Worth Careful Thought D o you read the label to know whether your baking powder i ; made from cream of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate ? R oyal Baking P ow der is made from cream o f tartar. de: i\ ed from grapes, and adds to the food cn 'y wholesom e qualities. Other baking pc . v ' contain alum or phosphate, both c f m i-oral origin, anti used as substitutes f r cream o f tartar because o f their cheapness. N ever sacriiice c ness for low price. ity and heait nul- R O Y A L BAK IN t_ P O W D E R CO. N ew York WHO WILL WIN? Nation W ide Straw Vote Taken to Name President BIG BEAR IS TAKEN ALIVE AT DETROIT Trapping for mink and other fur For the past three weeks the mem­ bearing animals was not fascinating bers o f the National Association of Rcxall Druggists to the number o f 8000 enough for Roy Robnett, one o f De­ have been taking a ballot o f their cus­ troit's best known trappers, and he tomers and have already recorded the ! has started into the bear trapping bus­ political views o f over 2.500,000 voters iness. Old trappers made light o f the ven­ drawn from all walks o f life. The results o f this ballot in 8,01-0 ture when RoDnett first annujneed his hamlets, villages, towns and cities, intention and began to make prepara­ ranging in population from 100 to 6,- tio n s and had still more to say when 000,000, are forwarded by mail and the traps were out for several weeks telegraph daily to the National Head- without bagging any game but they qu irtets o f the Druggist's Association have changed their tune now. Last Thursday Robnett found a large in Boston. There the results are tabu­ lated and the returns reported back to full grown black bear in one o f his traps and now has the animal in a cage the 8,000 members. Before the official balloting takes which he has prepared and is ready to place, the name o f the President-elect place in on the market alive with the o f the United States will be announced fur still on its back. The price that zoos offer for animals in all The Rexall Stores. Watch the Beauchamp Drug Store o f the size and age o f this bear are large and other trappers are now con­ windows for Daily Bulletin. sidering the advisability o f construct­ ing traps for the animals.—Albany Frank Seigmund and party o f friends Herald. left for Eend last Thursday to look over the country. They expect to be gone about a week and are making trip C. E. Taylor was a Portland visitor in Mr. Seigmund’s Buick. Saturday. No M erch a n t In B u sin e ss WILL UNDERSELL US, IF HE DOES, HE WILL NOT STAY IN BUSINESS Our prices are right and we have proven same by staying in Stayton at the old stand for 13 years. If you are not a patron of this store you always miss something which you might some time . or other regret WE NOW HAVE WHAT WE CALL THE BestShoes 0n Earth FOR THE MONEY AND A FU LL LINE TO CHOOSE FROM Also Rubber Coats, Shoes and Slickers Call and look them over it will pay you. W e buy all our goods for spot cash getting the lowest possible prices ’ and Sell according W. F. Klecker, SHOWS THAT WILL SURELY PLEASE YOU Established 13 Years S ta rT h e a tre AT PRICES WITHIN ONE NIGHT YOUR MEANS Wednesday, Nov. 8th j Nashville JUBILEE Students " Minstrels A A Show W orth While! C O M M E D IA NS, Assassins of Sorrow. S IN G E R S , DANCERS If you want to drive away dull care, be sure and take in these shows Free Concert by the Famous Tango Band ADMISSION, ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 15c GOV. WITHYCOMB REASONS FOR VISITS STAYTON ELECTING MCMAHAN Gov. \\ ithveomb, accompanied by There is a growing conviction sinnug Ivan (5. Martin and Seymour Jones, the voter* o f Marion county that I,. H. candidate for tbo legislature on the re­ McMahan should he elected district at publican ticket, arrived on schedule torney because o f hia auperior qualifle- time Tuesday evening. The Star Thea­ «lions for the office over his