The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 21, 1917, Image 6

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Bell With (h . Wail of a Child.
A qui-erly ubupcd gong which occo-
1 .eg a position of honor lu th« center
« t th« cltr of M il l, Korea. Is antd to
I' on« of the I mg cat In the world and
I . called the hell with the wall of a
<. tld la Its vole«." When first cast
t > hell Bounded with a harsh and
>■ aolted note, uud the superstitious em-
1 » for, fearing an til otuen. consulted
i Hi hi* magician«. These gentlemen
I M n long coufab and finally
many si
that the bell Mould never s< und Hebt
u-.tll a lb e child was given n to it. Tfc#
n was then melted again,
gain, and fi
h 'v was thrown Into the molten
.1 Tho wall of agony uttered
■ little tot as the brem e engul
• - vined to bo repeated evert
/ time
boll was tolled, and today tla
l e Ko-
cans still -lnlm that the wall U Of »
child can bo heard in the voice of thè
Pom to Mr. »nil Mrs. 0. F. been bothered by backache. I have
Welter of Victor Point, « boy. been so bad thut 1 could hardly get
to do my work. After taking
L>r. Befiuchamp was in attend­ around
Lh'an'a Kidnov Pill* it few dava, my IN TH E l i l t » D l l ' n i l ' l l I OF H IE
Inica hus felt as strong as ever and m
Mrs. Frank Bishop, Lwodaugh* every way I have teen benefited."
Department No. 2.
tors, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Cuckel-
Cane No. 13655.
Innjr ot rear Salem are visiting
| IVan's Ktdiiei Pill
the name lliat »ieorge Harri« Thompson, l'laintitf,
j Mr. and Mrs. t.d Young.
Mrs. Koupul uses.
Foster • Mdburit
Stuart Freeman, Marian Kretire« Ncwn,
Mrs. Robins, wife of the late { Vo., Props , Kutfalo, N. Y.
Win. J . Noon, George K. Good ami
I Dexter liobins passed a w a y
»'arne Good hi* wife, Anna Good Slo­
(Tuesday evening at her home M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h
cum, Minnie G« hk 1 Smith and J . Gar­
near Marion. Funeral services
ter Smith her liuaband, Etfa Good
I’etoraon ami t ’hri« Peterson her him-
were hold Thursday afternoon.
band, bkl E. ('randrll and Marie
Subscribe for the Stay ton Mail
Sunday morning the parti r I'rumlell lus wife, Harry Crandell and
will preach on "Saturday vs.
Mr». Harry Crandell hi« wife, Clara
the Christian Sabbath’’and in the
Roberta and Sam Roberta her hua-
BACKACHE IS A WARNING evening Judire P. H. D’Arcy band,
E. C. Alexander and Lynn AI-
who is president of the state exander, Mr«. Ralph O. Dunbar,Fred
Dunbar and Eva Dunbar Ilia vwfo,
Uncalled For Courtesy.
Stayton People Should Not Neglect pioneers ass ciution, will deliver
1 he \!comte Toussalnt was form er
Ruth Duolmr. Jotin Dunbar, Frank
an address on ‘ The Oregon Pio­ K. Hodgkin, Win, M. Hodgkin and
.1 colom I In the French army and
ituckache is often nature's most fre ­ neer " The address will have a
. or of Toulouse, li e was fi br»vp
Margaretta Hmlgkiu hi« wife. Chaa.
: 01 and a dashing officer. During quent signal of weakened kidneys. To
B. Hodgkin und Therein! Hodgkin hi«
■ of the hottest engagements of a relieve the pains and aches, to ren ove
wife, Margaret A. White and Jnmea
.;i>le year of war, noticing that his the lameness when it arises from
A. White her husbnnd. Rocky I).
1 l's were l-cuillng forward nnder a weakened kidi c- s, you must reach the ' will give Stayton people a ti-.e
Hodgkin and Mae O. Hmlgkiu lit»
fire to escape the bullets of
cause -the kidneys. If you haw pain idea of tho men who have made
wife, Guy M. Ward ami Gertrude S.
