The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 16, 1916, Image 6

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Which Do You Prefer?
It is important for reasons of health and
practical economy for every housekeeper
to ask herself this question:
“ Do I prefer a pure baking powder like
Royal, made of cream of tartar derived from
grapes, or am I willing to use a bilking
powder made of alum cr phosphate, both
derived from mineral sources?”
The names of the ingredients printed
on the label show whether the kind you
are now using or cinv brandy new or old ,
that may be offered is a genuine cream
of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate
or alum compound.
Royal Baking Powder contains no ulum
nor phosphate.
Nicholas Lambert,one of the pioneer
It ia not oftvn that the C i t i z e n * nf the
I of this section, who died last Fruía' nvighboring town of Aumsville gelt
w as b tried at the Hobson cometer,' as free a show as will he pullcd off on
east of Sublimity Sunday afternoon ii Snturduy, Nov. 18 at 2 p. m.
! the presence of a multitude o ' sorrow
It accma thut Gideon Alexander is a
; ing friend» and relatives, R. v, K B Wilson man and A. W. Selmink, the
Lockhart conducting the service t.
jovial proprletor of The Farmers' Store
| grave folio > ing the nnival of .the i it
i qu: uly is ur was a Hughes support-
ncra! cortege from the Itingo Undei- i r.
taking Establishment.
ln Order to makc thinga interesting
Mr. Lambert was 87 years of ago the p.dr wage I a wheelharrnw rhle to
ami h ■» d lived in this neighborhood the winner, front Mr. Sehronk's »tore
si- ee 1S7.V crossing the Atlantic iron1 to the depot. The Wäger will Iw pan!
Irelim . the a I of Ii;» birth, in his oii the ahove «late, and it is safr Io »ay
fourt 'h \e , h deed i i Wisconsin thut theru will !>e few r< aidents of
" \e i a in, r " ioh he went to Auinsvnle missitig nt the time,
Now ( rie s ' l i r e he m arrtel Miss
It woul I in« ee i hnve heen a a rrow-
Bridget Coil Ion. In l.v58 th • couple f it thing if Mr. Alexamier had lost the
moved t ' K tasori a n d from t ‘ ore wager sa Mr. Schrunk weighs in the
later came t o Or gon a n d ioc ted neight orhoosl of well a barrel of aalt,
no il ea t of Sublin it, w h e r e Mr. and that woukl have heen »ome whoel-
Lambert lived until a year ago last barrow Lad.
September w hen I e went t o reside
Look over Mr. Schrunk'a ad in an-
with his »mi. !’• H. Li mbert in Linn other pari of The Mail and you will
find »omething tnat will inlereal you.
New York
j The deceased was a widower. He
leaves six children to mourn their loss;
N. J. Lambert of Grand View, Oregon;
Mrs. Mary Tate of Sublimity; P. H.
Lambert of Linn county; L. S. Lam­
bert of Stay ton: Mrs. Kate Gourlev of
Tacoma and Miss Frances l.umbert of
i Los Angeles.
Don’t Mistake The Caute of Your
The will of George D. D iwning. who
After a short address at the grave
On Thursday, the 23rd day of Nov.
on November 7, was flic I f >r pro­
Í some choice selections were sung by a
1916, this commission will hold a con­
quartette consisting o f Stanley A. bate Tuesday bv W H. Downing and
ference at its office, 252 Coutt House, Starr, Giles Thomas, Miss Eliza Roy R. C. Downing, who are named as ex­
Many people never suspect their Portland, Oregon, on the matter of the ami Mrs. Martha Brown. The floral ecutors, nn«l who w«‘r.' npiminted ad­
ki ineys. It suffering from a lame elimination and protection of crossings pieces were beautiful. The esteem in ministrators of the estate by an order
weak or aching back they think that it of railroads and publie highways at a which the well known Marion counfv of the county court.
The estate left ia of the probable
is only a n oscular weakness; when common grade.
resident was held attested in ti e large
Statistics show that accidents art-
of $47,000. according t o t Ii e
vrinary trouble sets in they think it
number attending the sad ritts. The
v. I soon correct itself. And so it is increasing yearly at grade crossings, pall-bearers were: W. 11. Hobson, Lee petition of the executors. The prop­
with all the other symptoms of kidney and this subject is receiving earnest Tate, Geo. Spaniol, J. T. Hunt. J. M. erty consists of real estate, a number
of notes, and personal property. J. T.
d orders. That is where the danger consideration and attention generally Ringo and A. D. Gardner.
