,vS v,*\ W' THE STHVTON MAR, H as the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley—It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket. 23rd. Year, N o. 13. S T A Y T O N , MARION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, M A RC H 29, 1917. OUR BUSINESS HOUSES Serial N o. 1102 Reception tendered MILLIONS OF POWER The Pacific Coast's Mrs. Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Holford RUNNING TO WASTE Opportunity Passes Away* A large number of friends of Millions of dollars are being Articles Dealing with the HIGH COST OF Mr. and Mra. C. W. Holford met ‘ expended in France in develop- United States needs wood­ at the Christian church Monday ing the water power of the A lpejen mob)r ^°a^s size and speed Business Interests BEING GOVERNED evening and marched to the Mol- in order to secure cheaper power carry six-inch guns and to of Stayton ford residence to tender them a than that had from coal, which ,overtake the swiftest submarine, High taxes may have aa much Mrs. W. F. Blakely died Mon- eay afternoon March 26th r-' her home in Stayton of paralysis. Miss Mary I. Beardslev was to do with the high cost of living farewell reception prior to their is short in amount and growing these to be used as convoys, j born at Manotonac Wis. April 6 th The Government also needs ships J 18 5 5 was’married to W. F Blake- Buslness Men of Stayton are on aa the soaring price of pork chop departure for Tennessee. The higher in price, new to In the valley of Durance 10 use US€ as transports in case of jyNov. ICth 1873 in Michigan. a Par With the Same Class and oniona. It ia folly to imag- evening was pleasantly spent in Of Men in Other line th a ta jio ll tax and property playing parlor games at the con- plants aggregating 74,000-horse v' arover3eas and to carry sup- -r 0 ^ i s unjon seven childr< n to tlie navy. American com- were born five boys and two gh -1 Localities tax are the extent of their con- elusion of which light refresh- power are being erected for the trihution to the coat of being ments were served much to the • ■ ectro-chemical industry, while merce needs ships to carry our a || 0f whom are still living. The • ad Ijar^s °f the world. are Mrs. ^ Newberry of Our article this week deals with tfoverend. Mr. F. G. It. Gordon enjoyment of all present. At a above Modane one of the biggest *>otM^8 late hour the guests took their chemical plants in France has * ea9t tw0'thirds of our coin- Tacoma Wash. J H., P. C., and our drug stores. The city o f 1 adflres»ing the Havet-hill (Mass.) departure wishing their hostess acquired rights to about 120,000 merce must pass through the Mrs. W. Goodniafti of Stayton, Stayton boasts two first clasa Rotary Club, brought out the zone In °rder to reach its j r Blakely of Eugene, E. T * all kinds of good luck in their horse power. This project alone b am ‘d stores of this character and those tremendous load the high cost new home. when completed, will reduce mark<-* L Our best customers are of Junction City, and Geo. D. of who are familiar with these of being governed lays upon ---------------------- coal consumption by 1,300,000 tbe ad'e3, and thev and the Eur- Gran(] Jtapids Mich. placea of busineas are not alow every household. tons annually. neutrals have hitherto Mr., and Mrs. Blakely moved A two billion dollar Congress in speaking a good word for the The Seattle Post Intelligencer ; fone our carrying but they no from Michigan to Sta; ton Stayton druggists and their meana a tax of $ 10 0 per family. All voters who have moved savs: In the United States, longer have enough ships for the 19 0 5 where they have since re- If to this we and State, county stores. rticularly in the far Western purP<>se. The United States has gjded Mrs. Blakely was t . and municipal expenses we have They are first class in every since registering or not register- ■ ; — 1 - — ;-------- ; t h e material and must t r a i n t h e * water power development member of the Eastern Star i , respect and are run by men who a grand total of $172 a year furled will be com,»ell-d to register ' thoroughly understand their bu­ every family’ almost $3.50 p. r before the books close in May or has been automatically supended laDor 10 suPPly ine aeiiciency, Michigan but never transfer. I siness and are reliable, realizing week. they will be unable to vote at for years by the action of the that our commerce may not lan- her membership. The husband 1S up has lost a devoted wife the Nearly 15 per cent of the cost the June election. Registration government in withdrawing all uish for !ack of shlP3- the needs of the public and the sices public land from entry to us to make good the shortage. chiIdren a |ovintr mother and nocessity of always