COUNTRY CORRESPüN Victor Point j their »¡»ter, Mr». T. J. Hunt of “THE FARMERS STORE OF QUALITY” Year 25 Cuarar^ee Rogers Silverware Given Away as Premiums SEE SAME IN DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT I Have just Received a 30 cent Steel Cut Coffe, Put up especially for me which I will sell at 25c and guarantee. If not satisfactory money refunded I t h is c it y . The farmer» in this vicinity, Mr». Mae Hit-van» and daugh- an: mak,nK h,‘y whil<‘ thu HU" ter Nell and Claude Baynard are B me8, visiting the latter» father, G. W. Several from here motored to Baynard. They left Tuesday for Cascadia to »pend ihe week-end. la ten day’» outing at Caacadia. Mr». C. C. Jone» entertained Dr. A. Burnell a n d family friends Wednesday in honor of were Salem visitors Saturday, her daughter, Bernita’» birthday Mn, w c Anderson is enjoy- anniversary. 1 h o s e present ¡njf a vjBj^ from j,er friend. Mis» were: Mr and Mr». W. It. Jones, ! Elizabeth C. Schurtz of Chicago. Mrs. J. Kin«, Mrs. It. A. Jones, who is much pleased with our Mrs. I*. Fischer, Mrs. J. T. deli«htful climate after the in- Hufrier, Mrs. Thoo Fischer, Mr. | tense heat of the “ windy city” . and Mrs. C. C. Jones, Misses The members and «uests of I^olu and Gladys Jones, Inez and the Priscilla Club were delight­ Elva Fischer, lauiise Hafner. fully entertained at the home of Ethel and Leona Kin« and Ber­ Mrs. O. E. Darby Friday after­ nita Jones and Messrs. Norman noon. Miss E. C. Schurtz was a n d Carl Jones a n d Marion 'an invited guest, also Mrs. F. F. Fischer. Kahn who assisted the hostess Christina Yost and Leona and in serving luncheon on the east Arnott Kin« called at the Geo. veranda. Yost home at Oak Grove Sunday Motor trips to the beaches, evenin«. mountains and over the High­ Mrs. Kohl, who has been in way lor a week-end party are Portland for some time returned the order of the day with the home Saturday evenin«. owners of motor cars and many Mr. and Mrs. John Hafner and happy parties thoroughly enjoy­ dau«hter Louise motored to Mt. ed outings to different places last An«el to visit relatives Sunday. week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. An­ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and derson and guest, Miss Schurtz family of Victor Point Mr. and and S. S. Swank and family took Mrs. M. M. Gilmour and family, a fishing trip to Jordan Valley, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Scott and C. G. Itansom and a party of family of Union Hill and Mr. friends from Turner spent Sun- and Mrs. O. W. Humphreys of da> at Si,ver Creek FuIls> MLss Triumph vere entertained at th e !M> rtk* Buff* of Sal(!m and A- P- J. King home Sunday. ; Speer and fami|y ,notored to Me- hama and Mill City, G. W. Bay­ Miss Alice Blake of Salem is nard and party to Gervais via visiting at the Martin Doerfler Silverton and A.Sutton and fam- home. 1 ily took a trip over the scenic Miss Faye Casjiell of McAlpine j Columbia River Highway while spent Sunday with the Slagel Ora Pound and T. H. Hunt party girls. j who are at Pacific City will pro- j Harry Humphrey w h o has J lonK t,u>ir visit »-num ber o f been ill for som etim e is much day9. improved this week. Geo. Albee suffered a second stroke of paralysis last Friday Miss Melia Krenz spent Sun­ night. He is not entirely help­ day afternoon with Mrs. Theo. less being able to move about Fischer. some and his many friends hope Guy Geer and wife are moving for a speedy recovery. t o their farm near Roseburg. Mr. Welter o f Sublimity pur­ chased the lease on the place they are # leaving. Have just received a shipment of men's silk front shirts. Ladies Middies and Ladies and Gents Neck Wear We are receiving shipments daily in staple and fancy groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, dry goods and notions ip« c/a/ ¿i/res SHOES >c n Front Laced Corsets Dr. Sawyer For Men Cushion Sole SOAP 10 Bars Laundry Soap 25c Pure Glycerine toilet soap 1 bar 5c 6 Bars