Hunt, John Craig ami T. B. Jones were
often lies. You should realize that throughout the country. In this state
appointed appraisers of the estate.
those troubles often lead to dropsy or there are approximately 2800 grade
The heirs named in the petition of
Krignt'a disease. An effective remedy crossings. 96 per cent of which have
the executors are: Mrs. Downing, who
for weak or diseased kidneys is Down's no protection other than the oadinarv
survives her husband; W. H. Downing,
K !ney Pills. Residents of this vicin­ standard highway crossing warning
sign. In the last eight years there
u son, living at Shaw; Ianthe J. held-
ity are constantly testifying.
bre«le, a daughter, living at Marshfield;
0. S. Clark, retired farmer, 719 Ugle have been on these crossings many
K. E. Downing, a son, living in Salem;
Ave., Dallas, Ore., says: “ Mv back accidents, 147 of them attended with
and Walter F. Downing, another son,
got a o stiff and lame that I could serious injury, and 40 of which have
The fire laddies made a run to the also living in Salem.
hardly move. I also had attacks of resulted in death.
With a view of objaining informa­ parsonage of the Methodist church last
lumbago that pulled me to the ground
and I was unable to get up on account tion and suggestions looking toward Saturday in response to an alarm turn­
of the awful pain in my back. My the necessary legislative action to pro­ ed in, which for alertness in getting
Tired Tropical Trooa.
kidneys were very irregular in action. vide for the elimination of these cross­ together, speed in reaching the scene
The condition of life In n tropical for­
I finally began taking Doan’s Kidney ings wherever possible, or the installa­ ard without waste of a second in plac­ est L sunlight, ami to get to the top,
Pills and they certainly did good work. tion of more adaquate safeguards, we ing the apparatus at the source of dan­ where alone there is sunlight. Is the
Of late years, my back has given me are requesting state, county, municipal ger, surely must have been a record constant aim of every tree. They have
very little trouble and my kidneys have and railroad officials, ami all who may breaker, according to Mr. Lockhart, no winter's rest tn the tropics, nml they
be interested, to meet with us and lend who states that he would put the Stay- urc so hard ut work all day long that
been in good condition.”
Price 50c. at ail dehlers. Don’t sim­ their aid toward the enactment of such ton firemen Bgainst the organization of at night tlie trees seem quite tired out
ply ask for a kidney remedy—get measures as in the opinion of the con­ any other community of similar size From dawn to sunset the tries are
with the result that the home bunch bard ut work. You can almost see
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that ference may be advisable.
would beat any competitors in the aome of lliein growing, und. ns mny
fiir. Clark had. F o s t e r - Milburn
naturally be suppouxl. they must Imvo
Public Service Commission of Oregon. field.
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
a little rest at night The tree Is thor­
When he could be re lease« I from at­ oughly exhausted, its lira inlies lose
tention to the fire in the flue he had their stiffness, while the leave» droop
been fighting down stairs, figuring it and fold thero-elves together. L’nllku
would be some minutes before they those of temperate climates, the trees
would get the alarm and be on hand, of the tropics all, more or less, show
he went to the front of the house and signs of exhuustiou toward sunset.
was astounded by the rush of many
W h a t H a W a s S h o w in g .
A young man sitting in a sunway
feet up the stairway of his home, when
following them he found Bill Smith, car with legs crossed and one foot
Charlie Luthey, Frank Leslie, Lew stiowlug y highly polished shoe and
Thomas, Jim Gardner and others al­ silk sock extended so far Into the aisle
ready prepared for emergencies, and an to make It almost Impossible for
expressed his surprise at the machine people to pass was brought to a sense
like precision, the lack of confusion of his disregard for others by three
of effort, and the instantaneous locat­ young women who sat opposite. Oue
ing of various danger spots. He stated said. "I wonder If he la showing his
or his shoe?” The second said
that so well versed were the men in foot
loud enough to be benrd above the Car
every step to be taken, he felt almost clatter, "I think he wants to show tils
constrained to believe that his house cloekeil socks —wut' h It." "No." said
had been practiced on many times be­ the tlilril; "he's only showing Ids l>n«l
manners." The f«x>t came dowu and
Mr. Lockhart was highly apprecia­ was lost In the crowd which got off
tive of the spirit of the boys and very nt the next station —New York Trib­
A Startling Four Act Drama given by the
grateful for their g«xxl work, and to une.
