T STAYTON MAIL OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW £ I »Ay» » n . to >T) ' NOW R i n t M B K * , a i , y o u 9 0 ( 1 1 HAVK TO T A K I A 1 CH AW THE *17 E OF THAT COWS CWO T H IS IE MI 4 H - C L A E S EOOO EJ A#. OLMSTED, Editor and Publisher Entered as second class matter at the 1 ostofflee at Stayton, Marion County, Oregon, under the Act o f Congress o f March it. 1879. Subscription Price $ 1 .0 0 f t r Year In Advance of the State Editorial A .» o c « , ion ami of the Willamette Valley Editorial --------------------- Association Industrial Activity G iving ¿¿inpayment to Thousands in O re- gon. Outside M oney Developing Enterprise. By Conservative T.c^iila ion Encourage In­ vestment of ap.tal Here. y is 18.75 mills for county a f • '*A Y O U W -B C U T chewera know all about tobacco satisfaction. Y ou feel sort o f «orry for users of the old kind. There is so little tobacco satisfaction in tobacco with excess of sweetening, no matter how bi>( • chew they take. It’s sort of difficult to make beginners understand how much satisfaction there is in tobacco if it’s rick tobacco. They will know when they get to be regular W -B C U T users. Salem, bill prepared for teacher’s retirement fund. Five per cent o f salary t > be set aside for term of years, when state a to add $2, (HR). Address all Communication' to The Stay ton Mail BC H i n n i VT n Eugene, Aggregate ti •12.9 mills for city. Portland merchants made a i excursion the past week to in­ vestigate the tlax industry now being developed in the Willamette Valley. Fareifa Arfrertisinfc Represented by The Am«ric»n Press Asscoticn ▼ AND A LITTLE C H EW I t ALL r — TOO K E E P , f ~ " ' Springfield dedirnteri$35,(R0Mill'.iuist chutchar d parsonage. Advertising Kates Made Known Upon Application I AINT IN NO HBI C l A B * - A I L I WANT I A short five years ago. the residents o f Stayton were getting Under municipal ownership, Eugene water board adds two to the railroad at Turner by a horse drawn stage, and the road be­ mill tax levy. 1 1 tween this place and Sublimity was a veritable “ swamp,” that mired down almost every team that attempted it. Today one can- Oak Grove. Clackamas county, votes ten mill tax for paved l U h r VITO AN-BUTTON COMPANY, IS thfaa W JLw T -k Cty jump into his jitney and be in Salem in an hour, right in the mid* highway, die of the winter. Some improvement, even if Stayton has not Klamath Falls, work started on new Baptist church. yet got a railroad. Will there be a< much change in transporta- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OCT. 15 New State Boards and Commissions proposed are ’•’ire War- in the next five years? den. Bonn! of Charities and board •for wayward children. There Physician and Surgaon will bo others. STAYTON K I N G S T O N Just when the postal department is getting on its feet, and STAYTON. AUTO STAGE OREGON Salem, Northwest Fruit Products Co. has used UXX) tons cull playing even, after the enoJmous cost of the rural delivery ser­ Will make regular trips every day, e, a bunch of corporations are trying to bring up the one-cent apples making sparkling beverages. vice, Sunday a included a* follow»: »AI.KM PlloNK »..1 letter postage again. Better wait a few years until the other side From the standpoint of new industrial development the west 8:36 A.M. o f the book shows a balance before cutting the postal rate. workable waterpower legislation ‘ 1,°,r needs two things from Congress, 8:66 *• PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON such as is proposed under either the Shields bill or the Ferris bill Arrive Slayton 9:06 “ » ♦ »♦ ♦ » ♦♦♦♦♦I There was a great cry a few months ago that the poor kids as amended in the Senate and relief for innocent oil operators on S tayton , O rkcon Leave • Stayton 9:16A. M. 9:26 ’ * Sublimity w:>uld have no toys for Christmas on account of the German supply withdrawn lands. \ l .- I *• 9:40 ” Aumnvilie b ring cut off. A glance in the toy shops and stores shows a great O nyon City, fox breeding for fur trade to be new industry Turner 9:65 •• 10:26 " Arrive • Malern plentitude however, with more substantial and educational toys here. P. A. Snyder investing $10,000. I,eave Opp. Ore. Elec. Salem 2:46 P. M. than ever before. 3:15 " Arrive • Turner Washington county budget $9000 less than last year. H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M .D . S A LE M -S T A Y T O N C. H. BREWER, M . D. « 4 41 m Wilbur N. Pintlcr, Û.M.D. « 4 Aumsville 3:36 DENTIST M 3:60 ” Sublimity Office Opp. Lanrefleld Shoe Store Applegate, dry land dredRes fteing installed here to work 1« m 4 KM) M Stayton The fellow who started the old saying o f “ Too many irons Phone 2162 Stavton. Or« placer ground. ^ in the fire,’ ’ must have been trying to run three businesses at once. I.cavo Stayton for Kingston 4:26 P.M. At Grants Pass the I. W. W. qutfit was thrown out of the Kingston " Stayton 4:50 F.M. -------------------------- — sugar beet factory. Grants Pass has‘ had the factory long enough connects with Motor Car to be able to distinguish sugar beets from dead beats.