The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 27, 1916, Image 2

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T h e R e d ^ M ira g e
London — S ir Roger Casem ent has
been captured from a G erm an ship
which attem p ted to land arm s in Ire-
> land and was sunk. This official an-
1 nouncement w as made Tuesday as fol-
1 low s:
“ D uring th e period betw een th e a f­
ternoon of April 20 and th e afternoon
, of A pril 21 an attem p t to land arm s
and am m unition in Ireland was made
by a vessel under th e guise of a neu-
I Alt rights reserved. T bs BobbeM sm U Co.)
, tral m erchant ship, b ut which in real­
alive I am going to find him, ami If
ity was a German auxiliary, in con-
I tltul him. I shall toll him that I honor
Two Men, One Woman and Child 1 junction w ith a G erm an subm arine.
W h e n S y lv ia O m n e y , a b e a u tif u l E n g - A n d love him. T here w as a wrong to
g irl. r s t u r n s fro m a s c a n h In A lg ie rs
“ The auxiliary was sunk and a num­ f Itsti
o r tier m issin g b r o th e r, h e r lover. H it'll- be righted, and he did his best " lie
Are Killed— Material Damage
ber of prisoners were made, am ongst u n i E a rtiu h a r . tliu ls s h e h a s fa lle n In love w eut to the door, an d there turned
w ith C u r ta in A rn a u it o f th e F o re ig n
whom was Sir Roger C asem ent.”
le g io n
In C u p tu ln S o w e r’s ro o m F a r - and looked at her. “ If 1 find my fit-
Light— Attackers Retreat.
The news of th e capture of Sir u u h a r g e ts d e lib e ra te ly d r u n k , b u t w h e n ther. is there any m essage th at I may
lo se s a ll Ids m o n ey to
Roger was received w ith satisfaction,
e. a s h a d y c h a r a c te r . E a r tiu h a r fo rc e s give him - from you?" he naked.
i mingled w ith reg ret, at th e term in a­ Isiw
S o w er to h a v e P r e s t o n s 1 O. U 'p r e ­
“Tell him th at that night he won
London—G erm an b attle cruisers ap­ tion of w hat previous to his alleged tu r n e d to him. E a r t|u h a r la h elp ed to Ills me," ahe said with defiance. "Tell him
ro o m s by Oabrlelle S m ith . S o w er d e m a n d s
peared off L ow estoft Tuesday. Local
u n ap o lo g y . K efuscd . h e fo rc e s E a rtiu h a r that in the brief Interludes when I d are
a b rillian t career, useful both to hu- to re a lg n h is c o m m issio n In r e tu r n fo r
naval forces e n g a g e d the raiders, as
r 's f a t h e r 's w r i t ­ to think I know th at I love him. Tell
l m anity and his own country. T hat he p o sse ssio n io o n f th E a a t r o h u e lia h ad
m u rd e re d S o w ­ him that."
did also B ritish lig h t cruisers. The should have engaged in such a madcap e te r n 's c o f n a t fe h ss
(Ju b rtelle s a v e s E a r tiu h a r
Richard F arq u h ar bowed and went
G erm an w arships re tre a te d in 20 min- \ en terp rise as the B ritish official com- fro m su lcld a.
H alf nu hour later lie reached ids
m uincation give* as the reason for his
club. Captulu Sower, he w as luforirted,
The G erm an w arships opened fire on
T h e re are type s o f w om en w ho
had Just left w ith Mr. ITeaton and a
to the view held by his old friends here
d riv e men to w ild deeds— good
strange gentlem an. W hereupon F a r ­
th e coast before departing. Twp men. th a t he is m entally unbalanced.
w om en , too. But the re is about
q u h ar turned Iti Ids trac k s and drove
one woman and a child w ere killed.
L ittle had been heard of S ir Roger
them that q u a lity w h ich fires
straig h t to P reston's lodgings.
