M a d a m e JalfcTiiis Over THE STAYTON MAIL W e s t Stavton * Pul lished a vor y It urwiay by K M . O l . M s 1 K I» Harry Briggs «m l w ife left hast week f o r Butte Montana Entered as second class matter at the p. stoffice at Stayton, Marion, county, where he has fouml employment. w ifb Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3. 1S79. X HSCKinriOSS, *7 .00 per \ tar Mrs. Gunsaules returned home •Stittdy a fter a wreks visit with relatives at Jefferson. Address all communiertiona to THF.ÜTAYTON MAI L Brice Speer anti family visited in Aumsville Sunday. H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Miss Rose Conti it and son Max visited with relatives here the week-end. Physician and Surgeon Clarence Forrette v as a Salem visitor Saturday. STAYTO N. - ORKGON Robert S|>oon, Clyde ilammet and Sylvester Dively, left for Knstorn 1 regon Monday where they will work. P H Y S IC IA N A N U SUKUEON 7 OUSZHOLD expenses mount up. The wife, no matter how econom- Mrs. Will Davis and children ica!. is liable to LACK BUSINESS METHODS. Install business S t a y t o n , O regon were Stayton vioitors Friday. methods in your home by teaching- your w ife the simple A K T OE Misses Ellen and Gussie Con- 'IK IN G . She w ill enjoy her new responsibility and you w ill be agree idit »vent to the berry yard last ./ surprised to note the saving at the end of the month. ; week. C. H. BREWER, M. D. ’ - ' . PAUL FEHLEN START YOUR WIFE WITH A BANK ACCOUNT TODAY! Licensed Veterinary Surgeon and Dental Expert STAYTON STATE BANK Stayton, Ore. 1 hone 3x24 Wilbur N. Pintlcr, D.M.6. A share of the banking business of Stayton and vicinity is solicited. • - SESTA K & TH O M AS, Proprietors. STAYTON DAIRY E. D. Crabtree, Prop. Fresh Milk & Cream Fresh, Sait & Cured Meats Delivered Lard & Creankry Butter. Daily Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock Morning and Night Lulay & Schindler Contractors & Builders Dwelling houses a specialty Let us figure on your build­ ings We can save you money A good job gauranteed Phone 77 P. 0. Box 198 TINWORK and PLUMBING Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings— Farm­ ers—We carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. STAY TON. OREGON. JACOB SPANIOL ♦ <> 0 <> <> <> it 1 I < i L. A. MESSING Swiss Jeweler 30 Y E A R S EX PE R IE N C E All work on watches am clocks guaranteed for One Year Try My Work, It Speak. For It.e 4 Located in the Shoe Shop ▼ West o f the Stayton State Bar Stayton Oregon FARMS WANTED List f YOUR FARM LAND With Geo. A. SMITH X The Stayton Real Estate Ma Lancefield Bldg. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Jsclaitd Old ( Publisher) Public Land Sale—Department of the In­ terior. At T h e M ail Office Mrs. Loose, Leona Forrett and t Mrs. McGowan o f Springfield, is visiting at the L. Walker Physician and Surgeon I home. X i: \Y Mr. and Mrs. A. Fahlstrom AUMSVILLE OREGON went to Portland one day last week. Mrs. Fahlstrom was Miss G. F. KORINEK, V. S„ B. V. Sc. Adeline Blone before her mar­ Veterinarian riage. Office at Stayton Stables STAYTO N . . . . OREGOi S. H . H E I.T 2 E L Farm Loans Secured STAYTON MEAT MARKET Them Subscribe For The MAIL A. BURSELL, M. D. A ttorn ey-at-Law -N otary Public Capital $25,000.00 You Want Briggs Tuesday afternoon. Treats all domestic animals, also applies the Tuberculin test. Telephone 3x7 Fanners & Merchants Bank of Stayton. Oregon Printed Just The W ay Oregon Mrs. Griffin calltd on Grandma Y ou are assured of a safe deposi­ business. Mrs. R. VanNuys is in Wood- burn this week attending camp-' meeting. G. Cyril Watson, D.M.D. Stayton, this bank, by ample capital and long experience in the banking , Mrs. McClellan and Miss Nip­ DENTIST ple returned home Monday even­ Office Over Stayton State Hank ing after attending the Chautau­ Phone 2152 Stavton, Ore qua at Gladstone Bark a few days. Mr. King and family left for Oaklahoma Tuesday where they -D e n tis t- will make their future home. Up Stairs in Roy Block tory and courteous treatment at HooTickets Conrad Neibert called at the H. B. Condit home Sunday af- I ternoon. FUNERAL Lyons and V a lle y O— O—O— O— O— 0 — 0— o —o —o - NIEWPORT When summer comes and a vacation outing is planned, remember Newport Mrs. A. Shelton left last Sat­ urday for an extended visit with her children. is cool. T he breeze from off the mighty Pacific never fails. With the diversions Gradma Grimes is visiting with her sons, Ed and Jim Grimes of Lyons. and attractions to pass the hours aw ay, surely you could find no better place for your vacation. Ed Grimes lost a valuable cow last Sunday of some kind of - J . M. R IN G O — throat and stomach t r o u b le . STAYTON OREGON There has been several animals lost around here the same way. The Cost is Low Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily from all Southern i ’acifle stations in Western Oregon. The return limit is Oct 31st. Mrs. Able has been on the sick list but is better now. Stanly Brown has been home j LA W Y E R and N O T A R Y PUBLIC for a few days but will go back Conscientious Attention Given to all Tuesday. Legal Business. Clyde McRae lost a fine year­ Office Room No. 6. Roy Bldg. ling colt one day last week. He! found it dead in the pasture. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Amos Hiatt purchased a new Department o f the Interior Studabaker Auto last week. I ’ . S. Laid Office at Portland, Oregon, July 7th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that, as di­ rected by the Cf.mrr.i.“ ior.< r o f the General Land Office, under provisions o f Section 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Minnie M. Louden, Ser­ ial No. 04657, v.e will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per ; ere, at 10 o ’clock « e a r e r u i naoiner. a. m., on the 20th ('ey of August, next, "When we drank from the same at this office, the following tract of can teen!" roared the old veteran. land: Lot 8, Section 18, Town: hip 10 “ Grandpa,” interposed Ills grnml- South, Range 4 East, Willamette Mer­ do'iulilnr, "the sentiments of that song idian. are praiseworthy, but I fear they may The sale will not be kept open, but i tend to counteract certain health rules will I e declared closed when those I have been trying to tench little Wal­ present at ti e hour named havr ceased do. Don't you know any songs about bidding. The person making ti e high­ -null:; i y drinking cups?’’—Kansas City est bid will be require d to imrr < diatel; Journal. pay to the Receiver the amount tie ro­ Cheerful Giver*. of. Mr*. Cantwell—The junkman would Any persons claiming adver oly the not buy those things we sorted out above-desertb d Ian I are advised t yesterday. file their claims, or obje-tiorr, on o < ant well Then let ns lie charitable, before the time designated f .r do. ' 1 and sne them to the | sk >P.— 7- 20 N. Campbell, Lei ter, f '■ ton Journal. 8- 17 Geo. I Smith, Receiver. FuR Summer Trips DIRECTOR U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon July 17, 1916. Notice is hereby given that Sarah A. Swagger, by C. H. Maginnis, her At- torney-in-Fact, whose postofficc ad­ dress is Portland, Oregon, did on the 10th day of July, 1916, file in this office her amended application, Serial No. 0522, to select under the provisions of the Act o f Congress, approved July 1, 1898 (30 Stat. 597,620) the NW J SE*. Sec. 30, the lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec. 21, all in Tp. 11 S., R 4 E., and Ix»t 8 Sec. Tp. 12 S., R. 2 W ., and Lot 10, Sec. 34, Tp. 12 S „ R. 1 W „ Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons claiming ad­ versely the lands above described, or dc-uring to object because o f the min­ eral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the ap­ plicant should file their affidavits of protest in this office on or before the 6th day o f September, 1916. 7- 20 N. C A M P B E LL, 8- 24 Register. FARES —o —o—o—o —o —o —o o —o —o Fox V. A. GOODE REDUCED Daily Trains from Albany and Corvallis make excellent connections W rite for illustrated hook let “ N ew p ort" or ask local agent for complete information. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. "COOS B A Y R A IL R O A D C E L E B R A T IO N ” Marshfield and North Bend, August 24th, 25th and 26th. Low Round Triy Fares SO UTH ERN PACIFIC Lots o f hay, clover especially, down in the valley and this rain is hard on it, but we should have way to Brewer’ s Mill. Where a bumper potato crop and fine he expected to work awhile. gardens. John Rossell returned home Monday from Macleay where he Nature Give« Timely Warning« That No Stayton Citizen Can Afford has been haying. HIDDEN DANGERS S i l v e r C r e e k F a l ls To Ignore. Misses Clara and Carrie Volz called on Mrs. Sam Arnold Mon­ Robert Thomas of Portland is day. spending a tew days with his Joe Lang is working for Adolph father here. Heater. D. O. Freeman had the mis-1 Winnifred Freeman took a fortune o f loosing a fine cow flying tup over on the ridge and Monday. back i n her Overland Sunday The young people of this place evening. gave Miss Mabel Miles a surprise Slim Peterson called at the J. party Tuesday evening, July 11. E. Kimsey home o n business A very enjoyable time was en­ Sunday. joyed by all. The occasion was the 18th birthday of Miss Miles. Albert Rabens is very busy these days putting up signs to keep out fire but if the weather don’ t clear up soon there won’ t be any danger. Mat Burnett and Mike McNarv were hunting coon and other small game in these parts the 17th. • Miss Clara Volz of Portland is spending a few days with home folks. Mr. Coak o f Hullt passed through our city Monday on his DANGER S IG N A L NO I comes from the kidney secretion*. They will warn you when the kidneys arc wc»k. Well kidneys excrete u clear, amber fluid. Weak kidneys send out a thin, pale nnd foamy, or a thick, red, Ill- smelling urine, full o f sediment and irregular o f passage, DANGER S IG N A L NO. 2 romes from the hark. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp ami acute, suggest weak kidneys and warn you o f the danger o f dropsy, gravel nnd Bright's disease. In that ease Doan’s Kidney Pills have been endorsed by thousands. Mere is a statement o f a nearby resi­ dent: Ed La Fountain, retired farmer, 1940 S. Liberty St.. Salem, Ore., says: heavy cold settled on my kidneys ami caused me a great deal o f trouble' My back was t ore a n d stiff a n d m y kidney’ s acted too frequently. 1 had to Ret up eight or ten times at night an