WORLD’S DOINGS O f CURRENT WEEK Night Bathing in Lake Michigan Saves Many. The RedMirage A Story o f the French Legion in Algiers Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. By I. A. R WYLIE UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHHJ lAli rtg h u rvssrvvd. Tha Hobbs-UsrrUl Co.) Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Offers of $1 per bushel for N orth­ w estern w heat are refused. One child in every five dies of in fan ­ tile paralysis in New York. The S tate d epartm ent declines to stand behind A m erican bankers who w ere n eg o tiatin g a loan to China. S ir Roger Casem ent, th e in stig ato r of th e Irish revolution, was hanged in London Thursday for high treason. The Deutschland subm arine has suc­ cessfully passed th e allie s’ w arships off Chesapeake Bay and is fa r out to sea. A hotel clerk in Spokane is sen­ tenced to 60 days in ja il and $750 fine for p erm ittin g illegal sale of liquors in th e hostelry. Should th e g re a t railroad strik e now pending be declared, all traffic would be stopped on 1285 roads, w ith th e ex­ ception of m ail and troop train s. The S erbian governm ent has decided to convoke th e Serbian parliam ent. K ing P e te r of S erbia and th e Greek governm ent have been advised of th is intention. The g arm ent strik e which v irtually has paralyzed th e w om en's su it and cloak industry in New York for nearly four months, was declared settled at a general m eeting of th e s trik e com­ m ittee. N ig h t b ath in g in Lake M ichigan saves thousands of persons during the hot spell in Chicago. P arts of th e lake fro n t sw arm s w ith women bathers till late hours of th e night. I t is th e Of ALIEGED SPIES AT RAILROAD STRIKE ACTIVITY PANAMA CANAL IS INVESTIGATED SEEMS INEVITABLE Congress is Urged to Take Immediate Action to Forestall Trouble. F rank W est, tw o-year-old son of F. National Chamber of Commerce Be­ A. W est, of Prosser, W ash., was lieves Arbitration is Futile— drowned in th e Sunnyside canal. The body was recovered a fte r having been Wilson Much Concerned. carried through two m iles of wood- stav e pipe. The suprem e lodge of K nights of P y th ias in session a t Portland last week, elected John J . Brown, of V an­ dalia, 111., suprem e chancellor and C harles S. D avis, of D enver, vice chancellor. W ashington, D. C.— Officials of the F ederal governm ent, including P resi­ dent Wilson, are closely w atching de­ j velopm ents in th e controversy betw een 225 railw ay system s and th e ir 400,000 N ational Guardsmen, relieved from ; employes, and are p rep arin g to offer duty on the border for disability, re­ turned to O akland, Cal., to find th e ir every possible aid in effecting an arm ory had been looted of $1500 in I agreem ent and avoiding a strik e. clothing by burglars, who had cleaned , Thursday th e P resid en t forw arded to out every locker. th e Labor d ep artm en t an appeal he had An atte m p t by B ulgarian soldiers to received from th e Cham ber of Com­ seize an island in th e Roum anian m erce of th e U nited S tate s declaring a w aters of th e Danube riv e r close to : th e town of G iurgevo has caused a strik e in ev itab le "u n le ss some strong sensation there, according to reports m easures of in terv en tio n are speedily introduced” and u rg in g an inquiry. received by B ucharest new spapers. The shipbuilding plant, backed by A cting S ecretary of Labor P ost said Louis S w ift, of Chicago, vice presi- j he was in close touch w ith th e situ a ­ d ent of S w ift & Co. and purchasing : tion, b ut had not decided w hether ac­ agent for th e Union Meat company tion by the d ep artm en t would be nec­ te n tativ ely located a t Flavel, O r., has been moved to P ortland through essary. The Federal board of m ediation and efforts of H erb ert Brown. conciliation, w hich is authorized by A Zurich dispatch says th a t several young men paraded the stre e ts of th a t law to a tte m p t to av e rt strik e s on city Tuesday n ig h t bearing banners in­ railroads, also is keeping w atch of de­ scribed: “ We demand com plete d e - 1 velopm ents, and its officials expect to m obilization.” The police w e re ' be called on