TH E STAYTON MAIL ALBXAXDBR X- DAUGHBRTY, O wners/nul l'uhlishers Hanes to have a modern cheese factory for North I’owd r ( mi ï . i,;, ï .• .H.r;r¡;rM <»< DON I II01(11 !• Ml M..MUV- I I I III All A ! A iiuow iols Mi AUour tr ruiown a a punì MICH TUA a eco - - I ir I. IM VII valley, Nyssu Milling Co. has ro rived machinery an I plant operate. C. B. DA VGHBRTY, Bditor umi Xtnnt^cr «*> o . W-M CUT.-A tiTTLK I : J^iuw lanitv C0HiiNiM(Mr J ■ ill H A MAM OMCf IUIIIVANO! INAI A MOU CHtW OP All AM. hi A IIONI IM IM .»01 MAUI Inn n i l toaseto Marshfield Scandinavian-American hank will erect a u w building. Entered as second class matter at the postolfiee at Stayton, Marion County. Oreiron, under the Act o f Congress o f March 3, 1879. Florence Delta Shingle Co. erects a .{¡20,000 plant. S u b s c r ip t io n P r ic e $ 1 .0 0 Per Year In Stayton A d v a n c e newspapers. Vale company. M .n b tr o f the Stale Editorial A»»oc>ation and of the Willamette Valley Editorial Ariociation C. E. D i i rherty consolidates Mail and Suii i i d Sagehen nitrate cl.ii i t consolidated by .lunqter spr.ius Gresham slough. Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application legislation makes it possible to improve Coinin' ia Congress, as a prepared measure, should encourage, instead ot discourage the developenicnt o f our waterpower eotmi’ u mn and operatio i of railroads, oil production, mining etc Forcipi Advertising Repressiti by The Anurie:.: Press Association Address all Communications to The Stayton Mi I T 'S up to a man’s judgment after ft fraud lies tchl him the facts «boot W d I C I IT < .lie wing:—no excess sweetening or flavoring, josi rich, sappy tobacco, shredded and lightly sull.d no as > bring out the flavor w ithout so much grinding and spilling. Naturully a little chew w ottlj last and satisfy: that's why a 10c. pouch of W -ll goes twice as far us ten cents' worth of the old ordinary kind o f chewing. I Bandon wants a roller mill to crush oats and barley for ie.>d. This town put up subsidy for shipyard and w mid ope, woolen mill. OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Estacada votes $25,000 for high school. Tillamook has 23 cheese factories and output for 1910 was $807,095. Industrial Item s S h o w H e a v y E xpenditures U nder w a y or C on ­ tem plated and N e w Industries Started. C on servative L egislation and F igh t for L ow er T a x e s E n ­ courages Investors. Marshfield M .t. by WETMAN BRUTON COMPANY, Smith lumber company increases wages nt its plants. m m New berg gets garage 50 by 10-1 feet. Yoncalla here opened. oi stoEDoir oct is STAYTON-KiNGSTON AU TO .STAGE Leave Stayton tor Kingston 1 1 M. “ Kingston '• Stayton 4:60 P M. connect« with Motor l'«r,man & Stout system being constructed bv the Astoria—Deep sea fishing Co. incorporates here sent investment o f $100,000. — AUCTION I w ill sell at public auction on the W . D. Cornish place, 4 miles east of Stayton, on SESTA K & TH O M A S, Proprietors. FRIDAY, MAR ’17 Commencing at 10:30 a. m, the following described property: 1 horse 5 yrs. old, wt. 1450 3 sets work harness 1 mare 8 “ “ ‘ 1400 1 set single harness 1 “ 9 " “ “ 1350 1 fern cutter 1 7 foot Deering binder 1 hay carrier outfit 1 Monitor disc drill 1 cultivator 1 No. 50 plow 250 bushels oats 1 two-section harrow 20 bushels wheat 1 Clipper fanning mill 6 dozen chickens 1 \ light Moline wagon Some apples 1 hack 1 buggy Some potatoes Household goods, other article too numerous to mention. _______________________________ * 3 . Owner. GEO. K E E C H , Auctioneer. J. W . M A YO, Clerk. FREE LUNCH Physician and Surgeon X RAY AUM SVILLE X OREGON S. H . H E L T Z E L Attornev-at-I.«w- Notary Public Farm Drang Secured V. A. GOODE LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Office Room No. ■€, Roy Hldg. FUNERAL D IR E C T O R - J . M. RINGO— STAYTON OHvwr Jory Administrator of the j estate of Alexander M. Gifford, deceased, 47t5 OREGON G. F. KORINEK, V. S„ B. V. Sc V e te rin a ria n Treats ail domestic animals, also applies the Tuberculin test. Telephone 3x7 O ffic e at Stayton Stablea In the matter of the } Executor’s N i- Estatc of Theresa tier of Appoint- I' ■ 1 ■ I • i . I > •• . : S mi I . Notice is hereby given that Iternard Gescher was appointed executor of the i estate of the said Theresa Kicstcrer on the 26th Day of Febru ny, 1917, by an 1 order of the County Court of Marion 1 County, Oregon, culy cntereJ of record in said Court. All persons having claims against aaid estate are required to send the sam • properly venfle I, with proper vouchers, to Carson & Drown, his attorneys, at Salem, Oregon, within : six months from the date f this notice. Dated this 9t'i day of .Varc , 1!)17. BERNARD GES' HER, CARSON & BROWN Executor, Attorneys for Executor 10t6 STAYTON Fox ‘ fonts ar.d Children For Over 3 0 Yearn T h e q u i c k , s a fe „ material Especially desirable in the country or where there is no water system, because R o o i«^ Free samples and literature CET IT OF YOUR DEALER OR WRITE US DIRECT D u r a b le R o o fin g Mfg. P o rtlan d , O re . DR. C. B. O’NEILL