The m aterial dam age apparently was in th is country for many months, p a st
m en's m inds. W e d o n ’t kn ow
purpose w as now twofold, and fired
m uch about the law s of h e re d ity,
by a w hile hot fury of Indignation. In
In th e engagem ent tw o B ritish light ported th a t S ir Roger had visited th e
b ut it seems c ertain th a t th e
the "stran g e gentlem an'' he had rec­
cruisers and a destroyer were hit, but
c h ild of such a w om an, w hose
ognized Lowe, and P reston was a fool
none of them was sunk.
com m itted
m u rd e r,
with a following of other fools. For
The follow ing official announcem ent an Irish brigade he was said to be
w o u ld be a so rt of sm o ld e rin g
In that moment F arq u h ar had censed
raisin g in Germany to fight ag ain st
w as m ade:
to l** a man overshadowed by his own
It was reported a short
“ A t about 4 :30 o’clock th is m orn-j England.
black destiny. H e w as once more ami
ing, the German b a ttle cruiser squad- tim e ago th a t S ir Roger had applied
for the last tim e the officer upon whose
ron, accompanied by lig h t cruisers and ^or citizenship in B avaria.
L ater
C H A P T E R IV .
shoulders rested the honor of a regi­
destroyers, appeared off Low estoft, came a rep o rt from a neutral country
ment, the greut unity which he served
The local naval forces engaged it and l ^ a t he had been arrested in Germany
M rs. F a rq u h a r E x p la in s .
It w as a curious group of men that
in about 20 m inutes it returned to Ger­ on an unspecified charge.
Mrs. F arq u h ar ran dow n the stairs
many, chased by our lig h t cruisers and
to her son's library. It w as a neglect­ confronted him as he hes|tal«sl on the
ed room, which he only used on rare threshold. T hat which he had ex p ect­
“ On shore tw o men, one woman and
occasious. The old w eapons hanging ed w as not there. Evidently a card
a child w ere killed.
The m aterial
on th e w alls had belonged to bis fa ­ game had been in full sw ing but bad
dam age seems to have been insignifi­
ther. and the whole atm osphere seemed been violently Interrupted. The cards
cant, so fa r as is known a t present.
Im pregnated w ith the sp irit of a dead. I lay scattered on the square, green tuble
San Antonio, T ex .— Reports from
beneath the electric light, and there
Two B ritish lig h t cruisers and a de­
If pow erful, personality.
stro y er w ere hit, but none was su n k .” General P ershing Tuesday indicated
Mrs. F arq u h ar closed the door w ith was a pile of untouched, apparently
th a t Francisco V illa had been located
forgotten money.
Both Sower and
a chuckle of trium phant malice.
again, th is tim e w est of P arral, in the
Lowe w ere present, together w ith
“T hey're gone a t last.” she said. “ I
m ountains of W estern Chihuahua. He
Preston and one other man, whom
was last reported a t Nonoava, 85 miles assure you there Isn’t a more surprised F arq u h ar did not recognize. They
from Satevo.
The rep o rt also indi­
stood fa r ap a rt from one another, as
cated th a t V illa was wounded, b u t only She cam e expecting to find me w ith though divided by some bidden a n ta g ­
ashes on my head instead of a wig,
W ashington, D. C. — P resident W il­ slightly, and th a t he was fa r from be­
an d I laughed in her face.” R ichard onism —Sower by the fireside, w here
son Wednesday, on th e anniversary of ing incapacitated.
he m aintained au attitu d e of easy good­
G eneral Funston regarded th e infor­ F a rq u h a r turned from the window nature. touched Indefinably w ith re
the battle of L exington, told congress,
assembled in jo in t session shortly m ation th a t G eneral P ershing had se­ w here he had been standing, and her gret: Lowe and the stran g e r kept to
No troops have eyes grew suddenly grave. “ My dear, the shadow on opposite sides of the
a f te r 1 o ’clock, he had given Germany cured as authentic.
It was realized th a t you're not breaking your h eart over room. Preston was standing next the
irrevocable notification th a t th e U n it­ been sent out.
ed S tates w ill break off diplom atic re­ p u rsu it of V illa in th e locality he had her. are you?"
table, his hands resting clenched on
"No.” H e came slowly Into th e room.
lations if her illegal subm arine cam­ chosen could be successfully conducted
the polished edge, his lx>ylsh face gray
only a f te r many more troops had been
paign is continued.
given me som ething else to come to and drawn-looking. As F arq u h ar saw
A note, A m erica’s la st word, prac­ sent into Mexico.
him the sp irit of tension Itecninc defi­
tically an ultim atum , and dem anding , Unofficial rep o rts indicated th a t Car- grief over. I'v e had a quarrel w ith nite, an alm ost visible occupant of the
an im m ediate reply, w ithout se ttin g ranza had sent gradually into the north Sower.”
