CLASSIFIED ¡3H «KS5& ssR?: ■ ’ odo A rro n jo - PUBLIC AUCTION 3-1-8-15 H a v in g sold m y farm I w ill sell at public auction on m y farm kn ow n as the L e w ie CroisEint farm, 5 m iles south­ east of Stayton, on ADVERTISING M o n e y to L o o n I I av .m sem m . R menta f r loaning e ater > money, will make very low rate of Inter­ est on highly improved fsrma. Ho­ mer H. Smito, room 5, McCornack Bldg., Sal , regon. Phone S6. tf. FOR SALE—SO hea 1 . f stock sheep. Appi. • Floyd .-hel't'O, Scio, Oregon, P.ioi:o 101. WHY SET INFERIOR EGGS-when y u oi l .e t pure brevi Plymouth Rock Eggs of J. F. Sloper, Staytor, Ore., for M.O.i per setting, n ate I with one of Meyor’s, of Portland, famous prise winners. THURSDAY, MARCH 22,1917 8-15-12 WANT! D—Team of Marcs, must be young ar.d weigh about 2800 to 8200 pounds for team. Have some cattle that \.ou\! t de o s t-e . A. F. Welter, Shaw, Ore. 3-15 52 FOR SALE or TRADE-A five room modern ci tt:ige, two lots on corner close to school in Newberg, Ore.—Ap­ ply Mail Office. Beginning at ten o’clock a. m. the following described property: 2S FOR SALE —Sale bills, business cards, letter heads, envelopes and all kir.ds of printing. Mail Office. FOR SALE—2 fresh cows. B. W. Munkers. Phone 236. 3-15-62 FOR SALE - A No. 12 De Laval separ- it.»r good as new. Apply at Mail < Lice tf. F JR SALE—Red clover seed. Nick Neitling, 5 miles east of Stay- ton. Phone 1474. 2t FOR SALE—32 head sheep. Apply T. O. Archer, Kingston, Ore. tf FOR SALE—A No. 15 De Laval Separ­ ator good as new. Apply Mail Office. 3-22-x THE NEW IDEA OF CONSERVATISM I sorrel mare I2yrs. old, "ÌS wt. about 1400 I sorrel mare 8 yrs. old, weight about 1500 1 bay “ 5 “ “ “ 1400 1 brown 4 1150 1 black horse 3 1350 1 bay mare 3 1350 100 chicken, Brown Leghorns 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 6 head grade Jersey cows 2 Jersey heifers 3 calves 40 hogs, consisting of 34 fine shoats, weight about 80 lbs. Money makers. 5 good brood sows, all will farrow soon. I Poland China boar. Farming Implements Sj FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-One No. *i 5 Oliver tyi'ewriter, cheap or will trade for anything I can use. H. L. Wright, Aumsville, Ore. 3-15-51 LOST—A Shepherd pup 8 mouths old, black with white feet, nose, tip of tail and breast. Finfer p'ease address J. T. Hunt, Sullin.ity, Ore. 3-29-x Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. 1 McCormick binder, 1 McCormick mower, 1 hay rake, 1 7-foot hoe drill, 1 double disc plow, 1 disc harrow, 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 3-section drag harrow, 2 walking plows No. 50, heavy wagon, light wagon, surrey, new buggy, set new single harness, set light double harness, 4 sets work harness, 6 good horse collars, saddle, new U. S. cream separator No. 16, forge, anvil, vise, many other small tools, household goods and other things too numerous to mention. Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the interior, recently addressed a letter to the chairman of the senate committee on public lands which is well werth quoting here: —In view of the general realiz­ ation that it is time to make plans for national defense, I take the liberty of suggesting that you consult with the chairman of the committee on military and naval affairs to see if it is not practic­ able to have the lands which are at present locked up, containing oil, phosphate and potash, releas­ ed under a leasing system. We have some 6,000,003 acres of pos­ sède oil lands so withdrawn that ro wells can be bored upon them >4*0« Only the land now held in private o ynership are producing. We I should be about the business of T h e G re a t E x p u n g e r. of "Fuailisr.” Lou 1 ./ Compliment to Ccncis. d ;covenng what these with- Fusilier Origin was originally the name o/ In 1884, after an exciting debate of One 11 o I ir>t o\e, m.k i n- enormous several weeks, congress passed a res­ shortcomings of Louis XIV us a inuii d-awn lands contain. Gasoline is • soldier armed wlih a light flintlock olution censuring President Andrew called the fuslL At the time as a king to admit jy some ini invaluable to the navy, as well of musket ; Jackson for removing the public de­ and the English civil war <1042 52) (he portunt respects lie “tried to do Ills as to every automobile owner and term “firelock” was usually employed posits from the old National bank. duty.” a hard working sorer The resolution as passed by congress eign both lie In was to the owner of every other gas- to distinguish these weapons from the declared the sphere of ndnilnlslra “that the president In the common matchlock muskets Ou! and In that social sphere which olinedriven engine in the country. of more late executive proceedings in relation tlon these companies of “firelocks’’ grew was to no less