THE STi\YTON MAIL Has the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley—It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket, •' ) ! « 22nd Year, No. 22. U C B O SC R IPT IO N NTEST IS ON Candidates are in Field and All Are Do in | Good Work in Piling Up the Votes. NINE MORE WORKING DAYS M uit E nthu siastic Lot of Y oung U d i t i H e H a i S een, Says th e C o n te it M anager. T l , Thu Slayton Mail’» big: sulmrrqilion cunU-at started ntf with enthusiasm thi« week. C. L. Perkins, the contest nmnsger, and hia uaaiatant, arrived in town lual week and within a few duya u number of young ladiea wire enthu- aiuaticully at work, with the reault that a long; Hat of new aubacribera and lurge volea for fuvnrito candidate» are being turned in at headquarter». The people are warming up to the contest like bear» to a honey tree, and nearly all of the contestant» are sure to find friends who are going to turn in sub- acripiiona that will bring them votes. That will count wonderfully well when the final windup cornea, aa every new subscriber obtained by a contestant's friend counts just aa much aa though she obtained them herself. Several contestants have already received big boosts in their vote totals through friends who have voluntarily subscrib­ ed und asked that the votes be record­ ed for their favorite candidates. The contest manager says that no­ where has he Been a more enthusiastic lot of workers than those who are en­ gaged in the Stayton Mail’s contest. All districts surrounding Stayton are represented and the way some of the neighboting districts such as Sublimity, Aumsville, West Stayton, Washington, North Santiam, Union Hill, Kern Ki.lgc, M» h .ms, Lyons, Mill City, Mt. Pleas­ ant, Jordan and Kingston are going to show up in the Anal results will sur­ print- those who are not in close touch with the contest, if present showings are maintained. This will be done if the workers keep faithfully on the job, for their friends know the paper and moat of them want it anyway. To any who may be in doubt about the value of the rewards in store for the young Indy workers, the Stayton Mail would say, go and look at the show window at C. A. I.uthy’s Jewelry store where they are on display. We feel sure that you will agree they are all that is claimed for them. Talk with Mr. I.uthy. He will tie glad to give you all the information regarding them. Hustlers Will Win In the outset of tho campaign we would 1 kc to say to the contestants that the one who wins the greatest reward will be the one whe keeps most persistently at the tnsk. Some, in times past, who have engaged in a move of this kind, have made the mis­ take of easing off in their final effort afier milking n fine start, thinking that il would be easy to jump in near tt.- cl- •< • t::vl repeat their successful b. gi', only to find that some s'o .-i I ut moie lasrahletit worker h id n v deo the field an! picked up ¡di I he worth while votes they thought would stiie le I heirs. If you would win vou lli'isl Keep at the work every day. You have only nine more days to gather in rail «criptlons. Two of the moot practical prizes pin-mg those being offered are the two achí.larsliips in (he Link Business Col- li-ge, of Portbmd. This school is known f.'i soil wide and ils standing is among tin- highlit of the con merciid schools of the Northwest for thorough and efficient methods in fitting students for positions in the business world or any other for that matter. A lining lady can have no better fortune befall her than to have the advantages of this school. Read the contest page this week for particulars un the second special offer and also the extra special offer. The judges will be Mayor Beauchamp, G. W. De Jardin and J. W. Mayo. Toledo gets new business building. ¡£ Baker -Chicago-Virtue mine wi l l Btart mills on June 1st. Portland—Another special privilege faddists boosting municipal golf links. Salem—Suit brought to enjoin pur­ chase of $6,000 municipal paving plant. Portland- Another meat inspector with auto to be added to city force. STAYTON, MARION COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE I, 1916. ORE indù GON : A CATTLE SALE BACCALAURATE SERMON | A WORD TO PROS- AND FOOT RACE PECTIVE SUBSCRIBERS The sermon to the High School grad­ The latest book issued by the South- uates, and others at the High School OREGON OUT DOORS Our paper will come this week to a gun Outdoor^.” This book is printed large number of persons who are not in three colora on a very expensive now on our regular subscription list. grade of enamel paper. The cover If you who are reading these lines are shows two actual photographic scenes j among the non subscribers, we carn- in colora, one a fisherman and the other | estly hope that you will look the paper a bathing scene. The inside color over carefully and ask yourself