The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 22, 1917, Image 5

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Irrlgvtlon Cede Enacted.
The Irrigation district code pnaacd
the senate with a f«-w minor am end­
ment* In »1 '"h the t-ouss Immodlat
ly concurrml.
This new code la on#
of the big piece* of leg!station which
the legislature was railed upon to cn
act. ami Its sponsor* claim that Iti
enactment will mean the Investment
of millions of dollar* In Irrigation
works and the reclamation of htm
dreda of thousands of acre* of arid
lamia In »aste rn and central Oregon.
Tho code follows In moat respects
the existing law In reference to the
ment of the district, aud the principal
changes hav
been made In connec­
tion with those sections relating to
the security and sale of bond».
Appropriation# Within Legal L im it
Tho fi per cent lax limitation am end­
ment haa been ol, erved by the waya
MPRESS on the young man who ii burning the candle at both enda
and who ia amending hia big aalary aa faat aa he makea it the VALUE
OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIOHT ROAD today.
If he ia not hopeleaa he at once will aee the error of hia waya. The open­
ing of a bank account haa put a atop to many a youth’a wild deaire to be
ami means committees of the legisla­
ture, aud the paring down of budgets
and demands of various kinds has
brought th«- total to hu appropriated
down to $6,289,408.43.
This Is well
within the limit, leaving a $20,037.39
balance, which will he taken up by
the appropriation for miscellaneous
There Is on hand In the
state treasury $200,000 from unex­
years ago which now has reverted to
the general fund.
This amount, the
committee decided, will not be ap­
propriated at this session, and will
he available when the emergency
board is railed upon to assist In help­
ing out where shortages occur In the
next two years.
Senate Confirms Mulit and Gore.
A share of the banking business
Tho senat ratified Governor Withy-
combe's appointment of W H. Gore,
of Medford, and L. L. Mulit, of Port­
land, as members of the board o f re­
gents of tho University of Oregon.
Mr Gore succeeds lloy Goodrich, de­
ceased. and Mr. Mulit succeeds Col­
lector of Customs M A. Miller.
of Stayton and vicinity
is solicited.
You are assured of a safe deposi­
tory and courteous treatment at
this bank, by ample capital and
The senate also ratified the gover­
nor’s appointment of Miss Cornelia
Marvin, state librarian, and W . C.
Hryant. of Moro, as incmbcre of the
hoard of regents of the Oregon nor­
mal school. Both are reappointments.
long experience in the banking
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of
n , Oregon
» .
Capital $25,000.00
The Olympian Jupiter.
Artificial Eyaa.
The r«lel>r*tr«l a'.ilue. the Ot\
Jupiter, theItiJiwIt’.'i'lece «if P I''1 'in. the
The earliest notice o f artificial eyea
occurs In a very rare work by the
great «-»t o f nil »« ::lptora. wit * r moved
to ( ’onalantlnop «• hv T ltiW 'u lu ■ I In
which place It »»r»x ilr<«tr">
v «il hv lire In
the year 47*. I ii 1 '•1 n Ills greatest work
the artist sou: lit i . i »inn '•
the lilc.i
o f majeaty mi . i ! nqio*e m ..»I from nil
account a niini'cticd |K’rf«'cll\. I lie fu
moua statu*' tv it* In n slttli ;; position,
forty feet high. on a ptHlealnl of I wen
ty, and wn* min’. • o f Ivor;, and gold
(to famous wan It Hint It wait munltl
ere«l a calamity t«> die wlihnut seeing
It. The atatue nerved at n model for
all subsequent rvprcaentatlona of tnaj-
rat.v and power In re|H)He among (he
French surgeon Ambrolse
tled “ La Method* Curative
ct Fracture* de la Testo
Paris, 1501
Pare give* a
anil ilgures o f nrtlftclal eyes
In cases where tho eyeball
Told Hun tl.a Difi»«enc*.