enemy while he alone maintained
Ward, hi* wife; Jesse C. Ward and
erect position. he exclaimed, "Since through »he small of your back, bladder ; Oregon and fascinating glympses
it. I should like to know, has BO disor lei-s. headaches, dirry spells, or of the situation in the early dn>s
Sadie M. Ward, hi* wife; Ernest D.
t . ti politeness been shown to the are nervous and depressed, start treat­
as seen by himself. Judge D’- Ward and Jeanette Ward, hi« wife;
1 cuiy?" The sarcasm took lnstan- ing the kidneys with a tested kidney
Kirk C. Ward and Pearl L. Ward, luu
Arcy is one of the best orators wife; Blanch Agnes Ward, ulau all
* * ' ' e/U t. for the soldiers rushed remedy.
t. . a ai d and carried everything before
Doan's Kidney Tills have been proved in the state and this number in
other persons or parties unknown
good and are espeeialy foa weak kid­ the series of Community-Citizen­
claiming any right, title, estate, lien
neys. Doan’s have been used in kid­
ship addresses being given at or interest in the real estate «lescrihed
Selenium Is Sensitive.
in the complaint herein, Defcndui.t«.
11. substituting a selenium cell for ney trouble for over 50 years. Here is this church will be one of the
human eye at the telescope M. convincing proof of merit. It comes
Minnie Good Smith und J . Cutler
finest of the set. Every Oregon­
urnie d’.VIb*' believes It would be from this loctl'ty.
, Smith, her husband,.Etfa Good Peterson
Mrs. Tnos. Koupat. 1341 Pearl S t., ian should hear it as it will l>e
■-ible ,g delect stars five magnl-
: and Chris Peterson, her husband, Ed. K.
les fainter than any now observable, Eugene, Ore., savs: " I couldn’t begin one to rank well with any Chau­
(Crandell and Maxie Crandell, hin wife,
'.sly increasing the powers to say too muen in praise of Doan’s
j Harry Crandell and Mr*. Hurry Crun-
' the greatest instruments. Theoreti- Kidney Puls, for I don’t know of any­ tauqua lecture on the circuit.
E. B Lockhart, minister ; dell, his wife, Clara Roberta and Sum
y a selenium cell o f sixteen square thing their equal. At times 1 have
lies would register the light of a
•eighth magnitude star, but this
•1 n 1 . 0 longer ex posure—several
. s —tiny, '.o w l lie practicable.
Philip’s Reminder.
i ip. 1 : .it- of Alexander, had a
:H 1 . s « \> business It was to
1 thut he was human. It
ordingly tliat he never went
,_e bouse and. having returned,
• ■ c :: them e to any one wlih-
li t tills servant saying to him
•v in a loud voice, ‘‘Philip,
.■a s it but a man!"
Right in Line.
jv e y ur millions euabled your
’.rou t<* uiiirry well?"
it bar.
My daughter married a |
. t dan or and my son is engaged
prominent chorus girl. We're
for the le st society now.”—
burgh Post
Mo Enthusiasm.
•’Your friend did not appear to be
:a«tie when I spoke of a com-
g v. Ireiesa age."
No wonder. He is a wire walker
a circus.”—Baltimore American.
A Cumbersome Cure.
r it a guuulrop every time you want
«;.” aiivisc: aa exchange, but who
• dickens wants to go tagging around ,
v itb a water bucketful of gumdrope on
l 's arm?—Macon Telegraph.
P. H. D’Arey who speaks at the M. E. church Sunday
For Sale
At Once
Household Goods
Buffett, Dining table and Chairs
Bed Springs, Mattress, Rugs etc.
All Good as New
Call and See Them
Brown Residence next to Chas. Gehlen’s Store
Get this $ 1 .8 5
For Preserving, Pot Roasting, Stewing, Etc.
Please note new adjustable
bail. Cover (or this kettle
at special price of 3 5 c .
and tha coupon If presented on or
bofora Juno 3 0 , 1 9 1 7 .