the plate ia of Portland ‘‘the Rose C ity” question whether the paper is not well your active support, at least to The iltuatrationa, which i n c l u d e I worth the extent an annual subscription, over one hundred, are tastefully ar­ j The present of issue by no means an ranged in combinations of three with exception. It is the is regular week edi­ a light yellow border making a very tion and not differing from acores of handaome effect. its predecessors. The text is well written and contain* In connection with considering the articles on the following points «If in­ question of becoming a subscriber we terest in Oregon. invite you read articles dealing with Columbia River Highway, Willam­ the contest to now in progress and par­ ette Valley, The Loup Trip, Tin- State ticularly to acquaint with the Capital, Tiilamock County Keaehea, list of young ladies yc.urself who in a friend­ New|iort, Coos Bay Country, Mount ly way are striving for the splendid Jefferson Country, McKenzie River list of prizes which will be awarded at and Three Sistera, Oregon Mineral the conclusion of the contest. Probab­ Springs, Ashland Mineral Springs, ly one or more of the contestants will Oregon's famous Spa, The Umpqua lie found among your personal friends. River Valley, The Man lo Halls of What surprise it would be Oregon, The Rogue River Valley, Cra­ to one a pleasant of the contestants ter Lake National Park and the Klam­ your subscription voluntarily to and receive with­ ath Country. out the necessity of calling on you m Portland and vicinity ia very thor­ person. oughly described and the tourist is ad­ The telephone is handy or you may vised to make a long stay in thia beau­ call in |H-rson at the office and leave tiful City. The Rose Festival ia shown your subscription with full assurance to be Portland's great annual event. that Bame will be properly credited to The Columbia River Highway occupies favorite candidate. a very prominent position and a lengthy your The probabilities are that at some article la devoted to it. time or other you have made a mental Every loyal Oregonian is urged to se­ note to become This is a cure a copy of thia book and send it to splendid time to a do subscriber. so, as it will enable a friend in the East. Copies can be you to do a friendly turn in behalf of secured from any Southern Pacific one of the contestants, without extra Agent or by addressing Mr. John M. cost of any kind whatsoever. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Port­ The time to do good is when oppor­ land, Oregon. tunity offers. Subscribe today and get double value and satisfaction from your The Southern Pacific railroad paid investment. over $440,000 overtime wages 1915. GETS G O O D LEG A C Y LYONS WILL HAVE The friends of Mrs. P. E. Hirzsiefen, NEW SCHOOL HOUSE sister of Jno. Mielke, »f this city and The voters of the Lyons school dis­ trict have decided to erect a new school building. The new structure will be a one story building with basement and con­ taining two large rooms. The plans provide for a modern ventilation and lighting systems and all the latest school equipment. The change is in line with changes being made all over the country in the construction of school buildings. well known in Stayton and the Waldo Hills, will be glad to learn that she re­ ceived news last week from St. Paul, Minn , that her foster parent Mrs. Jno. McNeliis, had left her eight good resi­ dence properties in that city valued at between $40,000 and $50,000. M A R T IN T H A N K S V O T E R S ' 1 wish to thank the voters of Stayton and vicinity for their support m the primaries. • If I am still among the successful candidates in November, I North Bend —Buchner Lunber Co. will earnestly try to make good. Ivan G. Martin. to open logging camp Ht fen Mille. Harry Chriaman on the 27t.h of May, Auditorium Sunday night by Rev. E. was a sueeesss and the stock »old at B. Lockhart was full of good advice good prices. There was a fair crowd and that could be applied to everyone as most of the stock offered was of good well as to those just leaving school. The Week’ s Story About Enterprises, Pay­ quality, and sold up to expectations, The main text was “ In Understand- rolls, Industries and De­ showing that people who art interest-! ,nK L*e Men!” Mr. Lockhart enlarged velopments. ed in dairying are willing to pay good on the topic and graphically told of prices for good stock. many instances in which it is absolute­ The most exciting event took place ly necessary to be wise men and wise near the close of the sale, when a women. short horned coW that had become ex­ His apt quotation from Carlyle—"Tht PROSPERITY ON THE WAY cited and broke out of the enclosure, greatest tragedies of human life are was roped and tied to a fence post by those who could acquire wisdom and Oregon Cities and Oregon