laundry soap 25c White Wonder, Pearl White Crystal White and White Flyer 6 bars for 25c. r ji\i FRUIT 31 bs. Dried Peaches 3 “ Figs 3 " “ Apples 3 “ “ Prunes Choice Lemons, dozen “ Oranges, " Bananas r jr j BINDER TWINE Shoes Fithian-Barker S h o e Co. Safety First Brown Shoe Co. White House Shoes Stump of the World Shoes Ox Calf Shoes Sheep Herder Shoes Nap-A-Tan Shoes The best Models have a flexible top c la s p which relieves pressure o v e r th e b u s t ' - section i r . ; kick made J a soft me.!i m aterial which relieves all pressure of heavy kon:r$ o r b u lk y seams over i the spine so objectionable in some front laced models A V e n tila te d tongue under the lacing which prevents the pro­ truding of the flesh or clothing Buster Brown Shoes for Misses, Boys, and Children Elastic sections and ¿ores inserted in the corset skirt comfortably adjust the corset t o - every body motion LADIES Brown Shoe Co. Shoes The Mansion White House Shoes Sincerity Shoes Usona Shoes H enderson Front and B^dk-Lac^d C o r s e t s have many,Exclusive Features and are Faultless in Style. Pit and Construction We have a co m r p le ' te - ^ sso ' rtm e n t o f t h e s e 144 Idf * pairs Bhoe8 Martha .. Washing ... .. Plymouth. Mass., Manilla U U I U C I i W B I C i 15c C M . I lb. U . Binder Twine Standard Binder Twine 12¿c C o rsets a t moderate y ¿ 9 and recommend tons Just Received— Iceless Refrigerators, largest size $15.00, smaller sizes in preportion. No. 8— 6 hole new Steel Range, leg base $33.00. Puritan Oil Stoves on Display We want your produce. Eggs 25c per dozen SALT Half Ground 100 lbs. sacks 50c Fine Dairy 50 lbs. sacks 50c Half Ground 50 lbs. sacks 28c Best Table 50 lbs. sacks 45c SA LT III REMEMBER— we are headquarters for American woven wire fencing of all styles LADIES, when in town make our dry goods department your resting place. Lady in attendance JU S T RECEIVED A S H IP M E N T O F P IT C H F O R K S GOOD GOODS GOOD GOODS a. W . SSH R UNK A U M S V IL L E , O REG O N Mil! City Locals Roxana Shank and Angeline Miss Christine Yost enjoyed a The Gates ball game vs Mill j Ryan spent Sunday with Maude t rip to Silver Creek Falls with a City Sunday July 21. The ex-¡Smith. party of friends from Oak Grove citing *ame ended with a score M;88eg Effie> Zona. Cora and Sunday. of 9 to 14 in favor of Gates. Edna and brother Elmer Ray Mrs. E. C. Carlson is spending spent Sunday at the H. Shank a week in the country with her home. mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. Senz and The Misses La Verne Knerr family and Mamie Laux spent C. J Hunt and family attend­ and Beryl Camp left Tuesday, Sunday at the Nick Zimmerman ed the show in Salem last week. for their annual vacation from home a t Sublimity. Marion Hunt went to Portland the Company store. W. R. Brenner and wife of to see the auto races last week. Miss Stella Doan is home from Stayton spent Sunday at t h e P. H. Lambert home Walter Garison is visiting at her vacation the J. A. Burns home this week. Mrs. Doust of Salem is spend- Mrs. Floyd Shelton and child- H. E. Garbe baled hay for ing a few weeks with her son. ren and Neva Thayer attended who is working in the Hammond j the picnic at Jordan Sunday. Fresh Bros. Monday. Lbr. Co. mill. Neva Thayer spent one day Henry and Albert Frank with A gasoline speeder jumped the last week a t the Cold Spring their families motored to Wilhoit track Sunday July 30, several barm. Springs Sunday. off, , but only Mjss u onrietta Vollstcad o f As Norris Frank was driving . people - ., were thrown , . r, . • ... one of the number was hurt very , Lebanon is visiting with Hazel home Saturday evening with the j ^ ^ ! Lambert. hay rake his team became fright-1 ened nt a car and ran away, n o ! ---------------*------- Hazel Lambert and H enrietta serious damage was done. ! Vollstcad called a t t h e Lee Downing home Friday. J. J. Staiger and wife motored ! to Salem Saturday. Miss Mamie Laux of San Jose. California is visiting