The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 28, 1916, Image 3

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    fit. Pleasant
Clyde t M ,
the State Tr.imi,.
the wet end at the 1
ShanI H*-m hi.ii>g hi
lien Knapp.
M ìh . h Mi. h
day f.r Sal
frier <!i
I .aux le t Sat
nil relatives.
. ! ¡'ttT Lambert left S ;t -
unlay lor ! ehunon, where she
to attend h p tc! oo’ the com n
3 Full S' Under wear 6 Garments $1.00
$1.50 duett Shirts, the best shirt
made for
Ho x li­
M. F. Kyan and an
Fru l. Ilubb man mo ored
Jefferson Sunday.
A large number fr>m this . ;
cinity are taking in the 8tai<
1 Fair
Miss Gladys Downing
at I). Townes’ Saturday.
Doris Hat for
The Misses G r a c e, Roxana,
Crystal and Melvin Shank made
a pleasant call at the Twin Wal­
nut Farm Friday.
$3.50 Shoes in window
Chester Iloyes of Albany spent
the week-end with G. H. Kay
and family.
C ash
G a r d n e r ’ s
S tore
C opyright I
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into y_o_ur system!
You’ve heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
patented process that c u t s o u t bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback I Stake
ke your bank roll that
it proves out every hour o f the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums.
prefer to g ive quality!
5 1 j yds. lor
15c p r yard Percale
10 yds. fur
¡A lbert '
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill! It’s worth that in happi­
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows w hat can be
gotten out o f a chummy
jim m y pipe or a makin’s
Prince Albert for
“ p a c k i n g ” !
Glen Schillings o f Shelburn
wan a special Sunday visiter at
the W. K. Ray home.
.Vfiss Mabel is visiting
in Portland this week.
week-end with her daughter, . School also commenced in the
F o x Valley district Monday
Mrs. Roy Brenner, of Stayton.
morning with Mi?s Alta Brown
Frank and Linn Lambert and teacher.
John Lutz returned from the
Claude a n d Clyde Moulding
5c per yard Cotton Braid
huckleberry patch Monday with
the week-end with their
100 yds. fer
1.00 a large quantity of berries
uncle E. D. Thompson a n d
A large crowd gathered at
Floyd Shelton’s Sat. evening and
Oct. 5 a lecture will be given
serenaded Mr. and Mrs. D. Wor-
a lady o f the W. C. T. U. at
the Lyons M. E. Church at 7:30
p. m.
25c per yard Poplin
6 yds. for
25c Rico Mufflers
S ix for
$1.50 and $1.65 Ladies
House Dresses
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mollett re­
turned home Sunday from Inde­
pendence where he has been
picking hops.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour and
family were visiting with Mrs.
Joseph King of Victor Point Sun­
C ash
S tore
You Can Buy at
G e h l e n ’s
S to re
7, 1916
The Following For
$ 1.00
1-2/ic can linking rowil.-r nnv
brand____ ____________
1-2 if pi ck 'go nata nr wheat
(lakes any brand
1 IK 2Xr c o ffe e ..................
6 bars Bob White Snap.
l-10c bottle blueing............
l-10c package aoda..............
8-5 c boxes matches............
t-5c packatfc ye a st.....................
Stayton and back Sunday even-
I ing.
School opened here Monday
Miss Marie Smith visited the
Sept. 25 with Mrs. Emma Cober- week-end at the J. E. Kimsey
lev as teacher.
home. She is teaching school at
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hicks Aurora this term.
HWW! \
The world's record — twenty•
two thousand and twenty-two
miles without stopping the
moto r — is held by a Maxwell
stock touring car.
Wayne Ashby left, last week
on a business trip to Santa Kosa,
California. Mrs. R o b a r d of
Portland, is staying with Mrs.
Ashby during his absence.
Hugh Hurt started
in Stayton Monday.
to school
Mrs. Wm. Rabens a n d son
Elmer made a business trip to
Stayton Saturday.
Arthur Branch, w ife and child­
ren o f West Staylon spent Mot -
day at the Chas. Peters homo,
where they celebrated the birth­
day o f Misses Norma and Belva
Mr. and Mrs. Butler are visit­
ing with their nephew and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Kane.