Communi I e . two cow boys She again broke loose understanding, but do not,” was very A re W aking Up All O ver and started a little roundup of her own; much to the point. T he State she first chased a real estate agent un- The young people of Stayton and der a fence, and then went a fter: vicinity have not yet come to the full Eugene Titus in the act of selling a realization of the advantages of the Instead of deficiencies as in other in­ Dodge earr to one of Linn County’s new high school and high school cour- the Oregon Insane Asylum prosperous citizens. Eugene w-s ex- ges—but the high school spirit is grow- stitutions, will return $40,000 of its maintenance plaining the many virtues of the Dodge jng and in time will reach its fullest fund as unexpended. Car and was in the final act of showing development. Medford voted $300,000 bonds to the most classy points when the en- j .................. .... ....... start construction of district built rail­ raged cow bore down upon the scene. The Dalles—The National fruit clean­ In many races there is considerable er and grader company will build a way. time lost in jokeying for a start, but plant and commence manufacturing Warren Clay Products Co. building in this race it was different; Eugene their machines within the next 90 days. railroad to claypits. started at the drop of the hat, some of ; The has just received it a Seaside opems bids June 3 on $20,000 the old timers offered even money that final Company patents from Washington after union high school. the cow would win, but Eugene put on several years of litigation. The Com­ Wasco will vote on $260,000 county more gas and put daylight between pany will increase its capital from road bonds. himself and the cow and won by a coat $40,000 to $250,000. It will employ Newport—Work starts on potash tail's length amid the cheering of the from 50 to 150 skilled mechanics and factory June 1. excited crowd. will have a market for its product all Heppner to have large ice storage the year round. Seven different com­ plant. panies were making these machines and all of them were infringing on the Yoncalla getting brick hotel. CHURCH OF CHRIST patents of the Oregon company. They Canby votes $18,000 for water sys­ are now all eliminated and the local tem. The meeting under the leadership of company has the field to itself. Ma­ Rose burg—Limestone quarries em- Evangelist Ware is growing in interest chinery is being ordered for the plant ploy 30 men. from night to night. The public is cor­ in this city and the factory will be Albany—$20,000 loganberry plant as­ dially invited to hear him. It depends modern in every respect. The com­ sured and machinery ordered. on interest how many more days he pany has advance orders for 500 ma­ Portland, May 31. Conferance of will continue the meeting. chines. loganberry growers to standardize pro­ Friday, 7:45— “ Home and Mother.” ducts of industry. Everybody asked to wear a white flow­ St. Johns now quaffs Bull Run water. er in honor of Mother. Saturdry, 7;45-Subject not announced FORD CARS ARE Crown—Columbia paper mills in­ Sunday, 10 a. m.—Bible School. We creases, $100,fOJ a year. STILL SELLING FAST Cherry wages still want 125 present, come ar.d bring Grove gets big saw mill. some one with you. County road from Oregon City to Sermon II a. m. “The City of God.” To prove the popularity of the Ford, Clackamas bridge leing hard-surfaced. Communion, 12 m. Buildings secured for Eugene flax The Universal Car, Peter Deidrich, In- 3 p. m. A service for children a n d young people. AH the children of Stay- \ cal a*ent Just hustled around and sold works. ton are urged to attend. All welcome. , a few ln the Past ten da-vs- The Iucky West Linn votes $4,CC0 for roads. 6:45 p. m. Christian Endeavor. bu>’ers are: E- B- Patton of Macleay, Peninsula Shipbuilding Co. has co: • 7:45 p.m . "Those Who Fail to be C- F ; Scofield and Mrs. J. W. James of tracts for five vetsels. ; North Santiam, G. W. Baynard, V. C. Prosperity, population ard payrolls Forgive::.” Peterson and Peter Gouler of Aums- is the slogan at Roseburg. R. L. Putman, Pastor. Í ville. Progressive Coos County carried a N O T IC E There is more salvation in industry big bond issue for goo-i roads. On account of Commencement Ex- and honest employment for people than Estacada to have modern cannery ercises, "Peg O’ My Heart” will not a11 the Political nostroms ever in- employing 50 to 100 people. Ontario—Nitrate beds of Malheur be played in Sublimity as advertised on j vented. June 2, but will be played at a later Green, Douglas county, to have new county to be developed on a large scale. date. Jack Waltemeyer. I school. Orpheus Male Chorus of Thirty Voices Choruses, Solos, Character Sketches, and Comic Readings Star Theatre, Stayton, Wednesday, June 7 Six Complete Acts, Tw o Hours of Enjoyment, at