I _ $ * $ 0 0 0) $ « ... «1 0 § # «T# STORE CASH l o r S o le — A m d n lc d - I l m o n tili' old. Goo.I w atch ilo ;. Inqoiro of Mrs. J. F. Cal well. SMB SALE UlLLS a t th e Mail Office. Wo have the la rg e st circulation c f any paper prin ted or sent into the Santiuni Valley. A dvertise w ith ua and Ret j result». Team Tor Sale —a team o f fo >r->ear- old mare», wt. 1250 lb», each, B ar­ gain if »old *'K»ii. Rulcigh II rold, | S lay to n , Oregon. 9-14x m if ßdiLLARO’J It. STOCK GOATS FOR SALE See no >r phot o Chun. S tay to n , Stay ton. Ore. a 12 X Ask as atout the sale aid the date. It will beat the Catalogue House in Service, Quality and Price. D O L L ’S F. ii Cider .Made for 2 cent» |icr gallon. Bring \o u r apples. i mile east of Sim- lim ity. \V. S tu rr. 9-21 EXPERT SALES LftDY !N CHARGE CF DISPLAY EVERY COAT A DIFFERENT STYLE NO TWO ALIKE i^Jwl K nl IVIc mills cow quire lit the llnmman Feed Burn. L A D IE S C C A iS from $19.00 to $50.00 CHILDREN’S GOATS from $2.00 to $10.09 # ADVERTISING FOR SALK .SOMETH'‘K> DIFFERENT. The Newest and Latest styles on display ere at our store, Sometime early in October. No 9 # cata’o s to lock at. You see and try on the coat you want o iuy. We have arranged with a large Eastern Cioak Manu­ m facturer to bring his entire line ot 150 designs and colors. m m r , „í ,iav ins Paid $250 SO on h new Fold Touring C ar, 1 find th a t I will n o t, need it. See m» rnd I oen save you a liberal discount on »ante. ai. j . Crab- tree, S tavton, Ore. St-14 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■!»■' !■»' — ■■ «'»■- I — —— » W hite Rocks For Sale tin account of n.y health, 1 w ill . ell my en tire fUa-k of 1H. year-old h r ., and 2 cockerel» p ure­ bred, Ficial »train W hite Rock*. The! hens are j m t th r ugh r . tilting und he- I ginning to lav. W. A. Weddle, Stay- ton, O re. '. 'l l # Place For Rent 2S acres, t! room II. J . M utschler and w ife, V. 1) ' Stupor and w ife and Geo. Tote motor- house, gocal barn, good b sttom land, ring w ater ami well, a Ijoina S tay lu n , ! ed to Salem Sundtiy afternoon. with new high school, possession row. Price #175. IK» a yc..r hull' cash, h alf in i> months. Address S tay to n S ta te .9-21 plies s t B eaucham p's D rug S tore. Prices Rank, S tayton, Ure. #1.25 to $27.i-0. Lots of fresh films al­ ways on hand. I WILL INSURE your stock in a good "Id Line Stock Co. ag ain st d eath from Colors of Amber. A m ber appears in vurious colors. It any cause See or w rite me for rates. G. W. L afiar, Salem, O re. may be black, white, brown an d greeu 9-7x ! ns well as yellow SHEEP WANTED 1 w ant ab o u t 60 j good young ewes. P re fe r S hropshire I Sturdy Horse». Siberian horses a rc sturdy. They will “ ock. Address W. R. S urry, Lyons, i l > thousand* of m iles a t th e ra te of Oregon. 9-14x forty mites n day. KODAKS, Kodak Sup- j W. A» E m otored down from Miss Ju n e K earns is running the Lyons Monday. ty p e w riter for the B row n-P etrel Lum- ---------- her Co. • V- atch Y iu n ^ '» windows fr.r bargains . , '- , „i Mr. end Mrs. P. G. Cladek of Leb­ in g rocen ... anon, a re visiting friends aud relatives Sherm Swank m otored over from here. Aumsvil e T u esiay . M aster Loyd S chaefer of Linn Co., r THE STAR THEATRE ■THE HOME OF GOOD SHOWS" ùi ii À v\». * § W ilb u r STOCK CO. High Class Vaudeville And High Class Pictures ALL WEEK En ire Change of Program Earh Night Only one Show each night At 8:15 25 cents and 10 cents , Fire Proof Garage — To The Trade— I Have the Only FIRE PROOF GARAGE in town. Store your cars with me where they will be safe. No danger of