The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 08, 1916, Image 1

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    .... ..
M M «**'
H as the Largest Circulation of A n y Paper in the Santiam Valley— It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket.
S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y ,
¿2n d Y ea r, N o . 23.
Nearly All ol the Contestants are Within
Reach of tne Best Prizes—All the
Contestants Working Hard
Bi( Subscription Conte*! Will Clo*e Sat­
urday Night, June IO al
8 p. ra.
W ith only two more days to fin ­
ish cashing In all of their promlaea
nearly ali of the contestants are
hustling to secure as many subscrip­
tions ns possible In tbe closing hours.
So far we are mors than satisfied
with the results obtained. A great
many new subscribers have been
«titled to our list, but there are man)
! ‘u,t
" e contestant with the most hnstli
* 111 win the first prize.
The fact
uiut mi of the contestants are golnt
to school or busy In other work,
makoH Ihelr work all the more grat­
The prizes are all good, espe­
cially the scholarships for a busi­
ness course, such as these offered
are worth much to any lady.
Every person maiding hers and In
Ita vicinity should be n subscriber to
your only official paper. Whenever
you can help a contestant with a sub­
scription you are doing your com­
munity Just that much good, as the
moro subscribers wo have, the bet­
ter paper we can afford to give you.
The contestants are working hard to
win the beautiful prizes offered In
this big contest, and are worthy of
the support of the people here and
In the vicinity.
W e are unable at
this time to give any definite fore­
cast ns to who the successful ones
are likely to be.
Elsewhere the
standing o f the contestants Is given
at the latest hour we are able to com­
pile them, but this table Is a poor
guide ns to the prohnhle winners.
The standing of practically every
candidate In the list has shifted some
two or three times since last Friday
morning and nro likely to do so moro
than once before the close of the con­
test next Saturday evening at 8 p.
m. Hence, It behooves each one to
keep everlastingly at it. It is still
everybody's race. The standings are
close, and a little work on the part o f
friends of almost any o f the active
workers Is likely to boost them Into
a leading position.
The prizes are
worth winning, and those who have
friends seeking one of them w ill bo
doing a gracious act by getting be­
hind and helping boost.
The young Indies who have taken
part as contestants In our Dig Sub­
scription Contest have our sincere
thanks and we wish all might be
first prize winners, but every prize
offered Is well worth the effort put
forth, nnd we hope all of the con­
testants will be w ell pleased.
sincerely hope that every business
man renllzes what this Increased cir­
culation means to him.
Your ad
reaching several hundred new read­
ers over this community means that
much more business fo r you.
will prove to you shortly that It pays
to advertise. Try us and see for your­
.fmlires o f the (Contest.
The awarding o f the prizes w ill he
Saturday evening. June 19.
counting of the votes and checking
of them with tho returns made by
the contestants will be carried out by
Mavor Beauchamp, O. W. De Jardtn,
and .1. W. Mavo. These gentlemen
have kindly consented to art In this
matter, and’ they nro too well known
to need nny assurance that every­
thing will be conducted fairly.
Dr. Beauchamp re|>ort8 that the two
Mehnma miners, Otto and Waldo
Zimmerman, who were seriously injur­
ed at the Gold Creek mine last Thurs­
day by drilling into a missed dynamite
charge, will recorver nt the Albany
hospital, where they were taken by
him Hftcr (he accident.
“ Peg 0 ’ My Heart”
by the
Scio Dramatic Club
Under the direction of
Sublimity, C .O .F . Hall
Friday June 9
J U N E 8, 1916.
Birthday Greeting June First
Serial N o . 1056
On last Thursday morning Hon. W.
H. Downing and wife, F. B. Patton,
wife and daughter Genevieve, Elmer
Downing wife and daughter Lucille,
William Jones and w ife and children
Thomas and Alice, Aunt Mary Hunt
and daughter Matilda, A. J. Patton and
wife, E. B. Patton, Miss Lenta Patton,
Mrs. Amanda King and last but not
least, our next County Commissioner Nearly All tbe Occupants are Pinned B(-
Hon. J. T Hunt and wife, motored to
nealh Big Car—Two May
the farm home of EL A. Downing and
Not Lire
wife 31 miles north east from Stayton.
The occasion being a surprise birthday
dinner in honor o f E. A. Downing’s
61st birthday.