competi­ ter was packed to hear a review o f the tor«. It i* likely that hia majority at different phases o f the campaign. the polla will reflect this conviction In A fter a splendid introduction ny tin the moat deeiaive manner. Hon. W. H. Hobson, the Governor Mr. McMahan ia an independent can- talked for 36 minutes on the issues of ! didate in the fulleat sense, both o f the the day, followed by a ahort witty | leading political partiea having nonii- speech by Mr. Martin. Sey mour Jones nee» in the field. He ia without par- closed the meeting with s real old-time 1 tisan backing beenuae he waa urged campaign speech, interwoven with into the race by buaineaa men and bright remarks and epigrams. ! farmers who realize that a man o f p.>s- The High School orchestra furnished j itive character and good legal ability the music. should be chosen to fill this important place. McMahan has shown in many , instance! that he knows h oy to fight ! nn important case through court and | win it in the end. He ia fearless ami ! independent but fair and just as a | prosecutor. Politicians are not back­ ing McMahan'a campaign but a com ­ Curtis Cole who lives over on the Linn county side near Kingston, is go­ mittee o f taxpayers is behind it and : back o f them arc thousands o f voters ing into the stock business right. A f­ 1 who want to see a diatrict attorney ter getting tlie nucleus o f a nice line of registered Shorthorns, he cast about elected who is qualified for the place. Marion county wilt participate in the looking for a bull to head his herd, and building o f a bridge at Salem next finally settled on (Jay Victor, a year­ ling. weighing 1100 pounds, from the year, coating <160,0(X) or $200,000 and there will be contracts to draw up and famous McCosky herd o f 400 registered other legal matters the diatrict attur- animals, o f Kish Trap, Wash. When questioned as to the price paid ney must oversee. Should a man who for this animal. Mr. Cole shook his never practiced luw in hia life !*• en­ trusted with this work? That is only head and said: “ Enough.” one o f the many reasons why Marion Gay Victor is sired by Gold Mine 11, a 2800 lb. hull that has sired more show county ahonld elect L. H. McMahan, animals than any other on the coast. and at this time it looks as if there His dam is a 1900 lb. cow o f pure was no question about the votera doing breeding and there is no better bred their duty in this matter and recording calf (if one can call an eleven hundred that verdict by a decisive majority. (pd. adv.) pound yearling, a calf) west o f the Capitol Journal. TAKE NÖTIGE Now is the time to lay in your winter sup­ plies before prices go any higher. Tomatoes, can Peaa. can Squash, 2 cans Salmon, can Baking i’ w. host gruilo 11» Tea. gun powder lb. Tea, English breakfast lb. Coffee bulk 15c up to Cocoa, bulk Chocolate, bulk CURTIS COLE ADDS HEAD TO HERD Rocky mountains than Gay Victor. Mr. Cole expects to devote his en­ tire time to taking care o f his high class cattle and intends to make the rounds o f the fairs the coming fall. Some will have to look well to their laurels. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Coming To Stayton l()c 10c 25c 10c 45c 40c 50c 25c 25c 25c Soda, A Ar H brand 4 for Soda, bulk, pound Soap, Hob White 6 for Soup, White Wonder 0 for Soup, White Hear 6 for Soap. White Flyer »> for Wheat Flakes Liberty *• All. Oat Flakes. Liberty Albers 25c 05c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c These are only a few of our regular prices Watch for Specials Young’s Cash Grocery ’ ! , ' § Box Candies j Chocolates Caramels Creams, E t c . j ROSE BEADS. All C01UP mm o Stayton, Oregon Post Cards ¿ S M * * * Newspapeis, Magazines Gem Confectionery, Stavton Free Medical Treatment J. R. GARDNER’ S CASH STORE HAS A FOR ONE WEEK NKW LINE OF COAT MATERIALS, DRESS GOODS. HAND BAGS, UMBRELLAS Next Sunday morning will be rally MONDAY NOV. 13 TO SATURDAY