The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 28, 1917, Image 2

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    S T A Y T O N M A IL
Silverton Evergreen Co-operative Cheese Factory building
600 gal. vat.
Lebanon Linn county to have thirty-five miles of hard su r­
ALEXANDER & DAUGHERTY, Owners and Publishers
faced road as a result of passage of road-bonding measure.
C. E. DAUGHERTY, Editor sod Manager
North Bond Portland firm to build North slough road.
Heppner—New bank will open here July 1.
Entered as second class m atter at the postotfice at Stayton, Marion
County, Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Vale—Inter-Mountain Oil & Gas Co., incorporates for $1,000-
Reports from different parts of of the state indicate growing
scarcity of common labor. Ranchers are paying about double what
M m U
. f Ik « S u u E d ito ria l A m o o o I io d and of t k « W U U m c t t « V a lle y Edito rial they have had to pay in the past and are hoping for a labor supply
--------—------ A ssociation ----------
from somewhere before the fall harvest comes on. Immigration
statistics from all countries for 1913-14 show an average of over
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
100,000 a month coming to the U. S- This has gone down until we
are getting about 15,000 a from all sources in 1917. Mexi­
F o n ifl M m tia a f Represent«! by Tbe American Press Association
cans have been leaving in such large numbers that the Labor Com­
missioner has suspended the literacy test to allow Mexicans to come
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
! in and help harvest the crops in the border states.
Subscribe for the Mail and get the Oregon Farmer.
y o u s t.o v c o u n a ti
«■ acuì t * s * cco > c o m b o !
IN B M A U . r * C K A M
« a S t . ,
c L
M O O I i A
M A A A f t V « J
W M I l l C « l » > « i M
i1 ' ^
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year In Advance
Readers of this Paper Should send it to Friends in O ther States
with this Column M arked, Showing how Rapidly the
State is Developing, as the best w ay to Advertise our
food many people are lookinf into what makes
men chanfe over to W-B ClJ I' end stick to it
ao. Tobacco it tobsooo, but all chew in*, ien t all
tobacco. You don’t hsv# gummy excess sweetening
to chew out of W-B CTJT, before you get down to est-
isfaction. The shreds are tobacco, through and through
—and the richest, sappiest tobecco that grows. You
notice the difference st once—W-B CUT goes twice as
for ss ordinary plug.
Now is the time
Order 4th of July Posters
June 25—Marshfield—Two sawmills on the Bay have decided
to put on double shifts and will employ 500 more men.
Toledo—Survey of logging road extension to Siletz river
Ashland—Free soda water being piped to city from Sanger
Gold Beach—Macleay estate has bought three schooners to
handle lumber.
Sellwood—Old mohair mills to be rebuilt to handle flax
The Dalle—sLarge concrete waterway to be built for Turn-A-
Lum Lumber company.
Congressmen and Senators are payinR themselves $7500 to COUNTY OF MARION.
Department No. 2
$10,000 a year besides clerk hire, mileage (and all make some
money besides.) and not one but would be glad to serve for half H. E. Olmatead, Plaintiff,
that price. That is the difference between politics and business.
Leater H. Barber and Myra Barber, hia
■sis by WITVAlt-BtUTOII COMPART. IMP fc««*»«. Ms* T « l CSp
The Stayton Mail
Weston has secured a first class flouring mill plant.
Sheridan starting hard-surface good roads paving plans, and
demanding that only the best be laid as being the cheapest in the end
Coo* Bay cheese factories are making the highest scores and
seem to be leading the state by the Corvallis tests.
North Bend—Kruse and Banks shipyard has bid on five gov­
ernm ent boats and will know in ten days if they get the contract.
Ashland—Large feed mill and supply store established here.
Lexington to get new state bank.
Canyon City—Planning to build flour mill here.
North Bend—Firemen and city will invest]$325 in a modern
alarm system, which will be ordered soon.
Lebanon—Paper mill to add extra shift July 1.
Harrisburg will have creamery and cheese factory.
North Bend—North Bend Mill & Lumber Co., let contract for
large steel refuse burner. Men at work on foundation.
wife, Capitol Street Garage, a cor­
poration, Henry Reeda and Mrs.
Henry Reeda, hia wife, Defendant«.
To Henry Reeda and Mrs. Henry
Reeds, two of the defendants above
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint riled againat you
in the above entitled Court and cauae
on or before six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail to so answer, for want
hereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in hia
complaint, to-wit; That a certain mort­
gage executed by the above named de­
fendants, Lester H. Barber and Myra
Barber, which mortgage is recorded in
Volume 88, at page 21, of the Recordof
Mortgages in and for Marion County,
Oregon and which mortgage is against
Lot 4 in block 14 of Depot Addition to
S 'a tis tie s s h e *0 th a t th e MSma­
ker o f wom en depositerà is rap­
idly Increasing.
Salem, Oregon, to be foreclosed and
that plaintiff have judgment against
said defendants [.ester H. Barber and
Myra Barber for the sum of $424.00
with interest thereon from May 1. 1917,
at the rate of six per cent, per annum,
and for the further sum of $66.00 at­
torney’s fees, and for plaintiff’s costa
and disbursements incurred herein.
That the usual decree be made in said
suit for the sale of said premises by the
Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon, ac­
cording to law and the practice of this
Court, and that the proceed* of aald
sale may be applied in payment of the
amount due plaintiff and that the above
named defendants and all persona claim­
ing under them, or either of them, sub­
sequent to the execution of amid mort­
gage upon said premises, either aa
purchasers, incumbrancers, or otherwise
may be barred and foreclosed of all
right, claim, or equity of redemption,
in or to said premises and every part
This summons is served upon you by
publication in the Stayton Mail by or
der of Hon. Percy R. Kelly, one of the
judges of the above entitled court,
dated May 22, 1917. The first publica­
tion of this summons is May. 24, 1917,
and the last publication will be July 6,
Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff.
W e realise th a t
day ore m big figmrs in the
business world.
W e p a y special attention to
their accounts.
Courteous tellers and clerks
w ill g la d ly explain anything
women w ant to know in the
A share of the banking business
of Stayton and vicinity
is solicited.
You are assured of a safe deposi­
tory and courteous treatment at
this bank, by ample capital and
long experience in the banking
Are You Planning on Doing
Some Round-Up Trading?
So many persons have told us
that they would be in during
our 3-days Round-up and Cele­
bration and have wanted to
know for sure that we would be
open all three days.
Do you like to have a place to leave your packages and meet your
friends right in the main block without going to the livery or gar­
age? You are invited to come here.
If you come as early as possible, we can wait on you, and not keep
you so as to interfere with your day’s pleasure.
Ours is a men’s and boys’ store; we have everything that a man or
boy wears and if you want a large assortment to choose from, you
should come here.
224-226 W FIRST ST.
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton, Oregon
These three days will be busy'
ones in Albany, but we have
planned for it and you can be
assured that we will be open
every day and fully prepared to
handle the crowds that will
come to buy.
Capital $25,000.00
A Complete Line of
j Spring and Summer I
Goods at
* W e also Carry a com-
: plete line of Staple and
Fancy Groceries
l Come in and Examine our Stock Goods
and be Convinced
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