at the H. Senz home. Rock Point fit. Pleasant Silver Creek Falls A u m sville N ew s Mrs. Ross Condit and son Max of this city and Mrs. Henry Con- dir of West Stayton left Satur­ day for a month’s outing a t Wilhoit Springs. Mrs. E. Buffe o f Silverton spent the week-er.d with her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Speer. Miss E. J. Smith of Keokuk, Iowa and Mrs. Mary Hollis of Dextar, Mich., who are touring the west, are at present visiting Earnest Knapp spent the week Geary Neal took a load of Chit - end with relatives in Salem. tom bark to Sublimity, Monday. Miss Mary Hostetler who has W. R. Ray and wife started Monday for the Breitenbush Hot been staying at Pratum, is visit­ Springs. ing with old friends hero. Neva Thayer of Scio is visiting Joseph Winter and family of with her sister Mrs. Floyd Shel- Hullt, spent Sunday at the Falls. j Joe just ramble.^ right along in ton. Frank Laux motored to the H. his little old Ford. Mrs. A. J. Hult visited at the Senz home Saturday night. J. E. Kimsey home Saturday. Miss Lenaperi W right of Sa- Mr. Eiling Peterson called at lem is visiting at the H. Shank the L. Lang home Sunday. home. Mr. S. W. Milligan has pur­ chased a new wood saw, which he will use to saw up a few of the logs on his homestead. Ben Peterson is building a new house near the north creek bridge Mrs. Effle Hostetler spent the week end at the S. T. Arnold home. Joe Lang broke the speed limit through our city Sunday. I t’s pretty lucky for Joe that we don’t have a cop. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Severson of Silver Cliff, visited at the John Peterson home Sunday. W. H. Stonaker and family motored over from Independence Saturday, D. O. Freeman is busy putting hay in his new barn. jf. Diggortiess and son of Sil- verton, called at the Freeman home Sunday. Albert Rabens cut quite a gash in his wrist, but with proper care it will come out all right. Slim and Martin Peterson were sight seeing at the north Falls Sunday. West Stavton H o p Ticke ts Printed Just The Way You Want Them At The Mail at the Gunsaules home Suncaj evening. A1 Fallrich and family are moving to Harrisburg this week. Ace Trammel and family a r e , living in the Korf residence for the present. Venita Lewis was a Salem vis­ itor last week. Evelyn Martin visited at the Lewis home Sunday evening. W. A. Martin and family are going to move to Turner. Miss Dorothy Terman of Tur­ ner visited home folks Sunday. Roxy Gunsaules went to Jeff­ erson Sunday for an extended visit with friends. Mrs. Blone and Mrs. Fahlstrom were Stayton visitors Tuesday. Mrs. H. B. Condit, and Mrs. •A 5 Ross Condit and baby left for .¡O N and W ASH ING TO N Wilhoit Springs last Saturday for a two week’s outing. Jusiness Directory , r D ire c to ry o f e a c h C ity , T o w n a n d Mrs. Kaplingei and daughter 5 V lllnge, giving; d e s c r ip tiv e » k e tc h o f of Mill City are the guests of 3 e a c h p la c e , lo c a tio n , p o p u la tio n , te le - a n d b a n k in g p o in t; her sister, Mrs. Councilman and K * e r r ’ » -o p h C . la B ss hippinff Died D ire c to ry , c o m p ile d b y a t v iin e s s a n d p ro fe s sio n . family this week. 6 m. tm r r o l . K ft CO., S E A T T L E ■’am a Nick Schmitz and wife called | I I I I I jj Office ___ W O M E N _ — -i - o v o T li 3 M a g a z i n e LcC A LPS h t* - : i-h io n G uide tn d Horn - kjcp»;:'* H elper c i '■'.ore women than any ot: r u ^ n n e i i th i \ rM. All the latest s t y i s m ry m M I » V ful stories that M l tain, and spec»-! C .parinicnts in cooking, ho li.cssm akin^, . wo'-k, etc., that ligh* housework arvj .=• . e m oney. Price, only 5. . a year, v .th celebrated M cCall D ress P.t tern FR EE. tttiO A POSTAL CATtD WOW FOR 1. A F R F E Sarny!* r vy o f M cCALL’S MAGAZINE; 2. A F R E E *f M cCALL’8 fine 44 p ag e PRF.M: CATALOGUE ; or «. M cCALL 3 S1UL00 P rise O ffar to E ra ry CHURCH A d d rets P«p<. iV THE McCAU CO.. 23S I, 2*6 W. 3?lk S i. H n Y«k. N. Y.