eOMING! AUTO ROBES made in Slayton by W ilbur NIGHT Woolen Mills. Handsome designs an I fast colors $."> ikl at the Woolen Mills. New summer silks dainty pat­ Thirty terns 3d in. at 3r>c yard. A Rare Musical Treat Of Voices. Scmething Str.yton Has Never Had Before. Who i* going to be the most popular ' lady? Worley of Jefferson is visiting C. C. Noll home here. Mr. used to run u feed stable here years ago. “ Little Lord Fauntieroy’ The Orpheus Male Chorus Aerniiston to have $6000 library. L. D. Perrigo of Wntsekr, ill., Mel H> milton at <1 wife were up from visiting friet ds here tor a short visit, Salem Tuesday. U. It. at the Worley Severn! j j O u t C f T o w n P e o p l e P a y E sp e c ia l t e n t i o n t o D a t e . A P l e a s ng Program . A Photo Dramatization of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s Exquisite Story of Childhood. A rare treat for the Young Folks and c Delight for Adults who saw this Famous Play when Children. Do not miss it. Mrs. 10. Forretto and daughter went to Corvallis Sunday for a visit with -friend* and relatives. K. J. Kusy A t ­ I took them in his auto. See Peter Deidrich before buy- A C. Keene ri d w ife mi tom i up C. L, Perkins was a business visitor ing a Ford or Dodge from Salem Tuesdav an.i suent the day. j t ’has. S. Claik, manager of the Star in Salem Mon jay. Theatre, has secure! the Orpheus Male Who is going to win the beautiful V. . F. Thomas and wife of Salem at- ! Chorus i f Salem, for a concert to be Mrs. (Mara Pratt made a flying visit Diamond King? Think of it; oily two tem ei Memorial Services here Tues-j given here Wolnesday, June 7. to Turner 'lues lay. weeks of effort on your part will make day. This organization consists of thirty you a winner of a beautiful prize. Peter Teidrich, ajent for Ford Geo. Brown an i John Thoma were well trained male voices and brought out one of the largest audiences at the and Dodge Cars. over Su ne ay business visitors in Port- ; Oregon Theatre of Salem, that the citv lan I. has ever seen. They have also been Mn. P. Hermans of Sublimity was a featured at the State Fair. Initial tablets, good linen tablets visitor here Monday. J. 0. Sandberg and granddaughter There will be two hours of choruses, with envelopes t o match n t lleau- Emma of Fox Valley were visitors here solos, character sketches, ami comic ; champ’s Drug Store. Johnie F runner of SiU erton visited Monday. readings. Something doing every here Saturday a: d Sunday. minute. Miss Vivian Young who has been Mrs. Mert Burson and baby were Although the expense has been con­ teaching in the high school in Moscow, H. J. MutcMer and Norman Davie down from above Mehama one day siderable, the price will be nominal. Idaho came home Saturday night. She motored to Salem Monday. this week. Children 15c and Adults 35c. No re­ expects to spend the summer here. served seats. Ticket window open at Mrs. Frank Lesley and son Wilbur 7:30. Curtain at 8;lb. Mrs. V. Nadstanek of Salem, came attended Robinson’s Circus in ’Salem Out of town people plan ahead for up Monday night on the stage and Thursday. Good Cigars, Good Soda. this—the one real treat of the season. l passed through Stayton on her way to Beauchamp’s Drug Store. Mt. Pleasant, where she will visit rela­ Mrs. Smith of Tacoma is visiting at tives. A Branch and family of Howell G. W. DeJardin visited home folks the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pres­ Prairie, spent the week end at the W. ton Burson. in Gervais, Decoration Day. J. Hewitt home in this city. 5 c "THE HOME OF GOOD PICTURES" SUNDAY NIGHT Initial Stationery, A BIG PROGRAM