The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 21, 1916, Image 5

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    Editorial Comment
Hartman Bros. Co.
Quality Jewelers and Silver Smiths
Bryan butts, Wilson tuts.
Watchful waiting inukcth woeful
I Cnudldule Hughes doesn't talk like
a tut Fitter
Successors to Barr's Jewelry Store
Hughes 1« hammering und the ItMBo
cruts are yammering.
Specials For Fair Week
16 size Seth Thomas Watches
12 size Seth Thomas Watcher
The Wilson Administration stands
for taxes, «ml more Tuxes.
As a party leader, would It be fair
to refer to J . Ham levels ns J. "Fork"
j I^»wts7
Fan the folks on the democrat!-
I hand wagon continue to play by tint
I president's notes’/
Bryan says Mr. Hughes’ talks aren't
| Judh'li^. No. The people een under-
j stand 'em perfectly.
Our Regular Line or Watches
Are Especially Priced
Hughes says the country can’t be
saved by letting It drift. Tliut’t where
I he and W. Wilson differ.
Washington reports that n new apol­
ogy has been sent to First Chief Cor
mnza. I»oka like a bablt.
Hartman Bros. Co.,
Mr. Bryan is mistaken when be says
Hughes Is "vitriolic.” The candidate
Is merely applying the acid test.
Corner State and Liberty Streets
Political opponents ure beginning to
And that why Mr. Hughes kept alien
so long wasn't because bo bad lost his
i tongue.
Another encout«gIr;f feature about
our new navy la that when It Is com
pletod Sir. Hanlels will not be secre­
tary of It.
Every Home can have
a Musical Instrument
W o n d e rfu l V a lu e » in Piano», P ia ÿ e r P ia n o »
Talking Machine», Ete
b S
V « «re known to carry only wK»t \
I. Mood, what will endure . m l what «
U fully worth the prtc« asked Our f
easy peyment terms piece the brat • Sbarro»1'
musical inilnwirnU within carry- f
ona'a reach Fill out tha coupon a
or write lur catalogues
C o ta l° 2 u e*
u! C
cut m * 03
¿ r i — *•
Mack»« I
Having discovered that the Demo­
crat« don't like ttliat he Is saving, Mr.
Hughe« doubtless Is convinced that he
la on tho right track.
A bond Inane by tin* Wilson admin
lstratlon Is merely Uncle Sam's note,
and the best thing Woodrow Wilson
does Is to write notes.
Sherman felay&Ca I
i HP- popularity oi our Opening Sale is established.
T he prevailing low prices
combined with the excellent quality and latest style of merchandise, presented a
wonderful opportunity that no one could afford to miss. Interest centers in the
superb showing of the Newest in Fall Merchandise, loads and loads of which are
added every day. W hen shopping here, you are assured of the latest and most
authentic in style, best in quality and absolutely at the lowest prices in the city.
New Dress Goods, New Silks, New Ginghams, New Percales, New
Outings, New Muslins, New Blankets, New Quilts, New Shoes, New l
Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts, Children’s Dresses, Coats and Sweat­
ers, New Men’s Furnishings and Clothing, Hosiery, and Underwear
Come and Look to Your Heart’s Content. We never charge
anything for looking and are always happy to show the goods.
Ten Thousand New Bargains For Fair Week
Too many to mention in this Limited Space
but we can assure you that you will not be
disappointed. Come and be^onvinced.
Mr. McCormick follows the same
method In claiming credit for leglsla
tlon om he does In his predictions, II-
Includes several acts of the Taft aJ
Tho Democratic press Is convinced
that It Is the duty of .Mr. Hughes to
»ay something that will hurt bis
j chance of being elected.
President Wilson In his acceptance
speech may reply to Mr. Hughes'
charge«, but he will not answer them
Are New Yorkers American?
The most New Turkish of ladles, Thnt Is an entirely different mutter.
who, after nn excessively brief, ga.v
A messenger of President Wilson
winter nt home, habitually Itctook her found
out that Colorado women were
self to the Hitler«, to I.ondon, to Car­ for tho administration. No messenger,
CITY’S FMULROAD, h e a l t h , eou . ls and to the usual sprint;, summer of course, onu be blamed for making
CATIONAL AND OTHER FACILI- and autumn hnuntn of European ele­ good.
TIES ADAPT IT FOR SCHOOL gance. was once naked by nn Intelli­
It is rci>ortod from Washington thnt
gent nnd curious foreigner some ques
the administration will Ignore m>«t
Pendleton, O reP endleton's claims tlon concerning the liahlte and customs of Mr. Hughes’ charges. That Is very
for »ty establishment of a Stair Nor­ of her compatriots. She paused, medi­ much the easiest way for It to answer
mal School arc baaad upon tha unusual tated prettily, says Harrison Rhodes
advantages offered for such an Instl- In IInn>er'a Mngnztnc. and then made them.
tutlon. It Is Ideally located with re­ a profoundly significant reply*.
