4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + + ♦ + 4 44 4 4 ♦ 4 4 4 + 4 4 ♦ ♦ + + 4 + 4 ♦ 4 ♦ + + 4 + ♦ 4 ♦ 4 4 + 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 WILSON KIOOED THE HAND ♦ RED W ITH AMERICAN 4 BLOOD. 4 ♦ I'resident Wilson atpllcltly 4 allows I tint ihv C a m m ilita, not ♦ on, hut ri'|M>ntp< 1 ljr, mad* a*- ♦ lacks »n American luwna and 4 killed A morb ini olllxens and mu- ♦ 11 lu I Ilictn In Hc|>l**inlM>r, IttlS. 4 Yol on Oct. Ill, HUB, Ima Ihnn a 4 month Inter. Hila amila l ’ raalilant 4 Wllanti, llirmigli lila taina soero- + lory of alale, formally announc- 4 «•«I io Carro nan's agent that It 4 irna III» ‘ pliMBure" lo taka lha ♦ o|i|Mirtunll>; “ of extending rec­ 4 ognition in the da facto govern* 4 niant of Melico of which Gen­ ♦ eral VaDuatlnno CnrranM ta tho ♦ chief exrctitlr#." President WII- 4 aon thtia racoirnlfed t'ie i: »\tuu- ♦ nirnt which, Ilia own secretary of + ítala declarea, had bean leaa ♦ (han a month previously engaged + In repealed a-omul la u|>on Amari* 4 cana and In Ita 1 Inrnalon of Amer­ 4 ican Boll, lha government at 4 wlioae hand wua General Car* 4 rama. who. Ima limn two montha 4 previously, on Aug. 2, 1015, bad 4 contempt uolialjr refuted to pay 4 any heed to any reprenentatonia 4 of Trealdcut Wllaon on behalf of ♦ mediation, anylnu I liât “ under no 4 conalderntlou would 1 permit In­ 4 terference In llie Internal nffalra 4 of Melico.” President Wllaou ♦ did not merely klaa the hand ♦ Ibat alapped him In lha face. Ila 4 klaaed that hand when It wae ♦ red with the blood of American 4 men, women and children who 4 had l>een murdered and mutilat­ 4 ed with, aa l’ reiddont Wllaon, 4 through hla aeerclnry of alala, 4 anya, ” ruthleaa brulolliy.’*—From 4 Ilia Speech of Colonel Theodore 4 Ilooeevelt, Delivered at I-ewlaton, 4 Me, In tiehnlf of Charlea K. 4 4 Hughes. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (N. V.) SUN STROKES. Itoger Sullivan alepa aside.—News- paper headline Sludenta of iK-morrnUe politico know what a thin line illvldea stepping aalda and aldeatepplng. 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 + M’KINL l V’S war cost less í ri.OODSHLD THAN WIL­ SON’S PEACE 4 T . , ^ , " 4 ■y Theodore Rooeovolt. I'nder I'resldenl McKinley we bud a wur with Spain. Under Pnmbleut Wilson we are assured (lull we have bad "peara” with Mexico These are the words. Now for the deeds. Poring the war with Spain fewer Americans wore killed by the Spaniards I ban liuie been killed by Mexl- + cans ililrlng Ilia present "peaea” T with Mexico. Ix-t mo repeat Ibis. A greater number o f Amer­ icana bum been killed by Mex* leans during these years, when we are officially Informed that we have been at peace with them, than were killed by th# Spaniards during our entire war with Spain. Moreover, when the war with Hpaln waa through, It was through. Hut pence still con­ tinues to rage ae furiously aa I ever In Mexico. Nor la this all. The Instant effect o f the out­ come o f the war with H|>*ln waa to put a stop to the dreadful butchery and starvation In Cuba and the Philippines, and the entry of both Cuba and tho 4 . Philippines mi a career of eight- + een years of peace and pros- 4 . pertly euch ns they had never 4 . known l-efore In all their check* 4 . ered history, flut during these 4 * three yenra of Mr. Wilson’s + ” |H*oce’’ the Mexicans them- 4 s e l l e s have been butchered by 4 their own bandita steadily und 4 without Intermission; and Mex- 4 lean women children have l< a il w w u i i 'i i « and n ix « » » e 4 died by iliouaanda—probably by 4 score* of thouaanda—of atnrva* 4 lion and of the dtseoiea Incident + . . . . ______. ■ __________t _ toatarvatloa. a In other words, Mr. + + McKinley's war coat lesa than J |H-nce; anil II reflccied high hon or on the American |H*o|»le; whereas Mr. Wllaon’a |>cnce has been one of aliamo and dis­ honor for the American people, and one of ruin and bloodshed for the Mexicana. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tha Peniocr.ila Beam to realtae, to their (llamny. that If they can’t per anode Mr. Hughea to change from plalntllf to defendant the case la lost AT BIG MAPLE STOCK FARM 5 mi. northeast of Sublimity, 7 mi. east of Shaw, 2 mi. south of Victor Point WED., OCT. 11th I will offer at public sale my entire dairy herd and dairy equipment, on SALE COMMENCES AT 10 A. M. Closing out Entire Herd of 33 Head of High Grade Jersey Cows, Heifers and Bulls 21 Cows Giving Milk, 10 of which will freshen a few days prior to sale. will freshen in early spring, one of which is registered. 2 registered cows, 5 two-year-old heifers, 4 yearling heifers. One herd Bull, Golden Glow’s Chief Fireman, N o. J01873, sired by Golden G low ’ s; Dam, M ill M el Figgis II Two Yearling Bulls, Registered Sired by Golden G low ’ s Chief Fireman out of H eavy Producing Dams. A PICTURE OF HUGHES. The New York World, which ooce was outapokeu In Its admiration for Mr. Hughes, now declares that the A ll tested and found free from tuberculosis or other contagious diseases. people do not know where Hughes The prealdenl "w ill not take the si a nda, or what he elands for. This which has given splendid satisfaction in 3 years constant use. atump,” but “ will accept Invitation* Wilson organ had no such criticism to ai>cak at different placea." Chair­ to make when Mr. Hughes was gov­ man Vance McCormick ta aa Machla ernor. The World said on May 17. Both hand and power drive vtlllau aa a musk melon. 1010: “ He dictated no nominations, controlled no convention, trafficked In It la not what Wllaon haa kept na no patronage, made no bargains with out of but whnt lie’s got us Into that office-holders, lie has rewarded no­ counts at preaeitf. body for supposing him and punished nobody for opposing him. What in­ . + q . 4 . +. 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 fluence hr has wielded over public 4 opinion has come throngh Ills appeals Granddaughters and Grandsons of Royal Lee , V ILLA AIDED BY W ILSON’S to the voters themselves.” That is Laurel Champion, and High Clere N o better blood lines or individuals found anywhere. FAVOR AND BACKING. the estimate of Mr. Hughes given by the World six years ago. It la a In March Inn Villa made a pretty fair letter of recommendation. raid Into American territory. lie Could Ihe World any ns much for waa a I*lid ll leader whoa# 4 President Wilson? Hardly, for the oaraar of eucceiaful Infamy had 4 president hits done nil of the things bean greatly mood by Mr. Wil* 4 from which the World absolved aan'a favor and hacking. lie 4 (lughes.—Kansan City Journal. waa at the I tend of Mexican sol* 4 dlera, whoaa arm* and munitions 4 had baan suppHad to tham In 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 consequence of Mr Wilson's re- 4 4 4 GUARDSMEN PAY TH E PRICE 4 versing Mr. Taft's policy and 4 4 OF WILSON'S ABASEMENT. 4 lifting the embargo against artna 4 ----- . 4 anil munitions Into Mexico. They 4 Having condoned tho repeated 4 attacked Columbus, New Mexico, 4 murdort of Americans by th* 4 and killed n number of clvllUna 4 Carranzittas and having abased 4 and n nnmlier of Culled States 4 himself bofor# Carranza and 4 troops On 1 lie next day the 4 having aided in placing Carran* 4 (/< president | ss .| im | an announce- 4 za in power, what is Mr. Wil* 4 son’a reward, and who pay* itf 4 ment that adequate forers would 4 Th# reward is that Mr. Wilson 4 | hi aent In puisnlf of Villa “ with 4 has to plac* 160,000 troops on 4 the alngle object of capturing 4 th# bordor to partially proven! 4 him.” On April Sib. the an- 4 tho raids and murders that hit 4 nouncemcnl WHS made from the 4 friend, Mr. Carranza, will not or + While House that Ilia Iroopa 4 cannot prevent, and th* pay* 4 would remain In Mexico until 4 mont ia mad* by th* soldiers 4 Villa was raptured II was 4 who ar# slain and by tha fam* 4 furthermore announced In the 4 ilios of th* guardsman who go '4 preas dlspnli lie- from Mashing- 4 in want because thoir husbands 4 and fathers have boon called to 4 ton that lie "ns to lie taken 4 the bordor to msko good Mr. 4 “ dead or a live” Cine words! 