The Mail was emphatic in his declara­
A waterspout Is constantly spinning.
tion that the Stayton firemen must be
Special Scenery, Attractive Music and A Good Time
ahead of anything of like character in The moment It ceases It collapses. At
the state. He raid the only thing dis- the distance of nlxmt n quarter of u
troyed was time and space, by the men mile above the sea level Its spinning
speed has I n ' cu estimated ut six miles
Come and Get Your Money’ s Worth
in grappling with the problem.
Mr. Lockhart as a newspaper man in a minute.
Salem covered many a fire, notably the
Origin of Earrings.
explosion and fire in the Steeves build­
There Is a tradition that when Sarah,
ing when several lives were lost, and Jealous of Hngar, vowed to dye her
WJOiTÆr- other big euiiflagarations and therefore humls In the latter's blood, Abraham
feels that he knows from experienca saved the situation by lairing Ilagar’s
EÄÖflP' when a fire department ir. “ up to the ears and letting Sarah Insert silver
nr.inub-” in its efforts to bhvc property. rings, so that her vow wns fulfilled.
The rings, however, lent such splendor
to the girl s dusky checks that Sarah
Stoi ies of a Buddhist Image.
Infcrc ling stories arc told of a Bud- soon adopted them herself, and this
hf:.l : rig«* lii n temple in the Biihurlnt was the origin of earrings.
of Ki 'to. According to n record con-
Not N tcsssary.
t a Ii
: i ¡¡«le the Image It nna carved
I tell yon If I ever
by ;. moils Iiuddhist priest, nml It Is
l.cliewd t!,:i| woiMldpors of Hie image caught you fighting again I'd whip
i 111 -tirelj roifivo divine favor. At
“Yes, ma, but you don’t need to do It
'tic l!' .«■ when a fire broke out In the this
time. Jimmie Smith done It at
i n. '«■ nn .own to the caretaker, the ready.’’—Exchange.
luir «• 'vwi ke him by «ailing “Fire!”
We will offer the mo;t Wonderful Bargains
A Garden In the Air.
and I'-
¡veil the temple from de-
The highest garden In the world Is
you ever heard of in the hi tory of Stayto:.
... Another story way» tlint the
h ■ c :i ■ oic «• stolen by a thief, who, snld to he the Alpine region of lx>t i
In. .« vcr. fell dead when he was run- ny, which was laid out by the Int
still another report says Canon Chnnoux, formerly rector u
'i I i «1 «It i ever accumulates on the the Hogph e of Little St Bernard It
lend of t!i(> linage.
is situated at an elevation uf 2,200
meters, or 7,150 feet. Here are to be
Cnute and Effect.
The man with the iinlinrbered hair found almost nil spe les of mountain
■ unte 1 Into the edftorlal presence flowers, not only th<> e common In Hi"
Alps. Pyrenees. « ui’iaitliinns. the Fan
« iil'e ill«' oTicc boy wasn't looking.
"I h;i i; ii little poem here," he be- casus and the Balkans, but even from
furoff Himalaya The '•anon emi'elt
i, .in«l I tin tight perhaps’’—
! Intel cupted the busy editor. ml the lilea in INKS, bill It was not til
Hnve n hair, ple a se , while I write til 1002 that Ills project Ixx-nu e « tT«-
i c onl" - on tin* cashier for $20.’*
five. In th«' latter year the «iimmnn.
,p i I - of the uncut hair drop- of Tliuile gaie him the land Unido
in d deml
t Louis GUd>e-Democrat.
NOV. 24
Sublimity Dramatic Club
at Both
Er-f inning at 2p. m. and continuing
until 4 p. m,
S A T U R D A Y , I D V E fc .8 0 25th
Adults 10 Cents
WORTH $47,000
NOV. 21
Post Cauls Choose*ftom
Newspapers, Magazines
Gem Confectionery, Stayton
Woolen Underwear is now in Order
W e have on hand Splendid V a lu e s for
Men, W om en, and Children
Free Delivery to Any Part of fhe City
Registered Durham B ull-for sale, 16
For Rent 8 room house, 4 room* and
months old,
John Sandner, Jr., Scio,
halls carpeted, and window shades.