having on of government goes to pay inter- books open at J. B. Griers office, and by the neglect of congress | The Pacific Coast is best able the comunity a kind neighbor, ------------------- hand a large quantity of pure est on indebtedness, and in the to pass laws which would permit f® budd the sh'Ps required, for and the Majl jo in 3 the bereav. d drugs these men have fulfilled last twelve years the public debt the development of the water a un an . ir ,nj er 13 un- husband and family in mourning this need and built their business has increased more than 100 per power on the sites to withdraw', equaled in size and strength. j j ^11 £ children and reputation upon honesty, cent. “ That government is best .............. ...................................... In appealing to congress for Ever,' harbor on the Coajt should ^ ^ * 0 ° f L p id s To the many friends who rend integrity, courtesy, service and which governs least,” is a Jef- ered us aid and sympathy at the action on this matter, Secretary he as thickly lined with shipyards Michigan were present at the fair dealing. Taking these prin­ fersonian maxim. Australia and New Zealand, death and burial of our beloved Line pointed out that these pow- as are the Clyde, the Tyne and funera! which wag heId from ciples as a basis is it any wonder they have places of business that where the government has taken wife and mother, we tender our ers not be developed under exist- the lees in b n ta »n> or ,the Llbe the Christian Church yesterday are a credit to the town and over many lines of private busi­ sincere and heartfelt thanks, ing law for three reasons: be- in Germany. There is every afternoon conducted by Dr. A.C. ness, has a family debt of $1,555 We are also deeply grateful for cause of the uncertain tenure reason why the fame of the Pac- Eaton. One son-in-law H. A. thcmselves7 C. A. Beauchamp owns and as against only $65 in the U. S. and very much appreciate the I involved by revocable permits; i I™ ik)ast motorship should be Newberry and daughter-in-law “ Was that the Mrs. P. C- Blakejy were out f operates what is known as th e ! Yet there are some who still many beautiful floral offerings. j because capitalists will not loan “ Maine clipper in the middle of town members of the family“ May you all in time of sorrow bei money on such security and be- think that Uncle Sam ought to Hexall store and carries a full j cause the consumers can have no the nineteenth century. who were in attendance. — line of these well known and run the railroads, the telegraph met with like kindness. With the Navy calling for at ! a ;-.su W. F. Blakely and family. ^ surance that they will be sup­ and the telephone. Already we highly efficient remedies. plied for a fixed and definite least 10 0 armed motor-boats and V. Dare Sloper owns and ru n s ,are carrying un our backs a period. He states that numer­ with the Shipping Board calling the old Brewer Drug Co., store million and a half officeholders, Thursday last when the doctor ous responsible persons who for 10000 ships of 3000 to 4000 and carries a complete line of the working short hours and draw- waa callinR at the Wm. Cla i< k tons each, there is ample induce­ Friday last Uriah Whl ;uy *, - San Tox remedies that are fast ing big pay. Can taxpayers home, while playing with other have taken permits under exist­ ment for much further exten- J H B been I.-B H unable L _ .B B to B. rived at the ¿igfvbr-third miit- gaining favor with the public, afford to add to that self-expand- children the Cladek baby got ing laws have develop ,»ower plants because of sion of the shipbuilding industry. stone in the jouritev or life, ;.t d In addition to drugs and drug ing a rm y ! hold of the physician’s thermom­ these facts. Not for years after the war is in honor of the event hi&'daugh- sundries both stores have firs t' ---------------------- eter and bit off the end contain­ Yet congress i^eglects to act, over can its ravages among ocean ter, Mrs. F. Silhavy .arranged a class prescription departments Mrs. T. J. Ware presented the ing the bulb of mercury. Prompt and in the name of conservation ca rriers I3® made good. The de- birthday dinner, an i /-invited and carry complete lines of sta- Mail editor with two fine hens action was taken bv the doctor millions of tons of coal are burned mand for steel is likely to con- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Grier to as- tionerv, |aat week and they are doing and the little one relieved of the up each year in communities finue heavy to replace all kinds sjgt jp disposing of the viarto?* ---------------------- i their part to lower the high cost dangerous substance, anil no bad Hich might readily be served in structures which hate lieen and celebrating the occasion. Subscribe for The Mail. I of living. results followed. from destroyed, and the price is likely' Mr. Whitney is .