CLOSING HOURS OF Over $200.00 in Prizes TO BE GIVEN AW AY TO LADIES OF THIS COMMUNITY IN THE NEXT 2 DAYS ! DIAMOND RING, GOLD BRACELET WATCH, SCHOLARSHIPS, LAVALLIERS, and MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES FR EE- A HANDSOME PRIZE for EACH and EVERY ACTIVE CONTESTANT - F R E E Mayor Beauchamp, G. W. De Jardin and J. W. Mayo will act as the Judges. M Contest Opens Thursday, May 25, and Closes Saturday, June 10, 8p. m. Extra Votes will be Given for New Subscribers- By New Subscribers is meant bona fide subscribers who are nyt now taking The Stayton Mail. See schedule. WIN a PRIZE—No contestant can secure more than one prize. Every active con­ testant will get a prize. Two days’ effort in your spare time will securer a val­ uable prize. No prize worth less than $5.00. It depends on yourself whether you get a $5.00 prize or a beautiful Diamond Ring for the effort you put forth. Contest under the Management of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Perkins, who are experienced in newspaper work« SUBSCRIPTION RATE $1.00 OUR CONTESTANTS ON HOME STRETCH CONTEST HEADQUARTERS AT STAYTON HAIL OFFICE Hule» of the Contest PRIZES AT LUTHY S JEWELRY STORE All the jewelry prizes in this contest, Only one nomination coupon, value i bought C. A. Luthy’s Store, 5,000 votes, counts for each con­ and are through _____________ 0 __________ now on display there. Candi­ testant. dates and their friends are invited to votes and ballots must be In call and see them. They must be seen Bulletins Show Change in Leaders Different the All ballot bo* for the big contest to be appreciated. Never before has such a list of prizes been given away prizes on the last night. Times— Winner is Still Undecided. All stub books q^ust be turned Into in this short time. Onlf two days more of effort needed on your part. the office on the last night. All decisions of the Contest Man­ NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON PROMISES ager are final. List of Prizes The standing of the candidates First Grand Prize, Diamond Ring, each week in the paper. Saturday Night the Prizes Will be Distributed—Leaders are will In appear all cases where votes are issued Tiffany Setting. subscriptions must be paid or pro- 2. — Bracelet Watch, Close and the Big Winner Will be Hardest 3. — Diamond set Lavallière. paid. Worker in Last Days The full amount of money must be 4. — Scholarship, 6 months. sent direct, by mail, or brought to 5. —Pearl Set LevaU'ere. 6. — Amethyst Set Lavalliere. Saturday’ evening at 8 o’clock end* beautiful prizes. The young ladies who the contest headouarters. the big subscription contest. Only have taken part in our contest have Postage must be fully prepaid or 7. — Sapphire set Lavalliere. two (I hv * more in which to huHtle In all our sincore thanks and we wish nil they will be rejected at the postoffice, 8. — Scholarship, 3 months. not counted. 9. Bracelet Engraved. your promises. Young ladies, between might be prize winners, hut every hence No candidate will be guaranteed 10. —Lady’s Opal Ring. now and Saturday evening is your last prize is well worth the effort put forth, a certain prize for a consideration 11. — Sapphire Ring. chance to see or phone the people in and wc hope all contestants will be of so many subscriptions, or money 12. —Lady's Lady’s Rubyaset Ring. your district and gather up all your pleased. Up to this writing, Thursday —prizes must he won In accordance subscriptions. You must not feel sure afternoon, several of the contestants with the conditions. Contestants who live in one dis­ Vote Schedule— Subscription Untes that you have won the prize that you are running very close. It alf depends tract secure subscriptions or wanted because your standing whs such on what support each contestant has, votes may Votes Votes in any district, as votes will In the last comparative list of contest­ wl.o will win the diamond ring and be be allowed on any prepaid subscrip­ Old Price New ants. From all accounts that list will the most popular contestant. tions secured anywhere In the United One year ....$1.00 2,500 2.000 1 States. Two years... 2.00 5,000 1,000 Judies of the (Y>ntest. he very hnrd to go by as we know No employe or relative of an em­ Three years.. 3.00 7,500 6,000 The awarding of the prizes will be there are many subsetiptiona going to Saturday evening, June 10. The ploye of this paper Is eligible to Four years .. 4.00 10,000 8,000 be brought to this office between now counting of the votes and checking enter the contest. Five years... 