The morning was pleasantly spent in
visiting and conversation until the noon
hour arrived, when such a display of
good things to eat as the good ladies of Joseph Fisher, W ife and Son Norval, of
This Gity in the Car at
Waldo Hills know so well how to pre­
the T in e
pare, was brought forward and Ext
certainly foundered for he has had no
appetite since.
The festivities broke
The entire community, as well as the
up in due time, all wishing Mr. Down­
people o f Salem and other places were
ing many happy returns o f the day.
shocked Sunday evening to learn o f the
One Who Was There
tragic accident o f the overturning o f
the big Cole car just west o f the W ill­
There will be preaching at Kingston amette bridge in Polk County near the
next Lord’ s Day at 11 a. m.
The sub­ outskirts o f the capital at about 6:30
ject will be “ The Squandered Birth­ that evening.
R. L. Putnam,
There were ten occupants of the car
at the time. They were: The owner,
Jam, 1918.
Robt. McCrow, wife a n d daughter
— »«r.ght in Mil waukee Leader.
Hughretta, o f Goldendale, Wash., Mrs.
Governor o f Oregon.
Ward o f the same place, Anton Fisher,
wife and son Eric o f near Shaw, ar, 1
Jos. Fisher, wife and son Norval of
this city.
The revival meeting at the Christian
The party had been on a pleasure
Church, under the leadership o f Evang­ trip to Dallas, Independence, and sev­
The newly elected board o f directora
The Sublimity school will hold their
elist Ware is increasing in interest eral other places, and were on their
; o f the Stayton Co-operative Switch­ regular June Commencement Sunday,
way to Stayton v, hen the accident oc­
The high school auditorium was crowd- board held the. first regular meeting June 11, at 2 p. m. at the C. O. F. from night to night.
The meetings last Sunday exceeded curred.
ded to the utmost last E'riday night at Monday at 2 p.m. The following mem­ Hall. Admission 25c, children 10c.
all expectations, both in attendance
The driver, Mr. McCrow was in the
the commencement exercises.
bers were named as officers: President,
There were four rousing act of passing a smaller car on a grade,
The program was carried out in every Henry Smith; vice-president, W. E. Vacation tim e—Chorus, Sublimity Chil­ messages.
services: The Bible School with an at­ and in attempting to regain the" center
detail and was received with applause | Chrisman; Secretary, F. A. Bell; Treas­
tendance of 149 to listen to the Chil­ of the road, the hind wheels skidded,
at the end of every number.
urer, I. J. Boedigheimer.
Im Wald................. .... .........Folk Song
Day program; a large audience and getting excited he probsb'y made
With the exception o f Nellie Stowell,
The bids for the operation o f the Sonbonnet Babies—Drill........... Minims
for the morning preaching service; the a wrong move, as he had driven but a
who was unavoidably absent, the high switchboard were opened and wi re as There Was a Little Girl (And
children’ s^service in the afternoon, not few weeks, and the heavy machine
school graduates, Margnret Fehlen, follows:
She Had a Little Curl) Oppretta
so largely attended as desired but a toppled over pinning nearly all the oc­
Staab and Oliver Lesley gave their his­
Mabel Elzel, $64; Bernice Elder, $60; Little Black Shep.—Recitation
service burdened with a great message cupants beneath.
tory, advice and class poein in a credit­ L. O. Reynolds, $60; W. A. Weddfe,
Jno. Susbauer
for boys and girls, and a very interest­
Mr. Fisher of this city and his broth­
able manner.
$62; Della Harold. $60; I ucille Wolf, Music.............................. Anne Prange
er o f Shaw were both thrown out, and
The eighth grade graduates, Lewis $66; Ellen Condit, $46|; Anna R ig gs$54. Ssndalphon............... ......... Pantomime ing and instructive service at night.
There are only two weeks left before immediately lifted the edge o f the car
Kearns, Robert Teague, Edwin Kcech,
Upon a ballot it was found that Mrs. T „ My Sweetheart Recitation
the auto contest closes in the Bible from those inside, holding it there un­
Hugh Roasell, E'.thcl Wirth, Nona Ful- Anna Riggs had received the majority
Angeline Hermens
ton, Anna Spaniol, William Smith nnd i o f votes and was declared elected. The My Dolly............................ Rose Fuchs School. Every class is working hard til more help arrived.
to see who will be the winner.