% full by power developed to become normal until after sev- ton’s old and respected citizen-;, water. eral years of peace. Wooden an(] has many friends who wiil P a W l a A A ' n n sb'Ps W'I1 be demanded to supply join th Mail in th e hope that ho K 0 y - W a t s o n W C u u i n ^ the immediate need. ,¡s with us to celébrate many -------- L pon the wisdom of the Gov- pleasant birthdays. ernment in revising the shipping! ________ ^ ___ - j“» Miss Milca Roy and Dr. G. C. D r turner the well Chicago New York M Watson two popular and well laws and upon the enterprise and ability of the Pacific Coast ' known eye B, ec: 1 st of Mr. C. P. Bishop, p* known young people of Stayton will hang the question whether Portland wíh be ev H*-* Salem, Oregon. jyj were united in the holy bonds of this new industry is to be per- i u l . tauon agai v,\ \A Dear Sir: wedlock by the Rev. Talbot of manently established. There is nesday April nth. wu- day only. f I Salem Tuesday afternoon. You probably keep as well posted as you can about w hat's going on no reasonable doubt about its standing Tun er and you will rj* ke.r.o n.[*. a \ , Miss Roy is the daughter of in the clothing business; you know that we’re just now passing through a success for some years to come. in consulting him about v«-..r yea ; I t,J Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy who have serious crisis. The important thing for you is to know just w hat sort of This section has the material and glasses. Headaches relieved, er i resided in Stayton fo ra number eyes straig h ten ed , satisfaction guaran­ the location to take the lead. quality in clothes you’re going to be able to give your customers. I t’s a |y | of years. Dr. Watson is a prac- teed. Consult him. -D o n ’t -forget-t^er more vital question right now than ever. tiring dentist of our city. They d ate. The Loyal Sons class of the Dr. T u rn er will bo in £cio Thursday, were accanipanied to Salem by Under these circumstances we feel it important to remind you that Christian church gave a chicken April 12th. »•^j C. A. Beauchamp and wife. A the value to you of our volume of purchases is of the highest importance. - s I wedding supper was served at dinner last Saturday at the resi­ Mrs. Lon Shelly spent several At a time when nearly everybody else is uncertain, the certainty of Hart the home of the bride’s parents dence of Mr. and Mrs. Small and They days with her son and family, Schaffner & Marx quality is more important than ever. in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. were well patronized. A rthur W ard’s, in Portland. served an excellent dinner. C. A. Beauchamp and Miss Ma- It’s going to mean more to you than ever this fall to have H art lana Sestak and the members of Schaffner & Marx clothes, and to be able to teil your customers you have n 11 » the family of Mr. and Mrs. Roy them. Our standards of quality are maintained; our guarantee is as good I J partaking of the bountiful repast. and sure ns ever. : ^ The Mail joins the many friends You’ll see the force of our position and its value to you when you sec ¡^J of the happy couple in wishing our fall line. Yours truly Hi them a long, happy and prosper- jy| ous married life. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX. Just think big juicy lemons doz. 15cts. Notice to VoteiS CARD OF THANKS 83rd B irih d a / Hart, Schaffner & Marx 0 P P Something pG Auction at Aumsville* As agents for Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, we thought it well to publish the above letter, that the many wearers cf these clothes can depend upon getting the very best values and satisfaction guaranteed. y ; .... ......... . nn~auction sale of [ j goods and wares in the second : story of the implement store in | Aumsville, Saturday, March 31, i commencing at 10 a. m. Eggs will be taken the same as cash. Free coffee at noon. This will 4 bo my last auction sale this spring. A fter April 1st I will be j associated with Mr. Geo. Brock in the meat and produce market. H. L. Wright, Owner. Whirlwind Snider. Auctioneer. P S A L E M W O O L E N M IL L S S T O R E Salem, —- - ■ P Oregon J. A. Etzel of Fern Ridge was a Stayton caller Wednesday. New and Unheard of W e also h a v e Rolled W h e a t a n d rolled oats in bulk. F a rin a in 10 lb sacks, 4.000 b a rs o f w h ite la u n d ry soap. E ocene a. P e a rl oil in 5 gallon cans. 800 y ard s In d ian h e ad bleached linen suitable blouses sk irts an d boys w a sh suits a t 1 rid icu lo u s low price o f 2 0 cen ts p er yard. Trade with us and make money Cash or Trade for Eggs W . F. K LEC K ER .