I ,torW*' 1 1 f it Oil m THE STAYTON MAIL H a s th e L a r g e s t C irc u la tio n of A n y P a p e r in th e S a n tia m V a lle y — It C o v e r s th e T e r rito r y L ik e a B la n k e t. S T A Y T O N , M A R I O N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 5 , 1916. ¿2n d Y ear, N o . 4 0 . THE SCHOOL FAIR WILL OPEN UP TOMORROW 1 WRITER TALKS THE ROUND - UP SPECIAL ABOUT NORMAL SCHOOL IS NOW ALL STAGED ài w' / r W i » i -■ » ■» Third Anoul Event It Expected To Sur­ pass Those Of Forme» Years 0 0$ - EXHIBITS ARE COMING IN 9 H P m f a cu. !<*NhO r o< M f/ P k -W M -it" i 4 “SO H A V E WE.” a —Rochester Herald. STUDENT BODY ELECTS HIGH SCHOOL GIVES YEARLY OFFICERS FRESHMEN RECEPTION The Student body o f the Stayton The Seniors, Juniors and Sophs gave a reception to the Freshmen Tuesday high school elected their officers Tues­ day morning, for the year. The are: evening of this week. The assembly room was prettily dec­ President, Leo. Klecker; V. Pres., Roy orated with autumn leaves and the Folks; Sec-Treas., Marguerite Ryan; S«r., A. D. Gardner Jr.; Editor, June school colors, purple and gold. Punch alwl wafers were served from Kearns; Business Manager, Wanda a booth, and games and high school Brown; Reporter. Cacilia Mielke. Each List of raah contributions to the songs made the the time pass only too of the four-year classes held an elec­ Stayton Industrii.l School Fair to be quickly. The Freshies are planning a tion and elected officers for the coming held Oct. 6-7. return event in the future. Hon. W. C. Hawley.............. ........$5.00 Cieo. Keech...................................... 2.50 W .C . Gaunt........ ........... .............. 2.50 WILL HOLD RECEPTION CONTEST Andrew Fery......................................2.50 S. II. HelUcl........ ................ 2.50 C. W. Holford_____ ______________ 2.50 A typewriting speed contest was held T h e members o f t h e Methodist E. M. Olmsted.................. 2.50 at the High School Tuesday afternoon church will hold a reception Friday J. A. Hendershott......... ...... 2.50 under t h e International Typewriting evening in honor of the return of the E. T. Matthieu................................ 2.60 rules, five words being deducted for pastor, Rev. E. B. Lockhart, from con­ V. Dare Sloper.................................. 2.50 each error, the Underwood Typewriter ference to this place. Light refresh­ C. A. I-uthy.............................. 2.50 company offering certificate and other ments will be served and a suitable Peter Deidrich..................... 2.50 prizes lor fast and accurate words. program has been prepared. J. R. Gardner____________________ 2.50 Melvin Nipple and I^eona Sandner each Address of welcome____ by a member j W. F. Klecker.................................... 2.60 won a 40-word diploma, holding speeds Solo.............................. Mrs. J. W. Mayo | I-*« Tate ........................................ 2.50 of 46 and 42 words a minute respect­ Reading......................Miss June Kearns Scatak & Thomas............... 2.50 ively for ten minutes. Mr. Davis also Address__________ Prof. W. C. Gauntt I Ed. Y o u n g ...................................._ 2.50 won a 60 word certificate with a net Trio..................- Mesdames Mayo, J. W. Mayo ................................ 2.60 speed of 76 words a minute for ten Ringo and Korinek S. L. Stewart................................... 2.50 minutes. These certificates are hand- Warren Richardson_____ __________2.50 soma diploma style sheets 14 bv 18 Horace L illy ____ ______ o.60 inches in size ami beautifully engraved, FIRE IN SCiO C. A. Beauchamp.......................... 2.50 making a very acceptable souvenir. A. fe. Edwards, a printer, who works C. H. Brewer.................................. 2.60 for T. L. Dugger, owner of the Seio E. D. Alexander....... ........ 2.50 Tribune, is out under heavy bonds, Chaa. Gchlcn....... . ................ 