—Gazette B U te of Ohio, city o f Toledo. I „ Hatmnan St Stout L u cas County. I — Dentist— Times. Corvallis. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is BODILY ILLS. 4 4 m G. Cyril Watson, D .M .D . senior partner c f the firm c f F. J. Cheney A Co., doln c business In the City o f T o­ ledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm trill pay the sum o f ONE H U N D R E D D O LL A R S fo r each and ev­ ery case o f C - ’ -.rrh that cannot be cured b y the use o f 2 IA L I/B C A T A R R H CURE. F R A N K J. CH EN EY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In ray presence, this tih day o f December, A . D US*. A . W . . GLEASON. ------------------ (S e a l) N otary Public. H all’ s Catarrh Cure Is ta’ :en lnt'-m ally a n d a c t s d i r e c t l y upon the blood and mu- c o m surfaces o f the system . Send for testimonials, free. F. J. C H E N E Y A CO.. Toledo. O. Bold by all D ruggists, Tie. T e k e B a l l ’s V ern ile r i l l s f o r co n a ti D ation. TRAVEL ON LOW ROUND T R IP HOLIDAY FARES G o home for X m as Stay for N e w Years D ay. O ur low round trip H oliday tickets allow you plenty of time. All points in OREGON C A L IF O R N IA W A S H IN G T O N and ID A H O Holiday Sale Dates Between Oregon points Dec. 22 to 25 inc; Dec. 30 to Jan. 1 inc. Return limit Jan. 3, 1917 To California points Dec 21 to 23 inc; Dec. 26 to 28 inc. Return limit 15 days from day o f sale. There i r t vary many troubles which you cannot cura by tha Bibla and tha hymn book, but which you can readily cure by a good perspiration and a braath o f . froth air. — Henry Ward w • Beecher. Gresham, Cannerymen decide* to rebuild burned packing plant here. % w , Flax mills and a linen . , # campaign now under way. aaaaaaaaaaaaacsaaaaaaaaaaa F rie n d s h ip . “ I’m surprised that Digby didn't ask you to be best niau at bis wedding. I thought you were very intimate friends." “We are. Digby says Pm the best friend he’s got in the world." ‘"Then why didn’t he ask y o u ? ’ "Because I’m lending him my dress suit to get married in.” —Exchange. Personal Appreciation. He bad been telling her in a frank, straightforward way about what an ! athlete, business man and all round great fellow be was. “ By the way,” be asked, “ who is your favorite character In Oction?” She looked at him with gentle ln- i tensity and answered. “ You are.”— j Washington Star. Secret of Popularity. “ I wish you would stop that howling baby o f yours,” growled the bachelor. "W hy, the baby is very popular in the neighborhood;” protested the mother. “ It is a nuisance! When it cries I can’t bear myself sing.” "T hat’s why it's popular.’’—Pitts­ burgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Seams. Mrs. Lafferty—Tin stitches did th' doctor have to take iu me oulU man. Mrs. O'Hara—Tin. was it; only tin? Sure, when th' doctor seen me poor busban' carried fr th' wreck on th’ railroad he sez, sez he, "D o there be no wan here wid such a t'ing as a sew in' machine?” — Pittsburgh Chronicle- Telegraph. R u n n in g A Paradox. ■* “ Will you please insert this obituary n otice?' writes a correspondent to the ! editor of a paper "1 make bold to ask It, because I know the deceased had many friends who'd be glad to hear o f hia death." Ask local agent for time o f trains, fares, etc JOHN M. SCOTT, G. P. A. ForUand, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES FOOTBALL Oregon vs. Pennsylvania Pasadena, Cal., Jin. 1st. “ H o w w ns the big iiollticn l m e e t in g ? ' ie^leader'of'tbtTitaml! ' “ifTile T â .ïï the era hadn’t kept getting up and inter rupting the music it would have been a flue concert.” —Washington star. Looking Forward. He— What makes you think Miss Hweettbing is going to be married? She—Her extraordinary effurl.< in be nice to everybody site knows rroni whom »lie ««»ill I possibly ex|w l u pres­ ent.— Richmond Times-Dispnt' li Th« Famous Rene. Catherine'do' .Me i I when she went to Paris to merry Henry II took with her a famous Florentine perfumer named Itenc. and from that time France made great progress in the fra- grant art. The bed Is a bundle o f paradoxes. We go to It with reluctance, yet we quit It with regret. We make up our minds every night to leave It early, but we make tip our b od ies every morning to keep It late Colton SESTAK Portland, first of a series of ships launched by Peninsula Shipbuilding company. A. B U R S ELL, M. D. Proprietors. Physician and Surgeon Fresh, ^ a lt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butter. Southerlin, Douglas Co. turkey miaers sold about 12,500 birds Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock for approximately $37,500. ( O Riddle will ship thirty carloads of broccoli this season. TINWORK and PLUMBING Springfield. Waterville potato, raiser sells 5 acre crop for $1,000 besides saving enough seed for 6 acres and feeding part of crop to 2 families and 6 hogs. T Grants Pass. Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. voluntarily raises con­ tract price of beets from $6 to $7. The extreme advance is due to good sugar prices caused by war conditions. That the state still is a soverign power over municipalities and that the Public Service Commission of Oregon may regulate rates in municipalities by the exercise o f police power regardless of contractual agreement between a municipality and a public ser­ vice corporation, is the hold is a recent opinion of the Supreme Court. Monroe potato industry gets uplift from sale of twenty car- ] loads of early white rose for seed at $1.85 per 100 lbs. Portland Journal is advocating a state board of Charities. Bend sells $35,000 to Denver firm in raising money for Stra-! horn road. The dairy industry does not need more laws and official regu-' lation so much as more cow-milkers and an abundance of compe­ tent farm labor at prices at which the farmers can afford to hire them. Springfield, 40 sacks clover seed net S. P. Ness $969.90. A. H. Buck to install shingle mill on Siuslaw. , . .. , . _ _ DUllfl 3110 opGFBtG 3 r3 llr0 3 d in 0OOS O o u n ty . Federal control of interstate business of railroads would seem to be the most practical idea instead o f haphazard control by 48 different state commissions. The only argument against it seems to ** that the railroad8 want Undoubtedly the railroad managers should have fought the proposition, thus offering the politicians a chance to forge it on them which would have given merit to the movement. Its a funny world. * x O r e g o n S. H . H E L T Z E L A ttorn ev-at-I,aw -N otary Public LAW YER and N O T A R Y PUBLIC Office Room No. 6, Roy Bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTOR S P A N IO L - J . M. RINGO— STAYTON Lulay & Schindler Contractors l Builders Treats ail domestic animals, alec applies the Tuberculin teat. Telephone 8x7 Dwelling houses a specialty Let us figure on your build­ ings We can save you money A good job gauranteed Phone 77 0RE60N F. KORINEK, V. S., B. V. Sc V e te rin a ria n Office at Stayton Stablea STAYTON . . . . OREGOJ PAU L FEH LEN P. O. Box 198 STAYTON. OREGON. (Licensed Veterinary Surgeon and Dental Expert North Bend, another ship yard promised here. Marshfield, Coos Bay railroad Co. incorporates for $5000 to! x V. A. GOODE A. J. Conrad to locate shingle mill on Coos Bay. Banks, United Ry. busy with 30 men on old Burvey up Wil-1 son river. a u m s v il l e Far m I-onns Secured Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings— Farm- ers-W e carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. JA C O B Ortgon & TH OM AS, factory for western Oregon is the Oregon City, Moose will erect $10,000 hall. in Roy Block Stayton, Wasco countv advertising for sale $260,000 road bond recent­ ly voted. '■ Plaint of an Artist. To Pacific Northwest points in Washington and Idaho Dec. 22 to 25 inc. Return limit Jan. 3, 1917. STAYTON MEAT MARKET Stayton, Ore. L. A. MESSING I Swiss Jeweler Phone in Every R oom S A V O N H O T E L D. B. Shreve, Prop. 31 YEARS EXPERIENCE All work on watches and clocks guaranteed for One Year Rooms, Single $2.25 to $ 3 .0 0 Try My W ork, It Speak. For Itself j [ Located in the Shoe Shop West of the Stayton State Bank Stayton Phone Main 3462 Phone 3x24 131 Eleventh Street Between Alder and Washington Oregon PORTLAND Its Chang«. “ Since aviation has been adopted In modern warfare there will lie no more cowards ' “ How will that bring It about?” "It will no longer be a disgrace to fly In battle.” — Baltimore American. How Wheat Cam« to Earth. classic m count of the distribution o f wbeal over the primeial world shows that Ceres, having taught her favorite. Trlptoiemus. the art of agri­ culture and the acieute of hreadmok- Ing. gave him her • harlot, a celestial vehicle, and that in It lie traveled night and day. distributing ibis valuable bread irfabi among uII nations o f the earth. A I Woman’s Age. indelicacy of mentioning the age of women is not it modern notion. Wom­ en ore referred to iu large mini Peis in the Old Testament, yet there wns only one—Sarah, Abraham's wife—whose age is recorded. Mat His Match. The wicked, witf.v prodigal returned and In his old manner accosted bla father: "W ell, guv’nor. I've come hack. Are you going to kill file fatted calf?" But the old gentleman wns a match for him and said: j “ No. my son: I think I'll let you I live." Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. I FARMS WANTED i List YOUR FARM LAND W eekly W ith Beth $ 4 .0 0 to $5 .00 Tran.ient, Room with Beth $ 1 .0 0 Without 50c, and 75c OREGON “FIXIT SHOP’ I have established a repair ahop in the Cooper building on Water Street [land will repair anything. Saw Filing i a specialty. Oron Weddle. tf With Geo. A. SMITH ! ! The Stayton Real Estate Man Lancefield Bldg. NOTICE! The Trover-Weigel Studio will open Saturday and Sunday Jan. 6th. and 7th. They are now located in the Matthicu Bldg on Second Street.