OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW! THÈ S T A Y T O N M A I L A L E X A N D E R S: D A U G H E R TY , Owners nini Ihihlishcrs ( T At H O N O Entered as second class matter at the poatoffiee at Stayton, Marion Cmnty, Oregon, under the Act of Congress o f March 3, 1879. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year In Advanee Member of tho Stole Editorial Association and of the Willamette Valley Fditoria! ----- Association Advertising Kates Made Known Upon Application Foreign Advertising Represented by The Anurican Press Association Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail OUR INTRODUCTION W ill) tut M . 111 . 1 Oli.i.« M f . 1 — Pohtland broker was robbed of a roll of hunk notes while sleeping in a chair car trying to save a $2 Pullman fare. 1 '■ --------- A HUH WMI T O B A C C O NUt* O N I A M I *•. A t W A > '• | A 4 K . N i . f o H a CM» W O f W H C O V f A N D P u t * M A t P A P O U C H IN Ml A I fA if - T N t N » A V I IT A T O O i J Coos Kay coat being sold in Medford C. E. D A U G H ER TY, E d ito r ami Manager M J U I K . I . tMl Mi OK I w o I I MAN I I M A I 1 A W A t U Uf OOOO TO B A C C O . (T * ' • 1$ N U N T O B A C C O A M O A • M A L L C H 1 W IB i N O U t t M Poti ] ANY M AN. • PON*? H A V E P T O P t f C A C U H o J St. Helens, Clatstop county lets contract for 4 miles grad­ ing and paving at cost of $26,000 Grants Pass. Indications are that this citv will lose sugar factory built here last year o . i,r to fact that sufficient q iantit> of beets cannot be secured. Many her communities arc after olunl i Eugene, Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. will soon have Mnrshfi Id I connected with this city by fine line giving first class service. S O M F call these facc-itufTcr* hods, «omo call them gophers. llut they arcgctiingscarccrandscarcersinee gentlemen found out about W - U C l IT Chewing. There is no excuse for a man making a monkey of himself today. I lie fine rich tobacco flavor was pot into W-H by nature, the touch o f salt brings it out nice und tranquil like, without your worrying your jaw uround continually. W-H is getting to he prelty nearly us popular as sun­ shine these h a p p y d a y s. Krownsville. Cannery her*» has many more orders than it can fill for 1917. • Cottage Grove cannerv will operate this season. With war threatened, the country begins to realize the value of great industries and railroads. Legislation and regulation which injures and destroyes them, injures the whole country. A crisis hk<* the present shows that the safety of our country in time of trouble depends on perfect working industrial organizations. M«l* I f WKYMAN BRUTON COMPANY, SO Uaiaa Sqssrs, N»w Yack City In consolidating the two papers of Stavton and assuming| loitland. Metal Trades Council strike in local shipyards! control o f the Stayton Mail we feel that the readers are entitled to breaking down. More men will be employed as fast as machinery an introduction to us and to know something of the policies we will l'an be Installed. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OCT 15 try to carry out Public Docks Commission locating site for large public de- Physician and Surgeon El. D. Alexander, the senior member o f the firm scarcely needs vator at Portland, STAYTON -KING STO N any introductory to the reading public of Stayton and vicinity as Lebanon, S. P- Co. has large force rebuilding 2000 feet he has been a resident of Stayton for the past fifteen years and trestle. AUTO STAGE ST AY T ON. OREGON Will make regular trip* «very ilny. the greater part o f the time has been engaged in the printing Redmond, Standard Oil Co. building station here to carry Sundays included a» follow*: business and a number of those years published a newspaper so s.u.KM CIIONKV.i full line of its products. that practically everybody knows him. Lravt1 Stayton for Kingston 8:3ft A. M. 8:6ft •• •* Kingston " Stay tun C. E. Daugherty the junior member of the firm is a new Pineville, Oregon Spokesman, new paper to be established !l;Oft *• P H Y S IC IA N A N I) SUKCEON Arrive Stayton man in in your midst, having taken the editorial and business man- here. S t a y t o n , O regon • Stayton - 9:16 A. M. agement of the Standard last November, but suffice it to say that E|k citV) Alder timber being shipped from here to Albany Leave • ■ - Sublimity 9 86 " he has had 26 years experience in the newspaper and printing f urnjture f actorv “ • A u ihm V i I It- . 