h i« d a u g h te r, M rs. S . S.1 Swank. I ,st week. The u-gular meeting of i;.e |> ilostriiil Club I'M at tie school hi it«»' Fr; lay < : 'ast wi 'lhe program to siatoi' f me :il mini her«, reports of work don- and an interesting add re«« hy Prof. P. C. Fulton. The «aw mill, which \va« r e ­ cently destroyed hy fire at tl - place, is being rebuilt hy t h <• owner, C. M. Miller. The first carload of machinery arrived on Saturday and wiM be installed at once. Mr. Miller expects to have the mill in operation hy the last of August. Mrs. T. J. A rthur entertained the Priscilla Club *at her home Thursday of last week. T h e club members have interested themselves in the relief of the families of the guardsmen who are at the border. They are also planning some unique social events, which are always delight ful. Mrs. F. Kahn assisted the hostess in serving dainty refresh­ ments of ice cream and cake. The little daughter of Herman Robertson near this city fell fi^ n a cherry tree last Saturday, sus­ taining severe injuries. Dr. Bursell, by means of the X-ray located a fracture of the collar bone. The little one is doing nicely. of li or, H alti er biücniis Steady, evenly dis­ tributed heat, un­ der perfect control makes a good oil stove w onderful for baking. NEW PERFECTION OIL C ^ K T O V E For II# I K tiu lts v„ h ail Oil A good oil stove is ju st like cooking w ith ' c i t y g u s. I f y o u haven’t a N ew P e r­ fection y o u ’ve m issed com fort for years. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient t h a n y o u r w o o d o r c o a l s t o v a . a n d c o a t s Is as t o o p - a r a t a . C u ts o ut th e coal-hod a n d w ood b o a d ru d g e r y . K e e p s y o u r kit* h e n c o o l T h e l o n g b l u e c h i m n e y s p r e v e n t s m o k e o r o d o r . I n 1,2, t e n d 4 - b u r n e r s l a a a . o v e n e s e p a r a t e . A ls o C a b i n e t M o d e l s w i t h Kir «le a* C o o k i n g O v e n s . A ah y o u r d s e l e r t o d a y STANDARD OIL COMPANY (O ltlonU ) a s For Sale By LILLY Hardware Co., and Peter Deidrich, STAYTON, OREGON Aumsville News Mrs. Bursell, who has been visiting her son, I)r. A. Bursell, has returned to her home in Med­ ford. Roy DeArmond, cashier of the Independence hank, and h i s mother-in-law, Mrs. A. Gooch of Dallas came Friday evening to visit a few days with the latter’s brother, C. F. Hein and family. John Friedman of Iowa, who has been visiting at the Ransom and Leverman homes will soon leave for Berkley, Cal. where he H. A. Sprogg and wife of Wa- -----Idena, Minn, are visiting at the will enter the university at that McKenzie home. place. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Trask and daughter, Hilda, w'ere blackberry Floyd A. Ross of Seattle, for­ picking at the V.J. Philippi farm merly pastor of the Christian last Thursday. church at this place, visited a t 1 G. F. Harold, Mrs. D. I. Cald­ the C. F. Hein home Wednesday well and Mrs. Raleigh Harold and of last week. An eight pound son was born 1 son motored to Quinahy Friday. to Mr. and Mrs. John Swick on They were accompanied home in the evening by Loyde and Alta Thursday the 13th inst. Ruby Speer, who has been at Harold. C. S. Bowne of near Aumsville Chautauqua at Silverton, return­ has been cutting ensilage in the ed home Saturday evening. J. P. Murphy of Salem, a for­ neighborhood the past week. mer resident and business man Those having silos filled were: of this city, visited at the home L. M. Archambeau, Harry Chris- TH E TRUE-BLUE GIRL Will be at our store Saturday, July 22, demonstrating the good­ ness of True-B lue B istu its , dainty wafers and cakes. You are cordially invited to visit our store and have her serve you these delicious, fresh from the oven, goods. Free of charge. TRUE-BLUE BISCUITS Are made under ideal conditions in an especially arranged and constructed daylight factory from the choicest materials and ap­ peal to those who appreciate quality. Miss TRUE-BLUE will be delighted to serve you. C O M E “Farmers Store of Quality” GOOD GOODS A. W. SSHRUNK A U M S V IL L E .