' ... D o you read the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream o f tartar or, on the other hand, from alum o r phosphate ? Other baking powders contain rlum or phosphate, both o f mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream o f tartar because o f their cheapness. N ever sacrifice quality .inti heuluhiul- ness for low price. R O Y A L B A K IN G P O W D E R CO. N e w York tendant upon the bridegroom and that it is imperative he be at the wedding at any cost. Suddenly Miss Hensley remembers her speedy Maxwell cur and suggest» a death-defying drive into the moun­ tains, bridging time and space, seize Corbett at work in the logg'ng cutup, bundle his best togs together and make n mad race back to Tacoma in time for the fixed hour o f the wedding. No sooner said than done. In a jiffy t h e young women, with Miss Heasley at the wheel o f her trusty car, are tearing over the city streets and the mountain roads to t h e logging camp, leaving in their wake a cannon­ ade o f deafening ezplosions from their open muffler cut-out, zipping by tele­ graph poles and pine trees at a speed which makes the passing scenery re­ semble a picket fence. Bride____________ Ranelle Corbett Bridegroom___ _______John Wood Bridesmaid________ Hazel Heasley Best Man______ Raymond Corbett Parson_____ Rev. R. H. McGinnis Maxwell 2 5 .................. By Itself Corbett is overtaken on the forest SYNO PSIS road in the act of snagging a huge pine Raymond Corbett is employed in a I log to the camp. He is rushed to the logging camp many miles east o f Taco­ car, hurried to his boarding place, bis ma. His sister, Ranelle, is about to be clothes thrown together in great haste married to John Wood o f Tacoma. At | and the thrilling race back to Tacoma live o ’ clock, only a short time before the hour set for the wedding ceremony, ' is on. it is discovered that the bride’s brother | Despite a multiplicity of dangers and has not been notified o f the time at thrills through which the trio is plung­ which he is to officiate as best man. ed they arrive in Tacoma just in time Moments are precious Bride insists for the ceremony and to the decided her brother can be the only man at­ : relief o f the waiting bridegroom, who In a recent issue of the Aila 8» i l> !■ light, n paper published in a »mall tow i j up in Canada, appeared the following j advertisement: Owing to ill health, I will sell at mv res’derce in township 19. range 18, ac­ cording to the government »urvey, one raspberry plush cow 8 year* old. She is a good milker and not afraid o f mo­ torcars or anything else. She ha* un­ daunted courage and gives milk fre­ quently. To a man who does not fear death in any form, she would be a great boon. She is very much attached to her home at present by means of a legchain, but she will tie sold to anyone who will use her right. She is one- fourth short horn and three-foui ths hyena. 1 will also throw in a double- barrelled shotgun, as it goes with her. In May she generally goes away for a week or two and returns with a tall red calf with wobbly legs. —Ex. Thankfulness. Thankful l i e * is one of the most fra grun t o f tlie graces. It t* au eiuottou which ti ns, not «.lily la’ experienced, but a I n 11 gladly and fu lly expressed The e x p re ssio n of it deepens th o ea pur ity fo r fe e lin g It. In the Sixteenth Century. -----------------«rw ç »™ ---- r ■ r -«M M : - Four Menus For Thanksgiving Hot Rocks Waste Away. Erosion proceeds with considerable rapidity in the desert reglou of tbs southwest, notwithstanding the scarci­ ty of continuously running water, for rock disintegration Is accelerated by the great dally variations in tempera­ ture. The rocks are heated to 123 de­ grees F. or higher on the hot summer days and cool off rapidly at night to 70 degrees or less, a difference of 50 de grees or more, nml In spring or au­ tumn, when the sun's hent la less, the night temperatures are relatively lew er.