THE \tW tv* o'' u \* v » * MAIL * A d H«is the Largest Circulation ol A n y Paper in the Santiani Valley— It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket. S T A Y T O N , M A R I O N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 2 2 , 1917. ¿3rd. Yea . No. 12. COME PETITION MAKES OUR BUSINESS HOUSES PORTLAND TO FROM UNDER > STRONG CHARGE $100,(XX) in excess o f what thev ever wert* with only one hanking institution in the city. Both of these hanks are officered by men o f integrity anti business acumen who realize that this section of marion county is Business Men o f Staytcn a re on hound to grow and that there a Par With the S a m e Class will yet come from this immed­ of Men in Other iate vicinity untold wealth anti they have provided these institu­ Localities tion for the convenience of their Fur th last two and one half | patrons and those who are com- months we have tukeu up some ¡fig t'l help develop this tom* one of the Stayton manufactur­ munity. You will not designs upon their, mother’s stitution and they are good from Portland were present. for property and business inter- property is apparent from the public the board decided to in- i 5ut enacted gome o f constructiva. strong hanking houses and are A fter the program a clam sup-1 eflt or for a 8m:,i| proup 0f pr >. fact that th The anti-picketir g have nQt 8UffKested stall 73 patent lavatories, eight j character able to take care of the needs of per was served and enjoyed by fVssional agitators. ,i n u person for fU » the court’s con- more drinking fountains. Fire law failed but only because there any our citizens along their line and the gathering followed by games hvdrants will be placed in the was not much need of strength-! Large industries have bo *n sideration in naming a guardian handle a much greater volume in which all participated. The hectored and tormented, atui but have left that at the discre- principal buildings and all facili- en|ntr the «resent law o f business than they are now evening entertainment was con­ small merchants have b e e n , tion of the court. ties for proteation and safety Following are some of the acts handling. cluded by the Small family and . , driven out of the city by thei Mrs. Briggs, according to the *mProve<*” of the legislature that are of a Up until about six years ago There was some question as to constructive character as affeci- there was but one bank here and Miss Ryan singing a German lawless boycott and the terroriz- petition, has a dower interest in picketing system. * | property in Hood River the value whether or not the horse show j [ng bu3inesg;_ To encoura e es- the deposits in the one hank song accompanied on the organ by Miss Selma SchufT. The indications arc that iPprt-*of which is unknow’ n to the pet­ will be held this year. That i tablifthment of ¿Mfipmrines by never reached over $ltx>,U00.U0j land people will prefer to come itioners. a half interest in real matter was not decided at this municipalities bv giving a bom s while the combined deposits o f' or d]rect ajd out from under the cloud o f ter­ property in the state o f Washing- meeting.—Capital Journal. NICE FLOCK OF SHEEP the two banks at the present rorism. lawlessness and destruc­ ton said to be worth $13,000, real- State highway law to connect time aggregates over $300.000 CHICKEN DINNER tivism that hindered development property in West Stayton of up the center o f popul ition a; l thus showing a very substantial j Cecil Schaefer has a nice flock producing sections of the s t a t • th probable value of $1500, and increase ami displaying in a o f sheep of which he is justly Saturday March 24 the Loyal Changing gasoline tts law to There was a large attendance has an income of $625 a year small way the immense amount proud. Starting in -I years ago Sons Class o f the Christian enable consumers o f this state to from a life insurance policy. o f business these institutions! with one sheep he now has a fine at the local Grange Saturday. The sons assert that their church will give a chicken dinner buy at «ame rate as ether state- handle. band o f 20 old sheep and 14 lambs. The usual excellent dinner was Act changing irrigation seen •- Still another item o f compar­ It is such work as this that en­ served, short talks were made mother has a limited education, at the residence o f Mr. and Mrs. E. Small. Price 25 cents. The ities laws so that such projects and that because of the infirmi- by members, making an especial ison might be mentioned and courages our boys and makes them grow into men with a desire , ly pleasing session o f this popu- ties o f old age her mind has been proceeds to be added to the class can be undertaken jn this state. that is Loans and Discounts Law making it possible to lar organization. failing for the last few years room fund. Golden West coffee r which aggregate more than _______________________________________________________________________________ and that her eyesight is very will be served, all are invited to manufacture denatured' ideo! 1 « m m *. »*-.