as soon as th e Btrike vote, obliged to charge th e crowd w i t h ; draw n sw ords before it would disperse. now being counted, has been com plete­ ly canvassed. They said th a t nothing Several persons were wounded. could be done a t present. I t was officially announced a t th e Copies of th e ch am b er’s appeal to Mexican foreign office th a t L uis Cab­ rera, Y gnacio Bonillas and A lb e rto 1 P resid en t W ilson w ere forw arded to Pani have been selected as th e com­ chairm en of th e congressional com­ m issioners to negotiate w ith th e m erce com m ittees and th e rep rese n ta­ U nited S tate s com m issioners reg a rd ­ tiv e s of th e railroads and employes. H arry W heeler, chairm an of the ing th e questions at issue betw een cham ber’s com m ittee on railroads, said Mexico and th e U nited S tates. !- he had recently attended a m eeting of T h e' suprem e lodge o f K nights of rep rese n tativ es of th e em ployers and P y th ias is in session a t Portland. em ployes in New York, and th a t as a resu lt his conviction was deepened th a t The heat w ave th a t has enveloped an am icable settle m en t was rem ote. Chicago and th e Middle W est, was “ I am assu red ,” he added, “ th e re will broken Monday by a stiff breeze from be no modification of th e a ttitu d e of the N orth. th e roads. N eith er is it expected th a t England positively refuses to perm it th e rep rese n tativ es of th e men, w ith medicines fo r A m erican Red Cross so­ th e new pow erful strik e vote in th eir cieties to pass the allie s’ lines into ■ hands, w ill recede from th e position w hich th ey have tak en h ere to fo re.” G erm any or A ustria. W inston Churchill, form er first lord | S h a rk S ta rtle s N ew port. of th e B ritish adm iralty, declares E ng­ N ew port, O r.— Beach b ath ers w ere land was saved by her navy. sta rte ld T hursday when th ey heard of D uring a quarrel betw een tw o e m - 1 th e cap tu re of a shark a t the D evil’s ployes of the Union M eat company at Punchbowl, 10 m iles north of Newport. Portland, one man was knocked into a T h eir fea rs w ere dispelled later, how­ v at of boiling w ater and cooked alive. I ever, when it was learned th a t it was S trik in g em ployes of th e th ree large a sand shark and not one of the man- packing houses in E ast St. Louis have e a tin g species. The shark was washed voted to accept the concessions made j ashore w hile Carl Shoem aker, sta te by th e em ployers and to re tu rn to gam e warden, w as v isitin g th e bowl. w ork Tuesday. About 4500 men are H e killed it and brought it to Nurvport, involved. w here it is now on display. Two years The U. S. court a t N orfolk, V a.f has ago a m an-eating shark, 25 feet long, rendered a decision which gives back was killed off Y aquina Hay. to E nglish ow ners th e prize ship A p - j Fruit B asket Bill P assed . pam, captured by th e G erm ans. W ashington, D. C. — “ The honest The fa ilu re o f th e Pope’s appeals to grape, f ru it and b erry b ask et b ill,” by th e w arrin g nations fo r peace was ad­ R e p resen tativ e Reavis, of N ebraska, m itted by th e Pontiff in addressing a p rescrib in g dim ensions for standard delegation o f th e youth of Rome. baskets for in te rs ta te shipm ent of H enry Edw ard Duke, a b a riste r and grapes, sm all fru its and berries, was G rape U nionist m em ber of P arliam en t for passed T hursday by th e house. E xeter, w as appointed to be the new grow ers of New York and Southern chief se creta ry o f Ireland in succession j and W estern sm all f ru it and berry to A ugustine B irrell. The new chief raise rs advocated its passage for pro­ secreta ry w ill have a se a t in th e B rit­ tectio n ag a in st com petitors using un- dersized containers. ish cabinet. I only way they- have to cool off from the g rea t heat of the day. The cue- tom may now be so well established th a t n ig h t bathing will become a reg- u lar fea tu re of the sum m er. W ashington, D. C. — A ctiv itie s of persons suspected of being spies em ­ ployed by foreign governm ents to ac­ quire inform ation reg ard in g th e n atu re and ex ten t of the defenses of th e P an ­ am a canal have made th e a d