Stayton, Gregor
H. A. Thomas and f a m i l y
came back from Salem Monday
where they have been for sever­
al weeks harvesting their hop
Lyons and
Chas. fehlen,
Silver Creek
Union h ill
G ardners
and son Kenneth visited at the
Bill Rabens, son and daughter
Lewis Lang home Sunday.
Mr. visited at t h e Albert RaberB
and Mrs. Hicks expect to leave home Friday.
f o r Arizona soon where they
Lynn Neal is attending high
will spend the winter.
school in Stayton.
Monroe Irish, w ife and sons of
Chas. Cuslak is building a new
Rev. Van Winkle will preach Oregon City visited a few days house, it will be a dandy when
in Lyons Oct. 8.
last week at the S. W. Milligan 1 finished.
O. D. Miles called at the D. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Scott
home Sunday.
and son, Wayne o f Silverton,
Joe Lang and Martin Peterson
Beatrice, Pauline and Frank Ix>ck-
is on the sick list
were visiting at the Geo. Scott hart are spending the week a t the w i t h a party o f Union Hill
home Tuesday.
home of their grandparents in Salem.
friends made a flying trip t o and unable to attend school.
$1.25 and $1.50 Men's
Sport Shirts for
$1.50 all wool Smyrna
Rugs lor
HE Elina*
/ lbert tidy
red tin, and in
fact, every Prince
Albert package, haa
real meaaage-to-yon
on its reverse aide. You’ll
read:—**Process Patented
July 30th, 1907.” That means
that the United States Govern­
ment has granted a patent on the
process by which Prince Albert is
made. A n d b y which tongue b ite and
th ro a t p a rch a re cut out! Every­
where tobacco is sold you’ll find
Prince Albert awaiting yon
In toppy red bags, 5c; tidy
red tins, 10c; handsome
pound and half-pound
tin humidors and in
that clever crystal-
glass humidor, with
sponge - moistener
top, that keeps the
tobacco in such
Ana conditisg *
a 1 w ay a I
Mr. and Mrs. Den MeKnight
and children, and Mr. and Mrs.
J.OO Ona Sin lion and sons, and Mrs.
Linn Lambert were Sunday vis­
itors at Cold Spring Farm.
Mrs. I’ . H. Lambert spent the
Th ere’s sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but y o u k n o w that you’ve got
to have the right tobacco! W e tell you
Prince Albert will bang ihe doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
the national jo y *moke
firing up every little so often, w ithout a
reg ret!
You’ll feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Huber an<i
family, Mrs. Uoxic and
f irndy. Maud Smith, ai d Gladys
■> ~c per yard Figured Dimity
and Elsie Downing were Sunday
14 yds. fer
¡ 1.00 visitors at the H. It. Sham: horm .
. Sc per yard Cotton Serge
$2.00 Hammocks for
Ë.J. . M iBoiéaî
School commenced a t Lyons
last Monday morning with Prof.
Kane i n the upper room and
Miss White in charge of the pri­
mary department.
The n e w
school house not being finished
school commenced in t h e old
building. The new house is to
be ready the first o f November.
r . O . B.
’O other car at any p rice has ever approached
this wonderful record of endurance.
In addition to this proven sturdiness, rem em ber that the
M axw ell averages between 25 and 30 miles per gallon
of gasoline.
Moreover, the M axw ell is complete. It has elec­
tric starter and lights; demountable rims; one-m an
mohair top; speedometer; roomy, comfortable seats and
an attractive appearance.
A re you particular about details? D o you demand
evid ence o f value? If so, you w ill investigate the
M axw ell, the features, record and reputation of which
proclaim it the w o r ld 's greatest moto± car value.
3-paaaaaig-r Cabriolet, $863
3-paaam fiar Tcrmrinff
T ou rin g Cmr.
Car. $393
6-paaaan$ar Tow n Car, 913
6-paaaao$ar Sodasi, (9 tì3
S -p a .mancar Roadster
Stayton, Ore.