2.50 having been accused of trying to burn J. P. Wilbur.................................... 2.50 down the home in which he lived. It Jacob Spaniol.................................. 2.50 We arc now located in our office in i claimed that several fire traps were A. I). Gardner.................................. 2 50 J. H. T h o m a ................... 2.50 the Mcrr; Afield house, north of Beau­ discovered. E. D. Crabtree.________ 2.50 champ’s dlrug store. We have in con­ Forest Mack................................... g.50 nection wi th our other work an up-to- FIRE PREVENTION DAY H. A. Beauchamp...................... 2.50 date optic; .1 parlor. We use the modern methods f o r testing the eyes. We W. F. H arris.................................. 2 .00 Monday, Oct. 9th has been designated | A. P. Klrsch............................. 200 guarantee our work as good as Port­ “ Fire Prevention Day” all over the Dr. W. N. Pintler................. 2.00 land or els rwfiere. Charges reasonable United States, and is a good time to I)r. G. C. Watson................ 2.00 for first-e lass work. Give us n trial. clean out attics, inspect chimneys, etc. John Sandner............... ..... . . ______j go Consultali on free. Office hours: 8 to 12, This day was chosen in commemoration Friday, September 29, was a re 1 let­ Geo. Brown................. . . . . . . 1.50 1 »0 5; otl ,er hours bv appointment. j of the great Chicago fire in 1S7T. ter day for Mt. Angel, as it was the Dr A. C. Eaton Frank Lesley............... 1.50 golden jubilee o f the Rev. Adelhelm Wro. Petrol .-..................... 1.00 Odermatt of that place, closing his 50th Chas. R. Iase......... ................. 1.00 year since entering the Benedictine D. C. Davis................................... 1.50 monastery. C. E. K r a m e r ........ ___ ________ i.oo *\ number from Sublimity including V. P. Lanecfleld......................... | flf Rev. Lainck, attended, as did Mrs. N. C. E. B row n.... ........................ 1.00 Geymer of Kingston. The latter was Geo. D a v i e ...._______________ . . . . .50 specially desirous of hearing Mine. E. C. Downing.................... 2.50 Schuman-Heink sing, as she had met J. T. Hunt.......................................... 1.50 her years before in Boston, Mass. B. Wagoner....................... 1.00 Mme. Sehumar-Heink came from - . A. C. Barrows...................... 1,00 California by auto on purpose to attend C. J. Seibcl................... r.do the meeting at ML Angel. WILL BUY ANY OF THESE COACiNATICNS J. J. Staiger............... ,50 J. A. Burns............. . .50 H. Frank................................................ 50 . ATTENTION. m BT* AT Hr MAX GEHLHAR WILL CONTINUE CAMPAIGN Max Gehlhar, Captain o f Co. M., is back at hi« old job in the Co. Clerk's office nt ■ ' ilom, and says that he will continu' is campaign for District At­ torney in i clean and dignified manner. Notw' ihxtanaing the circulation of falsehood ; and perveraiona (for cam- naign purpose«) Gohlhar will run strong aa he is well liked by the voters, and his record i n the Clerk’s office has always been absolutely on the square. TEACHERS OPEN SESSIONS TODAY GOLDEN JUBILEE 1 AT MT. ANGEL WILL HAVE BIG LULL END SALE I SATURDAY October 7th a a i The Stay ton Third Annual Indus­ trial School Fair, which is to open up tomorrow morning and last until SatS urday night, Oct. 7, will be by far the 1 heat one since the movement was star­ ted three years ago. if the number and ■ variety of exhibits that are pouring in today (Thursday) have anything to do with it. It it expected that the attendance will far outnumber that o f any pre­ vious year. The exhibit will be held in the Opera House instead of the old school building as stated, as the light­ ing facilities of the latter are entirely lacking at night, and it was found last i year that the evening visitors were I numerous. Besides the fsir on Friday and Sat­ urday, almost every merchant In Stay- ton, has put on a special list of bar- gains