m in istra ­ tion decide to request congress to sup­ plant the ex istin g law s ag a in st im ­ proper acquistion of knowledge of m il­ ita ry and naval plans and fortifica­ tions. R ep resen tativ es of th e d ep artm en t of Ju stic e and the W ar and N avy de­ p artm en ts have been in conference on th e subject, and it is expected th a t they will agree on some d rastic legislation to be subm itted to congress. I t is possible th a t th e scope of th e conference may be extended beyond the original ideas of a m ere protection of th e secrets of th e A m erican coast defenses to cover generally such a t ­ tem p ts as have been common since the beginning of th e present w ar to de­ stroy powder and am m unition plants, on w hich th e U nited S tate s govern­ m ent m ust rely in tim e of trouble. Several of th e m ilita ry powers of th e world are believed to have under­ taken to obtain inform ation as to the ch a racter of the defenses of th e P ana­ m a canal. The la te st incident to ex­ cite suspicion is th e operations of a little Ja p an ese pow er vessel, ostensi­ bly a fishing launch, which sought to o b tain a p erm it for pearl fishing in the w aters of Panam a bay and vicinity. The canal au th o rities have been warned th a t th is c ra ft appeared to have been m aking surveys and th a t these w ere not confined to th e w ater but extended to th e isthm us proper. W hile these operatious may have been p erfectly innocent in in ten t and only such soundings w ere made and bearings taken as m ight be incident to th e p u rsu it of pearl fisheries, the canal zone au th o rities have regarded the m a tte r as of sufficient im portance to w arra n t in v estig atio n and rep o rt to W ashington. M eanwhile, licenses have been w ithheld until some general line of policy can be form ulated to govern all such cases. Bottle Tells Z eppelin's F ate. B erlin— E x tra c ts from le tte rs found last F ebruary in a bottle picked up in the S kageraak, containing last mes­ sages from the com mander and crew of th e Zeppelin L-19, w recked in the N orth Sea, have been given out. The w ritin g s included the final report of th e Z eppelin’s commander, w ritten an hour before the airsh ip w ent down. The g re a te r p art of the e x tra c ts consist of personal m essages to members of th e v ic tim s’ fam ilies. One of them says “ an E nglish tra w le r came along th is morning, but refused to Bave u s.” British Save Suez Canal. London—The T urkish arm y of 13,- 000 soldiers which attack ed B ritish positions on A ugust 4 at Romani, 22 m iles east of the Suez canal, has been thoroughly defeated, according to the la test official statem en t. The T urks are now in full re tre a t and w ere hotly pursued for 18 m iles by B ritish troops. The num ber of un wounded Turks captured was 3145. Among the pris­ oners were 70 Germans, including 36 officers. A com plete b attery of Gor­ man guns was also taken. H ughes’ Auto S earc h ed . N iarg ra Falls.— C harles E. Hughes, en route to D etroit, spent Sunday here. A t his request th e re was no public re­ ception. D uring the autom obile ride in Can­ ada, a t a lonely spot a Canadian sol­ dier, w ith fixed bayonet, ordered the d riv er to halt and searched th e car for explosives. The soldier, when told of Mr. H ughes’ identity, replied w ith a grin th a t he was sorry, but Canadian m ilitary rules m ade no exception. C H A P T E R XX— Continued. — — 1W The clear eyes darkened. G abrielis Smith did not ta k e the extended huiul*. Her own w ere clasped before her. "I have cotue to plead w ith you, Madame A rtiaud - not to Judge.” “ And if 1 prom ise you- If 1 tell you that I will do all th u t lies In my power—” “Then my erran d la accom plished.'' Sylvia's h an d s dropped. It struck her th a t thla w om an hud a m ean soul, coarsened w ith rough contact w ith the world. She could uot rise to the high altitudes of forgiveness and reconcili­ ation. She could only grasp the m a­ terial things of life. Sylvia caught a glance of her own reflection in the glass opposite, and she saw how ethe real her own beauty had become. A fter all, beauty la the o u tw ard uud visible sign. Suddenly her nam e w as