NOV. 18 In Up-To-Date Shades and Qualities day at the Methodist Episcopal church NOW ON DISPLAY and there will be a short program ren­ dered in connection therewith to which Also a Fine Line o f Stamped Linens in Dr. Leon Smith, of Portland, will all are invited. Bureau Scarfs, Towels, Doilies, Combing Jackets, Corset Bags, Be at the Hotel Stayton A t tbe morning preaching service the Night Gowns, Etc. pastor will speak on the prohibition question with reference to t h e ap­ Make your selections now and Ret your Christmas presents proaching election a n d respectfully1 The doctor, realizing the great su f­ made early. urges all interested i n t h e state’s ■ fering caused by chronic diseases and . the exhorbitant charges made by sp e c-! greatest resources to be present. At the evtning service the W .C .T .U . iaiists for their services, will give a will conduct a program in the interest special offer, free services until cured o f the temperance measures t o b e (medicines excepted) to all who call. This will not only save you suffering, . voted upon next Tuesday. A t this Slock Hog For Solo See or phone, service it is planned to take a straw but money olso. The object in pursu-1 ll-9x W. It. Heater, Sublimity, Ore. vote on these measures each one pres- ing this course is to become rapidly I i ent being given a ballot on which to and personally acquainted with the sick FOR SALE All around farm team : express their desire; these to be count­ and afflicted. well matched and true, wt. 2600 Iba. ed and the result announced at the Diseases Treated by this New Method Address, H»x 13, Kt. 1, Sublimity, Ore. service. Nerves, Blood, Skin, Heart, Stom- i or phone 661. It FOR RENT -a nice 6-room cottage Following the morning service the ach. Kidney and Liver, including Ca­ near tho new high achool. Enquire at church’s monthly dinner will be held in tarrh, Rheumatism, Constipation, Can­ For Sale Cheap Two lots in Hollis­ the league room with the participants cer, Gall Stones, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, the Mail Office. ter’s addition. Owner Willis Caldwell, bringing their baskets. There are to Female Weakness. Tapeworm re­ 11-16 Brownsville, Ore. be a couple o f short addresses at this moved in one hour. Piles cured with-1 FOR RENT Four room house at $3.60 per month. Inquire at C. D. Stayton’ « gathering; one by Mr. Heltzel and the out operation. Buggy For Sale O n e horse op< n btlg- 11-2x other b y Mrs. Lockhart, o n “ The Men and women who are not sick in residence. gV, good ms new, cheap Church Doing Business in a Business bed, but despondent, worried gloomy ll-9x Paul Frank, Stayton, Ore, W ay” and “ The Vital Need o f Our and hardly able to work, should call at For Rent 8 room house, 4 rooms and ; Sunday School” . once. A little advice may be all you halls carpeted, and window shades. H on e For Sale Klnrk gelding, wt. A cordial invitation is extended to need. It is FREE for the asking. Water in house and yard. Toilet, gar­ See or the public services. E. B. Lockhart, N ote—Owing to an unavoidable de­ den, flowers, fruit trees, grapes, etc. about 1200, 4-yeHrs old, broke. Pastor lay, Dr. Smith was unable to keep his Price $10 to reliable part). Inquire at phone Conrad Nicbert, Stayton, Ore. 11-2x appointment as advertised last week, Mail Office. tf. but will be here on the above dates, Two Christmas Presents for Ihe Price ot One paid adv. SALE BILLS-Ht the Mai! Office. We J. R. GARDNER’ S CASH STORE, STAYTON CLASSIFIED' ADVERTISING VOTE 57-X The best family paper and the best fashion magazine—The Youth’ s Com­ panion ard McCall’s Magazines, both for $2.10. The Youth’s Companion ($2.00 by itself) has for years been one o f the best, most entertaining, most useful o f Christmas presents, crowded with stories, articles, humor, science, and the progress o f the world week by week. McCall’s Magazine (50 cents by itself) is the most widely circulated fashion magazine in America. By special arrangement new sub­ scribers for The Youth's Companion can have also McCall’s Magazine for 1917—both publications for $2.10. Our two-at-one price offer includes: 1. The Youth’s Companion 52 issues o f 1917. 