The injured are: Mr. McCrow, collar­
Josephine Lambrecht all decided to re­ I report of the auditing committee was Come Where the Lillies Bloom -Song
Supt. Mrs. Hobson hopes to reach bone broken, several ribs smashei and
main in school another four years nnd read and accepted, and ordered publish­
High School Class
the goal o f 150 at the Bible School be­ severely cut in face. Doubts o f his re­
received the applause o f the audience. ed in the Mail.
It will be found in an­
fore this contest closes.
She wants to covery. Mrs. McCrow severely injur­
The main address by Prof. F. Bereh- other column.
Composed and dramatized by Florence :
asks that ed about the head. May not live. Mi-vi
told of the O. A. C.. was one o f the
Denny, a member of the English Class,
every department o f the school put McCrow badly bruised, Mrs. Ward
features and was received with much
Sublimity Song......................Children!
forth their utmost efforts to attain it. collar bone broken. Jos. Fisher badly
interest and applause.
Mrs. J. M.
Music...............................Anne Prange j
Evangelist and Mrs. Ware are anx­ bruised and the rest o f t h e party
Ringo’s solo was encored and was
Roses, Roses—Eighth Grade Class Song j
ious that a greater interest be taken bruised and shaken.
rendered in her usual charming manner
. . . . Henry Steinkamp
in the meeting on the part o f the busi­
Josepn Fisher and family arrived
The parents o f the eighth grades
Address................ .Hor, E. F. Carlton
ness people and all others who are in­ home Tuesday evening and will be all
gave the youngsters a banquet ill the
Address_______ ____ Hon. W. M. Smith
terested in the moral welfare o f this right as soon as their bruises heal. The
dining room of the building after the
Tho citizens of Sublimity and vicin­ Presentation o f Diplomas and Medal
He brings a strong message badly injured ones of the party are
program and a line time was had by all ity have decided to have a real old-
in sermon and she does like­ still in the Salem hospital.
f.ishioned Fourth o f July Picnic this
Mr. Joseph Fisher states that Mr.
He is going to present
A fter the dosing o f the schooi, the year.
the following subject in their order be­ McCrow was not driving at over 15 or
teachers who live outside o f Stayton,
The people o f that little town are
fore the meeting closes: “ The Supreme 18 miles per hour at the time o f the
departed for their homes, and as far famed for their hospitality and ability
The closing days of the school were
as can be learned, ever)one is well to show you a good time, and invite marked by several picnics etc., that Question,” “ I f I am Saved What?” accident, and that it was caused by in­
“ The Saddest and Happiest Event that experience in attempting tc Ret back
satisfied with the year's work.
you to spend the nation’s natal da) tne children enjoyed very much
evtr came to the Home” “ The Evolu­ into the center o f the road too quickly
The line-up for next year will be as with them.
Mrs. Pratt held her primaiy school!
tion of God in the Scheme of Redemp­ after leaving the grade.
follows: Principal, W. C. Gauntt; As­
There will be games, sports and fur. fair on Thursday, and the little tots |
The sympathy o f the entire com­
sist int, Minnie Polev; Commercial, galore, with plenty to eat, and some­ had quite a nice display o f garden j tion” “ Prepare to Meet God.”
munity is with the unfortunate family
D. C. Davis; Music and Art, Clyde thing for everyone.
Bills will be out stufT.
who are suffering most, and hopes are
Hoffer; 7th and 8th grades, Nora Crab­ soon. Watch for them.
The 7th and 8th grades had a nice
entertained for their recovery.
tree; 6th and 6th grades, Vesta Mar­
time out in the woods E'ridav afternoon
Macaron. 3 lb. pkg.
20c McCrow and Mrs. Ward are brother
shall; 3rd and 4th grades, Maude Hol­
Miss Theo Matthieu is visiting friends and tho 5th an 1 6th grades enjoyed
Tomatoes 3 cans
25c and sister o f Mrs. Fisher o f this city.
lister; 1st and 2nd grades, Mrs. Pratt.
and attending commencement exercises themselves hugely up the river above Swifts Naptha Soap 7 bars
at the O. A. C. in Corvallis this week. the dam the same day.
Sugar 13 lbs.
Young’ s Cash Grocery.
Having taken over the interest of
J. J. Korinek in the firm o f Korinek &-
Beat Mill City
Mielke, all accounts due the above firm
The local boys gathere 1 a crowd to­ are due and payable at my store in
gether and went to Mill City last Sun­ Stayton. A ll persons indebted to the
It will be learned with considerable
day 1 1 try the lumbermen out o:i their said firm please call at their earliest
surprise by tho pntrons o f the Stayton
J. F. Mielke.
groun Is.
post office that W. A. Elder resigned
"Tru ck” Robertson, took the mound
his position several dnys ago.
