Country Correspondence From All Over The Valley We Lead—Others Follow! , W e sell ^oods at the old prices and we W I L L con­ Fox Valiev Gems relatives on Fern Ridge Friday. Math Burnett and wife visited I he fir t days rtf spring are at the Hlvin Carter home Sun- rather winttrish hut better now I day than later, perhaps spring and I ^ in . Heighberger and wife summer will l«>th come at once, spent Sunday at the Parental Bo lets all be rend'- p : n i i o r • home. W, !’. Binkley of lex au was a Ben Gesher purchased three guest at the Hotel Abels last Registered Jersey cows from week, Byron and Krnest Denny. Itebckah lo Ige met in Lyons Alferd Fox is building a new Saturday evening with u good Garage. attendance. Alva Thomas was in this vi­ Mrs. A. King and Mrs. II. F. cinity buying beef cattle this Bodektr are delegates to attend 1 week, the Grand L d g e icBsion this yr. to l»o held in May this year at Mill City School Notes Eugene. tinue to do so for the next 30 days. large orders at Having bought B E D ROCK PRICES, now as the raise comes we quit buying and are giving you the benefit of these E X T R E M E L Y low prices that defy all competitors. EXTR A S P E C IA L S FO R T H IS W E E K 10 bars o f Elk Savon Soap 25c 6 bars o f fine Toilet Soap 25c 6 bars W h ite W o n d e r Soap 25c Large fresh Lemons, dozen 15c Oranges at 10c dozen, 3 for 25c G olden R od Oats, 5 lbs, for Alex Kinniman. Real Kstate i Last week brought our monthly , C urve Cut M acaroni, 3 lb- uncut of Sal,-in was a business spelling contest and gave the ' caller in this section Inst week eighth grade the lead with an stopping at Mrs. Abels. average o f 93.3% and the fourth Klrner Bradley returned to grade was a close second with Portland the* first of the week, an average of 91%. Those in You can get harness supplies at our store. W e have a depart­ Weore he expects to remain for the eighth grade receiving 100 a month or two after which he percen t were. Georgia Albee, ment for all your wants. See us first. will go to Al tin Wash, for the, Hazel Green. Gertrude Smith, Lyle Woobs. and Edith Daven- harvest season. jwrt. Verna Haseman was the Mr. an I Mrs. Frank Johnston only pupil in the seventh grade and Mrs. Abels were Meharna who received 100%. visitors Sunday, they called on The pupils in the fourth grade Mr. and Mrs. L. Stout, Sr. and Mis. Champ, und Mr. and Mrs. who received 100% were Geo. Bertram, Elmo Thomas,and Rella C. Mulkey. Teague. These pupils in the fifth grade Lyons News received 90% and above— Hild­ reth Clay, Vera Sutton, Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Aimm Hiatt have Griggs, Geo. Streff. Loris Hanna r turnc 1 lo their farm near Lynn Nellie Powelson, Gladys Griggs from Albany where they have Wilma Ireland, Fred Duffy and Aumsville - - Oregon spent the winter and where Cecil Clow*. Those in the sixth grade were their son Pearcy is still in school, Minnie Kaplinger, Ethel Mason Mrs. W. E. Simons has gone Mona Holt, Cecil Catherwood, to visit her sister Mrs. Weitmer Cecil Haseman. and Herbert near Aumsvi le, also Mrs. C. J. Olin, Gertrude and Marguerite and H. C. Slr»m her two other Smith are moving to Silverton, _ sister. and Darrel Raml>o to California. Condit Koxana Gunsaules. er-of Scio visited at the Floyd visited with her daughter a few' Mrs. J..E. Slaiger, Mrs. enry Frank Johnston made a busi­ This only leaves us eleven Aitncs and clara Bowne. Leona Shelton home Monday. days this week. Downing, Miss Minnie . anson ness trip to All any the first of pupils in our eighth grade. Forrette. Given and Clara Martin Chester Boyes went to Albany Mr. Alvin Burns and Mrs. Miss Leona Frank. the week. Alma Powelson and Hazel Hattje 1)ivelyi Elizabeth Swank, Monday Pearl Miller of Silverton were March the .twentieth inhered And sti I there s snow on Me Richardson were absent from Mrs Giggy, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. married Wednesday o f last week in the lay of a and Joe Barton of Lacomb visited CullysMts. The Almanac says High School last week. H. Condit, Mrs. Royal