9 40 " business, having worked on some o f the largest papers in the " - Turner - 9:ftft •• - Salem - “ country and for some of the best printing establishments in the Coquille, Sawmill goes to work on 12,000,000 ft. lumber war Arrive Leave Opp. Ore. Elee. Salem 2:4ft P. M. west. order. Arrive Turner 3:16 DENTIST - 3:36 Auitisvillc In politics we will be absolutely independent. We will en- Oregon legislature actually adjourned, leaving $974.65 in Sublimity - g:M Olhce Opp, l.aneeficld Sinai Store de Ivor to give our readers all the news all the time, thus giving treasury, • 4:00 Stayton ! Phono 2162 Stavton. Ore them a paper that they will be glad to support and proud to call Portland gets a toy factory with $30,000 capital. Laave Stayton lor Kingston 4:2ft P.M. their own. “ K in gton " Stayton 4:ft0 !*.M. Legislature provided new revenue o f $324,000 and has As the success of a country newspaper from a news-gather­ connect* with Motor Cur ing standpoint depends largely on the country correspondence. We $133,000 in emergency fund. llammun & Stout — Dentist— appeal to all the correspondents to both papers to send in your North Bend sawmills working on eastern war order mater­ news items just the same as usual. ials. We also feel that we should say a word to our advertisers Contract let to place 10,000 tons rock around S. P. Co. Coos a id other patrons. We have increased the circulation of our paper Bay bridge piers. by consolidation even more than we had anticipated and in this Portland stove works will erect $300,000 plant. manner have doubled the value of our paper as an advertising Proprietors. medium. We are better equipped than ever to do your commer­ Portland Saturday manual training classes are crowded. cial and job printing. Physician and Surgeon Klamath, New fish hatchery on Crooked Creek to be built, X It A Y another to be enlarged. H. A. BEAUChAMP, M.l). SALEM--STAYTON C. H. BREWER, M. D. W ilbur N. Pintlcr, D.M.D. G. Cyril Watson, D.M.D. STAYTON MEAT MARKET Up Stairs in Roy Block SESTAK & S,ay*°"' • • °,,i0n THOMAS, A. BURSELL, M. D. Fresh, Salt & Cured Meats SHERIFF’S SALE OF Last Notice of Executor. REAL PROPERTY ON FORECLOSURE Is Attornev-at-I.nw-Notary Public Given, That by d£y°fifed i n ^ h e ' o f Manon Politics is more powerful than business as is shown by the virtue of an execution duly issued out Connty, State o f Oregon, his final general failure to pass bills consolidating functions, boards and Hereby of th. Circuit Court o f the State o f has fixed and appointed Monday, March commissions that are duplicating each other at public expense. Oregon, for the county of Marion and 12th, 1917, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock Salem, Bill to spend $200,000 on home for delinquent chil- .a ... on j c i A. M. of said day, at the county court . . . . tom e d irects on the J) day of Jan- in the county court house, ir. dren referred to the people. 1917, upon a judgment and de- said county and state, as the time and place for the hearing o f any objections Newberg Graphic. The Southern Pacific log train that is cree duly rendered, entered of record . . . , . ., „ t?pmentflh »L «fCount’ and for the 8et' coming in daily now makes music that has a phasing sound to and docketed in and by said Court on tlement thereof. * * , , Dated February 6, 1917. many ears. It means work for a large number o f hands and this uary, the 23rd dav of January, 1917, in a wherein E. G. S'egmund was plaintiff and Margaret M. Mullen and David Feb. 7—Mar. 7 were defendants fendants by which execution I am com­ dersigned, by an order o f the County Court o f the state o f Oregon for the manded to s°i! the property in said ex­ County o f Marion, duly made and en­ ecution and hereinafter described to tered on the 30th day o f December, pay the sum due the plaintiff of $947.24 {h!