5.00 12,500 10,000 of them with the returns made by and Saturday evening. the contestants will bo carried out by This will he quite n surprise to some Mnvor NOTE— Any old or new .ubscriber Beauchamp. G. W. De Jardtn, of Ihe contestants. So now is the time and .1. W. Mnvo. These gentlemen Ladies, remember, only two more wishing to pay the Contest Manager kindly consented to act In this days remain to gather in your subscrip­ at our office can have their votes is­ to hustle and cssh in all your promises. have mntter, they are too well known sued and credited to their favorite A big boost by the people in your dis­ to need and any assurance that every­ tions. Now is the time to make the Contestant. minutes court. trict will help you to win one of the thing will he conducted fairly. Third Special Offer For The Last T w o Days In order to give you another chance to ! •r get extra votes, we will give you 5,000 extra bonus votes for a club—meaning $5.00 worth, of single Old or New subscriptions to the Mail at $1.00 per year. These votes arc in addition to the regular vote schedule. To secure these extra -votes you must bring or send in the sub­ scriptions before the close of this offer. This offer expires Saturday, June 10, at 8 p. in. Extra Special Offer For The Last Two Days 1 ■ < " • i"1 Every s i n g l e 3 year subscription OLD or NEW, Club Price $3.00, pays 15,000 votes. Every single 2 year sub.v-ription OI,D or NEW, Club Price $2.00, pays 10,000 votes. The above special offer gives you n fine chance to get extra votes and place yourself high in the standing. You may have the paper sent to any part of the United Slates. This offer expires Saturday, June 10, 8. p. in. Our Educational Prizes Free Courses in the Link Business College of Portland—The Oppor­ tunity of a Lifetime The business man of today has ery business office and the dictai.od neither the time nor the inclination of business correspondence is all but to be a school master in his own universal. office. He demands employees who The course In shorthand o f U D are thoroughly prepared for their du­ constitutes a separate department, ties. The world today asks two including careful training in K .;- questions of the youth entering up­ lish, the elements of correspondence, on his business career— What do you manifolding, the care of the t) [u- wrlter, etc. In this department ex­ know? What can you do? Bookkeeping and Business Training pert teaching is absolutely esnentuil. To transact business with dispatch One who wishes to make a stenog­ and reliability one must know all rapher of himself can make i o about making out and endorsing bus­ greater or more costly mistake th.,u iness paper and the rules govern­ to try to “pick up” this new and im­ ing the same. He must be familiar portant art. Good instruction In re with the use and proper disposal is a saver of time and money, too. Business Laws and Custom - of receipts, checks, drafts, bills of Here is a special field of the >,i- lading, invoices, certificate of depos­ it, notes and other business papers, most importance to the succe-- l he must know how to do business business man, which the general with banks, express and railroad school does not enter at all, an 1 of companies, postoffices, etc., and he which the ordinary school or co'.U>e must get this knowledge by actual graduate knows absolutely noth a practice. All this training is Includ­ The basis of all business is the >, n ed in the business department of an tract, and the rights, obligations u up-to-date commercial school in ad­ powers of parties to it. Thes< re­ dition to the theory and practice of ceive full consideration In the ! u-i- ness school, and Its work in this !. e bookkeeping. The system we use in this depart­ is most valuable. Too many people ment deserves special mention. We know nothing of the principles of do not use the discredited method, business law. BUSINESS ARITHMETIC which consists of having the students try to make bookkeepers of them­ In our classes In Business Arithme­ selves by conning the definitions and tic we give the most careful attention copying the made-up sets of a book­ to accuracy In the simple proit a keeping text book. Our work is of addition, subtraction, multiple a- thoroughly practical, our students tlon and division and the handlin.’ of keeping real books in their own simple fractions. A part of each names and basing their records up­ recitation is given to a brief a ;d on transactions personal to them­ searching review of some part of the selves. Every record is that of a real work passed over. By this pro se transaction, and there is no copy- the memory of the student not only ! ing of imaginary records. This real- grips tenaciously every detail, but | ity of the work adds greatly, not he acquires an accuracy and speed only to the student’s understand- which would otherwise be impossible. time of the class Is given to such \ ing, but it makes him proficient in The dealing with real business transac­ practical and necessary subjects as tions and their required needs. The the computing of Interest, discount method we use in this department and commissions and the reckon ng is one of the recent triumphs of prac­ of profit and loss, Insurance, partial tical education and needs to be seen payments, banking, partnership s l- Dements and equation of accounts. to be appreciated. Stenography end Typewriting NOTICE These office specialties have, in late years, become very important— See the Bulletins in C. A. Lut:. 'a so much so that without them no Jewelry Store window the last we of office man’s education Is complete. the contest for the standing of the The typewriter is now found in ev­ j contestants.