When the tin III -Imp of t'uulerhiiry
wua a curate he condu« l••»I ii Kumluy
school c I ukk
The auhjeet twin Klim Solomon, aud
after the lesson he rate«-lil»e»l ilu* «-lill
"Tell me Is«)* ’ he hu Id. "wlm l »vna
the dlfferen «• helween Kolomon anil
other men':
There won no nuxtvnr
“Come, ««mic!’ sul«l the future prl
mate. “ W um the e an.' dlfTereti'c. for
Itintnnee. Itenvee i Klmr Solomon ami
A atnnll bu\t! went up and a tiny
voice repllet!
“ Please. sir. t'ololiu.ii »vita »»I k »*"
H ew Thoy Live In Amsterdam.
Housing con 11 timid in Amsterdam
among the wealthy are peculiar
frequently men of large buxines* a f ­
faire have their realdem-cs In their of-
ticca and »vurchoude bnllding*. The up­
per floora are eleguntly fitted up. while
the low er floor* ore «xyupled ns oUlce
quarters. or the lower floor* are used
for residential purposes and the u p i*r
floor* nro warehouses,
l'hcae homes
front on the m nals.
Household fur-
nlahlngs, men I iuiii II hc . etc., are hoist­
ed lo the upper stories liy block mid
An lugetiloua mirror arruuge-
meut lu the «liu lo w a furnishes persona
who live nho»e the first lloor u view of
the stic.'i nil;I of any olte ringing tho
f.'fcjotiahlo Inatrumant.
“ What . in you studying t h c r e r
“ L a w .’’
"D ry , ain't It?”
••Not v. lieu you Ilka It. .lust now I
am learning nil about negotiable In­
“ I iltUPio much about law ,” snlil hia
roommate, “ hut I do know you are o f­
fered mighty little when you try to
■ell a mandolin.”— n t t ib u r g h P ost
Pare, enti­
dea Playes
I luma Inc."
to lie worn
hns given
way and all the humors have escaped.
They are to be segments o f a hollow
sphere, made of gold, coated with
enamel painted In n a t u r a l colors. With
the exception o f the gold they are ex­
actly like the artificial eyes that are
In use at the present time, which are
made wholly o f glass — London Specta­
The Origin of Carrier Pigaona.
The origin of the use o f the carrier
pigeon Is lost In obscurity, hut the first
people of » y I ioiii we ‘lave any record of
employing II are the Greeks
Ily them
It »»as used with great success, and the
knowledge they hud acquired they Ini
Delinquent Tax Bill Passed.
The Forbes amendments to the de­
linquent tax list bill »vere adopted.
Under the hill as amended the formal
notice of delinquency will be mailed
90 day* after the tax becomes delin­
quent, and 30 days later all unpaid
taxes will be advertised In the papers.
In Multnomah county two papers are
to receive the advertising on aho»vlng
of a circulation of at least 10,000, and
In outside counties the county courts
are to select the papers.
Publishers of newspapers through­
out the statu have been attending the
session and co-operating »vllh Forbes
and hia committee In the effort to get
the law changed. They were as eager
as any mem ber of the legislature to
get enactments that would save mon­
ey for the counties yet give due pub­
licity to delinquencies.
Land Grant Tax up to People.
Every voter In Oregon v.-lll have a
chance to express an opinion on the
merits of Representative Ilean'a land
grant bill, which passed both houses.
As amended by the senate the bill
la automatically referred to the peo­
ple for their approval or rejection at
the general election In N ovem ber next
The bill does not affect in any par­
ticular the status of the pending legl
lalation between the federal govern­
ment and the Southern Pacific rail­
road over the title and ownership of
the Oregon A- California grant lands.
It merely asserts the sovereign
right of tliij state of Oregon for ever
to tax the lands, regardless of who
ewns them.
Boys Prohibited to Use Cigarettes.
partial to the Romans, who tlrst used
Without one dissenting vote, the
It ns a message bearer about 120 years
■weeney-llrand anti cigarette bill for
before the Christian era
About 600
minors passed the senate.
It »vas
years ago pigeons formed part o f n
telegraphic system adiqdcd by the
Turks, who erected high towers thirty form In »vhioh It came from the house.
