The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 03, 1916, Image 5

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C le v e la n d
M an
W o u ld
W ad
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into vour system!
W i l l P r o v i d a C l i « n g * F o r le a C r * * m
S u b lim ity • Shots
A < I unco wan given at the John
Unfnor home on Sunday night.
Thus« preHont wore:
Mr. and
Mrs. I’etor
Km mu a n d
Gtm lit miric .'4, Mon, Hill, Lena
and Rosie |{a‘-1, «lohn Apple, Joe
nnd Lizzie Odentahl, AgticH, Jen­
nie and 1*0 I leuherger. Mary
and Alvie liurghart, Frank Teh
I toe.« r, Itov und U hc ir Stewart,
John ’uahauer, Frank Ktzel,
Nick lleuberger, John and Anna
Noitiing, Winnie Wagner, Jake
Hafnor, and the host and host-
es«, Mr. and Mr . John Hafnor.
Geo. and Lew Ih.erller, Georgie
Ktzel, Al Phillip!*, Cliarlie ItosHi-
ter, and Tony Schulte. Lunch
was nerved at a late hour. All
reported a good time.
J. T. Hafnor and wife visited
at the Joe Schneider home near
Sah m. Sunday.
A party was given at Mr. K.
ILicdigheimer’a on Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter liurghart
of Sublimity went to Salem last
Satuida. o i business.
Miss Bertha Mollett went to
Corvallis Saturday to visit her
bro’hers, hoy and Art. From
there she will go to Newport for
a v neat ion.
Frank Hasl is working at Bud
Fresh’s of Shaw this week.
Jake Hafnor and Wirnic Wag­
ner visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Schneider near Salem this
Miss Mary liurghart of Sub­
limity was in Stayton one day
this week.
John Hafner was trading in
Sublimity one day this week.
U n io n h i l l
Mr. Hnrl Mrs. Adolph Heater
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Heater and son. Ronald, and Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Heater a n d
daughter. Vivian motored to the
Willioit Springs Sunday.
Mrs. Nels Johnson and son.
Fred, went to Silverton Sunday.
Miss Bertha Mollett is visiting
friends in Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. H- A. Hay re
were visiting with friends in this
community Sunday.
Miss Jessie Thomas visited at
the Wm. Mollett home Sunday.
The Walluga Club met at the
W. H. Rabens home Thursday,
with all the members and one
visitor present. The afternoon
was spent in planning a club pic­
nic to he held at the Shelly Falls
on Drift Creek, Sunday, August
fith. Refreshments consisting of
ice-cream and cake was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Tofft
were Stayton visitors Saturday.
Quite a number of the young
people from this vicinity spent
Sunday afternoon at Silver Creek
The Squabtown
M o v ia a .
I ’aterxou, N. J . “ Young w idow s only
iitoil apply; old m aids m i snvo llii'lr
posing«« stHsips," w rote Gindin <« Jan-
iii -II of I i . t E ast T h irty seioud street,
('li'vclnnd. O., In n letter wlil< li John
like an animated barber pole.
r . ItiiMh, in ling ninyor of Hit» city, re
Mrs. Mill Skink, who was Miss eently reeelved.
“Any young widow who wind» a
Lucretia Leftover, has a bounc­ good home, ii lively coDi|>uulon und a
ing baby boy. Bill says he I as «ily tim e, with lots o f rhunge for lee
run in uih I iim iiiii I llie movie», will find
to sit up nights playing the fid­ e me
the right liiisbiind,” the le tte r »tut-
dle to keep the youngster quiet. ed. "Young w ldinra nre aw eet nnd
nnd I understand there lire n lot
Two tramps located iti Squab-_ Jolly,
o f them In rnteraoo. Old mulda give
town last week.
They say the me n putii. T here are too niMiiy of
climate here is fine, and the peo­ them In Cleveland now.