j quiet room. And yet It w as A rnaud's
She said nothing, and he w ent on
an a rb itra ry tim e lim it, presum ably an arm y much larg er than th a t of the
| face w hich F arq u h ar saw first and
was in th e Berlin foreign office as the A m erican force, and a g reat p a rt of gently: “ H e w as dangerous. I have I last. H ere w as Sylvia O m ney's fu ­
P resident was speaking. I t was dis- th e M exican force is in a position to resigned my commission. T h a t w as
ture—a white-lipped man. whom some
patched Tuesday night, in accordance conduct a p u rsu it of V illa and his his price for my fath er's nam e.”
w ith th e P re sid en t’s plan to have it sc attered organizations th a t would be
Still Mrs. F arq u h ar did not speak.
before th e German governm ent a t the more effective th an would be a contin- She sat down in the g reat leather
sam e moment he w as addressing th e uation of th e A m erican cam paign if chair by the fireplace, and the wild,
A m erican conrgess.
conducted along th e present lines.
childish horror In her eyes touched him
The P resident asked no action w hat­
to an am azed pity. “Mother, I don't
ever of congress.
H e sim ply in­
w an t to h u rt yon, but you must. 1
form ed it of th e accum ulation of facts ;
have a right now to know.”
proving th a t G erm any’s assurances to !
“Yes, yes.” She p u t her hands to
th e U nited S tates are being violated
W ashington, D. C.— A d ra ft of th e h er white-powdered cheeks. “Yes, yes,
and th a t th e subm arine cam paign, de- naval ap p ro p riatio n bill, the second of of course. T here Isn’t much. It w as
sp ite th e ea rn est p ro tests of th e U nit- th e ad m in istra tio n ’s g rea t prepared- In this room, Richard. H e came home
ed S tates, is being conducted w ith re- ness m easures, was reported by a sub- one night and said he had killed a
newed vigor in contravention of all the com m ittee Tuesday to the house naval man. I—it w as aw ful!—he had no
law s of nations and hum anity, and th a t | com m ittee, w hich Thursday begins blood on him, Richard, b u t one felt he
he means to sever relations unless it is consideration of th e construction sec­ had blood all over; It w as In his eyes,
brought w ithin the law. D iplom atic tion.
P resen t indications are th a t th e pro­ an d — H e said It w as all right—no
histo ry of th e world shows th a t such a
five-year building program will one could touch him, b ut be bad to
course is alm ost ce rtain to be followed
be approved, b u t th a t th e first y e a r’s go— for always. And then he cursed
by war.
allotm ent of new ships will be increas­ me—and then he fell on his knees—
The P resident said:
here—by this chair—and burled his
“ I have deemed it my duty, th e re­ ed from tw o dreadnaughts and two
face In my lap—and cried. It w as
fore, to say to th e Im perial German
governm ent th a t if i t is still its pur­ ta ry D aniels, to tw o dreadnaughts and aw ful, Richard—a man like th a t—to
cry.” H er voice cracked, and became
pose to prosecute relentless and indis­ four b a ttle cruisers.
The m easure as subm itted by the ap ­ thin and broken like an old, worn-out
crim in ate w arfare a g a in st vessels of
commerce by the use of subm arines propriations subcom m ittee carries a Instrum ent. "Then he w ent aw ay—
notw ithstanding the now dem onstrated to tal of $217,652,174 for the com ing and one day a man cam e to me and
im possibility of conducting th a t w ar­ year, on a basis of th e se c re ta ry ’s rec­ told me lie w as dead—b u t I never
knew. I alw ays believed I should
fa re in accordance w ith w hat the gov­ om m endations of four capital ships.
ernm ent of th e U nited S tates m ust
He knelt beside her. and, tak in g her
consider the sacred and indisputable
hands between his own, soothed them
rules of in ternational law and th e uni­
like a child's. There w as som ething
versally recognized d ic tates of human­
London—T hree Zeppeilns visited th e In the action curiously a t variance “ He Came Here Cne Night and Said
ity, the governm ent of th e U nited
He Had Killed a Man."
with bis expression, which w as hard
S tate s is a t last forced to th e conclu­ ea stern counties Monday night.