for the last day, which will at­ tract the saving ones in great num­ bers. A careful perusal of the pages of the Mail this week will convince «■ven the most skeptical that Stayton is the beat place to trade in the valley. Fred Lockley, special writer for th* Oregon Journal, was in Stavton last week in the Interest of the proposed Eastern Oregon State Normal School at Pendleton. “ When I first came t* Stayton” said Mr. Lockley, there wal All Tbe Stars From Pendleton Round-Lp but one store here, that of W. H. Hob- ton, where you now have a solid block Will Be There With Bells of well built business houses. I re­ And Spurs member a residence stood in the midst of an orchard. During the past score of years Stayton has changed from village to a city. However, it is not to be wondered at for Stayton is sur­ rounded by a large tributary territory The Program Ha* Tv/enty-Three Events of wonderfully fertile and productive farming land. I have just completed And Include* a Three Day trip that has taken me pretty well all Relay Race over the state and I found the farmers of Oregon are almost universally pros­ perous. I was glad to find that the Special to the Stayton Mail voters generally approve of the plan Albany, Ore. Oct. 5. The stage is ! to establish a Normal School 4n East­ now set for the biggest Round-Up and 1 ern Oregon. They realize that with frontier exhibition ever held west of all of the state educational institutions the Cascade mountains and there are located in tbe Willamette Valiey the few people in Linn County that do n o t1 eastern part of the state is at a serious know that the Western Oregon Round- j disadvantage. Up will be held in Albany October 12, Ore. citizens generally approve o f 13 and 14th. education ana when it is realized that At an expense of approgiately $25,000 Oregon is one of the states that has the new grounds have been equipped but one Normal School and that as with the most complete set of grand­ consequence only 791 out o f 6055 public stands and bleachers that has been school teachers in Oregon have had provided for any track event in the Normal training, the voters are going west and the track, corralls and other to remedy the situation by voting to necessary equipment for handling the establish a normal school east o f the stock is now in place. Cascades to train teachers for the Albany is becoming a cowboy center schools of Eastern Oregon. The an­ for the first time since the grain farms nual cost o f maintainer.ee is but one drove the rangers across the mpuntains 25th of a mill or 4 cents on every As soon as the Pendleton show was thousand dollars of taxable property over dozens of the best known Pendle­ and it is certainly worth th s small ton champions moved to Albany and sum to provide trained and experienced they are still coming. teachers for our children. The list includes Jackson Sundown, champion buccaroo o f this years Pend- letan show, Lee Caldwell, who took first money last ttjtspn, Fred 8pain, Del and Bertha Blanehett. Wind River Bill, Frank Smith, Sid Seales, Fred Weir, George Fletcher better known as ‘ ‘ Niger George” , S m i l e y Corbett, Teachers from ail part;, o f "ariofl Jimmy Taylor, Jim and Frank Roaeb, county gathered at the high seh.iol thi* John Spain, Ollie Osburn, Joe Sherry, morning for the opening sessi a o* t e Peggy Warren Erma Faker, Archie three dry's’ institute : t Salem. All Baker, the 11 year old cowboy, R. P. schools of the county are cl - I for e McCelland, and dozens o f others. remainder o f the wet , 1 . t. pup .1* Besides the cowboys 10 full blooded have a brief vacation w. lie the tender* Umatilla Indians in all their full re- get primed for a renev.