The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 21, 1917, Image 1

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    >i‘‘ W
Has the Largest Circulation ol A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley
¿3rd. Year, No. 25.
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S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 21, 1917.
Serial N o. 1114
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Fire Marshal Stevens J t S S assistant
fhurclt „ pastor
Coming To Stayton Miss Walton of Salem gave a
Flag Raising
Big Success
Stayton Peonie were
out En Masse
•The largest niowd that has as­ was well received and enjoyed
sembled in Stayton for a number by the lurge crowd. Light young
o f years gathered last Saturday ladies accompanied by Mrs. G.F.
afternoon to witness the flag Korinek sang two songs to the
raising nod listen to a program appreciation of the audience.
Get. C. L. Snyder, o f Salem,
that was well rendered from
start to finish.
accompanied by Mrs. J. M. Uingo
The first event on the program favored the gathering with two
was the big street parade In songs that were much applauded.
which the G. A. R., the band,
The important event of the
speakers, school children, Hod afternoon was when the flag was
Cross, Honor Guard Hnd citizens raised \o the flag pole by K.
all participated. They formed at Shepherd, a veteran o f the Civil
tlm high school siui marched thro War. The band played tbe Star
town to the liberty |>o!e where Spangled banner and tho large
the remainder of the program crowd all sang.
Cheer after
was rendered. Two striking and cheer rang out as Old Glory un­
appropriate features o f
the furled to the breeze. Hoy Follis
parade were Miss Mary Tate who led in a salute to the Hag.
Hon. Chas. Galloway delivered
looked «(harming ns the Goddess
o f Liberty and Stanley A. Starr, the address o f the afternoon.
w I k > made an admirable Unde Hr* compared the two forms of
government in existence, that o f
J. P, Wilbur was master of autocracy and democracy. His
ceremoMis and he perfonned the address was full of glittering
task to tho entire satisfaction of gems of truth and presented in
Uil. LterylUing connected with a gifted maner, which utmnps
the afternoon’s entertainment him as an orator o f the first
moved along as smoothly as a cadl>er.
Hon. August Huckesfein, o f
piece ©f new machinery.
Rev. Lockhart offered the in­ Salem made a short speech set­
vocation, followed by America ting forth the work and needs of
by the band and the audience. the Red Cross. Being one of the
Mr. Holier led the Children in a b.*st i>osted men iri Oregon along
song and flag drill after which these lines he gave the gathering
George Keech delivered a speech j foo I for thought which is hoped
on patriotism that was chuck full; will beur fruit this week,
of good first class red blooded
The band played Dixie and
patriotism of the kind that fired Rev. Lockhart pronounced the
the zeal and enthusiasm of all benediction, thus closing one of
who heard him. Miss Walton of the most impressive and glorious
Salem gave a patriotic reading days in the history of Stayton.
appropriate to the occasion, that
A 1000 candle jiower light has
Meets With Success
Stayton District Will
Roll Up Its Share
Cross meeting
And will pay highest Market Price for same.
Fleece Twine and Wool Sacks for Sale
Coming to Star Theatre
Saturday June 30th 1317
“Her Condoned Sin”
The Men of STAYTON Will Be Interested
In the announcement by
Big Red Cross Drive
patriotic reading after which
the Hon. I-’rank Davey o f Salem
Those who are interested in
delivered one of the best ad-
fire prevention will be glad to (]rPHSCfi pv(,r
ever Hlftened t0 on the
know that Fire Marshal Stevens
Red Cross and its work setting
of the State Department and
forth the international character]
other representatives will be in
of the organization and the work
Stayton on Tuesday evening.
of mercy it is doing.
There will be a free lecture
Mr. Gingrich, secretary-mana­
and motion picture show at the
ger of Marion county in a few
Stayton Theatre on
well chosen sentences brought
evening to which all are cordial-
the attention of the audience the
ly invited. It is the object o f the
now in pro­
Tuesday evening the teams ap- considerable territory, and , is
Department to bring about some
gress and the necessity of every pointed for Stayton district to being CQYiired Jay about forty
co-operation with the Stayton
man woman and child doing h.s take part in the blf. Red Cross workers. The West boundry
Fire Department.
I If the citizens so dtslre, the bit to aLeviate the suffering of campajgn now taking place all line is the railroad, North, a line
the boys at the front.
over the United States, met in east from Macleay, East, a line
Deputies of this Department will
tbe L 0 . 0 . F. hall, where a I through Mehama, and soutfi, the
tnake a general inspection o f the
dinner was served by Santiam river,
town and offer suggestions and CiVIl ScrVlCC
ladies. A fter the
Everyone,—almost, is “ doing
recommendations for the remov­
bit’ ’ in giving to the Red
al o f such fire hazards as they
short talks were made by all Cross in thi3 campaign. Those
may find. These representatives
W ill not comiiel the people to go
The United States Civil Service present, and each and every one o f us who stay at home realize
to any expense, all they wish to Commission announces that an expressed his willingness and de- the fact that we must do our
do is to call their attention to examination for stenographer termination to lay aside private part for th^ boys who go to the
this matter and it is up to them » n<1 typewriter, Field Service, affairs, however pressing and de- front to protect our homes and
flo remove the hazard.
