a bet­ ter one* BLANCHE SW E E T W H A T YOU W TLL SEE IN “ HER CONDONED SIN” Soul-stirring Battle Scenes— 11,000 H orsem en-—Am azingly Beautiful beautiful dancing girls— Extremely tography and Lighting Effects— A and stirs the soul. stock and materials. knows all drugs have advanced and also all chemicals, and now there is to be a war tax placed Everybody or some of our photographic appliances. W o have and are stili making pictures at the same price v> c did before the war started. 7 and 6 and However, July Aug. 4 and 5 will be our last trip to Stay- ton at the old prices. On Saturday and Sunday, July 7 and 8, we will r a k e to all having pictures taken, a 20 percent reduc­ tion it the whole amount of the order is paid at time ol sitting T en per cent will be given if * j is paid at time of sitting. If you arc wanting anything In the picture line you tunity. W e will also make a present of a nice little picture of age and whose birthday comes in July. In behalf "i tho Stay ton Rod ('ro.; . \v ■ v. i h to thank the young men \vl > gave tho jitney dance a: i all o ! * rs who either b th< ir attendance or otherwise assisted m tin worthy ca iso. v * We can’ t ali fight but we can give anti each and evt rv d ’liar given to the lied ('nan means just that mudh bettor aid fur the boys at the front. Line o f TVIerchundise, Shoes, Huts, Umbrellas, Mrs. J. P..Wilbur, Chairmen W ork Shirts, Overalls nnd Dusters Mr-. G- F. Korinek S . J. M. Kingo, Treasurer A Fine Line o f Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers, Stone Jars Trover & Weigel. R e p la c e utensils that w ea r out with utensils that "W ea r-E v er ’ yes, has caused us to pay 5 0 0 '/ more for some of our FREE O F C H A R G E to all bibies under four years “Wear-Ever” 1/ft a ir-{YTS said "War is Hell.” His son said that it his father was living to-day he would undoubt­ edly apologize to “hell” for his remark. N ow what we want to say is, that war has doubled, Gen. Sherman will save money by taking advantage of this oppor­ A .> ;. ..r old Pi r- tAKDOr THANKS souî-stirring production of fi I H a v e M a d e A r ia n u a - n out l. r l.umiic cm.tcni unitici, will to .We ver> low rate o f inter- r t i 11 highlv improved fi r.t 1 . Ilo 1. er . Sn it1', i mi ... tnnuicw H iti ., Sali in. Uicg.>n,|l'hoi i ' \> i{ tf. ALUMINUM SIX -Q U A R T KETTLE For Preserving, Pot Roasting, Stewing. Etc. Please note new adjustable bail. Cover for this kettle at special price of 3 5 c . War! War! ■vrtnrr.7f.T/ i M o n e y to lo i».» H«nry James' Adverbs. lo'cusou spotted the unconscionable ■■tit Ion of certain adjectives in iterlck Hudson," hut probably the -t marked characteristic o f Henry ics' style is liis passiou for adverbs : adverbial clauses. He Is the wo-t ecbial of Ehig'.ish writers. You will ! more adverbs to the page thau *' :i in Meredith. And he had u quaint b. it of putting the adverb before t‘ verb, when most writers would p; ; it after. One of his ladies (for ex- staples nre taken at random) "thank- fi lly felt," another "Quite beautifully and teudcrly smiled." And “ after *11” c; :>s up all over tho place. But one r uld not hare these things altered; tl v were part of the man. One does o ect to them, however, in his 1ml- fc ’ rs. who have learned the trick, but n »cJ the spirit behind it.—Loudon C ronlcle. CLASSÜFIED SpsHMul i»(Tvr «xp ireaon dut« nmmnt in coupon. Th«rw- *itor prie« w ill b«> ll.SA. Supernumeraries— Thousands o f Scenes and Settings— A score o f Artistic Sub-titles— Perfect P h o­ love story which grips the heart Condonad Sin” Shown at Star Theatre SATURDAY, JUNE 30th J. R. Gardner’s Mrs. J. H. Mulchav and child­ ren of San Francisco are gm-sts at the home of her parent'!. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Munkers. Sii ce the closing of the luin- dry here Forest Mack i-t sending laundry to Salem and solicits your business. SubscrP or the Stayton Mail. Cash Store Carries a General Baskets, Brooms. M op Sticks Fine Groceries, a Fine display of This is the place finest Dress Silks, Tapestries and Mesa- and anything in the Dress Line. Stone Churns and Crocks, and a general line of Flags and Flag Decorations on hand. to get your very lines, Pongees J. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store, Stayton, Ore. LOOK! READ! Subscribe for the Mail and get the Oregon Farmer. Auction Household Goods Commencing at 1:30 p. m. Saturday June 30th, 1917 I I will sell the following: Buffet, Dining Table, 6 Dining Chairs, Sewing Table, Book Case, 4 Rugs; Small Rugs, Rocking Chairs, Dressing Table, Beds, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Child’s Bed, W h ite Dresser, Y outh’s Chair, Fruit Jars, W a sh Tubs, Boiler, Chickens H eating Stove and pipe and other things too numerous to mention. These articles are now open for inspection. “ Her L A R G E A S P O S S IB L E M at nee, 2:45 Evening, 7:30 and 9:15 cAdmission, Children, 10c Adults, 15c srvsH ra ■TERM S C A S H ' MRS. JOE PEERY GEO. KEECH, Auctioneer. -