Condit, we wish them much happiness; with the . arrival o f our first at the G. H. Ray home one day spring is here but it dont look Lyle Potter who has been ab- Mrs. Ross Condit. Mrs. R. I. last week. and prosperity. spring flowers gives us i n ncen- much like it. sent from school for several Hammer, Mrs. Nipple, Mrs. R. Joe Hendricks and E. C. Down­ tive to r i' • an 1 write o this Robert Darby and wife were Mr. and Mr-’. Elmer Hiatt weeks on account of sickness is Van Nuys, Mrs. Geo. Howard re 3rd and 1 1 lade ing were Stayton callers Monday. season. Sunday visitors at Joe Senzs. spent thursday evening with Mr. rapidly improving. Mrs. C. F. Loose, Mrs. J. Guns- Mrs. Albert Frank and daugh­ have compositions, while the 1st nivl Mrs. E. D. Thompson. Mrs. Frank Habberman and The boys boxing gloves a re1 aules, Mrs. T. McClellan, Mrs, and 2nd grade have* start« 1 the Tnere will be a Calico Carnival here and some exciting battles Parker, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. J. Miss Betty Ryan, Mrs. Leslie ters called at the E. C. Downing Oxfordshire Spring Song. in the I. 0. 0. F. hall on Friday have been fought, the results be- Bow ne, Mrs. C. Lathrope, Mrs. Townes called at Floyd Sheltons home Sunday afternoon, Wc h . ? iru-d a i.e * systo lo f Myrtle, Helen, and Mable evening next every lady to wear ing a few bloody noses. F. Lathrope. Mrs. Dively, Mrs. Monday. appoint' g special persons in a e.dico dress and bring a half Miss Anna Miles was a week­ Frank were Stayton callers Wed. Rev. A- E. Fitch gave a very Charles Martin, and Mrs. Swank, Geogia: hy, for the work o. in­ |K>undof carpet rugs and every, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tate call­ interesting talk on Patriotism i Joe and James Ripp of Sub- end vioitur at the W. R. Ray dividual countries in Asia, and gentlemen to bring a thimble ed at the Philip Glover home home. Monday afternoon in the school limity visited at the home of it arouses much more interest in and wear a calico tie. Lewis Ray called at the Frank Sunday afternoon. Auditorium, in observance of Arthur Forrette Sunday after- the topics. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Ditter called Mosier home Saturday eve. patriotic week in Oregon. noon. We are finding the Gyavri iunt Mrs. Frank Habberman and at the Jake Etzel home Sunday work with wands helps u Miss Grace Sherwood visited Mary Shieman of Salem is vis- n Oak Grove i'lliss Angelina Ryan spent Sun­ afternoonr school last Thursday. iting with home folks. correcting our stoop-shorn ered* Marion Fresh spent Sunday Mrs. Juni Condit spent last day eve. at the Mrs. Roy Shank ! ness, as well as being a p . rib- Superintendent Ida M. Cum­ with Willie Zuber. home. Mrs. Coberl.v went home last mings has announced that there week with relatives nt Salem. eu form of recreation. Neva Lawson spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lambert, Saturday or Sunday. will be a Parent Teacher In­ Grandma Robbins who has Mrs. Hurbert Brown made a stitute in the Mill City School been seriously ill is reported some­ Miss Grace Shank, and Frank the F. M. Fresh home. Lambert were entertained at the Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burns business trip to Stay ton Monday. building Sat. March 31st. what better at this time. Roy Brenner home Sunday. spent Sunday with the later's A few of the neighbors spent About thirty friends andgieigh- parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dav­ The D. Townes family left Mt. bors gathered at the Nick Sch­ the evening at the home o f Mr. Miss Arieta Given, Mr. I rank W e s t Stayton enport near Silverton. Pleasant March 24th for Stayton and Mrs. Bert Neal last Wed­ mitz home last Wednesday eve­ Caspell. Mr. M. M. Gilmer: Mr. ning in honor of his birthday. where they will live for an in- | Arnot King and Mr. G< •itry nesday. At the home of Mrs. T. Mc­ Cards and parlor games were the definate time. They are neigh­ Rock Point School Noies ¡Given were entertained . E. The Misses Francis and Frenny Clellan a miscellaneous