called— roughly yet piteously—an d her eyes t ink. "T h a t's my h usband." she said gravely. “E ven In his delirium he Is alw ays calling for me. The dying ure sacred, are they notT We m ust for­ give them as we forgive the dead.” “Yes,” G abrlelle assented. “ I m ust go to him. Hut I will do w hat 1 have prom ised, I—I will atone for him. P erhaps It may soothe him — com fort him to th in k th a t the wrong he has doue has been rig h ted —don't you think?” "P erh ap s.” Hut G abrlelle Sm ith did not seem to see the extended hand. T here w as a hard line at>out the flue mouth, ami w ithout greeting—alm ost as though gouded by an Im patient contem pt—she w ent out of the open French w indows Into the brazen glare of the afternoon Sylvlu Artiaud w atched the slight u p ­ right figure vanish Into the archw ay beyond the courtyard. She w as vague­ ly disconcerted—like an actress left suddenly w ithout her cue—and l>e- neath the tran q u il consciousness of vir­ tue there stirred the old hatred, the old m istrust. In the sickroom all w as still again. The blinds w ere draw n, and In the green-tinted shadow s D esire's face showed like a w hite lig h t She w ent softly over to hts bedside an d sat down, looking a t him. Ills eyi*s were closed and he appeared to sleep. A cold w onder crept over her. He had changed so com pletely In those few m onths of their m arried life th a t the change ceased to be terrible. This w as not th e m an w hose fleeting, u n ­ know n fascination had cuught her re st­ less fancy—not even the man she had grow n w eary of. lie w as nothing—a m ere husk of som ething th at had once been. Still, as she sat there and looked back on those mouths, many things becam e trium phantly clear to her. She understood why she had grown w eary, aud why w eariness hail changed to nausea, lie w as a bad man. lie had sinned; he had let another suffer for him, an d had pursued his victim w ith a relentless hatred. H er womnn’a In atln ct bnd recognized the evil and had passed Judgm ent. Beside him W ell­ ard F u rq u h a r's figure gleamed In the lim elight of her Im agination — a cheva­ lier of the old school, quixotic and rom antic. Hut she did not love him. P erhaps there w as even som ew here in her a vugue contem pt—a t least, a slightly patronizing pity strengthened by the know ledge th a t now his salv a­ tion w as In her hands. H er thoughts passed on from him to the Implacable, ruthless man who had come back to her out of the Jaw s of death, and to whom she w as going w ith the sur render of her whole self. Anil us she thought of him Invisible hands tore down the veil, aud she saw the pic­ tu re th a t he lmd painted o f her—saw It and shrank from It even though she knew th a t It w as the Insignia of his power. D esire's eyes opened. They rested full on her face, aud In their recogni­ tion, th eir pathetic, helpless worship she regained herself and the heights of her virtue. She bent over him. “A re you better. D esire?” “ Sylvia." H is hand groped feebly for hers. She touched It kindly. She would not reproach him. She w as for­ giving him. H e w as going to die. And then she would be free. She did not think of her freedom. It wns like a hidden pulse— beating persistently, feverishly. "I heard you call,” she said. "Is th ere anything w an t? The nurse will be back In a m om ent.“ He caressed her band w ith an In­ finite tenderness. “’J bey are going to shoot him at d ay b reak ,” he said very gently. "And then all will be well, will It not? You will forget him. You will learn to u n d erstan d —everything. We shall be­ gin a new life together In a new world, my wife. T here will be no shadow betw een us w here we are going—” She shrank from him, half In horror, h alf In vague fear. He wns dying, and lie seemed so sure. He did not ask for forgiveness; there w as no re ­ m orse In his suuken eyes—rath e r a grave, serene pity. Ills hand still held hers. T here wns a pow er In Its w eakness which terrified her; she felt as though she would never be able to free herself. “Sylvia—you will not leave me? I feel us though l could rest w ith you beside me. You will stay ?" "Yes—yes." "1 have loved you so greatly, my wife. I