will be held in forty different vote some time each day during our liberty. We can only “ do
cities throughout the Eleventh the campaign, to the work of our b it’ ’ in tkiainstance by open-
Civil Service District, June 30tb, securing funds. Mr. Denton, o f ing our pocket books, and the
D ig KCCl
,1917. Both men and women will Salem gave the workers a splen- people in this section are re-
; be admitted to this examination, did talk and Mr. Woods o f the'spending generously and will
last Sunday evening all the-There *3 an urifent need o f ma,e same city spoke briefly.
continue tado so until all have
chiirches dismissed their servicesJ stenofirnipher8 and typewriters
The Stayton district comprises |given.
When a member of the solidt-
and united in a great mass meet­
ingxoimnittee calls on you, meet
ing in the interest of the Red,
him cheerfully and give all you
Cross drive that is being made !
oiww “What you give to the Red
this week in which the people of t
Cross will be properly and care-
the United States are going to
used, and will do i<n im-
raise one hupdred million dol­
amount o f good.
hauseri to noon today
One of thp largest gatherings
^ ^ 2 districts mifsing
the history of Stayton greeted
e speakers "of the evening and
the closest attention was given to |
everything that was said,
And kodak supplies at Beau­
t C. E. DaCrghertv acted as
champ’s Drug Store.
chairman o f the evening. Stan­
finishing neatly done, leave your
ley A. Starr led the congregation
films here.
in singing America. Rev. Horn
Mrs. J. P. Wilbur attended the
made the opening prayer follow -1
Star convention in Port-
ed by a short talk by Rev. Fr.
! land. las| ytelfe?
been purchased and placed at
the top of the Flag Pole where ' for all branches of the service in
the Eleventh District, but par­
it can bo seen for miles around
ticularly in the Quartermaster j
Corps of the United States Army
at an entrance salary o f $1000
per annum. Typewriters with­
out a knowledge of stenography
are in demand and every eligible
on the male typewriter register
’■ «
I willing to accept an entrance
salary of $1000 per annum will
Founded on “Judith of Bethulla” - a production indisputably the
be appointed. Male typewriters
master work of a master mind.
, willing to serve their country un­
der the conditions named should
Directed and produced by the master of them all
•apply for this examination. Ap­
plications and full information
will be furnished by the local
secretary, Beard of Civil Service
Who also made “Intolerance" and “ Birth of a Nation.”
'Examiners, Post Office, at any
i of the offices where the exami-
1 nation will be held, or by the
District S?cretnry, Room 303,
Pv st Office Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
D. W . Griffith
Salem Woolen Mills Store, Salem, Oregon
Matinee 2:45 p. m.
Evening 7:30, 9:15
Admission, Adults 15c.
Children 10c.
First Griffith picture ever shown in Stayton.
New Baker Comes Here
Saturday, June 23
Saturday, June 30
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Shoes
O f C haracter and Q uality. Seasonable M erchandise
Such r s Y ou W o u ld B u y at R egu lar P r e s s
Substantially Reduced in Price
F o r this unusual occasion . T h e public k r o w and a p ­
preciate the fact that a S A L E b y C. P. B IS H O P
m eans m uch in m on ey saved and will not fail to take
A dvan tage o f This O pportunity.
Wm. Trout who has been run­
ning the bakery in Mill City for
more than a year has located in MM
our town and is making exten­
sive improvements in the build­ i
ing formerly occupied by C. E,
Kramer as a bakery and will
be open for business about tho
| middle of next week.
We all
welcome Mr. Trout and speak
for him a splendid patronage.
He is alive to tho interests of the
| community an 1 will prove a valu-
abl addit on to our city.
Wm. Ware a former resident
o f this place is here from Kal-
amath Fall. He !s visiting his
brother, Thos. Ware and his
mother J. W. Thomas.
The Wilbur Woolen Mills se­
ll cured the state contract for
blankets last Saturday, this is
the third year Mr. Wilbur has
secured this contract.
W e have been time tried, time battered. S om e­
times scarred but w e are still in the ring. W e
c a n y no chip on ou r shov !der but w e try to do
unto others as w e wish to be done by. If y ou
w ish to do business w ith us under these condi­
tions w e w elcom e y o u but if y o u w ant e v ciy th in g
com in g y ou r w a y and not allow us a living £<
one w ill class y ou w here you w sh to go.
W e en d eavor at all times to give you the K . . -r
y ou r m oney. O nce m ore w e admonish y cu cu y
y ou r M erchandise r o w . before prices advance
Buy Now. War Tax Coming
Our Price is Right
H a v e y o u seen O u r V egetable Fountain?