The Sw«»eney-Brand law
is even
or forty miles npnrl. They were pr«i
vldcd wit Ii pigeons, mid sentinels stood more drastic than the original Sw een­
ey bill In safeguarding against the
constantly ready to secure the mes
sages as the birds arrived.—Loudon use of cigarettes by minors. It makes
no attempt, however, as did tho orig­
inal bill, to prohibit the us* of cigar­
Hard Hearted.
"W h y did you abandon your plan to ettes by grow n men.
Heavy penalties are provided in the
become n doctor?" asked the motorist.
"1 can't bear to see other people s u f­ law against any person »»ho sells or
gives aw ay any cigarettes to minors.
fer," answered tho garnge man.
“ Umpli! I guess It's all lu the point
Legislative Brevities.
of view.”
Senator Cuslck's bill repealing tho
••flow Is that?"
law requiring a health certificate from
“ I notice you didn't abed any tears
male apeticanta for marriuge licenses
wlicii you presently mo with this hill
was defeated in tho house.
i for repnlrs.”—Exchange.
A fter a brief skirmish, the house
defeated the resolution proposing a
W e're All Actors.
Mmo. Alexandria Vlardn, tile Tolls!» change to the Initiative ln»v that would
tragedienne, one# propounded the fol- have required eight per cent of sig­
natures in n majority of the countleg.
1 lowing:
The house passed the Insurance
“ It Is a strange thing, hut ask a man
code with only seven negative votes.
to mend a rip In his coat.
It already had passed the senate. It
“N o; he Is not a tailor.
codifies all the Insurance law s of the
“ Ask another to atop the faucet from
The draatle sterilization bill, passed
“N o; he's not a plumber.
by the house, and a bill putting up to
"O r another to do n hit of cabinet
i the people the problem of whether the
"N o ; he la not a carpenter.
state shall support delinquent, depend­
“But ask any one o f the three or all
ent and defective children cared for
of them to enact a little part in a play
l.y private Institutions also passed the
and each will »mile In fatuous confl
deuce and Instantly acqulcace.
The house passed Representative
"B u t watch him act!”
I Eaton's bill Increasing tho inheritance
Chsrish the truth.
Truth is al­
ways consistsnt with itself and
nsed» nothing to I «ip it out.
is always upon our lips and is
rsady to drop out beforo we are
Blossom Time in
The Golden State
A lie is trouhlosoms end
A friend just back from Southern California
“ The weather was fine, in fact too
warm for heavy clothes.
Many were bath­
ing at the beaches.
Oranges were ripe in
the valleys, while the mountains nearby
were covered with snow.”
With warm sunny weather it will not be
long before the blossoms on the trees will be
everywhere announcing that spring time is
sets s man’s invention upon the
rack, and on* trick notds a grsat
many more to mako it good.
Why Hs Disagreed.
At the clone o f a lecture which George
Bernard B h a t v delivered o n " 8 o c l a l l * m ”
the lecturer announce«] that he »vould
be glad to u u s w e r any i j u e H t l o u s t h a t
any member o f the audience might
«•arc to put to him.
A man roxe In the middle o f the hall.
should Just like to a s k you one
thing, 51 r Klintv," he *al«J. "D o n ’t you
tldnk that those huge Incomes one
bear* o f are ufl wrong?
Don't you
think that there should tie a law pass­
ed to prevent any man having more
than a thousand u year?”
“C«-rtslnly iio U " Mr Kbaw exclaim­
ed promptly
"W h y , 1 make more than
a thousand u year myself.”
Take a vacation trip now where life is different;
where ciimate surroundings and amusements are
out of the ordinary.
Spend a Different February
Three Trains Daily
Senic Shasta Route
Blotting Papsr Like a Swamp.
In <h- " T l b l n g how blotting paper ab­
sorbs Ink Popular Helene# 'Monthly
says: Under the microscope blotting
pa|XT »» hen absorbing Ink resembles,
on n small scale, u marsh matted with
shrulis, sticks and t»vigs. round which
water is flowing.
Ho the Ink run»
almut among the tiliers that together
form the s[K>ngy paper.
There is a limit to the amount of
ll<|tii«l that u blotter »»'ill absorb, as
there is u limit to the amount of w a ­
ter that a marsh will absorb before
It oveitlov.