—< ieolngb-al Survey Bulletin. Saturday, Dec. 2nd Opening The Star Theatre Under New Management ¡The Scio Dramatic Club Ì2 J! Under The Direction of Jack Waltemeyer, in a i if a e T eO M EDY DRAMA ¿1 PIERRE OF THE PLAINS Dealing with the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and Indians THE CAST Cream of Corn 8oup W ith Popoorn Croutons. Celery Sticks Stuffed W ith Seasoned Cream Cheese. Boast Turkey, Bpioed Cranberries. Parsnip Fritter». Apple, Orange and W hite Grape Salad. Mince Pie. Dates Stuffed W ith Nuts. Coffee. Sweet Potato Puffs. Escaloped Cauliflower. Rolls. Grapefruit Salad. Cheese and Crackers. Pumpkin Pie. Frnit or Maple Mousse. Fruit. Nuts. Coffee. A fter Dinner Mints. Thanksgiving In Vsnezusla. In a big nrini-halr In a large New York hotel sat a tall, distinguished looking man. “ThU Is the best Thanksgiving 1 ever had," he said, fairly glowing with contentment "It makes me think | In contrast o f the worst I ever »pent I van In I-n Gtiayra, Venezuela, »ent 1 down by n New York newspaper to wait for a war that never happened. I was forced to »|>cnd Thursday there, and the prospect of a dinner at the ho­ tel there wns nauseating. 1 had been there before, and I knew the meal would be odds and ends floating In rreuse With such thoughts In my mind I strolled down the main street j o f the town. Ahead of me I «aw a man. tall, thin, unmUtnkably Ameri­ can. He went Into a building. 1 quickened my pace nnd found It wn» the American consulate. I rapped. The gentleman opened the door him­ self and. seeing I was an American, asked me to come In and have Thanks­ giving dinner with him. “ The mnn was Thomas Moffat, then consul. A boz from Brooklyn con­ tained turkey, pumpkin pie, slightly the worae for wear, to be sure, and oven cranberry sauce.” —New York Tribune. Nearing th# Year’s Closs. A famous English novelist tells of a hillside Scotch village with no special beauty, but which once every twenty- four lionrs at the close of day becomes transfigured. The kirk nnd cot stand bathed In sunset glory. So the year’» doings and happenings, though com­ monplace they seem, find their trans­ figuration. It la when toll Is requited, harvests gnrncred and fireside reun­ ions are enjoyed and memories record • iod's unfailing goodness in hla house. Such transfiguration Is Thanksgiving day. " f H PANBERRY SAUCE ” ,Y /• H V m , \ - y ' ■:?.* ill \ In connection with “ P ie r r e ” at same price “I 7atty Arbuckle” In a One Reel Comedy-6 reels in all Adults 10 Cents Children 5 Cents Box Candies Chocolates Caramels Creams, Etc. ROSE BEADS. AIL CllOkS Postcards Ch.2o°s0.M Newspapeis, Magazines Gem Confectionery, Stayton GARDNER’ S CASH STORE Woolen Underwear is now in Order W e have on hand Splendid Values for Men, Women, and Children A L S O A N IC E L IN E O F FLEEC Y BLANKETS and HEAVY COMFORTS Free Delivery to Any Part of fhe City J. R. GARDNER'S CASH STORE, STAYTON CLASSIFIED- ADVERTISING FOR RENT—a nice 6-room cottage near the new high school. Enquire at the Mail Office. For Rent— 8 room house, 4 room» and halls carpeted, and window shades. Water in house and yard. Toilet, gar- don, flowers, fruit tree», grape», etc. Price $10 to reliable part) . Inquire at Mail Office. tf. SALE B IL L S -a t the Mail Office. We have the largc»t circulation of any paper printed or sent into the Santiam Valley. Advertise with us and get results. W OOD SAW ING Let us miw your wood much cheaper than you can »aw it yourself. Country work solicited, tf Preston and 8. H. Boraon. FOR SALE A 2f>0 e g g Petaluma Incubator in first class condition. J. P. Mertz, Scio, Ore. tf Phone 246 Stsyton. i / »li !• # . 'i r > 42, , íra*i$:ÍÍ8 Auction Sale 10 A. M. Tuesday, Dec. 5, '16 All the paitnership property of rUCKBR & HAZARD Consisting o f 12 cows, 7 steers, 2 heifers, 8 calves, 1 bull 2 years old. —All o f Hereford and Dur­ ham strain. 