Foes blent Wilson will not make any
spect to railroad facilities and In the
"I'm not sure," she suld, "that I'm speaking, dates, we are told, but only
center of the country whleh It will the l>est person to ask. You see. I'm n sepurate engagements for addresses,
snrto Its health conditions are ex­ New Yorker, and I know so few Amer­ considering n "speaking tour" undigni­
cellent. It has a bountiful supply of icans."
fied. "Too proud to fight.”
clear, cold, pure mountain water.
A m e r i c a n Homes.
It offers a library of 12,000 volumes,
Tammany I-ender Charles F. Murphy
Before I come to America 1 fancied announce«
to which are added 3000 annually,
that he will retire nfter the
housed In n beautiful new building,
campaign. It Is believed thnt many
erected at a cost of $40,000 The larg­ npnrtmcntr houses extending from New other more or less distinguished Demo­
est athletic stadium In the Northweat, York to San Francisco, some of them crats will follow his example
capable of accommodating 20.000 peo- pnlutlal, hut tawdry, others lowly anil
pi-; a natatnrlum. modern and equip­ some squalid. This Idea was partially
Governor Hughes announces hi one
ped for the use of men and women, formed from rending In your own Jour of his speeches that he Is a construc­
built at a cost of $11,000; ample audi­ nuls of your lack of home life as com tionist. l ’ut we are willing to admit
torium room for lyceum courses and pared with our preponderance of It In thnt so far ns Democratic policies are
lecturoa and a school system that Is England. On the contrary, I found In concerned he is n destructionlst.
without equal In a rlty of Its site. Its the localities I visited inpeh that we
facilities nnd the students necessary can learn from .vou Amerlcnns of
President Wilson will la* notified of
for practice teaching have been guar hotnemnklup and of home living. The the Democratic nomination nt Shadow
antred by the city hoard.
nmnxlng thing to me is what your wo L«wu. This seems n most appropriate
diien^aceotniillsh In the netunl building place for letting him know that he will
of their homes, and that, too, with shortly have to give up Ids place In
small mean«.—Lady Inez Stuart In the sun.
Countryside Mngnrlne.
Grover Cleveland was the last Demo­
Australia’s Lyrs Bird.
cratic president. He was aim the last
The lyiv bird of Australia is a noted president to Issue bonds to secure
'll. 8. BUREAU OF EDUCATION RE mimic. In the early morning hours It money to defray the running expenses
PORT UNCOMPLIMENTARY TO Is at Its best, duplicating the whistle of the government. But Wilson will
of n locomotive, tho barking of n dog, tie him In this.
the cull of a magpie nnd the buzz of a
IVndletoa. Ore—Oregon la one of circular saw In varying tone.
"Eminent Judges," says Colonel Hen­
th-' most poorly equipped states In the
ry Wattersou, “have ever proved disap­
Union for the training of teachers,
pointing candidates." He Is right. Al­
according to the United States Bureau
ton B. Parker was n big disappoint­
of Education.
ment to th e. Democrats. And so Is
Only five states In the Union have
Evans Hughes.—Toledo Blade.
"So you have Itecu camping with n
less Normal equipment thnn Oregon.
O-egon has one Normal School and party of friends?"
What JosepilBoons Daniels, the well
forty states hnve more than one. New "Well,” replied the man who tries to known
nautical militarist, can't under­
York has lk, Pennsylvania 18, Massa­
Is why men should waste time
chusetts 12, California 8, Washington speak the truth nnd nothing but the stand
truth, “we were all amiable enough Plnttsbnrging at sea when they might
3 and Idaho 2.
well learn how to be ■nun* ra'l
The report of the Durenu of Educa­ when we stored, but I can't say we lust In ns three
lessons In any good, relia­
tion Bhows that even the little state of were a party of friends when we got ors
ble correspondence s bool.
Idaho, with a population only half as back home.” — Birmingham Age-Her­
large as that of Oregon. Is spending ald.
President Wilson appears to have
more than twice as murh for Normal
I »eon keenly alive to the expediency of
Foolish Expense.
Schools as Is this state.
Topping—The doctor says I can't accepting several Invitations to make
The same report urges that Normal
In the West. Nobody brow-
Schools be located In the rnllrond play golf. Brnsslo— You didn’t pay him speeches
any better than he that It will take
centers with public rchools sufficient­ n fee for that?—Boston Transcript.
considerable shoveling to fill up Un-
Wanted Her Share.
ly large to give teaching practice to
holes that hare been dug tn that lo­
the Normal studerts
State Superintendent Churchill’« an tho solemn fact that the woman of cality by Justice Hughes.
mini report shows that of the 8055 today Is a most practical and re­ It was John P. St. John of Kansas,
teachers In Oregon last yen- hut 791, sourceful creature,” said tho man who one time Prohibition! f candidate for
or 13 per cent, were Normal School has known n few.
president of the United State», who
graduate*. The same official estim­ "Wbnt makes yon think so?" n said that Americans vote ns they cheer.
ated that 1000 new t -achers are need­ friend naked.
