The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 05, 1917, Image 6

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    School Notes
üailhüad situation
R oyal B aking P o w d er m akes it possible to p ro­
duce appetizing and w h olesom e cakes, muffins,
com bread, etc., w ith fe w e r e g g s than are usually
In m an y recipes the num ber o f e g g s m a y be re­
duced and excellent results obtained b y adding
an additional quantity ot R o y a l B ak in g P o w d e r,
about a teaspoon, for each e g g om itted. T h o
follo w in g tested recipe is a practical illustration:
D IR E C T IO N S — B oll augar an d w a te r
until syru p spin* a th re a d and avid to the
stiffly beaten w h ite * ot ettf ». beating until
the n à x tu re la ct
Sift tot stl
tim es th e flour, salt an d b ak in g : ^ her;
beat yolks o f e g gs until thick: add a little
at e tim e floor m ixture en d e g g yolks
altern ately to w h ite ot egg mi «tu re. stir­
ring after each addition. A d d
cup cold
w a te r an d flavoring
M ix lig h tly and
bake in m oderate o\ en one hour.
1 m r M ftr
) i cup w ater
I aggs
t taatpoona R o y a l B a li n g P ow der
1 cap flour
1 taaapoon aalt
M cup cold w ater
I taaapooo flavoring
Tlit* physical gisiyr.ip! y c I jihm
bat const t lifted n barom» ter t
huvt* been taking the readin -
tluily for the
two weuka
Indications now ure that i
,< -
ing to clear tip .seven Sunday*
after Fluster. B e sid e s this they
have also heed taking the rrini-
tmn. nd maximun. tenq erntur-
»■s :*n<* c n.'Ulting ti e lelicivc
i humidity from the readings of
the hygrometer
Two members of the Teachers
Training chiss havt* ag tin had
'l. nificjtion ol Regulation la Etaantial." practical expei it n e in teacl in.',
A Cvtnplata, Harmonious, Conaiatant
Miss Gunaie Condit *« «»k Mrs.
ul ttoljtod System Naudad — Fadaral
In.oi poration ol Kaitroada by Ganar- I’ rutts place one day lust week
and Mis.s June Kearns substitut­
al Law Favorad.
ed for Miss H o ls te r during the
\\ .'viiiii^tuii. March '.tV — Itcsponsl-
latters abaence in Salem,
Musi Share Responsibly In
Future Uavelopment.
I'llit* i\>r Mu' railway development o(
The old m e th o d c a lle d (or 6 e g g s
Itu* .»uiitiv. for providing u»>cesaary
a n d no b a k in g p o w d e r
lrun porliitlou facilities (o »'art* for the
,••«'»» inn buxines» uml population of
.»Mill», now ri'Hla Inrn*>ly with
: > - . ltd not entirely with tho rail-
i. ul uinnaiterM This was tho stato-
i : l "f Jitil. > Robert S. 1.ovott. chair-
n tn of the executive commit too of tho
Pa.ltl system, to tho Newlauda
.1 iiitt
mi 1 » alonal committee when
t it U ilv resumed its Inquiry luto the
t of rntlrouil regulation this
Made from Cream o f Tartar, derived from grapes,
adds none but healthful qualities to the food.
In making thia atntement o f the
■ in »1 »'oudltlona o f the railroad att-
i ’ hi Juilpe l.ovett umloulttcdly had
N o P h o s p h a te
In iiiiud the decUlon o f tho supreme
»••tirt on the Adnmaon law, liaude»)
»1 no week. »»lileh establishes the
rmbt of tlio fe.lernl government to fix
Estacada to get sawmill— P. Ii L. iV P. Co. to 1 n sii s.i:
railroad w iu » j uml to prevent strikes.
Beaverton will supply 900.000 bricks for l’< r. .