1 team o f horses 6 years old, wt. 29110 lbs., 1 wagon, 1 set harness, 1 McCormick Mow­ er, 1 cultivator, 1 hay rake, plow and harrows and all kinds of farm machinery, carpenter tool», forks shovels chains and other articles too numerous to mention. The »ale will be held on the Robert L. Tucker farm miles north o f Mill City, Marion Co. Term* Cash Money to l.oan I Hava Made Armngr- ment» for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate o f inter­ est on highly improved f- mis. Ho­ mer H. Smith, room 5, McCornack Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Phone 94». tf. FOR S A L E -P u re bred Brown Leg­ horn rooaters, two young Poland China boars, Blood Royal Strain, subject to register. W. II. Humphreys, Jr., Shaw, Oregon, lit. 1, Box 60, ll-30x Phone 22F6 f t “' ' A t ‘■The Girl and The Game” A Serial A BIG 5 REEL FEATURE AND Lo«t, Strayed or Stolen -Bay Mare wt. 1000 lbs., n«-ar Melisma on Nov. 1. Finder plesso notify Geo. S. fluids, 537 E. Grant St., Lebanon, Ore. tf Act I and II — Tradin g Post Act ID— T h e Cache Act I V — Sister Corraine's Sanctuary Adults 35 cents “I Dead A liv e ” Clear Tomato Soup. Celery. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Boiled Hominy. Escaloped Onions. Coleslaw. Pumpkin Fie. Bread and Butter. Fruit. Coffee. Jack Waltemeyer J. S. Stitcha Roger Cain Scott Turner Dale Poindexter Miss Vella Brenner Mrs. E. H. Hobson Genevieve Cunningham THEATRE SU N D A Y NIGHT Oyster Cocktails. Consomme. Popped Corn. Roast Stuffed Turkey, Brown Gravy. Sweet Potatoes. Boiled Onions. Turnip Croquettes, Cranberry Con­ serve. Dressed Lettuce. Apple Pudding. Minoe Pie. Nuts and Raisins. Fruit. Coffee. S Y N O P S IS Prices, Children 15 cents V SiAR Qveeu Elixnlieth issued a proclama­ Oyster Cocktail. tion for a day of thanksgiving, saying, “ On Thanksgiving day no servile labor Consomme. Soup Sticks. may be performed, and thanks should Olives. Celery. Salted Almonds. l>e offered for the Increase and abun­ Boast Turkey, Chestnut Filling, dance of his fruits upon the face of Giblet Gravy. the earth.” C O M IN G ! Pierre Sergeant Redding lap Burkin Peter Galbraith Mat V al Galbraith Sister C on fin e Jen Galbraith t—*- FOR SALE: ONE VALUABIE COW Royal Baking Pow der is made from cream o f tartar, derived from grapes, urd adds to the food only wholesome qualities. Aa thrilling as a "Hazards o f H elen" ■Boric was the wild dash o f two Tacoma girls a few days ago in a touring car to get a best man for a wedding. As it was t h e episode developed features which were littie short o f the spectacu­ lar. Had the incidents which go to make up th's story been deliberately plotted by a professional scenario w rit­ er, here is about the way the cast of characters and a synopsis o f the play would have lined up: » had lea mod only a fuw inuiiieiita befury o f the perilous mission into tho moun­ tain». It i» just 8 o'clock. All answer j the roll-call in the rectory o f I h e Church o f the Holy Communion where the Kev. K. II. Mctiinnia say» the binding wont» that make Mis» Corbett | Mr». Wood. Worth Careful Thought A WILD RIDE *',-*<*» STOCK HOGS or brood hows wanted— I want to trade farm machinery for stock hogs or brood sows. See or phone 11-30 F, A. Smith, Stayton, Ore. Brood Sow and Shoata Fur Sale, at my place. W. R. Heater, 12-7x Sublimity, Ore. FOR SALE 1 tr* * k team, wt. .7000 lbs. $150 cash or will trade for cattle or sheep. Forrette Bros., 12-7x West Stayton, Ore. Murlin Olson, Receiver F N. W o o d r y , Auctioneer. ■ ■ ---------------- - ■ A UNIQUE RECORD A Few Like It In Our Broad Republic Grateful teatin ouy o f Dosn's Kidney Pills, published everywhere in o f itself ronvincii g evidence of merit. Con­ firmed testimony forma still stronger evidence. Years ago a citizen o f this locality gratefully acknowledged tho benefit derived from Doan’s Kidney Kidney Pills. The statement ia now confirmed—the proof more convincing. Cases o f this kind are plentiful in the work of Doan’ s Kidney Pills— tho rec­ ord is unique. I’, W. Prown, retired farmer, 1499 State St., Salem, Oregon., says: Hard work weakened my kidneys and I often felt the effect in latrenoss and soreness across the small o f my back. Finally my attention wns called to Doan’s Kidney Pills and I used some. Tho backache nnd soreness left me. State­ ment given January 31, 1906. S T IL L USES D O A N ’ S On April 11, 1916, Mr. Hrown said: I still consider Doan’s Kidney Pills a medicine nf merit and they alwaya do good work whenever I take them. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’ t simply ssk for a kidney remedy—get Doan’a Kidney Pills the same that Mr, has twice publicly recommended. Fos- tcr-Milourn Co., Prop's.. Buffalo, N, Y. x A.