Tlie Hunt In the blotter
1» tlie combined capillary attraction of
the fibrous shreds, stick* aud tw ig»
that together form the paper.
A Funny Chase.
Lord Orford. an eccentric English
nobleman, once Imd a team o f red deer
•tags that he fre«|ueutly drove to a
light coach. All went well until one
dny there happened to lie a | «ck of
etughouuils on the road from London
to Jlrlgbton, along which Lord Or*
fo rd s picturesque team was m errilj
Ucetlug. There followed the strangest
chase that ever mortal man witnessed.
The hounds hunted the team and Its
o»vner hard to Newm arket, and with
such u smash into the Ram Inn yard
the whole lot went that there w as no
more coach left and little tnor* o f drlv*
er. Lord O rford took to horse* oft**
that.—Loudon Mail.
will take you there in comfort.
Ask the agent
John M. Scott, General PaMenger Agent, Portland
“California Orange Day, March 10th”
J. R. Gardner’s Red Tag Sale Will Close
Wednesday, Feb. 2 8 ’ 17
Many things below W holesale Prices
And some useful goods at Practically Nothing
J. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store,
The Line of Life.
Stayton, Ore.
Is Going
Tlie lino o f life curves from the side
e f the hand between the thumb and
forefinger around the base o f the
thumb to tho center o f the »vrlst Joint.
According to chiromancy (the pretend­
ed urt o f jud gin g the character aud
foretelling the fortune of a person from
the aspect o f the hand). If this line in
the left palm lx regular and deeply col­
ored It predicts a long and happy life;
tortuous, colorless, feebly marked and
broken It announces 111 beaitb and
short life: narrow, but long and well
colored, it Indicates wisdom and In­
genuity; broad and pale it is a sign of
folly; deep and unequally colored it de­
notes malice.
Korea and Chosen.
Chosen Is the oldest name for Korea
and is Chinese in derivation. The his­
tory of the name of the country is
briefly as follow *: From about 9G0
A. D. the name o f the country was
Kort or K«>ryu. In R592, when the last
dynasty was founded, a still older
name. Chosen or Cboson (Chinese Chao-
sien, morning freshness or morning
calm ) w as revived. In 1897 the king­
dom w as cnlled Paihnn by the Korean*,
but It became officially Chosen in 1910
when it w as annexed to Japan.
Clever Footwork.
The harp soloist w as In the middle
of a brilliant solo, a imstoral which
called for some very clever work with
the pedals used to secure chromatic
changes In the scales. This manipula­
tion o f the |H*dnls, ns usual, attracted
the attention o f ninny in the audience,
old and young.
Suddenly n youngster became so
much Interested In the changing o f the
pedals that he burst o u t: “Look, look,
dnd I She’» shifted gears twice already
and now she’s on the high.”— Pitts­
burgh Chronicle Telegraph.
Proving the Adage.
“ Is lgnorain c ever bliss, professor?”
“Yes, I really think it is
N ow , take
uiy case. I worry about germs contin­
Those people must be happy
who know nothing about the germ
tht'ory.”— n ttsb u rg h 1’osL
tax rates.
Among the important bills passed
In the senate were the house measure
doubling automobile licenses so as to
provide a fund to match tho Shackle­
ford federal road fund, and the Bean-
Barrett bill authorizing Issuance of
bonds up to $1,800,000 necessary to
natch any portion of the federal fund
not otherwise provided for.
One of tho bills passed tightens up
the bone-dry prohibition law.
It re­
quires peace officers having “ reason­
able Information” that liquor Is be-
i:»g transported In any vehicle except
a railroad ear. shall search It and
seize any contraband liquor found.
This bill already has passed the house.
Every Day
ou had better look over your
stationery and order your let­
ter heads, envelopes, statements,
bill heads and any other supplies
you may need before further ad­
are heavily stocked in some
lines, and can serve you at
the old prices.
A fter the old
stock is gone, no one knows what
prices will be. Order now.
The Stayton Mail
“Quality Printers”
The Stayton Mail