fire. Our work has no superior in the repair line Always at your service. AGENCY FOR T h e Chalmers—-6 — 30 G A S O L IN E 2 Q c Cladek’s Garage, Phone 2183, The New Sythotic Amber Mouthpiece Pipe, Odorless, Tasteless, Durable, Non-in- flamable. Blackberries Wanted Poison Fly Paper,Sticky J . C. Sfcigmur.d was a business visi- from Salem Monday. ’x>r here A'l school bocks must All He Craved. T eacher—Willie, w h at Is your g reat­ est am bition? Willi To w ash m oth­ er's face! Philadelphia Uncord. Much More Sensible. Mrs. E. Bushr.ell of Salem is spend­ "Jack. dear, when you arc gone 1 ing th e week visiting a t the home of shall pine aw ay." "D on't pine aw ay ; spruce up.”—Life. her d au g h ter, Mrs. J . M. Ringo. Will pay 2'4c a pound for Blackberries. Empty Crates Furnished S ELLER 5 0 c Fishermen—Ford Truck Hendershott’s Gem Confectionery PHONE 1X18 C. W . Hoiford, Stayton PREPARE FOR SCHOOL be -ssh a t S loper's. Then the Fight S tarted Impossibility. Wm. Sm ith retu rn ed home Tuesday ”1 d o n 't see why you are so dow n on "I see th e new stylish costume» from th e coast w here he has been for Jones." from P aris a re sensible." E. E. McKinney o f T urner, was a th e past, month. “H e once tried to rob me of my rep­ “T h a t’s Impossible.” S t ijt» n visitor Tuesday. u tatio n .” “W hy?” Dr. H. A. and C. A. Beaucham p “ You shouldn't have stopped him.”— “If sensible they couldn't he stylish." C. B. Gaines and M r. George were motored to Tillamook Sunday and spent Boston T ranscript. —Exchange. down fr»m G ates Monday. th e first of the week fishing. Mrs. H. Lilly returned from Cor­ vallis, a fte r a w eek’s vacation. Geo. Bell and fam ily are in Portland a few davs this week on business. Jack W altem eyer was a business visitor here from Scio Tuesday. G. C. Eksm ao was a Portland visitor the first of the week. . E. H.'aJshaw w ent to P ortland »aturday retu rn in g home Monday. Loren Caldwell was home from Brownsville Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Elle/i Caldwell returned home Monday from Mill City w here she has txcJii Workirg. M rs. J . 13. SI »per and little piece wc -e week-end visitors with relatives n Salem. Kiesa Dip should be se ! at least an o th er rr.onth. t S loper’s, All sizes J a teacher BY BUYING A P a ir of School Shoes In M itigation. Q uite a delegation from S tayton a t­ Judge — H oss thief, you're found Ju st a Suggestion. tend the F air a t Scio la st week, and guilty by th ' Jury. H ave y' an y th in g Mrs. Brnpgc I w ant to cnll the new 1 to say as to w hy 1 sh o u ld n 't soak y’ th ’ rep o rt a good tim e on T hursday. house which I have Just bought some | lim it? P risoner—Well, Judge, it w a sn 't your nam e which will let people know that i I t will soon be w inter. The editor It belongs to me. W hat would you boss I stole.—Cleveland. le a d e r. of th e Saritiam News is calling for • _____ _____ suggest, d ear? .Miss W itt IIow would ; wood on subscription. “Iona H ouse" do? - London Telegraph. Ho Stuck to the Show. “ Did yrc.i follow the plot of the Genuine Geniue. School Books and sup­ musical com edy?” “Jones is a genius.” plies a t S loper's. “ No. I stayed In my se at anil w atched "I n ever thought much of his the perform ance. T he plot le ft the poems.” Mrs. D. E. Brown of San Deige, th e a te r right a f te r It w as Introduced." “T h ey nre not th e reason. H e sue- C alif., is spending tnc w'-ek visiting a t —D etroit I-'ree Press. ceeds In Helling them ’’—Buffalo Ex the John Thomas home » ast of town. press. Corrected. Mrs. D art ar.d d au g h ter M rs. Geo. “ Do ; (ci no in for aviation?" he asked i Sander and two children o f Scio were f' " beauty of the high class girls’ E M M O M M Q trad in g with m erchants here Tuesday. tv linei. “ No; not for aviation. One goes In \ 13d Blakely retu rn ed Tuesday from f- sea bathing, hut for aviation one Silverton w here he has been w orking goes up.”