-e i a tt. : ; on the gelia just as they appear at Pendleton. curriculu ns They will feature in bareback relay Opening r.t 10 o’ cl rk, .he institute races and squaw races besides doing will list i first to an ad res- !!. C. the well kown Indian dances. Seymour on “ Industrial " rk ,'' These cowboys will fight for $2500 in and at 11:10, Dr. Ccri L. Done, will gold and a silver mounted saddle' made address them on a subject not • by Power & Son of Pendleton and pic- ncunced. nounced py t h e cowboys t b e best I 1 th,1 afternoon the de;v i'-nc; tal trophy to be hung up at any show in st .-sio ill begin, an,1 , continue til * the west this year. recess at 3MO, after v.hi-h T. The program includes 23 events with Reed w.il sn ■ k on “ The i'hn g* That every or.e of the best known cowboy- Are More Excellent.” stunts included. The pony express and Ali ri, • Stayton teachers are in at­ relay races have attracted 14 of the tendance, having left f< r Saitin yester­ l>est strings o f relay horses in the west day m 'ring. They will put i t e and others may appear before t h e three da; ■* at Salem and come b; ck «vent takes place. ready fur work next filnn hiv m r-jit. :« Another feature wh'ch the manage­ Prof. Gaunt was on y. gterdny riter- ment o f the show is emphasizing is noon’t program, and made a very pood that people will not be robbed o f all their money to see the show. Fifty Tins subject is especially pert in -:t to cents pays for general admission in­ Stayton, as we have one o f the most cluding a eood seat. complete playground eqoipn- mts to b* found in anv school in Oregon. UMATILLA INDIANS THERE m k Will Hr Held In Th« Opara Home On Account Of Thara Being No Light* In Tha Old Building S e r ia l N o . 1 0 7 7 ON £ DOLLAR DAY * $ 1-22 I J X $1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets and l-25c can Talcum Powder $1 .00 San-Tox Hair Tonic and 25c Colgatcs Toilet Soap $1.00 Oregon Blood Purifier and 25c Bottle Perfume $1.00 Adlerika and 25c Tube c ' iaoth Paste $1.00 Dc Witt Kidney Pills and G-bc Pen Tablets $1.00 A. D. S. Stomach Bitters and 25c in Trade $1 0 0 1 1 ydia E- Pinkhams Vegetable Com-ound & 1 San Tox Cold Cream 25c F. M. Freah............ •?„................... 1, T. J. Hill................................................ 50 A. Frank............................................. 1.00 W. H. Downing___ . . . . ________ . . . 1.00 C. 8. Browne....... ........................... 1.00 Chas. Stayton............................... 1.00 Œ Y COUNCIL MEETS. The city council met in regular ses­ sion Tuesday evening, and after the usual hunch of bills had been read and approved, the quarterly reports of the recorder and treasurer were read and the recorder’s report ordered printed in the Stayton Mail. It will be found in another column. SLOFER S ALSO J| ANY OTHER CGrtBiNAT: JitS uN DISPLAY IN STORE J * Drig SPECIAL $1.00 BARGAINS SLQPiIR’S Store 1 The Wilbur Vfroolsn "Mil's Go. o f t is city, w.H hold their ;'our.n A-nual Mill E. i Sale for one w. sk, b -. : i-ig Satur ay, Oct. 7. ^t the Mill. This is getting to Lie a regular ft .3t o f bar­ gains, and the full page in the Mail this Week is worth perusing. Chari»-= Clark spent Run lay visiting friends in Turner. SELLS FOUR .FORDS. Peter Deidrich reports tho sale of 4 new F, -- i th; pn. t wet 'The lucky purcbr-cr.; :u-e: W. I'ir i, Stry- ton; Joe A. Euei an< i Spenner. | Fern Ridge; and H. l'^worth. Mill City. » One o f the most interesting sales to be held iu the Willamette valley this NOTICE i season is that o f A. C. Barrows, on The Sublimity Commercial Club will Wednesday. Oct. 11, nt his place 7 meet at that p1 "i.Vuesday, Oct. 10, i miles east of Shaw. : i The offerings will consist of his fine at the p . r I c ; i > -, a d the Rental heard of 33 head o f high gradt and tax measure ; i p rtieular. Kvcryon* register»-- i Jerseys, nnd is attracting is invited to attend. buyers from all over the state and in- I to Washington. W. II. V ir 1 : 1 wife of Gulden lale, Kc will also offer a limited number of W -h., '-.ere over Sunda., visitors at Berkshir » second to none anywhere. the Jan,' F her hone. Mrs. Ward Read his big ad in this week's Mail on 1 and Mr*. Fisher are sisters. • onothcr | age. WILL HOLD SALE OF FINE STOCK