Roberts her husbund, E. C. Alexander,
j Lynn Alexander, Mrs. RalphO. Dnnb «r,
Fred D i i*'ar an.I Eva Dunbar, hi« .vr. ,
!t it.. Hu., «nr. J i. i Dunbar, Fra k E,
. . ... M I!. Uki-i a:: 1 M i-
- r- tla II «'„ I;', In* wif ., Guy U.
i licit ti.'r S. W..;d, Id* wife,
. c t." ..¡ti«l a i oudio
Ward, i«.*
«■. a •*! D V* urd alpI lie
iV. ni, !. . r / t, Kirk G. Ward Mil
! ’ r; L Want, im wife, Blanch Agi m
>V . , . o at! ut r persona or p. rlu .
¡’.r. w claiming anv right, Lit I«-, is-
t it, l.en or iniere»l in the real rslala
J . . j . in the complaint hrreft’, II.a
« 1 name i defemiunt».
1 «i t «.lie of the c.tutc of Oregon;
Y u: t Vt thy inquire 1 to uppeu. a id
l i'.vtr Hu complaint of the ib .’e
■.aii.ed tna.ii.dT now < n ill« wita me
u * vf tile «! ot entitled court v. .th n
s .x v .tfk i from tnv date of tla In l
publication of th * summons and p u
arc hereby notified that if y«.u f ill to
appeal and answer ;>u..I complaint ,«.••
hereby required, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief dcmunJcu in
Ilia raid complaint, to-wit; For a decree
of ‘he couit requiring you and «a h f
you to Bet up whatever right, title, e -
tate, intcrent in nr bun upon the ; it -. -
,»e« tier lined in plamtitf’* com; .«in’,
to-wit; Lit ginning at an iron pi|»c on ti e
went ifr.e of the Donation (.and Claim
night. of Rice Dunbar and Jane Dunbar, hiB
wife, being Claim No. 48, in Township
7 South, Range I West of the Willair.-
| etto Meridian, in Marion County, Ore­
gon, which beginning point is North
QP 31’ West 16.00 chains from tho south­
west corner of said Donation Land
Claim, and running thence eaat 40.74
chain« to a stone; thence North 18" ’¿ 3’
I East 37.31 ehains to the center of a
I county road; thence North 28" 15’ West
i along the center of said road 27.47
( chains to a point which is 7.25 chains
south of the north line of said Donation
I Land Claim; thence North 7.25chainsto
1 the North line of said Donation Land
l Claim; thence West 40.00 chains, more
. or less, to the Northwest corner of
said Donation Land Claim; thence
south 0 J 30’ East on the west line of
( said Donation Land Claim, 64.42 chains
! more or less, to the place of beginning,
I containing 278.53 acres, more or less,
j all in Marion County, Oregon, you or j
[ any of you may have, in order that the '
same may be adjudicated by the court, j
and for a decree adjudging the plaintifT
to be the owner in fee simple of said
above described premises, and that
none of the defendants have any right,
title, estate, lien or interest in said j
premises, and forever hairing the de­
fendants from setting up or asserting 1
any right, title, estate, lien or interest |
in said premises or any part thereof, |
and for such other and further order as
may be meet in equity.
Tins summons is published once a !
week for six successive weeks in the j
Stayton Mail, by order of Hon.,Geo. G. j
| Bingham, Judge of the above entitled i
' court, made at ChHmbers in the City of j
I Salem, Or«-gon, on the 2nd day of May, !
j 1917, and the date of the first publiea- i
| tion of this summons is the 10th day of [
May, 1917.
H kwitt & Sox
Attorneys for PlaintifT,
residing at Albany, Oregon.