"You will do any pretty young wld
ple right friendly.
on n hlg favor hy linndlng to her my
and addresx nnd telling her to
("id Bleezick had his setter pup nnme
write nnd send photo. I own n good
one day last week and did not home nnd ivnnt a w ife right aw ay ."
t rui him until the next day,
“ setting” on a piece of sticky fly
paper, und looking intently ut a
stutfed pheasant in the d r u g
store window. The next dog
( ’al buys is going to he a|>ointer.
Mrs. Clias. Schaefer und sister
Miss Barbara Wunder visited at
the O. M. Baker home Friday
af .ernoon.
Mrs. V. J. Philippi returned
home Saturday evening from
Albany where she has been vis­
iting her mother, who is in the
hospital there, several days.
You ve heard many an earful about the Prince Albert ,
patented process that c u ts o u t bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback I Stake
ke your bank roll that '
it proves out every hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. W e
prefer to give quality!
F ringe
A lbert '
There’s sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but y o u k n o w that you’ve got
to have the right tobacco 1 W e tell you
Prince Albert will bang the doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
th e n a tio n a l j o y em oke
firing up every little so often, w ith o u t a
re g re t!
You’ll feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill I It’s worth that in happi­
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows w hat ca n be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin’s
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
'1 he editor of the Squawker is Bride, Twenty-three Years Old,
Marries Father’s Friend, Thir­
going on a vacation next week,
ty-nine Years Her Senior.
and won’t he back until t h e
Grand Jury hud completed its.
New York A rom ance th a t had It»
I he Squawker.
beginning hi the close frien d sh ip he-
K in g sto n K in k s
a. t.C
« r » Ä la
liici n the bride'» fath e r an d th e eld er­
ly bridegroom reunited recently In the
iiiaVrlngu of Ml** Mu I cl Kvelyu C'rlata-
doro of riu ah lu g , X. Y-, to H nrrlsuu
Hodge», purchasing ngent for tlie Island rnllroad.
Mr. Hodge»,
ivboHO home i» nt r.S W est F ifty-sev­
enth street, 1» slxly-tw o y ears old,
while hi» bride 1» tw enty-throe.
Mr. IIiMlge» ha» | ns»ed practically
Id» whole life In th e railroad business
and 1» very widely know n.
years ago Mlxs Crtotndoro'» fath er,
C harles ('rU tadoro, alf> ’.vas engaged
In the railroad btialtie»».
A close
friendship sp ran g up betw een th e men,
and alm ost from th e day of her b irth
Mr. Hodge» evinced a deep In terest In
the d au g h ter of bis friend and com­
At first, the bride said laughingly, Mr.
Hodges' gifts to her w ere toys and
the o th er “goodies" usually so accept­
able to children. In rec en t y ea rs, how ­
ever, friends of Miss C rlstuiloro be­
cam e convinced th a t th e re w as some­
thing more th an casual friendship for
the young w om an In th e atten tio n s lie-
stow ed upon her hy Mr. Hodges. They
w ere not surprised recently w hen It
becam e generally known th a t they
w ere to b e m arried, although Mr.
no d g es had been looked upon as a
confirmed bachelor.
Mrs. Adam Schleis and Mrs.
Uoidt were Sunday visitors at
the Matt Mueller home.
Miss Bertha Schaefer and Mrs.
Kosa Bachman and daughter vis­
ited with Mrs. Curtis Cole Fri­
day afternoon.
Mrs. Virgil Taylor and son of
Mchama visited at the G. F. FOOT IN FROG: NOW DEAD.
Harold home a few days the first D i r e c t s d W o r k of R e s c u * A f t e r T w e n ­
t y - f o u r C are M a n g le d Him .
of the week.
Altoona, Pn.—A fter preparing to
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schaefer m ake n coupling In the Pennsylvania
and Mr. Wunder and daughter yard» here, B rakem an H- W ard nail
Miss Barbara from Portland vis­ slipped from his ear, and th e next In
» tau t hi» rig h t foot w as caught In a
ited Sunday at the Wm. Croisant »witch fro g . H e struggled to free him
home on McCulley Mountain.
