THI STAYTON MAIL OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW you know it r i ô n th « eooo « j u dos ’* look s i ~) E. At. OLM STED. Editor and Publisher Entered as second class matter at the j>ostofliee at Stayton, Marion County, Orejron, under the Act o f Contfress o f March It. 1S79. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year In Advance Member of the Stole Editorial Association and of the Willamette Valley Editorial -------- ------- Association Advertising Rates Madt Known l pon Application N e w Industries, N e w Investm ents O f C apital and P a yrolls A d d to State’s W e a lth M any Eugene, Bolfust linen manufacturer says llax raising is ideal industry for Oregon. Portland, William Comfuol has contracts for construction o f two steel steamers o f 3800 tons cap .city secured through A. 0. An derson & Co. Malheur Enterprise, Whati s foolishnes? We don’ t know for certain, but it seems NOT to be foolish to ask capitalists to come ’ o our county and look it over and to assure them fair treatment should they like the country. Foreif* Advertising Represented by Tbe Aiwricin Press Association Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail The New York authorities have figured that it takes 34 cents i day to keep a man alive in that city, and 27 cents to do the same hing for a woman! We always thought it would figure out the other way, but then perhaps women do not drink so many Man­ hattan cocktails as the men. Why should not the institutions of higher learning supplement the course in political economy with one in ruid economy? Ex. Raker, Million dollar gold stride reported in Harrison mine. Hillsboro, 26 out of 30 road districts have increased levies. Eugene, Booth Kelly Co. lets contract for 7, feet of logs. Paisley, School board lets contract for $26,ooo school. T seems as though most men had just been waiting and waiting C U T Chewing. Naturally it I should be that way. Tobacco satisfaction and not a big for W -B chew is what Ivheoco lovers weal. Y ou ooulda'l gel ll the old wsy — cheep loh eoco and o o a l e o t n t a f . But rltk tobacco, eh redded. Ufhtly tailed, thel'e whet mekee td e n e —lh a l'i why W -B C U T *l winning all thi* popularity. Mad* by WEYMAN-MUT0K COMPANY, SO Uaiea Syeere, New Teek City CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OCT. 15 H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Reports say that Newport will have sardine cannery. The story is going the rounds that a California man bit into Physician and Surgeon a plug o f tobacco recently and found a diamond engagement ring, Heavier loading o f equipment to relieve the freight shortage STAYTON-KINGSTON lost by a Louisville. Ky. workgirl They must be flying high back is urged as one of the most effective methods of relief by the Pac in old Louisv lie when the workgirls all wear diamond rings. This ific Fruit Express Co. AUTO S T A C K STAYTON. - OREGf N Will make regular trips every day, story sort of balances the one of the fellow who bit into a plug ot Fix the state constitution so it will not be a toy to be played Sundays included as follows: tobacco and found—a dead mouse. S A I K M I'l l O N K er. I«et me finish what I was going to any. I gave him a little box o f foot |s>wder. mid he said he would never forget my kindness.” — Birmingham Age Herald. J u st Liks H o m o F olks. “ Have a good time on your trip to New York?" “ Yea, but tliut town has been greatly ovcradvertlaed." “ ill what w ay?" “ Well. I stopped with friends In one o f tbe residential districts and most o f the people there actually went to bed at 10 o'clock every night.” — De­ troit Free Press "Thai girl made $| i m x n > in letters." "She doesn't look like she can write." “ Neither can she. She got It from the letters In her breach o f promise suit.” Baltimore American. . . . . OREGO? PAUL FEHLEN • 2 2 YOURSELF. : Remember we can save you money on any publi­ cation. Come and see us before you subscribe. >* »» » a * » * ? ♦< Farm Ix>ans Secured McMinnville product firms are promoting fruit cannery. NOW IS THE TIME Stayton BLsi! nnd Daily Oregonian 1 year Slayton M:ii ard Daily and Sunday Oregorian 1 year Stayton Mail and Daily Oregon Journal 1 year Stayton :i a 1 Daily and Sunday Oregon Journal 1 year Stayton idai! ar.J Evening Telegram 1 year Attornev-at-Law—Notary Public - J . M. RINGO— Eugene, Timber Co. to build logging road on Suislaw. The “ Pastime Billiard and Cigar Store - OREGON H. H . H K L T Z K L »that N ub i Prie. Pél Fw Fu Sl«k Dallas has reduced tax levy 4.4 mills below last year. F r e d Rock’s - AUMSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTOR Portland, First piling driven on million dollar postoffice. ICE COLD AND ALWAYS ON TAP IN KEGS AND BOTTLES AT - X RAY Milldale will get a flouring mill of 25-barrel a day capacity. “The Drink that Satisfies and doe* not Intoxicate” STAYTON, Frcsb, Salt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butler. Physician and Surgeon There must be a let up in Congress will soon have another chance to enact workable leg­ islation for the development of our waterpowers. WEINHARD’S GOLDEN NECTAR” WEINHARD’S AMBER NECTAR” A. BURSELL, M. D. Proprietors. (Licensed Veterinary Surgeon and Dental Expert Stayton, Ore. Phone 3x24 Phone Main 3462 Phone in Every Room SAVON HOTEL D. B. Shreve, Prop. Room*, Single $2.25 lo $3.00 Weekly With Bath $4.00 to $8.00 Traneient, Room with Bath $1.00 Without SOc, and 7 Sc 131 Eleventh Street Between and Washington PORTLAND Alder OREGON “Fixrr shop ’ I have established a repa.r shop in theL ’oopcr building on Water Street and will repair anything. Saw Filing a specialty, Oron Weddle. tf NOTICE! The Trovcr-W cigel Studio will open Saturday and Sunday Jan. 6th. and 7th. They arc now located tn the Matthicu Bldg on Second S treet