T h e m I* m ore Ca'. rrh I i th is section o t
\ tho country th an nil oth er <JI«*-n«e» put
I together, nn l um il tho l i s t f w year»
, was nuppo:;cil to b • I - irahle. F o r ft (tr. at
1 m any y e a r* doct- r.i pronounced It a local
(liseano anil p rcscrlh •! I >cal rcm ed lcj, and
by co n sta n tly fa ltin v t > euro with local
treatm en t, pronoun 1 It Incurable. flr|.
em o h a * proven C'r.t rrli to he a consti­
tutional «linease, r.n-1 I tie r-foro rr'iu lr« *
co nstitu tio nal tre a 'm e n t. H a ll'* C atarrh
Cure, m n n u fa eterc l liv V. J . Cheney A
Co., T- lc«lo, O' la, Ii t' o only O’o n l ll u -
I ttonal cure « a t • r- rV. t. Ii H tal • n ln-
le r m lly In « .nci fr« m 11 dr p* lo a t» 1 -
Bpoonful. It n--t» illrectly « ■> the M o l
and mueou* surfaces of the synfem. T !iey
riffer one hundred dollar* for any c* It
fell* to euro, fiend for circulars and tes­
A -M ren: F . .T. n P N r i Y * CO., Toledo, O.
B'¡' 1 by Dru—•Inti, 7’e.
Take UaU'n Tamliy rill« for eoDaVpatloa.
H r » < l.lo ( T - r « M m m t i l a l «
n u n a l In H u Min
T h rr*
■ f l « S r i« » w ill bn I I . M .
$ 1.15
“ W c a r - E v e r " aluminum utensils give enduring satisfaction because
they are so carefully made— from thick, harJ, sheet aluminum.
% tA »«w a
L h iffv i»
o le p M c e uien b ils th at w e a r out
w ith u t e n s ils th a t " W e n r - E v e r "
ftAM »VUhl
( M
'K >
Look for the " W e a r - E v c r " trade mark on the bottom of every
utensil. If it is not there, it is not “ W e a r-E v e r."
Cut out the Coupon
brind it to us today!
" W e a r - E v c r " Coupon
\V* will mrcri t thUrnuion « i l i t li* n 4 nmont f r « »,.• * W.ér
Ev#vM fil*-qu4rt Aluminum Krtt»v. whl* h «^!l* n^ularly f-r »1 ». figT r •
t>rtivttlr«f you pwfiilt
c« Hi poo In p«ff»on at Ibi» ilurtM or
Ui .rrJuno 10. 1PI7. ar.J writ« on th# coui*on four n»m*. «dar### ÌMtBr3:\
finti < 1 * 1 # of purch*»#.
lioi** » '••ti
■«••*••• .» •••••••••«» • ••• •••••«•••-*•
AJ.Im*...............................................................................— • y X jfp f jl
U d-fi-. .. . • .»« -a ••• •• -
0 | | . . .................................. . ................
i i T
x ^ r.
£• ¿ j
Now is the time
Order 4th of July Posters
The Stayton Mail
J . R. Gardner’s Cash Store Carries a General
Line of TVIerchandise, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas,
W ork Shirts, Overalls and Dusters
A Fine Line of Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers, Stone Jars
Stone Churns and Crocks, Baskets, Brooms, Mop Sticks
and a general line ol Fine Groceries, a Fine display of
Flags and Flag Decorations on hand. This is the place
to get your very finest Dress Silks, Tapestries and M esa­
lines, Pongees and anything in the Dress Line.
i. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store,
Money lo Loan I Have Made Arrange­
ments for loaning eastern money,
will make very low rate of inter­
est on highly improve«! farms. Ho­
mer H. Smith, room {¡. McCornack
Bldg., Sal«.-m, Oregon,JPhonc 96.
inch good as new.
Berry, Lyons, Ore.
Stayton, Ore.
STRAYED 1 black horse weight about
800 branded " W ” on left hip ’’lOO’’ on
right hip. 1 bay horse weight about
1150 branded ” <) $ ” on right fore
Rhoulder, Rhone J . F. Mielke, Stayton
FOR SALE A 10 x 32 Silo, for partic­
ulars apply to Harry E. Chrisman Scio,
Ore, R, F. D. No. 2.__________ 4-2U t
FOR SALE —1 black driving mare
7 yoHrold gentle weight about 925. Leo
J Rock Stayton Ore.
LOST —Muffler for n gasoline engine
between the Doerfler farm anil Slayton
finder please return to Mall office.
1 Sulkey plow 16
Phone 44. F. M. FOR SALE Beat grade Schumann
piano C. H. Holier Stayton Ore.