They dropped incendiary bombs, ac­ and reckless.
sion th a t there is but one course it can
violent emotion hnd made tem pora­
pursue, and th a t unless the Im perial cording to an official announcem ent. : “ B ut Sower—” She turned her rily old and haggard. H e hnd been
G erm an governm ent should now im ­ The conditions w ere ideal for th e Zep- faded, frightened eyes to him. “ I never seated by the card-table, but now
m ediately declare and effect an aban­ pelin raiders. The n ig h t was dark and understood that, R ichard; I never un­ looked up, und for an In stan t they
derstood why he shielded us. It frig h t­
donm ent of its p resent methods of the atm osphere clear.
The raid ers appeared a t about the ened me. Only once he spoke of It. w atched each other In open hatred and
w arfa re again st passenger and fre ig h t
carrin y vessels, th is governm ent can custom ary hour and seemed a little un­ H e said he would never m ake use of
F arq u h ar cam e forw ard, nml his
have no choice but to sever diplom atic certain as to th e ir location, as the th e pow er—unless w e m ade him. But
passed sw iftly from one silent
relatio n s w ith the governm ent of the
It w as his fath er who had lieen—m ur­
diary bombs were being dropped.
G erm an em pire a lto g e th e r.”
dered. It w asn’t natural, Richard, U figure to the other. Anil again It w as
w asn ’t n atu ral th a t he should forgive.” A rnaud's face which fascinated him.
"W h at has happened?” he asked.
U. S. to Hold von Igel.
“ No,” he agreed sternly; and then
No one answ ered for a moment.
Vallejo, Cal.— O rders have been re­ a fte r a m cm ent's silence: “And my
New Y ork— W olfe von Igel will not
Preston drew him self op.
be released from custody and only a ceived a t th e Mare Island navy yard fath er—was there no reason—bad he
“ We w ere having a q u iet gam e,” he
no explanation?”
p a rt of th e docum ents seized a t the d icrectin g an inspection and survey of
as though each w ord w ere torn
tim e of his a rre st on a charge of being all privately-ow ned vessels in th is dis­
from him by force—"A rnand, Lowe
im plicated in a plot to destroy the tr ic t th a t m ight be available as auxil­ she freed herself and stood up, her
pressed and I—w hen this gentlem an and Cap­
The order d i­ clenched.
W elland Canal will be returned to the iaries in tim e of war.
grown ta in Sower arrived. It seems there's
G erm an em bassy, U. S. A ttorney H. rects th a t a rep o rt be made to th e
been a leakage somewhere. I can’t
S. M arshall announced Thursday. H is Navy d ep artm en t on all d etails of the suddenly electric.
“ I w as the excuse,” she said explain. I hardly understand myself.
sta te m en t was made in explanation of work th a t would be rqeuired for th e
th e la test phase of th e tangle which conversion of such vessels and a list fiercely. “And I w as excuse enough.” Mr. F orth, perhaps you’ll be good
"You?” H e also had risen, and as enough—”
followed the a rre st of th e form er sec­ furnished of th e governm ent or p riv ate
The man addressed bowed,
re ta ry to C aptain F ranz von Papen. yards a t which th e necessary work they stood there facing each other,
Von Igel now is declared to be an a t­ could be done w ithin 14 days a fte r a th e subtle resem blance o f tem pera­ clean-shaven fare w as expressionless.
m ent seemed to blaze through their
declaration of h o stilities.
“The duplicate plans of Captain
tach e of th e G erm an em bassy.
featu res like some Inward fire, chang­ Sow er's new aero-gun have been sto­
ing all physical dissim ilarity to a con­ len,” he said tersely. “They w ere In
Lisbon Expels G erm ans.
C hinese Revolt Gains.
Captain Sower’s possession, and he
P aris— As a resu lt of th e entran ce j vincing likeness.
San Francisco — Independence of
“Yes. You don’t understand, Rich­ w as Instructed to give full Information
Y uan Shi K ai has been declared by of P ortugal into th e war, G erm ans in
F o rt K iang Yin, of Tu Tung, both th a t country have been notified to de­ ard —you are too young. B ut It Is to the younger officers under bis com­
near N ankin, in th e province of Kiang- p a rt w ithin five days, a Lisbon dis­ women like m yself who drive men to mand. Various Incidents led him to
such things. We are educated to be believe th a t the secret had not l»een
su, on th e Y ang-tse-K iang, according patch to th e Temps says.