4 Wilson's refusal to lot th* rogu* 4 Only--thcr meant nothing. He 4 lor army adminiotor such pun* 4 Is riot dead lie Ims jo t l>een 4 ishmont to th* bandit* as ta in* 4 taken alive. - I’rom Speech of 4 spire in tham a healthy fear.— 4 Colonel Theodore ItoosevelL Pe- 4 From tho Speech of Colonel 4 Itvcred at l.evvlaton. Me., In It*- 4 Thoodorc Roosovo't, Delivered 4 half o f Charles K Hughea. 4 at Lowiaton, Mo., in Behalf of 4 Charles E. Hugh**. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hr. Wllaon during the pant few days A share of the banking business a become such n life long opponent The President himself has tried to the pork Iwrrel that he la almost appropriate for Ills own advantage of Stay ton and vicinity rry now he didn't veto some o f those the sentiment o f “ America nrst.” The la. Democrats hnve tried to make hla sup­ is solicited. port nn act of plet.v by ndoptlng tecretary McAdno warns Treasury “Thank (Toil for Wllaon” na n alogan. iployees ngnlnst too much political Mr. Hughea. with rare courage, frank­ llvlty, and If Ihey don’t disobey the ness and |H*netratlon. la exposing the Y ou are assured of a safe deposi­ ler they are likely to bo bounced. flimsy foundation for the clnlma of Wilsonian Infallibility, lie la laying tory and courteous treatment at + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 hare a record o f extravagance, par­ 4* tisanship. sectionalism, Incompetence, this bank, by ample capital and A HEARTLESS + wronghendedneaa, vncclllatlon and In­ ADMINISTRATION 4 sincerity which destroy# the attempt long experience in the banking ____ 4 to make n Joss out o f the President | business. This administration haa (Ha- 4 The Democrats must come out of their played no mors foaling of re* 4 ecstatic trance and defend their stew, Spontibi'ity for tho Amorlean 4 nrdshlp. The President Is to be put woman who havo boon rapod 4 on the stump. We are to hear some­ and for th# Amarloan man, wo* 4 thing lieslde Delphic prose poem#.— man amt ehildran who havo 4 St. Louis (5lobe-Democrat boon killed In Mosloo than • 4 farmor rhowa far th# rata kHlad 4 of his by hi* Hogs whan tha hay Is 4 Mr. Wllaon now virtually admits takan frem a barn. And now the 4 that nil Ida own Ideas were wrong four must NOT WANT. America» paopla or# atkod to 4 years ago. He has chimged his mind r.T.y "BANK ■anetion this policy In tho name 4 Every of peaev rightoouanaaa and hu- 4 on every public question. On some manity'--From the Beoaoh ef 4 of them he lias changed twice or even Colonel Theodor# Roosevelt, De* 4 three times liven If his friends could livorod "t Lowiaton, Mo, In Be* 4 sntlsi'y ihe public st this tlmo ho Is half of Chariot E. Hugh##. 4 exactly right, whnt nsnnrnnce could be 1 given that he would be right a ye*r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ One three-unit Sharpies Milking Machine One No. 17 DeLaval Separator One new enclosed Babcock tester, with complete equipment. 25 Foster, Steel, Cow Stanchions. 20 Feed Cups. Will also offer a number of Registered Berkshires, Vi. vm, All registered animals will be furnished with papers up to date, if requested. If you cannot attend the sale in person, mail your bids to any of the names below FREE LUNCH AT NOON T p r m c n f Q u i p * ^ sums of $20 and under, Cash. Over $20 a credit of 1 year i G l l l l o U l O c l l G . will be given on bankable notes with 8 % interest from date 5 discount for cash on sums over $20. No property to be removed until settled for. Col. B. T. Sudtell Auct., W. Richardson, Clerk H. Q. Barrows Owner, Shaw, Oregon ALBANY, OREGON STAYT0N, OREGON y PROTECT YOUR FAMILY T H E )VERS OFACÍIECK BOOK A MATT of family has a big rcsponribility lie not only must con­ serve the morals and education v.ife and loved ones, but he fee to it that THEY SHALL Is there a bet­ ter cf helping his dear ones than by n Ting to lus ACCOUNT? It will provide against sickness and mi' rrtunc. man of family C '.I O U L D H A V E A B A N K A C C O U N T . S T A Y T O N S TA TE BANK ♦ « f Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton, Oregon Capital $25,000.00