r\<*A * * IK THE 5THYT0N MAIL H as the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley—It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket. S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 15, 1917. 23rd. Year, N o. 7. REVIEW OF WORK OF OREGON LEGISLATURE House Passes Measure P ro * viding for K " tary Training In High Schools. Naw Road and Irrigation Coda*—Mar» rlaga Law Rspsaltd—Two Clgaratta Bill* Paaa Houaa—Sanata Paaaea Rural Cradlta Measure—Cannarlea Ara Favored -Grain Bureau Provld» ad tor—All May Vote at School Claotlona. rouda and represent!) the vlewa of varloua good roada organizations In the state. The Irrigation node represents t'.e vlewa of the Irrigation congress which met In Portland Just previous to the aeaalon. Couples who can not pass tho Ore gon health teats probably will no loi ¡: nr have to go to other states to obtain marriage licenses as the senate pass, d a hill repealing the state law which requires a health certificate from ev ery applicant for a license The in> a ure now goes to the house, where It la said to he assured of pasaar . The houae passed a bill to prohibit picketing during strikes. The men ure was Introduced by Representative K. K. Kubll of Portland PLEASE PASS THE APPLES When every pool in Eden was a mirror That unto Eve her dainty charms proclaimed. She went undraped without a single fear or Thought that ahe had need to be ashamed. ’Twas only when *he’d eaten of the apple That she became inclined to be a prude, And found that evermore she’d have to grapple With the most debated problem of of the nude. Antl-CIgaratta Bill* R c rt 'ls d . The Sweeney bone dry anti-cigar Kal.'iu—The atate legislature began the (Inal we«>k nf thn present session ette bill * hteh passed the house was with much Important proposed Icata recalled and the in- asore wan laid on latlnn atilt to receive attention at the the table. The bill will be brought up hand« of one or both houaea. Mow* early thla week for a:n. i dmonL The ever, both houaea adjourned over Hun- Htott bill which prohibits the aale to day with the desks practically clear, youtba under 21 years, also was re­ ao It eyatoinatlc, bualneaa like niethoda called and tabled. It Is proposed now to amend the prevail and the flow of oratory la abut off thin week, all the really Important Sweeney bill so as to make It bom- matters will recalve attention. Doth dry against boys under 21, but not to houaea will adjourn sine dlo Saturday prohibit sales to adults. nlkht, February 17, the 40th day of Compromise W ins In Rural Credits. Senate bill 126, the state land board the Id-day aeaalon provided by the rural credits measure, amended so an atate constitution. Perhaps the moat Important pleco to Include some of the provisions of of IcKislatlon acted upon thla week the bills drawn by Senators Shanks wan the paa«ai urged to be COLGATES ALL-ROUND SOAt E. For all round purpose 10c cake, 3 2 22 1 1 for 25centa. Sloper's Drug Store. i parties, who wish to will be present. You there. C. Downing. Secy., Sub'.iiuily, Dairy Assn. WE ARE NOT GIVING SPECIALS Sweet Naval Cal. Oranges 10c doz. Fresh Lettuce Every Day Fresh Cabbage Every Day 3000 pounds Oyster Shell D O N T FORG ET T H E F U L L LIN E OF L o w a m o C o rs e ts CORRECT IN STYLE AND PRICE T o parties wishing to buy one or tw o sacks of potatoes it will pay you to get our prices. YO U RS T R U LY , W. F. KLECKER. STAYTON, ORE