T his order applies to all G erm ans ; professional vampires, and the more properly kept. H e p u t th e m atter Into
to Shanghai advices to th e Chinese Re­
public association here.
I t indicates except men of m ilitary age and fitness, brains w e have the more deadly w e my hands, and I’ve followed the clue
th a t th e revolution ag a in st Yuan Shi who are to be interned on T erciera are.” She gave a short. Ironical laugh. he gave me—here.” H e paused, sto­
ically unconscious of the nlmost th e­
K ai has spread into K iangsu province, Island, one of th e Azores, w here a I “Don’t you w ant to curse me?”
which, if it declares its independence, sta te of siege has been declared. All
“No,” h e answ ered simply. “ I d o n 't atrical tension which his silence
would m ake th e ninth province in com m ercial tran sactio n s w ith Germans, curse you any more than I believe my caused. F arq u h ar glanced about him.
China dom inated by th e revolutionists. th e Tem ps says, are declared void.
fath er does If he Is alive. If he Is H is own pulses were beating faster.
A Story o f the French Legion
in Algiers
Coast City Is Bombarded By
Kaiser’s Warships.
Vilid Reported Alive, Wounded,
and Again Located in Mountains
Six Battleships Proposed.
Three Zeppelins Raid in England.
“ W all?"
!t waa Lowe who had
hrokcn Ilio lutolerahle B ile n c o .
had never for ali Installi llfted bis eyes
frolli thè face of thè lumi acnted Ite
ncath th è llght, « u n i uow Ite look a
step forw ard ns Ululigli lo meet thè
answ er.
Amam i looked up wlth a
tw ltchlng amile He put bis band to
bis breast pocket uud drew nut a thln
»heaf of trau sp aren t papvr and lald
It on thè table.
“ Le volta !” he sald.
F or a full m inute no uno spoke a
word. Kach m an's uttentlon w as celi
termi mi thè slleut. dcadly w ltness
agallisi thè houor of uue am ong thetn.
Theu F a rq u h a r Utokeil up and in rt Ar
n t t u d 'a eyes. H e reud Riero more thau
m ere hrnvudo—a nerveless, hlileous
fear, th e panic stricken appeal of a
man who has trem bled for days on the
brink of ruin and feels the ground
slipping beneath him. And this was
Sylvia's O m ney's future! I 'arilaliar
turned Involuntarily to Lowe.
* '*
faint. Ironical smile played uround the
m a n s h ard mouth. It w as the m erest
shadow, hut It bespoke a purpose trl-
uiuphantly accom plished
" C a p t a in A rnam l has saved a g reat
T a k t ' u r I iis . h o f S u ll» lo riunii
K id n e y s if b l a d d e r b o t h e r s
Hating m eat regularly eventually
produces kidney Irouhlu In aomo form
or other, says a well known authority,
because the uric acid In m eat excites
the kidneys, they become overw orked,
gel slu g g ish ; clog up and cause all
so rts of d istress, particularly back
. ache and m isery In the kidney region;
rheum atic twinges, severe headaches,
torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and
urinary Irritation
The m om ent your back h u rts or kid-
< acting right, or If bladder
bothers you. get about four ouncea of
8 O n # l |u
, ifi IM
Jd „ • t b l i a i i r,n
i Jui,
i i wl
l ’V ; '
,ak „ „ ubleapoonful |„ a glass of
w ater before breakfast for a few days
amt your kidneys will then act fine,
This famous salts Is mude from Ihu
a d d of grupea and lemon Jiilcu. com
hlncd with llthla. unit has been used
deal of trouble," he observed brutally. for generations to flush clogged kid
Still A rnam l did nut move.
I l l s ' neys anil stim u late them to norm al
w hite h a n d s lay p a raly zed In frout of! activity; also to neutrulU e the acids
him, am i his eyes loul become blank In the urine so It no longer Irritates,
am i aluplil looking, like those of au thus ending bladder disorders.
Jail Halts cannot Injure anyone;
a n im al w hich Is being done to d eath
Itlclinrit F n rq u lm r took a step nearer, m akes u delightful effervescent llthla
w ater drink which millions of mcii and
anil, picking up th e papers, held them women take uow and theu to keep the
us though w eighing them.
kidneys and urinary organs clean,
“ W alt a minute. D on't he In such thus uvotdiug serious kidney dlseuac.
a hurry . I ta k e the res|>onslblllty for j
. . . . . . ... - .
this bu sin ess."