2. All the remaining issues o f 1916. The Compamou Home Calendar for 1917. 4. McCall’s Magazine—12 f a s h i o n numbers o f 1917. 6. One 15-cent McCall Dress Pattern your choice from your first number o f the magazine if you send a 2-cent stamp with your selection. THE YOU TH’S COMPANION, St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions received at this o f­ fice. THIS IS CERTAIN have the largest circulation o f any paper printed or sent into the Snntinm H a t t ie VaNey. Advertise with us and get results. Economy and C am eron Development o f Industries with Prosperity and Lower Taxation Money to Loan I Have Made Arrange­ ments for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate o f inter­ The Proof That Stayton Reader* Can­ est on highly improved farms. Ho­ not Deny. mer H. Smith, room 5, MeCornnck FOR Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Phone 96. tf. What conld furnish stronger evidence o f the efficiency o f any remedy than WANTED -H a y and straw chopper. the test o f time. Thousands of people testify that Doan’s Kidney Pills have Phone 1x18 o r s e e Ward Holford, Stayton, Ore. 11-9 brought lasting results. Grateful endorsements should prove nqlaH M T undoubtedly the merits o f this remedy. Plowing Wanted I wish to plow for some one. Have 3 good horses and Years ago people right in this locality It is important to have your E ,e testified to the relief they had derived guarantee good work. Glasses adjusted properly Dr. Eaton L. D. Kelly, Rt. 1, *Stayton from the use o f Doan’s Kidney Pills. has nn up-to-date Optical parlor. With They now confirm their testimonials. eighteen years experience in Optome­ They say that time has completed the Plymouth Rock Cockerels Pure Bred try, a Post Graduate o f the Chicago test. Charges reason­ Corvallis strain, for sale at $1.00 each. Eye and E ht College Joseph Wint, retired blacksmith, 668 ll-9x able for first class work. Office north J. E. Sloper, Stayton. High St., Salem, Oregon, says: "M y o f Beauchamp’s D rugstore. Consulta­ back find kidneys bothered me. My Rhode Island Red Cockerels — Hatch­ tion free. kidneys were disordered and my back ed from eggs from Maplewood farm, ; seempd to loose strength. Doan’s largest exhibitor at Slate Fair. In -1 Kidney Pills soon put me right.” quire at Mail office. tf WELL AT FENDED (Statement given December 12, 1912.) The pre-election talk at the Opera LASTING RESULTS. Horse, Buggy and Harness For Sale, House by George Livesley last Satur­ On April 11, 1916, Mr. Wint said: gentle mare, ran be driven by child or day night, drew a fairly well repre­ | “ I haven’ t had any kidney trouble for woman. Prich $75.00 for outfit. sented audience. While Mr. Livesley | several years and I give Doan’s Kidney ll-9x Mra. C. E. Brown, CARD OF THANKS never was a born orutor, he received Pills credit for bringing lasting re- Stayton, Ore. applause at several timea during his ; suits.” talk. He was followed by Aug. Hurk- We wish to thank all our friends and Price 50c, a t all dealers. Don’ t I For Sale or Trade -for young cattle, enstein, Salem’ s postmaster, who made n'-ighiairs for their help and sympathy simply ask for a kidney remedy—get extended to us at the death o f our be­ | Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that one ruboer tired buggy nnd one ateel a good impression on the crowd loved husband a n d father, M!ehael Mr. Wint has twice publicly recom- tired buggy. Phone 1124 or aec F. A. Smith, Fery, i mended. Foster-Milburn o., Props., • -V* N denn with D r . you i ll-23x Stayton, Oregon Rt. 2 Mrs. Mary A. Fery and family. i alo, N. Y. V ID “« l i t ' Democratic Candidate State Representative