*»* #■*"■* »wr* m r~ m r m r g jm v 't p p t «rrrg jpiiw "| ifr-m PlK,r- come and enjoy a good dinner in this state from sawmill waste uwB M tu -l *—-t in«** -Lm,'» Iwul luuk imuk.1 it m M A further assertion is made in and incidentally help the boys product. Giving sme'ters rtgh 3 o f eminent domain and encour­ y| the petition that Martin, who along. aging establishments o f such’in- . married Mrs. Briggs, has no vis- dusiries'horo. ible means o f support and that NOTICE Defeat t>f the 48 hour- a week his reputaiion|isbad. Mrs.Briggs is said to have given him L. G. Siegmund has been ]aw that would have cripp!< 1 Ik Uk money. Martin is blamed for appointed by the grange to look Oregon industries in many r - tlie estrangement that has taken after the interests of a wool and sjjects. Law providing~for I - place between the woman and m°bair pool in eastern Marion easing kelp fields .and encour; - her children, and he is accused c°unty- Any one interested ing establishment o f pot; l ,0 ! having threatened indirectly w r*te Mr. Siegmund at Stayton, industry in Oregon. or Pbone 118. Or G. H. to shoot the petitioners i f they ^re. or Amending eight-hour and m Johnston, Lyons ¡mum wage law to allow ope - came about him. " ; tion of fruit canning and packi x Th*1 woman is declared in the O. L. Weddle anil lamily mov- ¡ndugtries. Defeating the al i petition to be past 71 years old. Martins age on the marriage lic­ ed last week to Salem, where land iaw bill to prohibit Chin* * the> will reside. and j apanese from owning lands ense is given as 67. We are not having any weath- in Oregon. er to brag on here, at present. ------------------ — but in the east trains are still be- I f you are troubled in mind r ing blockaded by snow storms, body see the Natui'opath. of Serges, Silks, Poplins and Ottoma s,j J. ARTISANS HAVE OPEN. MEETING b> a Wilbur Woolen Mills Co.'! A states a New clothes are always a matter of interest to active men; they don't dwell on the subject long; a brief glance, a “ sizing u p" of the goods and the man; a quick judgment of approval or disap­ proval and the matter is closed. That's one of the reasons why we advise our customers to buy CONSTRUCTIVE LEGISLATION 0 Hart Schaffner & M arx $2 0 $25 $3o 0 STATE FAIR PREMIUMS WILL TOTAL $28,000 Bishop All-Wool Clothes $15 $ 2o $25 These clothes are for men who know the value of good quality; the economy of all-wool fabrics, of good style, a nd exact fit. Such men like to see the label on the clothes just as they like to see a good signature on a check. W e will show you the signature on these good clothes, Men's Shoes that will g iv e ycu tu d h satisfaction a n d comfort— $5 -$6 Salem , SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE ; k t 4 m iiir * ... O regon *■ ..... :»k«k.t- inkiiii,- 1 m , t , mmh V A t the meeting of the state fair board Saturday, it was decided that the premiums for the ’ 17 fair should be $28,0lX>. which is $4,- j fjiXt more than the premium for last year. Of this large amount $17,500 comes from appropria­ tions by the legislature. The remain ler comes from gate re­ ceipts and from the concession. The total premium for the county a >ricultural exhibits was fixed at $8,000 which is an in- cfea ed of about $2,000. The incre ise goes for larger pre­ miums on sheep swine and dairy catt’e. On account o f difficulty last year in the goat section, no premium will be given them 1 this year. On account o f their b* ng lL f lo . competition on Dor­ set sheep and Essick swine, the premiums on those breeas were eliminated. The board added $2,500 from 2 FOR THE LENTEN SEASON W e have all kinds of Fish. Smoked Salmon, Smoked Smelt, Spiced and Salt Herring. W e have also 2 tons of W hite Soap at the old prices. A good laundry soap. 8 bars for 2*5c. Remember the Designer offer will expire in a few days, renew same at once and don't do without the best fashion magazine in the U. S. tor only 59 cents per year. W . F. K LEC K ER . !