Monsy In Dandelion Roots.
They s ta re d a t him. H e w a s still
Helling dandelion ro ots a t 4 to 0
w eighing the p apers an d sm iling ra t h e r c e n ts per pound offers a p r e t ty fair
wryly, l i e waa th ink ing of Sylvia at ‘ prvml'im on rem o vin g th e d andelion
Unit . moment,
and I'reston'S
strick en
" ' • * ! ' • ' iKiunds
,lul^ nnd
, ,
o r m o re a re
cry o f h o rro r sounded dull and fa r off. ,m p o r t,„, a n m m , | y tnto , h „ im itfil
"You! W hat do you mean. Far- S tates It seem s thut many a young boy
quhar? I w on't believe It. It's Into)- f or girl ought to m ake fairly good
entitle— lui|Miealble. Say you d id n 't— I wages by collecting and preparing
dandelion roots for the drug trade.
didn't sell them, F arq u h ar!"
T he root Is used m edicinally In dis
“Cnptnln A rnam l will explain," w as rase s of the liver und dyspepsia, re ­
the a n sw e r.
ports Il S. Hammond, of the O. A. C.
A rn am l rose slowly to his feet. He Botuny dep artm en t, t ’orvallls Ore.
w as s t a rin g across the table Into Far-
q u h a r 's fats», stupidly, tm-redulouslj.
H a v e l l e n l t b f , S t r o n g . l l M e l l f e l Hype
O c u l i s t s S l id H f a t a t a i i u s e d K u r i l , « X ; s
a n d w hen he spoke It w a s lu the mono-
R rsisd y sisiiy y e a rs b efu rs II w as offersd a s a
to ne nf a m an u n d e r a hypnotic com- D u a r s l l c K j r M e d i c i n e . M u r i n e la Mllll C o m ­
p o u n d ed by O u r I 'b y s i c la n s a n d g u a r a n t e e d
mil ml.
' They wen* offered me.” he said C by a r t e b e m T r y a e l i a I n H e y U u a u b r l a E y K e e » l l s e u f i f t o I r n E l y l a e b s y I b a a E t y N e e s * e d *
“ L ieutenant F a r q u h a r off«.red them to N u S m a d l n g J u s t E y e C o m f o r t H u y K u r i n a
me. 1 disliked It; hut I am a good of y u u r ! > r u f f < r ts l ~ a* < r p t n u S u b s t i t u t e , a n d It
i n t e r e s t e d w i l l s f o r ll.-oh o f t b s E r s T r e e .
Frenchm an, ami the tem ptation was M I I . I M C E I K I . I V M i i t U . , C 1 I 1 C A U O
too great. 1 bought them. 1 can only
add -th at I re g re t —” H e stumiuereil
Kill One, Of Course.
and broke off with a real helplessness
Ho (of the m ilitia ) — "T u p s” are
F arq u h ar turned from him to Sower, played every night on th e bugle. It
The la tte r's fealures had nssumed a m eant "lights out " They play It over
the bottles of dead soldiers
m ask of Ironical acceptance.
Miss Innocence—W hat do you do If
"In th at case there Is no more to tie
you h aven't a dead soldier?—Boston
salti," he observetl etyolly. “ We can T ranscript.
uow credit Mr. F u rq u h ar's statem en t.”
F arq u h ar bowed.
Alt W ith Him.
"D on't any of your friends come to
Thank you." he said simply
P reston crossed the ro o m 'a n d flung * ? V f ou - n
«>•>•»" *«>‘ed the
»pen the door with a cool d elib eratio n ., „1”
. „ . 7 responded No. 777.444;
“Good-by, F arquhar. I hope you havg "th ey 're all h ere wit' me."
decency enough left to kuow w hat to
F o r a short space which seemed an
eternity F arq u h ar hesitated.
scorn and bitterness in flic boy's eyes
hnd stung him. An hour ago be had
been h alf a hero, ami now w as noth­
ing. beneath even contem pt. Then he,
too, bowed.