- 1 ; c. This decision la ri-gartli'd by railroad
men and lawyers aa marking an epoch
To save declining grain export trade Portland
i tr> to In the development of transportation
lit the United States.
issue $3,000,000 bonds for public .Train warehouse .
e have our share of resiHinsIblllty,"
Sumner—Smith-Powers Logging Co. oi>
said Judge l.ovett. “ but It rest« prlffia-
rily on congress. When tho govern­
Portland— March 31 first large freightei to
. r
ment regulates the rates and tho flnan-
eial ailiuinlstration of tho railroads, tho
Home industries, state payrolls, home mere1 n.: . lies»
borrowlug of money nml the issuance
patriotic support
of se. tiritir' it relieves tho railroad of-
ti. i>rs of tin- iv-i><>iisiblUty o f providing
Coos Bay—Bay Park mill is being improve»: t»>
■< and developing transportation systems,
a day. T w e n t y - m i l l w r i g h t s at work.
ex<i*pt within the limits of the revenue
1 „ * ’ i * .
that mu bo reallzeil from such rates
Bandon—Local shipyards maj get contracts.
und under such restrictions.
“ For u country such ns ours, for a
Prineville—$53.000 railroad contract let. T
people situated as we are, to blunder
with all local labor.
alons with a series of unrelated, lucon-
slsti it, conUkting statutes enacted by
Prineville— Shipment of local jack rab it -6’
ri _s i different states without relatloo to
each other, instead of providing a com­
eents each.
plete and carefully studied and pro-
Dallas plans tirst unit of strictly modern, t'.r». •
reir- parisl system of regulation for a busi-
Uess that Is so vital to the life of the
f?rced concrete hospital to accommodate loU i at.eiu..
nation, is worse tlmu folly."
Salem—Business of 177 state and 82 national ban a - greatly
He suninml up the present problems
increased last year, according to showing arrive»! at b . Bank and dj/liculties o f tbo railroads as fol­
Superintendent Sargent. Both deposits and loans inert ~ I.
First.—The multiplicity of regula-
tlons by the several states with respect
to the Is'iie of securities. Involving de-
i:i - nf 1 <<ititll< ting state policies gen­
ii ill» dangerous auil [»osslbly disas­
it., regulation of
rat. s in stich a manner ns to unduly
e revenues, to discriminate In fn-
vor f lo-a lilies and shippers within
1 » .
(¡» is us against localities
. i i 'I n other stiiles and to dls-
»1 .rrunge the structure of
Interstate rates
i'iiii'd. The inability of the Inter-
tn - •' . hi mr i e Commission, w hoever
..mi I. tiers may l>e, to perform
-t d ities devolving U|sm It un-
• \. ina laws, resulting In delay—
»»I !i 'lionId never occur In comraer-
mallei x and compelling the com-
m-rs to accept tbo conclusions
■ i i --ir employees as final in deciding
of great lui|>ortaiire to the
.ul and ruilroud Interests of
the country.
I', urth The practical legality that
I . ii accorded conspiracies to tie
Presented by the
and suspend tho operation of tho
ads < f the country by strikes and
i1 n o of nnv law
■ . t!.c settlement of such dla-
arbitration or other judicial
i < ;n. . as all other Issues l*ctween cltl>
- . 1
in i iv Mixed states are to bo set-
l led,_________
Fifth. The phenomenal increase In
the taxation of railroads In recent
Cast o f C haracters
Sixth. The 'imiulatlvc effect of
■1 t i• iis upon tho Investing
Augusta, Empress of Rome ...
A '■•lit.' ;»•
i<\ t-. »»lik li railroad companies
. for tho capital necoaaary to
Octa.ia, Fmporer’s d a u g h te r___ .
. Lizzie
• i . i in in* development
Patrica, A Christian maiden ofnobilit 1
We l<eliev<! that tho unlflcntlon of
Ceciiia Metella, A Roman maiden
ia essential,” snhl Judge
' iiim I that with the rapid lu-
Mar; juerita, A Roman maiden
of - 'ate commissions In recent
Fla via, A Greek Slave G irl.........Elizabeth l i i
ir congics* will In time be com-
i • It-
I to exercise Its power In the
To unify regulation there
i ina It.