‘6’e^ute * o T a "exander"' M^^ifford! with interest thereon at the rate | deceased, and that he has duly qualified 1 as such administrator. All persons of 8 per cent, per annum from the having claims against said estate are 23rd day of January 1917, until paid hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law to said ad­ and the further sum of $100.00, attor­ ministrator at Salem, Marion County, ney 's fees together with the costs and Oregon, within six months o f the date o f this notice. disbursements of said suit taxed at Dated this 14th day o f February, Oliver Jory $27 .25 Dollars a id cost* and expenses 1917. Jas. G. Heltzel Administrator o f the of said exccu'io-. I will on Saturday Salem, Oregon estate o f Alexander M. Gifford, deceased, the 10th day of March 1917, at the Attorney for estate. 47t5 hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day r.t the p County Court House in Marion county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder ! A fA T r iT T (J I N l l I L L for cash in hand on the day o f sale, all the right, title inteiest and estate which said defendi nts » d all persons claim­ ing under them subsequent to the date of the mt rtgage, October 15th, 1914 in, | of and to said premises hereinbefore mentioned and d ¡scribed in said execu­ tion as follow«, to wit: Beginning at the north east cerner of Block No. 51, j , - in the City of Sa,c m, in Marion County, State o f Or, goi ; and running thence southerly along ihe etst line o f said H ov/’a T h b ? block, 65 feet tu ihe land sold to D. R. W « offer One Hundred Dc,l’r and Anna Yent - ; thence in a westerly tor any r%z<3 c; C:;‘ ir: . t. -t direction a*, right angles to Commercial cannot tc cured by HaB’a Ca.arra Street and following the north line of Cure. T. J. C H E K T Y £c r;> . Tiled ), O. the Yantis land 100 fret; thence north­ • «©. thu un-Icrr.:--- c I I V I erly parallel w ith the east line o f the , OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN block, 65 feet to the north line o f said block; thence easterly along the north line thereof, 100 feet to the place of beginning. Said sale is being made subject to re­ demption in the manner provided by law. Dated ‘.1rs 31st day of January 1917. W. I. Needham, Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon M - 8-8 C .ic n t y f . r t:.o ! ■m P rfo c tly ] transaction* nnd r. Oregon 1. - J • , cut e r v cb!!—.‘.lor. i N A T IO X U . E.'.I.Tv C. c-.f-r-h r :ot:s re. .a ■ , f I- nt f ly f *i * — •• T »i i , , ;, 1 , a : . d b e l l i - » d o , I b u iJiinrsJ s ln --i " i t > c -rry • 1 .% firm. ‘ "MERCE, T Ic«lo. O. i I-it-mclly, ' ar-1 mu* it moni- It • b M! . L .1.1 ' ii-IIpallot. Good Oak Posts for sale. cents each. Chas. Gehlen. V. A. GOODE LAW YER Office Room No. 6, Roy Bldg. - J . M. R1NGO— STAYTON Burke Fish Co. to establish refrigeration plant on Coos Bay. Treats all domestic animals, also upplics the Tuberculin test. Telephone 3x7 Offi ce a! S ta y ton Stahlen Klamath Falls gets another Itox factory to employ 50 hands. S TA YTO N The quick, safe and reliable roofing m a te r ia l Especially desirable in the country or where there is no water system, because Abia but Not Willing. Driven to It. “You aati me for help, and I dare say you haven't done a lick of work since the day you were born." snarled old Mr. Codgers. “Oh. sir," answered the mendicant, “you do me a great Injustice. I bad n < ruel parent, sir, mid many a time afi -r lie li nl walloped me, I went forth ami milked the cows.