The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 05, 1917, Image 2

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Is the custom the world over and you will want the very nicest but will
not want to pay~ such exhorbitant rices, so this is where our cash sytem
comes in and S A V E S Y O U the credit losses, collectors and book-keep­
ers bills and bad accounts and Y O U only pay for what Y O U get.
Note these economical prices on UP-TO-THE-MINUTE GOODS. 'Come in and let us show you
Women’s Fine Black Kid Lace
Women’s Beautiful White Nubuck
$ 6.95
8J in. tops, worth $8.00, now
$8,we o n l y
$ 5.95
Wom en's A ll W hite Kid Lace
W om en’s Black Kid Lace
$ 4.45
8 inch top, French or Cuban heels, button or lace
plain toes, $6.00 quality at 4.95; the 5.50 grade at
C o v e r e d F r e n c h H e e l s , lik e o t h e r s c h a r g e y o u
W hite soles and heels or a white top. black kid
vamps, great values, at
Ladies 8 inch top lace, brown vici vamps, with white kid tops, or Black kid vamps with neutral grey tops, at the amazingly low
price of $5.45; some ask $7.00 and $8.00
Ladies W hite Fabric
8 inch top, lace, in French or Hi-low heels, plain toes. W ill
all the go this summer.
Men s Medium Light Shoes
In Kid and Gun Metal, lace and button
You can buy them now for
Other Ladies Shoes, $3.45, $2.95, $2.45 and
* on down as low as
vpO * I»«/
^ A Q C
*r J
Men’s Fine Dress Shoes, .$6.00 and $7.00
values, go fo r
The ‘’Boy Scout’’ is the best shoe made, in leather
or neolin soles, 1 to 5‘, $2.85 • and $3.15; sizes 9 to
13!-, $2.65 and $2.85. Every~ pair guaranteed.
Other lines for boys as low as $1.95.
Heavy W ork Shoes, tan or black, $3.45
Just about wholesale cost now.
Men’s Smoke Elk or Black Lace, $3.95
Neolin Soles, worth all of $5.50
Remember you are welcome to make use of our new rest room whether you buy shoes or not. Come in and see how cozy it is.
Don't forget, it's the finest shoe store in the county with the best service and lowest prices.
Phone 1196
J. B. L IT T L E R , Mgr
X H|
Heppner—Ground broken for erection of a cheese factory
m a il
( the pood JUDO* A N O , H I Ì » U N O — H O .T Q H ^
n m t tir e a u
i iup.ose you
P t o r iC T L Y MA
s a t is r h q . r
Independence securing a sugar factory with large acreage of
ALEXANDER & DAUGHERTY , Owners and Publishers
C. E. DAUGHERTY , E ditor and Manager
TMIJ IS TMt o n a i l ]
IS TMC t o b a c c o t h a t !
m a k e s H t HARRY A NO
s a t is r u p
■ »ItM J HY S lR T lM C M T s r i
A U Y T U C H E W S A T IS *
T IC S AMO Y O U D O N T f —1
M A V t TO S A I T SO f *
Brookings wharf being built to give vessels 25 feet of water.
Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Stayton, Marion
County. Oregon, under the Act o f Congress of March 3, 1879.
Sabscription Price $1.00 Per Year In Advance
Editorial A » » » ciat»on and of the Willamette Valley Editorial
--------------- Aaioeiatia a ---- — -
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
Fsnifi A^mtniaf Represented by The American Press Association
Address aU’ Communications to The Stayton Mail
Canby building a bungalow home for the United Artisans.
St. Johns Lumber Co., will build dock 100 by 230 feet.
Portland business men are demanding abolition o f the unreg­
ulated jitney and that operators take out bonds o f .'2.500 for each
North Bend to have two more factories employing 150 addi­
tional men.
Government planning to build 1,009 new
which will be constructed at Pacific Coas'. ihipyar.
Laws that provide political inspectors to p.\ t i ■ ,ct
business are not needed out west so much as sta
'• Oi
start payrolls.
many of
Haines opens modern cheese factory this week
La Grande and O. W. It. & N. agree on $22,000 overln-
North Bend— Box factory closed two year, v.iil 1 • op u.;. ,
Oregon City, Ore.—Southern Pacific Co., intends to pro- on enlarged scale,
ceed with construction o f its proposed line through West Linn.
Warrenton drain tile, hollow tile and sewer pipe pla ,t starts
Empire ersb cannery running to full capacity, 70 to 100 doz-
en dsiiy.
Plans completed for new hospital at Roseburg Soldiers Home-
Eugene Chamber o f Commerce unanimously approves Bean
bill placing O. & C. land grant lands on tax rolls, adding $500,-
H E R E is something mighty democratic
nbout rich, sappy tobacco. N o w that men
have W -B C U T Chewing, it good tobacco,
to lend each other, it cements friendship. C om *
mon-sen sc about tobacco is getting mighty gen­
eral now — no one wants the over sweetened kind
when he can get rich tobacco shredded and
lightly salted to bring out the good tobacoo
I f you want pure, sanitary
milk or cream call
Brewer’s Dairy.
April 7-
20 western railroads will ask increase in freight rates due
to increased wages granted and enormously increased <• vt of In the Co . ly Court of the State rf Ore-
materials, fuel, taxes, etc. Freight rates have been stationary
gon lor Marion County
while everything else has advanced.
I ni .
mi Ut ri »
Un 1 Kx* cu I or
Estscsda still plugging for cheese
factory and shingle Mill.
Sutherlin—R. M. Fox of Roach Timber Co., says railroad
work starts.
St. Helens lumber shipments for the past week were nearly
four million*. Shipyards here will build boats for the government.
Also flour mill.
Oregon banks gain in resources over a year ago $38,663,449.
Elmira sawmill resumes operation with 40 hanus.
order of the County Court of Marion
County, Oregon, duly entered of record
In said Court. All peroons having
Madras— Jefferson county to get a substantial brick county
Haim* against ht M estate are required
to send the s.ime pronerly verified, with
Linen manufacturer from New York in Oregon to locate a proper vouchers, to Carson A. Brown,
hitt attorneys, at Salem, Oregon, within
six month* the date of this notice.
Dated this 9th dny of March, 1917.
Portland —First big steel ship built in Portland yard launch­
ed .Saturday.
Portland F. J. Cobb to build $100,000 heights residence.
Attorneys for Executor
Salem Presbyterians will erect large Sunday school room.
N o -
000 to revenue.
Multnomah county farm under business regime has been ru i Kutatu of Thi-r. i tire of Appoint­
ai«; '• r<T, Den .i ci| , ment.
Lebanon and Roeeburg making a winning fight to establish by a woman f or $5600 per year less than under former politeal
Notire in hereby (riven that Bernard
fruit eannerics.
I management.
(«cacher wnn appointed executor of the
Oregon constitution to be amended to prevent repealing
°f too said Thcreia Uieatercr on
Florence subscribed more than its share of $10,(XK) to pro­
Day of February, 1917, by an
ar y part of it “ by implication,"
posed shipyard.
M b * T r
Rooms 5-6 Bush Bank Building
The „ Trover-Welgct
. .
. _ Studio will
tuniay and Su
£ */ .. ™ . i ? * ? / * * 1 ^
and 8th. They are now located in the
Matthieu Bldg on Second Street.
1 ’
Bring your cow hides, calf
hides, any kind o f hides, highest
market price paid. Phone for
Prices. Stayton Produce Co.
L. A. Thomas Manager.