FOR EVERYONE 5c S TA R T H E A T R E In any quantity “Ice Cold Blitz The drink ihat Fits’ , 40c per 100 ( ash for I.igget and Myers Tobacco Coupons 50c in trade W a n ted-10 0 0 lbs. o f Bacon Mrs. John Bender and children Jose­ Thos. Phillips and wife i f Jordan iJW. H. Mollett, wife and little daugh­ Shoulders or Hams for TraJe or phine and Sylvester of Jordan were were visitors here Saturday. ter, of the Waldo Hills, spent Sunday Cash at Klecker’s trading here Saturday. visiting at the C. C. Nott home. Commencement Gifts Hendershott’s Gem Confectionery Good Milch Cow For Sale Ï Jersey i Durham, giving milk now. in Stationery, Box candles, Kodaks, Price $50. See or phone Mrs. Dora Forrest Mack, wife and son Roy and etc. at Beauchamp's Drug Store. , Shreve, Stayton, Ore. 6-1 j Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Mill City E. Roy. wife and daughter Miss Ruth were week-end visitors here. motored to Salem Tuesday. W. H. Humphrey and wife of Victor Point spent Tuesdav visiting at the The laJy who wins the braclet watch will feel assured of its qualities. W ANTED-1000 pounds of BAcon, Mrs. Emmiline Richardson home. WEDING House Cleaning Time Shoulders or Hams,Trade or Cash John A. Van Handel put in the ce­ The Brown Auto Repair Shop of Mrs. Fent>n and Mrs. Stone of Me­ ment floor in the basement of the new Stayton, is equipped to do nil kinds of ai Klecker's. hama were visitois here Tuesday. Welding and Brazing of castings of all Young building the first of the week. Is Youi Watch Cleaned and Oiled Regularly? descriptions, steel or cast iron. The D. M. Doll and wife, Guy Sloper and work is guaranteed and is done by the John Fehlen motored to Mill City Sun­ most modern method, by thcOxy-Acet- day. Joe Peery accompanied them < ylene flame, which literally melts the broken pieces into one. Don’t throw home. away broken castings, have them made good as new at Brown's Auto Repair Ladies, remember only nine days re­ Shop, Stayton, Oregon. main to gather in your subscriptions. Now is the time to make the time count. 10c The best that can be made Good Drugs, W A N T ED -10 0 0 lbs. of Bacon. J. F. Richards and wife were in from Shoulders or Hams,Trade or Cash Salem Tuesday trading and attending the Memorial Exercises. at K LEC K ER ’S 10c SEE IT AT THE STAR Is at Hand. You Will Need New Curtains: New Wall Paper: Window Shades: Flower Pots: jardinieres: Etc. To Beautify Your Rooms. Unless your watch is thoroughly cleaned and oiled every ether year you should not expect it to serve you satisfactorily. Day and night, year in and year out, you expect your watch to keep Milk and Cream perfect time by winding it daily. At a right price from the Stayton Heavy locomotives, automobiles l| A beautiful diamond* ring and a bra­ Dairy. E. D. Crabtree, prop. clet watch are charming ornaments and and other engines and machinery — lavaliers are dainty and rich in work­ worKing less than half as much as manship. your watch—constantly require new N E W SC H E D U L E y repair parts, cleaning and oiling. H. E. Smith and wife motored down S A LE M -S T A Y T O N Your watch is a delicate bit of ma­ from Portland this week and are visit­ chinery running continually, with STAYTON-KINGSTON ing at the home of his sister, Mrs. J.