The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, October 05, 1916, Image 6

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    M r 8. Thomaa Morse a n d
daughter made their lust visit to
Mill City Friday, they left for
Albany Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McLane
Albany visitors last week.
A great many people took ad­
vantage of the mill not running
lust week and went to the State
The county bridge is again in
passable condition.
Miss Mary Irving of Albany
has established u class in music
ERE and (hero you run across • store keeper who|s
got the idea that all the common sense in town is
on his side of the counter. H e don’t keep W-B CUT
Chewing nor any o f the new and better things. Some­
how he can’t increase his trade. Nearby is a man who
believes in the people. He keeps all the good things—
he’s a success. H e finds men changing over to W-B CIJT
right along. Common sense told him they would change
to the rick litil« chew that lasts and satisfies.
Mr. Lattalliar's home burned
lust Wednesday.
150 Ladies and Childrens Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rambo the
new bride and groom of Mill
City were serenaded Monday by
the Mill City band.
M.d. hr WFTMAN.BIMrro* COMfAWT, ff) Vnl— V » . ,
7 h jr s d a y , Friday, Saturday Oct. 5, 6, 7
Gome and Look Them 0ver
Sunday morning but there was a
song service in the evening.
Mrs. Alice McDonald returned
home Monday from a visit in
Ed Bertram and wife attended
the State Fair last week.
West Stayton
Silver Creek Falls
size, or even larger for the last
few years in marriages. Lately
four have been solemnized.
The first to head our list was
Mr. Jim Rossell of near Stay- Miss Effie Miller and Walter
ton, visited his daughter Mrs. George. They are making their
W. W. Neal Friday and Satur­
home with his father. Next we
were agreeably surprised when
Albert Rabens took in the Miss Lola Hall a very popular
State Fair at Salem last Wednes­ young lady and Mr. John Pal­
day and Thursday.
mer Jr., a most promising young
Sam Arnold has rented his 160 farmer of our midst, were hap­
acre ranch to Fritz Koerner and pily united in the holy bonds of.
family. They will take posses­ , matrimony. They are making
sion about the middle of October. their home on his lately acquired
farm a quarter of a mile from
O. D. Miles made a trip to Sub­ town. Their many friends of
limity Saturday with a load of Marion and adjoining towms
unite in wishing them the b e st!
Rena ar.d Joe Lang and Mar­ of all and all of the best.
tin Peterson visited at the D. O.
Perhaps the greatest surprise
Freeman home Sunday evening. of ail came when Miss Zella Gen­
Mr. and Mrs. John and Lewis try and Mr. Jay Habbs were
Peterson spent a very pleasant married on Monday of the Fair
We hear their future
time Sunday evening at the home week.
be near Eugene.
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold.
We were just informed that
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lang visited
Miss Charlene Jessup lately of
with their daughter Mrs. Morton
Marion, and Mr. Walter Hensel
Hicks of Silverton, Sunday.
Jefferson, also became one.
D. O. Freeman made a trip to
Marion has won a distinction
Silverton Wednesday.
at last. We feel highly honored
Ben Peterson and his nephew
Elling, left Thursday for Wood-
burn where they expect to work.
Don’t forget the big sale at
the Sam Arnold ranch Saturday
O ct 7. Horses, cattle, farm im­
plements and household goods
for sale.
Marion News
to state that this is the home of
Mr. Ovid Pickard, owner of the
world’s prize winning Jersey.
She holds the world’s record for
butter fat for her age. Mr.
Pickard who had several addi­
tional head of cattle competing
at the State Fair this year, has
wTon several prizes holding blue
and red ribbons.
The party at the A. W. Kep-
hart home was well attended for
being the first this season.
Charley Chrisman and family
are planning to leave our com-
iiiunity soon for Montana. We
will miss them all, especially the
young folks and wish good for­
tune will speed them on their
Marion boasts of a new black­
smith shop this summer with
Frank Neai as proprietor, he is
assisted by his son Alvro.
School began Sept. 18, in our
little burg with Mr. Ditter, Prin­
cipal, Miss Moritz teaching the
Intermediate while Mis3 Rosen­
baum teaches the Primary room.
This promises to be a very suc­
cessful term of school with good
teachers and eager pupils.