have been dow n to hell for love of you, and now I uiu flghtlug my way buck to you to th e light. Love la stro n g er th an slu —th an death than God h im self—” H is voice trailed off again, his eyelids dropped, hiding the pale light of ecstatic delirium . The u u rse entered oil tiptoe. "T here Is a man a soldier In the d raw in g room, luadam e," she w his­ pered “ He brings a message for m adnm e It moat be delivered ut once. I will keep w atch w hile m adam e Is gone." She nodded. He had Ncnt for her She w as going to him. Nothing m attered now. She had w aited long enough The little fragile ehnlu of self control hail snapped. She wua going to him — now, cost w hat It would. Yet out- In • rushing flood of lucohsretit tsr- rors. "T h at w in my brother,” Shu used Ib« puut tena« for the first tim e with that deadly se n te of convic­ tion. T he legionary u n fastened Ills tunic and drew out something, which he laid quietly on the tabla Itealde her. “Then this belongs to you,” ho said simply. Mechanically she took up the llttl« locket aud opened It. luslde w as the thing she knew th a t she would find, her own m iniature a valueless, stun teurlsh effort done In her schoolgirl years for her adored com rade. “ 1 knew him as l*tilllp Grey, m adam e. lie gave It me nearly tw o yesra ago -when he w as dying.” “T hen—he Is dead?” He m ade u grave pitying m ovem ent of assent. “ He w as my friend, inadame. lie belonged to my com pany. He waa not strong, and one day out In th e desert he gave way. He w ent mad, I think — mad with exhaustion and th irst. He disobeyed orders, and they gave him a double burden. He broke down, and they left him out there In th e desert.“ “ How long ago?” "A s I have said uearly tw o years. It w as Colonel D estlnu’s g reat forced m arch south one hundred aud fifty kilom eters In three days. Many of ua died on the road." She laughed suddenly. She had the mid feeling th a t there waa a third p e r­ son In the room—a black faceless shadow th at bad laughed w ith her. She lmd to make a g reat effort to regain her composure. “ Yes- and then?” “ A fterw ard they allow ed me to go back au d fetch Ills body. I did not know hls real nam e, but he had given me the locket, and It occurred to me th a t If ever hla people knew they would he glad th a t he had not been left out there—alone. Ho Itee In the Legion's cem etery—I’hlllp G rey, No. BUS'' "W ho Is This, M adame?" w ardly she w as q u ite calm as she pushed aside the cu rtain s. Only the uneven color of her checks m ight have betrayed her. “ Yea?" she said Interrogatively. The leglonury stan d in g ngalnat the light tu rn ed aud clapped hls heela to ­ gether. "A letter, m adam e, to tie delivered In your hands." "I thank you.” H er voice sounded gentle, grnclously courteous. She tore open the le tte r w ith sternly lingers. "W ill you tuk hack a m essage from me?” she asked. "Such are my orders, m adam e." "W ill you tell Colonel D estlnn •Yes’?" “ Is th a t all m adam e?" “T h a t Is all." Yet ho rem ained motionless, w atch ­ ing her. “ Madame. I have ano th er message. It Is for an o th er Indy—a M ademoi­ selle G abrlelle, who Is M adatue's com ­ panion." “ From w hom ?” "F rom a com rade who dies a t day ­ break.” She enught her breath luaudlbly. The pulse stoppeil for a moment. In the full course of h er reckless purpose som ething gripped and held her—a poignant suspicion, un em otion th at wns like Jealousy. "M adem oiselle G abrlelle Is not here,” she said slowly. " I f you give me th e m essage I will d eliver It.” “ I t Is verbal.” “ I will deliver It exactly.” H e looked ut her. She did not like hls face. T here w as an Im p ertu rb ­ able nrrogance in hls eyes which of­ fended her. “The m essage Is a sim ple one. My com rade said to me: ‘Tell her th a t her faith In me m ade m any things pos­ sible. Tell her th n t th e reality w as more beautiful th a n the m irage.’ ” "A stran g e m essage.” She tried to laugh, b u t the laugh shook and broke off. " I shall endeavor to rem em ber.” “My com rade will th an k you, m a­ dam e.” H e saluted and tu rn ed to go. Hut on the threshold of the wide-open w in­ dow s he halted. H e seem ed to be look­ ing a t som ething, and suddenly, to her angry am azem ent, he atopped and picked up a allver fram e from the brlc- a-brae on the low table. "W h at are you doing?” she dem and­ ed Im peratively. H e faced her w ith an ease an d de­ cision th a t sta rtled her. “ Who Is this, m adam e?” “A re you m ad? Shall I have to re­ port you to your colonel?” She glanced at the photograph which he held tow ard her. A gainst her will, forced by an Indescribable fascination, h er eyea rone again to Ida face. And suddenly the pulse stood still, drow ned "Yes I rem em ber— thank you.” She did not see him go. She dressed quickly uud w ent out Into the court- ynrd. A voice called her by nam e with m onotonous peralsteucy, but she d id n 't hear It. T hem w as a w om an with flowers to sell stan d in g healtnntly In the pussuge. but ahe did not ace her. She had growti deaf aud blind to th e present. She w as looking back along the road she had come, and abe antv the fate ahe had Invoked atulklug In­ visible beside her. •Sylvia! S y lv ia!” The flower-girl still stood In th e shadow y passage. Im perturbably, w ith Inacrutable eyea, ahe w atched Sylvia A rn au d ’s figure sta n d out for a mo­ m ent ag ain st the sun lit tv e n u s and disappear. “S y lv ia!” • • • • • • • “ I’hlllp Orey, No. 8112, I-egton K trangere.” Sylvia knelt, w ith clasped bands, and g ated s t the roughly-cut letters. Around her and above her a sea of crosses lifted up tb elr gau n t black arm a hundred* upon hundreds, In the voiceless Identical supplication o f for­ gotten tiling* She pruyed »oftly. She did not cry. She felt herself su rro u n d ­ ed w ith a pence thnt wa* above tears. L ittle by little the flood w ns flowing j bark on Its old course. She was thlnk- | lug w hat she should sny to D estino w hen he cam e to claim her. She would rise up and point to thla piteous un­ tended mound. “Thl* lies betw een us.” she would say to him. She would not curse him. In expiation ahu would claim Itlclmrd F u rq u h ar’s life. She would go hack to h er husband: ahe would tak e tip the broken thrend* mid w eave them to the perfect pattern. She would carry w ith her the memory of th a t b rief glim pse of her own soul, of her own love. The dead are not In vain—It w as a beautiful thought- - Ktepa sounded on the grnvel p a th ­ way. She looked up, but It w as not D estlnn who came tow ard her. It w as the flower seller, her basket crow ded w ith fresh blossoms. "Roses, ntndnme? ltoses to offer to the d en r dead?” "Ah. yea, I than k you. G ive me ull th a t you huve." She covered the low mound w ith gor­ geous rod and gold. The beauty of It —of tills chance—lifted her grief on soft wings to a gentle, alm ost happy resignation. She said, sm ilingly, "I shall come every day, and every dny you m ust bring me all your flowera.” She w ondered w h at It w as—w hnt had come over her. Som ething hail happened. T here had beeu a sharp. Insignificant little (min betw een her shoulders—a mere nothing. She caught Iter breath; it h u rt her, aud site turned slowly, her eyes w ide opon w ith a childish nmnzemcnt. “W hat has happened?” T he w om an opposite h er said noth­ ing. H er face, through the rising m ist, w as blank, unreadable. Sylvia p u t her flngcrn to her lips—she did uot know why she had done so: she saw now th a t there w as blood on her fingers. She rem em bered th a t she had kissed one of the rones. P erhaps It hail bled. She tried to tu rn back again. H er lim bs w ere curiously henvy—alm ost leaden. Then she dropped, face dow n­ w ard, am id the scattered roses. (T O B B C O N T IN U E D .) Evidently Feared fo r Minister. “It Is s g rea t help In my p arish ,” says Canon T npper-Carey of York. England, "to go to th e public houses and play card s w ith th e men so as to got to know them . Of course, It Is very unp leasant aom etlm ea when a drunken man puts hls arm s round your neck." H e rem em bers once vis­ iting a public house In Leeds and a m an com ing up and saying: " I ’m su r­ prised to see you here, Mr. C arey.” “ Why should I not com e here as much as you?" answ ered th e canon. “I have n ot mado a b ea st of m yself.” “W ell,” replied th e man, “you h aven’t so fa r."