If so, there la ntjghfy little . »»nselifton
ed each year and the present Normal
"The unsentimental attitude of a for the DemoTfitl - party In this cam­
school Is turning out hut 150. Thn girl I know. I told her thnt she had paign. for the Demo rath* ndm'ntstrn-
majority of Normnl trained tearhers Inspired some of m.v best poems. She tlon tn three years has given in noth
are shown to be teaching within a didn't «ay n word nhout the poems, Ing to cheer »»ver. On the contrary,
small radius of Monmouth, although hut she wrote to my publishers for n as Mr Hughes has sahl, these last
Eastern Oregon pays on the average percentage of the r o y a ltie s — New three years have been years of humili­
of $10.41 a month more for teachers York Times.
ation and embarrassment.
than doe* tha WUlametta Valley.
nu"’ O
Tlie Hughes trull will be cold by
I the time the Iiemorruts strike It.
(Formerly the Chicago Store)
Salem's Greatest Popular Price Department Store.
other store in this town.
Not connnected with an y
Corner Court and Commercial Sts.
Salem, Oregon
Just Wanted to Know.
"Fay. pop. Is It tree that a shark has
to turn over before It can bite?"
“And do you think It lias to turn over
to drink, too?"
“I don't think so. Why do you ask?"
"I was Just thinking of Uncle
"What about Uucle Henry?"
"I have often heard you say he drinks
like a fish, nu.l I was Just wondering
If It Is because he throws back his
head u >tll he nearly lies on his back."
—Plttsb irgb Chronicle-Telegraph.
When You Attend
Making Salt.
Great Improvements have been made I
in the methods of making high g»ade
salt both by the graiuer and vacuum >
pan processes. The mechanical grain
ers In which the brine enters the plant |
and is not touched by human hands un
til It is nlmost ready for shipment are
marvels of Ingenuity. Fine table salt
is now made nlmost exclusively bj
vacuum pan processes. These evap
orators have so greatly reduced the
cost of making flue salt that the old
time methods long ago passed Into his
Be Sure and Make Our Store Your
Headquarters, and When you
Think of Buying
Hats & Shoes
Life's Circle.
Iu the Journey of life we often travel
In circles; therefore do today the good
that Is In you Plant your blossoms
You will come beck to them by and by
1 It is the beauty of the things you do
today tlidt has most to do with mak­
ing beautiful your tomorrow One of
the blessings of sunset is the memory
of what was planted In the morning.
The Somme In Ancient History.
The river Somme. In France, is the
classical Samara that played nn Im-
portnnt part In the earliest recorded
annals of old Gaul. It gave the ancient
name of Sam« robilvn to modern
Amiens, where t held a meeting
of the Gaulish tribes In the autumn of
It. i\ M ami in « liU'U he made his head­
quarters »luring the following winter.
It was from the estuary of the f*onnue.
record lug to a plausible theory, that
Caesar started on his second luvaslon
of Britain.—Westminster Gazette.
B lueberry Bushes.
Under sttt-li favorable conditions as
t x'st In the vine barrens blueberry cub
(lire Is to he classed as to the age of
Its first hearing not with the slow
fruiting apple orchard, but with the
quick fruiting |*>ach. with this Impor­
tant difference, however, that while
the poach tree remains in vigorous
fruiting condition for comparatively
few years ttie blueberry bush with
-qtlltlhlc priming bids fair to Inst a
man's lifetime and even longer.—.Na­
tional Geographic Magazine.
Come to
Brick Brothers
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase
Corner State and Liberty Streets
&Í 1
■C- J
Aroutea m s curiosity.
"John," exclaimed the nedvous worn
an, “there's a burglar In the house!"
“Do you mean to tell me that after
t tried every door nnd window In my
effort to get into my own home, just
because I happened to mislay my Intch-
key. a burglar comes along and wakes
you up nt the first rattle of the door
knob? I’m going down to see him.”
"What are you going to do?"
"Fui going to Interview him and see
If I can find out how ho did It.”—
Washington Star.
Beware of Ointments fcr .
C-tarrh Tl-at Contain Merct f
as m ercury v l'.l sur
\ f destroy t;-.e
of smell and r -mpietely derang
whole system when »altering It tin
the mucous surfaces. Su.h articles -i
never be used except on proscri
from r. put ible p» yslelans. as the d
they will .' •> Is i a fold to the go.
ran p isslblv derive from them.
C atarrh Cure, n mifactnred by [
Cheney & c » .. TM to, <». cn-ital
mercury, nn I 1» I
n I", rnnlly,
direettv up -n '1 bl d ar.d mti-nu
fices of c -rstem. tn tsivlng
Catnrrh Ct-re !>. sure y u l
toe It Is t iVe -1 In" rnaltv and m
Toledo. Ohio. 1 - F. J. Chern y .At Cu.
timonlals free
Bold by Pruu as. Price 75 c p,-r ’
Take Ball's Family Fills for cotuUpat