- never a holiday. Naturally, the oil will gum up and accumulate dust and R. Miller. AUTO STAGE grit. Then, instead of acting as a lubricant, it wears and cuts like a file. Will make regular trips every day, When your watch gets in that condition, the parts most exposed to wear Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Worley and son j Sundays included as follows; may be permanently injured. Byron of Corvallis are visiting at the I^ave Stayton for Kingston 6:50 A.M. Insure your watch by having our experts attend to it. We do only first F. Silhavy and Uriah Whitney homes “ Kingston “ Stayton 7;10 " work, which we fully guarantee. You don’t want a blacksmith to repair this week 1 Arrive Stayton 7:20__“ your watch at any price. Our charges are quoted before any work is done, and in no instance do Leave - Stayton - 7:45 A. M. we charge more than the work is worth. ” - Sublimity - 8:00 ” " Aumsville-meet train62 8:20 “ Special attention given to watches sent us from out of Stayton •* - Turner - 8:85 •• tles Beauchamp’s Drug Store has the postage paid. material. 1 pound costing 30c makes Arrive Salem-meet ' : j.Elec. 9 :10 “ ] Leave Ore. Elec. Salem 4:30 P. M. 26 gallons. I Arrive - Turner 5:05 •• ” Aumsville-meet trainfil 5:20 " E. H. Long and family and Miss Watchmaker and Jeweler “ - Sublimity 6:46 " Lydia Bowen of Salem, matored up “ - Stayton 6:oo “ Tuesday for a day’s visit at the A. OREGON S TA YT O N , Leave Stayton tor Kingston 6:10 P.M. Caspell home. “ Kingston “ Stayton 6:35 P.M. i Connects with Motor Car Joseph Hamman You can get them at J. R. GARDNER’S CASH STO RE, Stayton, Ore. i ■ 2 Spring Hardware p Kill those Canada This­ —. .. Of the seasonable kind always on hand at the right time Builders’ hardware at the low­ est possible prices H o u s e c le a n in g T im e Means new furniture, and rugs C. A. LUTHEY FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR Over a million Ford cars in use today is your best guarantee of satisfactory service. Serving everybody—bringing pleasure to ev ­ erybody, the Ford car is a utility—your car. T h e same high quality, with lower prices. Costs least to operate and and maintain. Ford service everywhere. T h e Touring Car is $440. Runabout, $3^0 f. o. b. Detroit C n display and for sale as Peter Deidrich’s Stayton, Oregon. If you want good candy Two of the best prizes are the schol­ arships are from the w p II known Link’s • Business College of Portland. The | winners of these prizes will have won | something that will do them a real good, for a girl with a practical turn of mind nothing wil appeal as much as a scholarship. SPECIAL SATURDAY, JUNE .3 1916. Flint i* ripening, now is yoi r chance to gel : ugar at a very low price with - very $5.00 worth of groceries cash or traile you can got 100 lbs. of best ber­ ry sugar for $8.000 cash at Young's Cat h Grocery. BRINGS BRIDE HOME rm&Eizi r • > * •€ « * * !» 7 l 7% Peter Kirsch and wife arrived at his \ father’s place east of Stayton the first j ot the week. Mr. Kirsch and Miss I Bertha Herrling were married but a few days before and are on their wed­ ding trip. After a visit of several weeks in Marion county, they will re­ turn enst of the mountains where thev i will make their future home. Both the bride and groom are well-known in and around Stayton. I HAVE A FEW Broken Sizes ti Screen Doors and Windows ^ r* Green Trading Stamps with every purchase of 10c and over at the M B Lilly Hardware Co. TTT L 'M t we have it, you be the judge. Beauchamp's for quality. | TB'_ r L T i » T ■Fr,'6 Y lljl l u ll .« » M t j 'U . r W '£ 1.1 W 4.1'L i £ p J r~ Ti 4 |l , 6 ®W> J Frank W. Emerson OF CALIFORNIA, WILL GIVE IN LA D IES ’ ft FREE LECTURE And P R O H IB ITIO N mr’m r t w i O N MBksaa sacs C H ILD R EN ’S DEALING WITH THE SHOES Brewer’s Amendment and need of the Prohibi­ tion Party in Oregon. That I will Close Out VERY CHEAP STAR THEATRE L A N C E f T e LD Tuest,ay Night, June 6th Everybody Welcome