H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgion sta y TON. PUBLIC OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON S t a y t o n , O kkgon W e will sell at public auction at the W. H. Holder place, 3 miles southwest of Turner, on Wilbur N. Fintier, D.M.D. DENTIST Office Opp. Lancefleld Shoe Store Phone 2162 Stay ton. Ore THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1917 G. Cyril Watson, D.M.O. — DantJst— Up Stairs in Roy Block Stayton, * Beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., the following described property: Oregon Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. A. BURSELL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon X KAY AUMSVILLE ». I bay mare 8 yrs old, weight 1250 lbs. 1 black mare 10 yrs old “ 1200 “ 1 Jersey cow, has been fresh 2 mo. I “ 44 will be fresh in 3 weeks 1 Durham, has been fresh 6 weeks OREGON H . H K I /r Z B l. Attorney-at Law - Notary Publia Farm Intana Serurtxl 1 yearling heifer 1 Jersey heifer calf 1 registered Duroc brood sow due to far- row in May 1 registered Duroc brood sow with litter of ten pigs 4 weeks old > V. A. GOODE LAWYER tad NOTARY PUBUC Farming Implements, Etc. Office Room No. 6, Roy li lug. 1 W .A. Wood mower, 1 Champion hay rake, 1 Deering binder,. 14-disc Monitor drill, 1 International manure spreader, 1 Milburn wagon, 1 Bain wagon, hack, 3-section drag harrow, I spring tooth harrow, 1 garden cultivator, No. 50 Oliver chilled plow, No. 40 Oliver chilled plow, 1 set of work harness good as new, set of plow harness and collars, hay rack, fanning mill, DeLaval cream separator, post auger, log chain and other small tools too numerous to mention. Also some household goods. FUNERAL DIRECTOR - J . M. RINGO- STAYTON OREGON G. F. KORINEK, V. S . B. V. Sc Veterinarian Treat* all domestic animal*, alac appliea the Tuberculin teat. Telephone 8x7 Office at Stay too Stable» STAYTON : - . - OREGOF — Real Estate“ And Farm Loans - FREE LUNCH GEO. A. SMITH Stayton, Oragon TERMS OF SALE: Sums of $10 and under, cash? over $10 six months time with bankable note at 8 per cent. 3 per cent discount for cash on sums over $10. Lulay & Schindler Geo. A . Smith, Ed Doerfler Contractors A Builders Dwelling houses a specialty Let us figure on your build­ ings We can Have you money A good job gauranteed Phone 77 I ¿GEORGE KEECH, Auct M A IL Owners PRINT, STAYTON P. 0 . Box 198 STAYTON, OREGON. T IN W O R K and P L U M B IN G Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings— Farm- ers-W e carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OCT. IS SALEM -STAYTO N STAYTON-KINGSTON AUTO STAGE Will make regular tripa every day. iundaya included aa followa: MAI.KM PHONIC yr.3 .cave Stayton for Kingston M Kingston “ Stayton krHve Stayton 8:35 A.M. 8:55 " 9:06 “ 9:16 A. M. Stayton ................ - 9:26 " Sublimity Aumavilfe * 9:40 " Turner - 9:55 ** Salem - 10:26 •• rrive ave Opp. Or£. Elec. Salem 2:46 P. M. cave 8:16 11 Turner rrive Aumavillc - 3:36 Sublimity - 8:50 Stayton - 4:00 oave mvc Stnvtnn tor Kingaton 4:25 P.M. *• King ton " Stayton 4:50 P.'M. connecta with Motor Car Hamman A Stout DON! LET YOUR MONEY BURMA HOLE D i YOUR POCKET! IS IT YOUR KIDNEYS? Don't Mistake the Cause of Yonr Troubles. Many people never suspect their kidneys. I f suffering from a lame, j weak or aching back they think that j it i> only a muscular weakness; when [ urinary trouble sets in they think it | will soon correct itself. And so it is with all the other symptoms o f kidney disorders. That is where the danger often lies. You should realize that these troubles often lead to dropsy or Bright’s disease. An effective remedy tor weak or diseased kidneys is Doan’s Kidney Pills. Residents o f this vicin­ > t ity are constantly testifying. O. S. Clark, retired farmer, 719 Ugle Ave., Dallas, Ore., says: “ My back got so stiff and lame that I could hardly move. I also had attacks of lumbago that pulled me to the ground and I was unable to get up on account | o f the awful pain in my back. My | kidneys were very irregular in action. MPRESS on the young man who is burning the candle flt both ends 1 finally began taking Doan’s Kidney and who is spending his big salary as fast as he makes it the VALUE Pills and they certainly did good work. OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIGHT ROAD today. • i f late years my back has given me If he is not hopeless he at once will see the error of his ways. The open­ very little trouble and my kidneys ing of a bank account has put a stop to many a youth’s wild desire to be have been in good condition,” Price 50c, at all dealers. D on’t sim­ a HIGH FLIER. ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Clark had. Foster - Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. V KDTHR'Fr a /Jo I STAYTON STATE BANK SUBSCRIBE FOR The Stayton Mail ^ A A D I Ei For Infants and Children Pr U s e For Over 3 0 Years Always bears the Signature o f Oregon will make a government start at creating a state highway system by voting the $6,000,000 state bonds, the interest or. which will be paid by motor vehicle licenses. The present war crisis has brought home to our people the great value o f our industries to the nation. Astoria—200,000 tons more rock will complete north jetty by June 1st. i