cô.' For sale by OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN Rooms 5-6 Bush Bank Building Salem, - ^ GEO. A. SMITH Stayton, Oregon Durable did aatlafactlon I kouk it li made right ¡¿nature 0 « OREGOI A n d Farm Loans and reliable roofing I U . good ro o fin g and g iv e ..p le n - A ln iyj bears the . . . . ’ — Real Estate— ;ASTORIA f ir e t T o OF $ 2 0 and under, cash; over $20 bankable notes at 8 per cash on sums JACOB SPANIQL Oregon A. BURSELL, M. D. Hath Tubs, Lavatories unci all Sanitary fittings— Furm- ers-VVe carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. In the County Conrt ol the State of Ore­ gon for Marion County TERMS OF S A l _E Three per cent discount foi Stayton, TINWORK and PLUMBING Notice Is hereby given that tin- un­ dersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State o f Oregon for the County o f Marlon, duly made and en­ tered on the 30th day of December, 1916, was appointed administrator of the eatate ot Alexander M. Gifford, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator. Ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the sunie duly verified as required by law to said ad­ ministrator at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 14th day of February, 1917. SURGEON — Dentist— # For Fal Slock will repre-|®*k** Administrator’s Notice Ja«. G. Heltzel Salem, Oregon Attorney for estate. AND STAYTON MEAT MARKET U p Stairs in Roy Block Pacific Telephone Co. building new 25 mile line Cushman to r> ^ Gardner. L a r d & C r e a m e r y B u tte r . ! OREGON G. Cyril Watson, D.M.D. Pendleton to get a new garage one hundred feet square. Columbia bridge will be furnished with $30,000 surplus cash P. R. L. & P Co. paying street car tolls at $265 a dav. cent interest. o v e r $2 0 . | STAYTO N . S t a y t o n . O r e g o n Leave - Stayton S : 1 !i A . M. •• - Sublimity !*:26 • '• - Aiinmvllie Uto •1 “ - Turner ‘l:.Vi ‘ Arrive • Salem 10:25 1 W ilb u r N. P i n t l e r , D .M .D . Leave Opp. Ore. Flee. Salem 2:47. P. M. Anise - Turner 3:16 " DENTIST 3:35 • “ - AutiiBville '* * Sublimity 3:60 •' Ottico Opp. I.ancetlold Shoe Store ** - Stayton 4:00 •'1 I’hour 2152 Stavton, Oro Interstate Commerce Commission holds S. P. Co. can operate Oregon I ° " er ( 0 steamship lines to New Orleans and Galveston. Stayton Brown Petzell sawmill erecting fine office building, i F r e s h , S a lt & C u re d M e a ts PUBLIC Physician and Surgeon C. H . B R E W E R , M . D . Portland—Portland Pure Milk and Cream Co. and Damascus Inducements are being made to the farmers near Indepen- Ureamery combine and will erect new plant, making one of largest dence to raise sugar beets. This will necessitate the installation of concerns in wTest. irrigation equipment, which may be served electrically by the lighting A. BEAUCHAMP, M. D. Will make regular trip» every day, Sundays included ns fullows: «AUDI PIIONK WHI Leave Sta>ton for kInga ton H:35A.M. 8:56 « • *' Kingston “ Stayti Arrive Stayton 9:05 1 4 P H Y S IC IA N Astoria—250 foot Auxiliary schooner Margaret launched at Freewater Walla Walla firm has purchased cannery and Andersen yards. will operate it with a pack o f at least five hundred tons vegetables. Ontario—new Idaho Power Co. H. S A L C M --S 1 AY TON famous Todd quicksilver mines eight miles from Winchester water company installing big pump to supply Astoria -227 tons rock to be laid along north jetty in next S. P. Co. 90 days. In spite of all the cussings the big corporations get, wnen Klamath Falls to build 20 miles municipal railroad this danger threatens our country we have a better feeling o f security spring. in knowing that our transportation, telephone, and manufacturing Gearheart—number of new buildings going up here. systems are the most efficient in all the world. Corvallis has authorized bids for $35,000 school building. Roseburg Southern Pacific Co. installing a large icing plant Hillsboro- movement started for Washington county union here. high school. Shed S. P. Co. bought 40 acre rock quarry on Saddle Hutte. Pacific Coast Steel Co. planning a large plant at Willbridge. Oregon City construction of $5,500 auditorium at Gladstone Pendleton Elks will build a business block and club rooms assured, in 1917. La Grande gets a new laundry industry. McMinville gets two new brick business buildings. Appropation has been made by the state for an armory at Enterprise—$ 60 , 00 ») school building proposed here. Marshfield. Gold Hill— Long idle planing mill opens here. 1107 B r.W ».r, N.w Y «k Ctf/ Lulay & Schindler Contractors & Builders Dwelling houses a specialty Ix:t ns figure on your build­ ings We can save you money A good job gauranteed t Phone 77 P. O. Box 198 STAVTON, OREGON. l » ♦ ♦ « s t s s ss s s s s s s s s ss s ses Brown-PelzeiCo,Stayton “FIXIT SHOP” NOTICE! The Trovcr-Welgel Studio will I have crtaiilishcd n rt pair whop in the Cooper building on Water Street open Saturday and Sunday April 7th. and v ill repair nnv thing. Saw Filing and 8th. Tl ey are row located in the Malthicu Hldg on Second Street. a specialty. Oron Weddle. tf Oregon |