shower features of the evening. Near bors o f the type we hate to loose. I Morleys Saturday evening. Freeman and Miss Sheila Neal was given in honor of Miss Osie midnight refreshments were ser- A large crowd‘gathered at the Too Late For Last Week. called at the home ctf tho Misses Fred Yost spent Sunda\ with Condit when about thirty of her | ved, after which the guests de­ Joe Pietrok home Sunday eve. in Aihlie nd Flora Miles Sunday. Superintendent Smith, Miss Freddie Doerfler. friends and neighbors met last parted for their homes, wishing! hoi or of hi* birthday. All de- Thejafternoon was -pent in play­ Helen Cowgill of 0. A. C. and M. M. Gibson was a Sr vi 3- Saturday afternoon. There were Mr. Schmitz many mor > birth- parted at a lute hour and each Supervisor Smith visited us on itor the first of the week ing indoor games. several guests from Aumsville, reported a g o d time. Monday March 12th. At this Mr. Arland was in Sublimity and several who could not lie days. Several from hereatte; de 1 the I Glenn Porter, Oliver and Ed and L. I ambert and wife, Mr time Miss Cowgill talked with us , John Crabtree sale iagt * Monday. present sent gifts b,v others more “ Can- .... , , Mr. and Mrs. I ert Nc:d made fortunate. While all were pre­ 1 Forrette and Harvey Carlson vis- Mrs. Leslie Townes, the Misses of Industrial ., Club . Work .. .. Miss Ethel King, who! oeen I ited al die Clarence Bowne home and Irvin ning was the particular theme . , . .. . . Effie and Ilona Ray, a visit to t e C bcrly home last sent Miss Condit opened her par­ 1 re- . . .. * . .. , , , .teaching the triumph sc J Tuesday evening. Ray spent Sunday evening at and the demonstration add^u a Sunday. cels that the guests might enjoy turned home Saturday the great deal to her lecture. The Mrs. Ternan called on Jrs. the Jungwirth Bros. seeing them These gifts con- vacation. Charley Lambert made a bus- canning of oranges, while the sisted of glass ware,fancy china, Martin 0,10 l' av weo The Idle Hour Chi’ ter- iru "i trip to stayton Monday. market price is low, was a new T r i u m p h N o t e s aluminum and earthen ware, bed Ruby McCormick called on tained at the home Glen 113 an(1 brought Mr. and Mrs. I oqlio Townes icioa to m03t linen, handsomely finished in Mrs. Fallrich Saturday afternoon. McClellen this week. entertained a number of friends forth the economic side of the hand work, doilies; scarfs, towels Gentry Given of Salem is visi- Mrs. J. Cine and ton Arnold at a party Sat. eve. A good time I (luestlon (laughter Ix?o n viri ed at O. N. and many other pieces. Music fit. Pleasant Both our Superintendent and t’ n^ ^IS unc^» Geo. Given. wxs reported. and social converse were features Harm hrey’s S iturday. trip Supervisor had words of interest Mr. A. T. Savage mad of the afternoon entertainment, j on Otis Meyers and ’ wife called for us and we now wish it were to his tarm near Aums At the refreshment hour a delic-1 Mr. M. F. Ryan left S: turelay at the Alfrc Fox homi* Sun b y. for Aberdeen Wash, to be with possible for more frequent visits ( Monday. R ick Point | ions lunch was served by the hos­ rot- -------- ; from our loaders. Mrs. Frank Doerfler Jacob Staig T motored to Sa­ tess assisted by Mis* Addie Con­ her sister who is very ill. visit Tony Laux of Albany i vi-itin School was closed this week on The visitors at the school rec- urned from a several (k lem Frid ly. dit and Mrs. Emma Condit and ",nt of the t'¡idler being ‘ ently are Virgie Staiger Alice in Portland. Clarence c uchamp called at Mrs. Marguerite Martin and Mrs at the 11. Senz home. ;k. - ¡Downing. Wilbur Garlee, Mrs. Miss Ida Doerfler sp ai the the Gesher h me recently. Nipple. The guests of the after- Mrs. Fax Thayer n r. r Mrs. J. t,. Rand of Portland ¡Worthington, Mrs. Steinberger, week end in Sublimity. noon were: Misses Addie and Os-1 of liubbard, and Mrs. Ben Thay- Miles Kintz and wife visited SPECIAL ANNOUNCEM ENT W e Buy Y our Produce at Best Prices T h e Farm er’s Store o f Q uality GOOD GOODS A. W. SCHRUNK GOOD GOODS W e Speak German - Victor Poim