—Chicago H erald. h o tn /jp in the Johnson Pharm acy a t t h i t place. Bravery. // “ Would you risk your life for your ^ a rainij daq seems Fres rulers at Sloper’s. friend ?" to saq “I did yesterday evening. R ather Mr. and Mrs. Carl F ry e r o f Shaw, th an h urt n friend's feelings, I ate visited a t the home of Mrs. F ry e r’s w hat he cooked In a chafing d ish.”— p aren ts, Mr. and Mr. J . K. G ardner, W ashington Star. Sunday. F ran k Lesley, wife and son W ilbur, H» W asn’t Afraid. Miss Rachel Angel who is Mrs. D ora Shreve and Fred Taylor When Bishop Phillips Brooks was i the Scio school, was in town Wed- visited T. A. L ivesly’s hop yard Sun­ "com m anded.” ns the phrase goes, to esday. day. speak before the »pieen some »»he ask ­ ed if he wns afraid . "No," he replied, I If. J . M utschler, w ife and son H arry, 29 pounds of rice for $1.00 at sm iling; “ I have preached before tny /. F. F re re i arid N orm an Davie were mother.” Klecker’a. alem visitors W ednesday. S ELLER Cigars and News Stand At Your Service PRICES RIGHT. Stayton AMBROL Cotton, Gauze, Gauze H# Knew. "H e's a m an of fixed Ideas.” “Yep. A polite w ay of calling blm bull headed.”— Exchange. PER G A L. CARS FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Money to Loan I Have Made A rrange­ Ring» Around Their Neck». m ents for loaning ea ste rn money, T he women of llayanzl, on th e K on­ Mrs. A. U. LaCroix ot G rass Valley, vis,ted over Sur‘d a>' a t th e Ben sc h a e * go. w ear w edding rings of brass weld- will m ake very low ra te o f in te r­ fe r home. is a g u ts t of Mrs. Lee T ate. oil around th eir necks e s t on highly improved farm s. Ho­ m er H. Sm ith, room 5, McCornack ’.Vate Yeung’s* wi idbws for bargains Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Phone %. Sheep In India. in groceries. tf . Sheep used as beasts of burden in Bandages, Adhesive p laster and m e d -; north India carry tw enty pounda ’ icated g au /es a t B eaucham p’s D rug D. M. Doli w as a G ates and Mill w eight anlece. Store. 3ity business visitor Tuesday. D. B. Hill and fam ily of Mill City, visited Sunday a t the home of Mr. fly paper, fly powder, etc a t Beau­ H ill's parents, A. H. and wife here. cham p's D rug Store. Miss Cora Cooper, a clerk in the J . W. A. E lder and fam ily w ere down R. G ardner Cash store, who has been tak in g her annual vacation, is back a t from P o tte r’s cam p Friday. work. 1 i A L L GRADES AND S T Y LES AT Lancefield’s Shoe Store, JUST RECEIVED A Large Supply of Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips . Stone Jar.4, Stone Churns and Crockery Ladies, Misses and Children's Underwear, Men and Boys Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, Underwear, Hats, Shoes, Socks And all other iines in Men’s Furnishings J. R. GARDNER’S CASH STORE, Stayton, Ore. Remember I also do a General Delivery business Gvonjthing ¿bout y // Mo keep clrq, [j “ W EINHARD’ S GOLDEN NECTAR” "W EINHARD’ S AMBER NECTAR” \ t o w o rk in jj comfort ,v/eár \i "T he Drink th at Satisfies and do«» not Intoxicat«” Fred Rock’s ICE COLO AND ALW AYS ON TAP IN KEGS AND BOTTLES AT N ie lla BRANO ! $ n r ‘i • REF LEX SUCKER The "Pastime Billiard and Cigar Store 11 A .J .T o w e u C o - B c s t o :: BEft X3LÚ&&Ü SYAYT0N, - - . OREGON