■ .1 I»- a complete, harmonious, con-
A fra
Slave Girls
r,tit and related system. We be-
c I he best, if not the only practical
i ¡s the federal Incorporation of
N< -ti- V.
i o'"I.- hy general law, which will
Selita. A Dancing Girl (blind)
A »
ineori»oration thereunder com-
Myrta, Her sister ..............
»r.<. thus Imposing on nil railroad
ii|>a tiles throughout the United
Cornelia, Auguress of l i m e ____ I 1. . 1 ,
1 , . r
Du* same corporate powers and
Zenobia, Prison keeper’s wi f e___
l i' ii i»s with respect to their flnan-
< o|;rutlons nml the snmc duties
S y n o p s is
and obi!.- illons to the public and tho
government, ho that every Investor will
Act I
A Seaside af B jj ?.
o»» precisely what every railroad
Act II
Public Hall in the Palatine Palac- at R
■ orporution may and may not lawfully
N o A lu m
The Sopht'mores are highly
elafed over their Friday night
victory m Banket Ball, the score
being t> to 8 in their favor. Thty
deserve much credit since the
other classes had a much grentei
number to choose from. It was
an interesting and clos»< g;.me,
both teams playing fast ball. It
was much enjoyed by all and was
the tirst game open to tl e public
in the new gym.
The wonderful success of Fri­
day nights entertainment has
placed new enthusiasm in all the
pupils. They and the faculty as
well wish to take this opportuni­
ty to thank the public for their
excellent support.
Blanche Burson, of Dallas, has
entered the 6th grade.
Margaret Mistier and Leonard
Darby are both hack in school
after several days absence.
The 3rd grade have just com­
pleted the study of “ The Shep­
herd and Flock” bv Rosa Bon-
heur iand the 4th grade “ The
Horse Fair by the same artist.
The 5th Grade are very sorry
to lose Madeline and Wilkes
Wirth from their class.
General Fund. Rccicpts,
Jan 2d, 1917 Received from F. & M.
Hank........................ »52 '«•
” 8 ” Billiard License ........ 40.00
’’ 24 ” Taxes received......... 14.74
Feb 13 ” Show License............. 2.00
" 20 ” Show License............ 2.00
Mar 23” Taxes received........... 2H1.21
A Victim of Hate
Y o u n g People o f Sublim i;.,
0. F. Hall, Sublimity, Monday, April 9th.
Act IV
Apartments o f the Ernpre ; in Pal iti
83 ü p. m.
25 c. ».
Admission— Adults
O rc h e s tra M u s ic
.’ ¡ j -s e i i s . » L .
Join the Parade
Over draft
On Caster Sunday Looking y o u r
llcst. // you did not buy a new suit
for iis Q R B B V B N T let me
make y o u r old lj U j look new .
[xpert Work at Reasonable Prices
loe Peery Lancefidd
Extra Special
We will make the following special
offer to the people of Stayton for
Saturday and Sunday
C om e anc h ave one dozen pictures taken
any style and kind and w e w ill m ake you
a present o f 1-2 dozen like the ones you
This is Good for Saturday and Sunday
Trover & Weigel
Get your Goods where Prices are
Lowest and Merchandise the Best
L a test Styles in
Dress goods, Waists, Wash Materials etc.
A full
line o f P ictorial
R e v ie w patterns a lw a y s on hand
W e are show ing a p retty
for w o m en
every b o d y.
line o f trim m ed
and children, also sport hats for
i. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store,
Stayton, Ore.
Warrants Drawn on Fund
Jan 1 1917 Account over drawn. $
” 1 ” FJ. C.
No M
” 1 ” J. R. Miller
” 649 ...
1 ” Jess Shepherd ” 660 ..
1 ” W. A. Riggs
” 561 ...
” 1 ” Stavton E L Co ” 652....
” 1 ’’ Rodgers PaperCo 553___
” 1 ” C. A. Beauchamp 556___
1 ” J. P. Davie No 667....
1 ” J. B. Grier
” 668 ..
” 17 ” Stayton Mail ” 560....