important. Ho The largest deposit of potash the "fusiliers.'' In the latter part of to the public revenue hns assumed courteous his mind that be never passed the upon himself authority and power not in this country, which is funda­ the Thirty Year war (1043) fusiliers conferred by the constitution and laws, poorest woman nlxnit the pnlace with­ were simply mounted troops with the out lifting his hat, he carried polite mental in the manufacture of ex­ fusil, hut In derogation of both." The ac­ consideration as carbiniers were with the car­ the level of n fine art. plosives, is also out of use be­ bine. The senior fusilier regiment in tion of congress made Jackson and his In the way of to courteous there very angry, anrl Henntor Thom­ are few things nobler than s|>eech cause withdrawn, and we have the British service, the Seventh Royal as friends Ills remark Benton of Missouri gnve notice that fusiliers, City of London regiment, was the great Conde ns the old hero some S.OO^.OOO acres phosphate formed lie would bring forward every year a , to ou the French model In 1088. wns slowly ascending the great marble deposit in the same situation. resolution to expunge the resolution of staircase at Versailles. Comic npolo censure. After n struggle of three years glzod for being The developement of these re­ so long In mounting the A r s a o f tha M o o n . Benton's resolution was finally passed, steps, at the top which the king sources can l> ; made effective by The moon always presents the same and bln^k lines were drawn around •toed waiting. "Ah, of cousin,” Louis re­ face to us, as Is evident from the per­ the resolution the passage of a leasing bill. of censure, with the In­ plied. ,. 10 moves slowly when one is manency of the various markings ou “Expunged by the order of lnden with Inurcls." The old id *». of conservatism, her surface This proves that with re­ scription. senate this Kith day of January, the idea preached and practiced spect to the earth she revolves on an tho 1837.“ Senator Benton was nicknamed Satisfied. and the time of rotation is exact­ “the by Rooseve'f a ; ! Pinchot, says axis, great expunger.” Ills service to “I wns brought ly equal to the time of revolution on this matter was considered I’m glad of i t ” up on a farm, and tiie Helena Independent, was to around the earth—viz, a little over Jackson the more because many lock up all nused natural resour -1 twenty-seven days. The moon’s sur­ years before remarkablo he and Jackson hnd a “Yes?" “You bet your life! Whenever 1 ces and sit be r : fi i door with face contains about 14,085,000 square pistol fight In a hotel at Nashville, In i think I’m working too hard I Just stop miles, or nearly four times the area of which Jackson wns wounded and Ben­ a shotgun. The new idea, which Europe. and think tho time when I had to ton was pitched headlong downstairs. i get up at of 4 o’clock Secretary Lane has put into prac­ and work like a A Deep Rooted Business. slave until dark.’’—New York World. tice whenever congress would B o t h B lu ffe rs. “Now, dad, I'm through college and I rejected you, would you com­ ready for work." give him a c i m e t • da -o, is to mit "If suicide?” P ro v e d H i s Case. enough.” permit the u n of all natural re­ "1 don't know, girlie. Your sixteen- “Good •Mother—The whipping you hnd yes "I want to learn this business of sources in such m: nner as to pre­ year-old sister Is very attractive. In yours from the ground up.” torday does not scein to have Improved few years”— you. Your behavior has been even vent waste an 1 to get full value a But "Tush, Imy. 1 have men In my sub- worse today. Willie—That's what I she accepted him forthwith, and basements who have been working up for the public. In times like these he I : working hard now to meet the steadily for five years and haven’t ! wanted lo prove. You said I wns as the quicker the new way isadop Installments on nil engagement ring.— reached the ground floor yet.“— Louis­ bail as I possibly could be yesterday. I knew you were wrong. Louisville Courier-Journal, ted throughout, the better. ville Courier-Journal. - FREE LUNCH — TERMS OF SALE: $20 and under, ash; over that amount 6 months time will be given on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent interest. Five per cent discount for sums over $20 cash. All property must be settled for before removing from the premises. D. TOWNES, Owner. BEN T. SUDTELL, of Albany, Auctioneer. J. W. MAYO, Clerk. GET YOUR EASTER GOWN AT GARDNER’S A fine line of new fnuterials to choose from. Fancy Silks, Colored Poplins, Dotted Pon­ gees, Plain and Fancy Woolen Goods c.Also many pretty fancys in striped, dotted and figured material for sport suits. J. P . Gardner’ s Cash S to re , S ta y to n , Ore. Closing Out Sale of Umberellas At LANCEFIELD’S