"I resigned my commission tills
morning. ”
W ash th e poisons and toxins from
"God be thanked for th a t.”
system before puttlnQ more
H e w ent down the narrow stalrn Into
food Into etomach.
the street. Someone touched him on
the nrm. He turned und saw A rnaud!
a new Arnaud, grown calm, alm ost
Says Inside-bathing m akes any­
Indifferent. He wus smoking, and th e '
one look and feel clean,
faint reflection from Ills cigar lighted
sw eet and refreshed.
iqi the w hite com posure of his feutures.
"I w a n t to spvuk to you for a mo­
W ash yourself on the lmddo before
m ent," he sold. “ I w ant to ask you— b reak fast like you do on the outside.
why you did th at?" F arq u h ar m ade; T his Is vastly more linportunt because
no answ er, nml be w ent on deliber­ the skin pores do not ubsorb Im puri­
ately: "You are not mad. You do not j ties into th e blood, m using Illness,
while the bowel pores do.
love me. Y'ou have good reason to hute
For every ounce of food and drink
tak en into th e stom ach, nearly an
"You «re to he Miss O m ney's h u s -! ounce of w aste m aterial m ust be ear-
band. My feelings tow ard her bave not rleil o ut of th e body. If th is w aste
changed. I considered It my business m aterial Is not elim inated day by dsy
quickly ferm ents and generates
to defend you. The sacrifice w as not It
poisons, gasos and toxins which are
so g reat as it may seem. I hail lost absorbed or sucked into the blood
practically everything before. W hat stream , through the lymph durts,
rem ained I elione to lose In my own which should suck only nourishm ent
to sustain the body.
w ay."
A splendid heulth m ensuro Is to
“ It w asn 't all for myseif. I was
before b reak fast eaeh day, a
pretty d esperate nml not so cool when drink,
of real hot w ater with a tea-
, .
, ,
. _
i « glass
----- —
1,owe cam e with his second offer. ^ ou spoonful of lim estone phosphate In It,
in guess w hat th a t was. Com pared | whleh Is a harm less way to wash these
to betraying one's own country It poisons, gnscs and toxins from the
seeuieil clean business. And I let you stornarli, liver, kidneys and howels
bear the brunt. Uow does thut strik e thus cleansing, sw eetening and fresh ­
ening the e n tire alim entary eanal be­
you ?”
fore putting m ore food Into the stom ­
“P an ic—the Instinct o f sclf-preser- ach.
vntlon. I counted on It. The fu tu re
A q u arte r pound of lim estono phos­
will he different.”
phate coHts but very little a t the drug
■tore but Is sufficient to m ake anyone
“ H ow do you mean?"
an en th u sia st on Inside bathing Men
F a rq u h a r tu rn ed round anil faced anil women who a re aecuatom ed to
him w ith deliberate significance.
wake up with a dull, selling head or
“ It m ust lie,” he said. "As for me, have furred tongue, had taste, nasty
I am done for. Though no one will breath, sallow com plexion, o thers who
__ fact have billons attack s, acid stom ach or
speak of w hat has happened, the
remains. Miss Omney believesTn you ! constipation a re assured of pro-
1 nouncod im provem ent In both health
and so do I—-to some extent. I am , and appearance shortly,
sufficiently In sym pathy with you tn
- _____________ __
credit the sincerity of your feelings, j
Unobserving Fate.
Am I Justified?”
| Full m any a flow er is born to blush
A rnaud met his eyes full.
And w aste Ita sw eetness on tho dea­
‘ Von are.”
e r i air;
"W ell, th a t Is w hat I believe. I bold
you In paw n, C aptain Arnaml, for your ° F\ v i t T i h n '*«nt*” V*r ” Ka8ol!ne
w ife's happiness
If you fall her. If
W Uhl" th e *Ut° ° f "0nle “ dy f‘ lr'
you risk h er fnltli In you a second time,
I shall not hesitate to act.”
l i e lifted his hnt ceremoniously and
Dr I STAC Thompson's
passed along the narrow street to the
g reat thoroughfare beyond.
T h e Old and Reliable
Will F arq u h ar’* Influence over
Arnaud be atrong enough to hold
th e Frenchm an in th e e tra lg h t
and narrow path and cauae him
to be a good husband to Sylvia?
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
la b o th ■ rem ed y fo r w eak . In d en ted
*»*■ »«it til IdMl n o « u h . I « p
IW m i «II ■■( t n Will help h u p ye«
9< L .
a til
Ibeatth « tn l W
E*it w*e
tl e r o
IM R iv e r S t.. T ro y . N. Y.