Hop picking is over with for
Another year. Several families
that participated in the activities
are back homo again and not­
withstanding the apparent bad
The old fashioned Evergreen
year for picking, several report berry has come into favor once
a well replenished pocket book. more and many of the different
Miss Bertha Bouck has just families have found added means
enrolled as Junior in the Salem from picking and shipping them
high school. She holds a two to the Salem canneries.
----------------- -—
, i
year high school diploma from
our school and had no difficulty 1
in entering. She reports being
well pleased with her beginning.
Good luck to you Bertha and
Rev. MacLeod and family left
may you win many laurels.
f o r Portland l a s t Thursday
Scientific Proof of
Maxwell Fuel Economy
In a test made by
David L. Gallup, M.
E., Professor of Gas
Engineering, Wor­
cester Polytechnic
In stitu te, a stock
M axwell Touring
Car made from 23 to
33.7 miles per gallon
of gasoline at speeds
ranging from 10 to
35 miles per hour.
We reproduce a let­
ter from Professor
Gallup concerning
this test.
S e p t. l e t . 1916.
U&xwel 11Wot o r l C o . p l no,.,
D e tr o it .Sxiohigon.
Cent lernen
I b«g le»Te*to e u b m l t , t h e | e n o l o » # 4
b l u e j p r l n t g i v i n g t h e r e e u l t e o f en economy t e e t
fnnde’ on a 1917 S toa k H ar wel l T o u r l n g i C e r , % f u r a l e h e 4
ourjBoeton r e p r e a e n ta tlv e a .
T h e T c u rr e f le Y e e lf r a ip le n e to ry .end!neeie
no 4 l o o u s e I o n o t h e r . t h e n i t h e ■ t e t e m e n t t t h * t « t f c e
c a r b u r e t o r . ^ w h l o h wee s t o c k , * w e o - a d j u s t e d V t o ' g l e e
t h e b e s t l e o n b l n e t l o n o f power, f l e x i b i l i t y ^ s p e e d
end eoonotay,1 f o r suoh o o n d l t l o n e J o f i t o u x l n g . e e . would
o r d i n a r i l y , baianoountered.
I n ' t a b u l a r c e n e they r e s u l t s » (ta k e n ; fro®
t h e i o u r r e l a h e e t ) l e r e e e .f o llo w s :
O flle a d p e rlb o o x )
ss : t
2 2 .7
3 1 .2
2 8 .8
2 6.1
£ 3 .0
Heapectfully submitted.
Deferred Payments
If Desired
‘^ "O TE that no unusual means were employed to get these results.
1 ^ The car used was taken from stock; the test was made with a full
load and with top and windshield up; the regular Maxwell carburetor
was used.
Any Maxwell car is capable of giving this same economy in gasoline
Maxwell operating economy matches its economy in first cost, mak­
ing it The W orld’s Greatest Motor Car Value .
W. F. Pennington, Agent,
Mill City Locals
Marion is certainly holding her I where they expect to make their
own with other towns of heri home. There was no preaching
0. D. McLane sold his driving
.............. .
horse and bought an auto this
home last Saturday from her the A rthur Forrette home.
The high school girls a n d work at t h e Wulter Simpson
Alvin Farley and Venita Lewis
visited at the Gunsaules home
ladies of the teaching force have home.
The night watch on the motor Sunday evening.
arranged a band of Camp Fire
his bride returned last Sat­
Girls, they took their first hike
Fred Fieklin and family visit­
to North Fork, leaving Friday urday, they expect to make their ed over Sunday at the Gunsa :les
afternoon and returning Satur­ home here for the present.
The motor has changed tinje,
Mr. Lewis is spending this
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sullivan, it leaves here at 8:00 a. m. and week at the coast.
Miss Florence Tripp and Miss returns at 5:45 p. m.
Ktzel Bros, hulled clover on
Unis Lewis started f o r t h e 1
the Porter ranch the first of the
huckleberry patch last Friday.
H. Y. Miller left for Portland
C. F. Loose was a Salem visi­
last Sunday, he is looking for
tor Monday.
work, if he finds a good position
Frank Fery has treated his
Mrs. Nick Schmitz and Mrs.
he will move his family there.
residence to a coat of paint
George Spaniol visited at the / .
Miss A d a Sullivan returned
Mamie Fisher is employed at Forrette home Sunday.
-------------------- .----------------------
T& O rm
F u lly E q u ip p e d — N o E x tra s to B u y
D ’E T R O / r