Mr. El­
for the locals a.-d Nick Lulay was be­
der hHS been an accommodating official
hind the bat.
during the time he has had the office.
The firm o f Korinek & Mielke have
Stayton did net make a score untii
Miss Ina Harold is in charge, pending
the seventh, when Gug Sloper cot a dissolved partnership, Mr. Mielke tak­
the appointment of n new postmaster.
hit and brought in three. The locals ing over Mr. Korinek’s part of the
There are two petitions out for the
made their fourth score in tire eighth. business. Mr. Mielke’ s son James,who
position, either o f which candidates
Mill City got three. Two were ma !e has just come home from high school
would make n good official. Those ask­
the fourth and one in the eighth.
in Salem, will help in ti e store this
ing for the appointment arc: Miss Ina
Ample, Gpeii Tone ;.nd Mei
It was a good game all through.
Harold o f Linn County, and E. D.
Motor-Plate, Cor.liinatic’ ,
There will be a game on the home
Alexander o f this city.
Miss Harold
grounds in Stayton between the locals
Carrying Powar Plant
has had considerable experience while
and Mill City, Sunday, June 11. Every
acting ns assistant under Mr. Elder,
lum ber Co. will
one come and sec the initial game of
and Mr. Alexander, who seems to be
Now Col limbi;1
. Reproiiih r.
unloa 1 a car o f brick and tile and a car
the only logical Democrat candidate in
of shingles at Kingston the latter part
Columbia Tone Control
the city will undoubtedly get the sup­
o f this week. Special prices at the
port o f the Democrats o f this place,
Will Preach Sunday
the county and the state.
Rev. Lockhart, who has been attend­
In a meeting Tuesday evening tho
Enclosed Removable Rec­
ing the Rose Festival will preach Sun­
Gets Divorce
Stayton Development League, or Com­
ord Compartment. Ca­
day evening on “ Sidelights o f the Rose
mercial Club met, and unanimously en­
Mrs. Mary Boedigheimer secured a
Carnival, or Pitf. Us and Protection for
pacity 75 Double Discs
dorsed the candidacy o f Mr. Alexander
Young Women in the Metropolis. In | divorce from her husband, Simon Boed­
for the position in the form of a reso‘
the morning he will tell “ Why I am a igheimer in the Circuit Court at Salem
lution which will be forwarded to the
yesterday. The property rights will I e
This Splendid Instrument on Display and
church member.”
Postmaster General.
settled today.
For Sale by
The* probabilities are that the ap­
Will Open Wednesday Night.
pointment will be made on or shortly
Reduced Ra es
before July 1st.
The Star will open a Wednesday
Stayicn, Oregon
The C. & E. will sell season tickets,
night show beginning June 14. The
first show will be one o f a series of round trip to Detroit and return from
John Fehlen left Monday for Eastern
Kingston for $1.60.
, “ Who’s Guilty.” See it at the Star.
Washington where he will work.
W H EREAS, June 14, 11(13, is the
l.'illth anniversary of the adoption of
the Stars arid Stripes; ami
W H EREAS, Organizations o f a pa­
triotic nature in Oregon are desirous
that special emphasis lie placed upon
this day nnd ita meaning; and
W H EREAS, This generation has
seen no time when loyalty and patriot­
ism are more required than now, or
when the encouragement of these vital
national virtues is more appropriate;
NOW, TH ER EFO R E, I do hereby
proclaim Wednesday, June 14, as Flag
Day throughout the State of Oregon,
and 1 earnestly urge that the day be
devoted to exercises indicative and con­
ductive to loyalty to the Flag; that in
homes, schools, churches and business
establishment» the occasion be fitting­
ly observed; that the Flag be displayed
from public buildings, schools, homes,
and places o f nusiness, and that the en­
tire commonwealth, nt this critical
period of international unrest, unite in
honoring the Flag of the United States
of America and in pledging renewed
and Vigorous loyalty to it and the prin-
ciplea of liberty it represents.
have hereunto set my hand and caused
the Great Seal o f the Slate o f Oregon
to be hereunto affixed this third day of
For $75.00
The ‘ Leader’ — Com
plete and ccmplai;}-
ly enclosed Upright
Columbia Grafanrls