**— Birmingham A go-11 era Id. OREGO I GEO. A, SMITH Stayton, Oregon ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S 1*4444441 Lulay & Schindler Contractors & Builders Huntinj on Troaebc-roua 8oil. IS P R A l U C A M v It la good ro o fin g and gives splen­ did satisfaction because it is mads right Walking Signboard* “Sandwich man," that expressive term nppllcd to unfortunates who walk the streets benrlng two advertising bonnls strapped over lliclr shoulders. Is said to have lierii originated by Dick m s In one of tils "Skclchc s by Box.” - - Durable Snipe slioillng oli un l.,d l hog la an excellent test of u gunner's skill and enthusiasm An expel I- need hog shoot­ er If he finds himself going down throws himself fiat oil his shin or back and at the same time throws Ills gun to hla attendant, generally an unsli'-d “gossoon," who rnrely falls to catch IL The sensation of being bogged Is very unpleasant, but If a man throws him­ self on bis side or buck there la strength enough In the pent to support hla body.—“Forty five Yours of Sport." - - — Real Estate— And Farm Loans R o o lif* ^ “Come, now.- pnristu.l the lawyer, "•re you not able to nay o f your own knowledge Unit the defendant wua In the room at the time und objected to the whole pro < eding?" "Yet. sir." Huvugrly replied the wit­ ness, "I nm able to say It, 1 reckon, but I'd l>e telling the blggeat lie you ever heard of If I did.” V. Sc Veterinarian Crane has a $54,000 irrigation project. Congress for some time has been confronted with the question whether the great source of waterpower shall be used or be un- p ro d u c tiv e indefinitely. The Shields bill which is now in confer- encc provides opportunity for the necessary compromise but little progress has been made. Certainly it should be possible to get some action in the month remaining to the present Congress for a deadlock in the matter cannot satisfy the desire o f any o f the part­ ies to the controversy. OREGON G. F. KORINEK, V. S„ B China gets 2400 miles railroad in 1917 built with American caPital- is to be hoped this year will see conditions that will in- V ite ca p ita l to g o into American railroads Marshfield, Options have been closed by an Kastern con­ cern for more than 100,000 acres of spruce and fir timber land on lower Umpqua and Smith rivers, at a consideration of more than $3,000,000. A large pulp and paper mill will be established and cruisers are now ascertaining the amount of paper spruce available. and ffO T A R Y PUBLIC FUNERAL DIRECTOR JACOB SPANIOL Rooms 5-6 Bush Bank Building Salem Farm Liana Secured Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings— Farm- ers-W e carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. Interstate Commerce Commission has raised lumber rates from all Willamette valley mills fifty cents per ton, or ten to Notice is hereby given that the un- twenty-five dolla*fe.a car. in favor of plaintiff and against said de­ the west door of TINWORK and PLUMBING Administrator’s Notice Mullen, her husband, Lee E. Abbe and May Abbe, his wife, E xecu tor^ oT V mean3 the payment of many grocery bills and other accounts, estate o f Appol- Southern Pacific distributes first half of $110,000 labor bonus lonea Gehien, j deceased. for 1917. Attorney fo V th e estate. certain suit then in said Court pending, OREGON S . IT. H E L T Z E L To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, A. I « p r e s e n t e d fa ir lv ” Lainck, executor of the estate of Ap- re p r e s e n le a la iriy . ---------- Notice AUMSVILLE Dr. Mervin, Washington Industrial Service Bureau: — “ Event- I - ir .f fL T rC 'im T V R l llI t T ually, however, this struggle between capital and labor must yield * v - ’ to an industrial co-operative group in which all interests will be Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock F IR E F .-U O F Free samples and literatura GET IT OF YOUR DF. ALEH OR W RITE US DIRECT D u r a b le R o o fin g Mfg. C O . Portland, Ora. ^ For sola by • Brown-PetzelCo,Stayton “FIXIT SHOP” Dwelling houses a specialty Let us figure on your build­ ings w We can save you money A good job gauranteed S Phone 77 P. O. Box 198 STAYTO N, OREGON. I » »4 4 *4 4 *4 44 * 4 * * 14 *4 4 4 *** * 4 NOTICE! The Trover-Weigel Studio will I have established n repair shop in the Cooper building on Water Street Saturday and Sunday Mar. 3rd. and will repair anything. Saw Filing 1111,1 T ^ y «re now located in the a specialty, Oron Weddle. tf i Malth'cu Bldg on Second Street.