»elf, but could not.
Then he tried fran tically to save
Mrs. Curtis Cole and son and him self by signaling the engineer, who
Miss Alta Harold were Albany was pushing n d ra ft of tw enty-four
ears tow ard him, h u t the m an on the
visitors Saturday.
locomotive could not see him.
Mrs. O.M. Baker and daughter When m em bers of his crew found
Marcel visited Sunday a t the him Inter his right nrm nnd rig h t leg
had been severed nnd he wns pinned
Geo. Chrisman home.
u nder n big steel enr, but still con­
E very car had ru n over him.
Mrs. Liston Darby spent Sat­ scious.
H e directed th e work of the men
urday night at the Chas. Schae­ who were rescuing him nnd w as ru sh ­
ed to Ihc hospital, w here lie died four
fer home.
hours later.
Mrs. C. E. Chrisman and M rs..
Jess Chastein and son were Sun­
day visitors with Harry Chris­
S h « r iff T a k e s N o C h a n c e * a t H e M o v e s
man and family.
a Man.
Mr. und Mrs. Will Schaefer of K ansas City, Xlo.— XI. P. Moore,
Salem motored over and spent sheriff of Yates C enter, K an., doesn’t
lake chances w ith prisoners. He drop­
Sunday with his father and sis­ ped In nt jki II cc h ea d q u arte rs the other
m orning on the w ay home from Co­
“p a c k i n g ”!
T his la th e r e v e r s «
of tfce ti4jr
r e d tin
¡s a il
■ « jjg S »
Uniting Learning and Labor
Flam es
B u r n M o t o r m a n ’s C l o t h i n g aa
H o T r i e s to F i x C ar.
H arrison. N. J.—W hen his trolley,
n fter com ing to a sudden stop nt H a r­
rison avenue an d F o u rth street, refused
to stir an o th er Inch, John Lynch, the
motormnn, p u t his passengers aboard
n relief car nnd proceeded to luvestl-
H e diagnosed the sym ptom s ns a dis­
order In th e control box and proceeded
to supply a cure. An Inserted monkey
w rench brought forth a b last of flame
which licked up I.ynch’s trousers. As­
sum ing a "Septem ber Morn” pose for It
was nn open »ir In shouted for help.
This cam e ’n the form of n barrel, nnd
Lynch w alked to an o th er p air of
Albert tld r
"T h e D rink th a t Satisfies an d do-ji n o t In to x icate”
In it* Six Schools and Forty-eight De-
part ments is engaged in the great work
o! uuiting Learning an<l Labor.
F o rty -eig h th School Y ear Opens
Fred Rock’s
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
D egree C ourses requiring a four-year
high school ¡»reparation, are offered in
the following!
AGRICULTURE, 16 D epartm ents;
COMMERCE, 4 Departments; ENGIN­
E E R IN G , •> D epartm ents; MINES, 3
D epartments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart-
m ents; HOME ECONOMICS. 4 Depart-
m ents; and PHARMACY.
V o c a t i o n a l C o u r s e s requiring an
E ighth Grade preparation for entrance
are offered in Agriculture. Dairying.
Commerce, Forestry. Home Makers, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two-
year high school entrance requirem ent.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC.—Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture.
Catalogue anil beautiful illustrated
booklet free.
The ‘ ‘ Pastime Billiard and Cigar Store
Before Starting
On your Summer Vacation, see our line
of Trunks, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags,
Telescopes and other handy articles for
the traveler.
Address T h e R e g i s t r a r .