Feb 2 ” Stayton E L C o ” 5 61 ...
” 6 ” J. R. Gardner ” 562. .
” 6 ” Stayton Mail ’’ DeS- '
" 6 ” J. B. Grier
” 564....
” « ” Ghaa. Staab
” 666 ...
Mar 2 ” Stayton E L Co ” 567....
” 6 ” Lilly HardwareCo568 ...
” 6 ” J .B . Grier
” 6 ” ( has. Staab
The Niehoff Shoe
58 01
For Boys is an unusually good one
It is Neat and very Durable
$4 f) 0
Sizes 3 to 6
418 22
Water F'und, Reciepta
Jan 1 1917 Balance on hand... $1900.01
” 2 ” From F & M Bank..
Feb 1 ” Water rent col. in Jan
Mar 1 ”
” ” Feb
” 31 ..................... . ” Mar
Lancefield’s Shoe Store
FOR SALE -A pure bred Jersey Bull
15 month» old,
Looney and Stewart
Ed Smith,
Route 1. Scio, Oregon.
Money (o Loan I Have Made A rrangc-
nretits »'■ r loaning eastern money,
will make very low rate of inter­
FOR SALE Team of mare« weighing
est on highly improved farms. Ho­
about 2800.
mer II. Smith, room 5, McCornack
It 4-5
Apply at Stayton Mall office.
hi g., Sal'-m, Oregon, Phone 96.
Warrants drawn on fund during quarter
Jan 1 1917 tUi Young.... No 554 f
” 2 ” John Miclkc. . . " 555
• 27
” 2 ” Jacob Spaniol ” 567
•’ M
Feb 6 ” J. B. Grier
2. IX)
" 569
” 6 ” T. B. Kay
” 67 1
Mar 6 ” J. B. Grier
F O R R E N T — 6 milk cow» to rent to
” 6 ” Stayton Water Power
good responsible party for further
Company .... No 570 80.50 particulars apply to C. P. Ncibert
123.87 Stavton Ore.
3-29 x
To Balance...... ........ 2123.59
2247.46 FO R SALF. A No. 12 l)e Laval separ­
J. B. G rikr ,
FOR SALE—Red clover seed.
Nick Ncitlmg, 6 miles east of Stay-
ton. Phone 1474.
FOR SALE—An extension dining table,
hardwood, 4 hardwood uinlng chairs, 1
goo»! range.
Inquire at the Bakery.
FOR SALE —A piano, cheap If taken at
Paul Blakely.
ator good as new $40.
Apply at Mail
FOR SALE F’ull Blood
Pekin Duck
eggs and F'ull Blo»xl White Rock eggs
FOR SALE 32 head sheep. Apply T. 76 cents per setting.
Brewers Dairy.
U. Archer, Kingston, Ore.
Spring grass wheat P J.
A n y one w an ts to try the re ­ FOR SALE Eight head yearling Jer­ Etsel, Sublimity Phone 1788.
Judge ixiveit contended that tho so tail d airy busines in Stayton sey heifers, 3 Jersey milk cow» 1-3 horse
lotion of fb e problems nml dlfflcul-
hoe drill good as new F’orrctte Bros.,
w ill sell m y c o w s and c o m ­
tii- ii 'u l with congress. lie told the
FOR RENT—Several acres of bottom
West Stayton, Ore.
<■< mr.ittoe that under the »-onatltutloo
land suitable for corn or potatoes.
I!., a ii ! hoi'll »■ of the federal govern
E. F’orrette, Stayton, Ore.
"t I parinnount. that congress ha.» p rivileg e o f renting the farm. FOR SALE -Th e Lee Brown property
t ■ |
-r to l> : islnte for a < cnlrallzed
i inc room mislern house 8 lots plenty
' 11 r< I of railroads under f(*d»>ral char-
S. L. Stewart of Lebanon w a s
of fruit. Apply to G»*o.L. or C. E.
ti i mid tlmt If only remains for that
visitor Thursday.
I o»ly to exercise that i>ower.
Brewers Dairy