Water in house and yar«l. Toilet, gar­
den, flowers, fruit trees, grupes, etc.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen —Bay Mare
Price $10 to reliable party.
Inquire at
wt. 1000 lbs., near Mchama on Nov. 1.
Mail Office.
Finder please notify Geo. S. Childs,
637 E. (¡rant St., Ix’banon, Ore,
SALE BILLS-at the Mail Office. Wt
have the largest circulation of any
paper printed or sent into the Santiam
Valley. Advertise with us and get
Be sure and subscribe for the High
School Bugle, 2Gc for a semester, 50c
Money to Loan I Have Made Arrange­ for the full term. Help your own chil­
ments for loaning eastern money, dren.
will make very low rate of inter­
est on highly improved farms, Ho­
mer H. Smith, room 6, McCornack
Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Phone 96.
Plymouth Rotk Cockerel* Pore Lred
Corvallis strain, for Ba le at $1.00 each.
11 Itx
.1. K. Stop*!1, Stayton.
everything about
a rainy day seems
to say
Rhode Island Red Cockerel*- —Hatch­
ed from eggs from Maplewood farm,
largi st exhibitor at Slate Fair. In­
quire at Mail olfii e.
'to keep drtj,
^to w o rk in
{ comfort ,wear
For Sale or Tiade - for young c ittle,
one r«il oer tired buggy i nd one steel
tire i buggy. Phone 1124 or see
F. A, Smith,
Staylm , Oregon Rt. 2
WOOD SAWING Let. us saw your
wood much cheaper than you can saw
it yours.df. Country work solicited,
Preston and S. H. Buraon.
Only 1 of each of th bargains to a family
HOUSE FOR RENT A good 6 room
house, newly painted a n d papered,
close m. Inquire at Dr. C. II. Brew­
e r’s residence, Stayton.
Driving Mor>*-well broke, gentle
«Iriviiig horse, wt. 1150, 6 years old for
John Sandner, Jr., Scio, Ore.
FOR RENT -a nice 6-room cottage
For s *'« ch »*P T " ° lots in Hollis-
near the new high school. Enquire ut ‘• r ’' ad,l,lion' Owner Willis Caldwell,
the Mail Office.
,M 6
Brownsville. Ore.
Angora Buck* For Sale Yearlings,
good ones, registered.
Also a few
high graile Shorthorn cows, will he
fresh in December. P. H. Brown,
Sublimity, Oregon.
S'ayton, Oregon
Children 5 Cents
Box Candies
Creams, Etc.
A sample of the goals will be placed in
the window early uaiurday morning
with Price Tags
Cow* For Sale Two Durham, 3 year
old cows for sale. Fresh in January
and March.
John Sandner, Jr., Scio.
, I i
A J. T ower C o -B oston
' $100 Reward, $100
T h e r e a d e r s o f th is p a p e r will be
leased to lea rn t h a t t h e r e fa a t le a st one
read« d dlaoaso t h a t sclsnce ha* been
p.ble to c u r e In all Its stage*, a n d t h a t la
C a ta r r h . H a l l's C a t a r r h C u r s I* th e only
posltlvo euro now k n o w n t o thn medical
f r a te r n ity . C a t a r r h being s constitutional
disease, requires a constitutiona l t r e a t ­
m e n t H a l l ’s C a t a r r h Curo In t a k e n In­
ternally, actlm r direc tly upon tho blood
a n d m ucous s u r f a c e s of th o system , t h e r e ­
by destroying th o f ounda tion of tho dlx-, find giving t h o p a ti e n t st r e n g th by
building u p th e con stitu tio n a n d a ssisting
n n t t i r o I n doing Its work. Tho proprietors
h a v e so m u c h f a it h In Its c u ra tiv e pow ­
e r s t h a t t h e y offer Ono H u n d re d D ollars
f o r nny r a r e t h a t It falls to cure. Send
for lint of testimonial».
Address F
CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Bold b y n il D rn g g tn tn , 75c.
Take liall'e Family I'llls for constipation.