I w- 7 - 15-16 to 11 - 7 - 16 )
re d tin . a n d ia
fa c t, e v e r y P rin c *
A lb e r t p a c k a g e , h a e
a r e a l m e a s a g e -to -y o «
o n lts je v e rs a s id e . Y o sK
“ P ro c e e a P a te n t a d
J o ly 30th. H 07." T h a t m e a n «
t h a t t h e U n ite d S t f t e s G o v e r n ­
m e n t h ae g ra n te d a p a te n t on th a
p ro c e g p b y w h ic h P r in c e A lb e r t la
m a d e . A n d b y w h ic h tongue» btto a n d
th r o a t p a r c h are c u t o u t ! E v e r y ­
w h e r e to b a c c o is s o ld y o u ! ! fin d
P r in c e A lb e r t a w a i t i n g y o u
in to p p y r e d b a g s . 5c; t i d y
re d ti n s , 10c; h a n d e o m a
p o u n d a n d h a lf-p o u n d
t i n h u m id a r e a n d ia
t h a t c le v e r c r y s t a l -
g la s s h u m id o r, w ith
sp o n g e - m o iste n e r
to p . t h a t k e e p s t h a
to b a c c o In e u e h
l e a re a d *
aH ra y a l
C O R V A L L IS , O R E G O N j
Hazing Him.
“ Mr. C hairm an,” said the new mem
ber of th e literary elub._” I move you.
“1 rise to a ¡mint of order, Mr. C hair­
m an.” Interrupted one of th e other
"S tnte your poiuc of order."
"T he gentlem an snys ’I move you.’
Will m ake reg u lar trip s every day.
It Is not only out of order, but utterly
absurd for a m an of 111 pound» to talk Sundays included as follows:
of ‘moving’ a chairm an who weighs
Leave Stayton for K ingston 6:50 A.M.
•* K ingston “ S tayton
7:10- ”
"T he point Is well taken!" roared the
A rrive S tayton
7:20 “
presiding officer, bringing his gavel
down w ith a resounding thud. “The
F are. K ingston to Salem , 75 cent*
S tay to n to Salem 50 cent*
lusa. 111., leading Amos W ilkins a t the
his »eat I"—Chicago Tribune.
end of a chain ten foot long.
- S tay to n
7:45 A. M.
“ 1 w an t to leave th is chap here while
P o m p e ii.
Sublim ity
8:00 “
I si*1 the tow n." said th e sheriff.
“ A um sville-m eet train62 8:20 “
Pompeii was overw helm ed on th e
(Too iHte for last w eek)
T u rn er
8:35 “
“All right, b u t you’ll have to pay for Bight of Aug. 24, 70 A. D. The p rin­
A rrive Salem -m eet U re.E lec.9:10 “
P. P. Crabtree and family ; Ills m eals," said a booking clerk.
cipal citizens were then assem bled, it L.eave Opp. Ore. Elec. Salem 4:30 P. M.
visitedwith her sister. Mrs. Rich­ " him have w hnt he w an ts: I’ll appears, In an am p h ith eater w here A rrive
T urner
- 5:05 “
pay," said Sheriff Moore.
public sjiectaclos were In progress.
•• A um sville-m eet train61 5:20 “
ardson of Stayton, Sunday.
As soon ns th e sheriff tu rn ed Ills A fter n lapse of fifteen centuries a
Sublim ity
- 5:45 “
S tayton
6:00 “
Mr. Geymer un f o r t u n a t e l y back the prisoner ordered ham nnd countrym an, as be w as tu rn in g up the
eggs, apple pie. coffee mid o th er food.
6:10 P.M .
stepped on a rusty nail last week W ilkins said he wns going to plead
ployed, found a bronze figure, which
P.M .
which proved very near serious guilty to forging a tw enty-live dollar discovery led lo fu rth e r search, In the
Connects w ith M otor Car
check w hen he got back to Yntea Cen­ course of which num erous other ob­
Mrs. Henry Follis of Stayton, ter.
Joseph Hamm an
jects were brought to light, au d thus,
i visited at the home of her son
:J. F. Follis, several days last
I week.
Miss Ella Williams of Stayton,
Cap Springer has sold his mov­ | was a Sunday visitor at the G.
ie house to a stranger from Sa­ F. Harold home.
lem and gone into the livestock
Miss Barbara Wunder of Port­
business. He has thirteen dogs,
land, is visiting with her sister
eleven cats and two goats t o
j Mrs. Chas. Schaefer for a short
start with.
j time.
Miss Mattie Sneed has one of
John Sander, Jr., and wife
those new striped dresses.
were Sunday guests at the Ra­
mother g o t a little confused
leigh Harold home.
while cutting i t out, and the
Otto and Ralph Cole of Jordan
stripes run round her corkscrew
fashion. As Mattie is about six is helping with the haying at the
feet three inches tall, she looks C irtis Cole farm this week.
* . C.
at length, m is th e whole city imcov-
To A d d r e s s the P re sid e n t.
The address of m e president Is sim ­
ply "T he P resident of the United
In the F irst congress there deltate over a title, anil It w as
proposed by several m em bers th a t he
be addressed ns " I lls Excellency" and
by others ns "H ts H ighness," but a
com m ittee reported th a t It Is not prop­
er to annex nny style or le tte r other
than th a t given In th e constitution.
In the co nstitutional convention tho
tirst report fixed the term of office nt
seven years w ithout eligibility to re-
In d eb ate various periods
from "good behavior” to tw enty years
were favored. T h e lim it of four years
: was dually adopted In grnud commit-
| tee and ratified by tlie constitution.
Ja c k *to n « a .
lost girls nnd some boys have piny-
in th o lr tim e th e gam e of dibs or
icklebones or Jnckstones, b ut few
¡hem know th a t th e gam e h as exlst-
since the th ird cen tu ry B. C. an d is
bably still older. How It w as play-
in ancient d ay s no one can tell, b ut
ankle joint bones of th e sheep, ox,
r an d pig w ere used, aud the gam e
s called "a stra g a l.” from th e L atin
rd for th e ankle Joint. In Scotland
>blcs arc often employed, w hence
nam e ’’chuckles.” r-R vcn precious
ncs an d gold an d bronze "stones"
i i* been used, nnd In some countries
■ bones were m nrkcd w ith num bers
1 colored to rep resen t kings, queens,
lives an d pawn«.— fsm don Globe.
Stayton, Ore.
Play Sandals
Are Light, Cool, Com­
fortable, Keep the Feci
Clean, Wear Well and
Are Economical.
Children’s 5’s
Big Girl’s 6 ’s
$100 Rcv/srd, $100
T h o read ers o f lid s p a te r f ' l I i
pleased to learn th a t th ere t* e* ; —.1 01.*
dreaded th a t rcl.-noe h a j bee:»
.•\ble to cu ra In a ll t ‘.3 stag es, and th a t i*
C atarrh . F all's C a ta r rh C u re I* th e on! /
positive c u re n ow kn ow n to tho medic;.!
fratern ity . C a ta r rh bein g a con stitution al
disease, recuire s a con stitu tion al treat-
ir.e-.t H a ll's C a tr r r h C ure Is taken I -
tcrn ally, a c tin g d lr e c .ly upon the bl
and m ucous su rfa c e s o f th e system , tli r *
by d estro yin g th e foundation o f th e C -
»ase. and g iv in g th a p atien t stren gth b'Z
building up th e con stitution and a sslslln .;
n ature In doing Its w ork. T h e proprietor*
have so m u ch fa ith In Its c u ra tiv e pow-
ers th a t th ey o ffer One H undred D ollar*
fo r a n y case th a t tt fa ils to cure. Sen d
for list o f testim onials.
A d d re ss F . J . C H E N E Y * C O ., T o le d o , O h io .
Bold by ell D ru g g ist s , t X -
Take l u l l ’s Family PUlsTor coostlpatloa.