The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 20, 1916, Image 5

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Edwin Dowriii.,» down to
Sublimity Thursday s h a k i n g
hands with his friends for the
first time sine ? he took down
with his r cor t illness last Aug­
l*"l> y lig h t. Ml", by tho MuClurs
N* w e iper Hymlleiito |
Hill« M'na u I iuon I t'XrlUalvt'lj' luki'li up
ulK'iiiliiig lu lit-r uuiits
W lirn I Ini
lowi't'ii «vim iii>prourlilii|f riiim wan In
Vlltnl til u unlliiTlin! Ill I!«• In III nil (lull
Wi'lillitf at lili' Iiousu iif mm uf lit'i* Inti
uuitii frlpudn, Milua Ktewurt. Imt Iwr
luotlirr hum loo uruk In mliiill of lior
•"«■p lln g tlio InvItutInti, Tills wan a
(r r a t dlnappnlntmi>nt to H ip clrl. who
after n iirrvloiiN llu l.oivii'u party lm■ l
Hull lu ll In flin If'ltu la roll' l l llllilt till'
liutliprlna from wlilt'll two ililTi'iviil oil
ItuKi'iiioiitn linil roaulteil
“ W ell," mii til Clara to beraelf, " I f I
umnt unit to iiu'i't my fato ut a llal
lotvt'i'ii party 1 nliall dlo mi old unit'I
1 Mi|i|iuap."
Tho party convened ut tbo Htewari
bump "on tbo bill." an tin* prlm-lpul
rpnltlcnro port Imi of tlic town wan
called, I ii tbo afternoon
Tbo Klienta
were lo remullí for dinner, after w bldi
they were to tell nh'mt utorleu by Hie
flrellglit ami occupy tbcuiaclvro with
other appropriate Halloween npei bit
lien. The day wan a typical October
one, and when night fell Clara thought
o f tho party of young pe motín Hitting
around the flrcphiee llntonlng to the
ghoat atorlcn.
Going to nee If her
mother wanted anything, nhe found
her looking comparatively well
“ Clara," mild Hie Invalid, "I am feel
lug an well thin evening Hint I cun
■pare you. Go up to the Stewurtn and
Join In the featlrltlea. (Jet what plea
ure there In left of the gathering and
don’t hurry borne. You'd better Hike
the electric lig h t"
M idway between her home nud the
Stewart* etood a vacant house It hud
been prepared for a bride and groom,
but Junt before they were to have been
married muñe trouble urone between
them and Ncpnrntcd them
Clara wan obliged to puss II i I h houne
while going to the Stewarts. The way
m n lonely and dimly lighted by a
■treet lump here and there. Junt before
reaching Hie dcKcrted houne nhe heard
a footntep aliovu and fur a moment
anw a inan'n tlguro coining toward her
The nltuatlon for a young girl won
not a pleiinant one. She could not tell
whether the comer wna o f hlgti or low
It occurred lo her to g o Into the
yard o f the dexerted houne and re
muln In dorktienN till he had panned
Standing beidde a box tree that bad
been planted thirty yearn liefore." *li• ■
waited The limn came on and »topped
before the place where alie wan hiding
Clara, terrllhxl, ran to the houne. w hich
wan back nonio distance from the nlde
walk, and up on to a rear porch. I ‘eep
lug from her new hiding place, she
caught a glimpse o f the iiuiu coming
acronn tho street. Slie convulsively put
her hand on Hie knob o f a door to
o|M*n It and was surprised at being ab le
to do no. Tile wood bad rotted away
from Hie Iron receptacle into which Hie
bolt wna shot.
The poor girl was less frightened at
la-lug alono In the deaorted houne than
the would have been at facing the
tnnn who seemed to be bent on ilndlng
her. I to bad doubt lens men her enter
the premises, and the lion r and Its
surroundings were lonely and desert­
ed. There wan barely enough light
for her to nee an n|ieliliig through
which she passed, and. feeling her way,
her hand rested on a banister Ascend
lug a staircase, nhe saw the light of
the sky through an o|sm door nhd
window and entered a room
trembling like an aspen, nhe crouched
In a corner.
Meanwhllo n wind arose, and the
easements o f the windows, which were
loose, rattled, and the few blinds that
had not liecn shaken off by other winds
began to slain Itenidos, the sky had
become covered with clouds, and the
poor girl could not nee her hand before
her face. Mho bad heeded her mother’s
Injunctions to bring an electric lamp
and bad It in a bng which she carried
on her arm.
Putting out n hand, she felt a pic e
o f furniture, but could not tell wlint
It wns. Taking her lamp front her
bng, she flashed It.
She wns standing before a bureau
and looking straight Into the mirror
In the mirror wns a reflection o f a
man’s hend and shoulders.
A ncrentn wns suppressed at seeing
not tho face o f n murderer, but a young
man In evening dress. Moreover, the
moment the lamp was Mashed he smiled
In n twinkling Clara found herself not
only free from her supposed danger,
but protected from real or Imaginary
"Ito n 't lie frightened.” said the man
quickly. “ Aren't you Miss Clara Dun
"Y es."
" I ’m Fred Stewart. I came home In
timo for my sister’s Halloween parly,
borne one telephoned from your house
that you hnd started lu come up the
hill, and I thought I would meet you
on tho way. I fancied I saw a wo­
man como In here and that It might be
you. so I " —
“ Oh. I ntn so thankful!" Interposed
"F o r heaven's sake take me
out o f here.”
Whether Clara collapsed In Ills nrins
or not neither o f them ever told. At
any rnte, she leaned heavily upon him
as they left the house, he Illuminating
tho w ay with the electric lamp, and
later they appeared at the young man’s
home, where they found the party bob­
bing fo r apples.
The only engagement that resulted
front that Halloween gathering was
that o f Clara Duncan nud Fretl Stew­
a rt
! .. it month the following colored
. eiilieuieii and pollHclmis met ut Para-
due hall lu icMpoiinu to n circular lot
ci from III oilier tJardner:
■llldge rerslliiuiou l.oughody o f Tim-
liessee. w ho held Ihii ollleu o f coustublo
once for thirty days nud known how
good It Is.
colonel fiibiiT itoeky o f Kentucky,
who sweeps out Ihu poHlullli o lu Loula-
vllle. tint hnd far rather lie poatmaa-
ItniHsbouiid Johnson o f Muryluud,
who has led Ills cohort* against many
a melon patch and will again, by thun­
Majoi Pinker of Ohio, who nays that
luklii.: a ehl*Ucii off tho roost without
a Mipiuwk Is un art.
Several other delegate» were to he
on hand, hut the countable rullb-d In
force and drove them buck.
Ilrotlier Gardner stated that the
uu-clllig wigs for the purpose o f put­
ting a presidential ticket III the Held ut
an early dale and the party would be
called "the Possum party.” The m ai­
ler was thoroughly dlseussed and set­
tled, and there was an adjourum iiit to
u luter date.
There was a mighty gathering at
Puradlne hall Saturduy evening, and,
uctlug mi tile suggestion o f Ilrotlier
Gardner, iilsmt tlfty uieniliern had
brought their wives with them. It hud
ts-eii announced on tile bulletin board
that Hie lion. Crabtree Jones o f Ala
baiiiu would deliver a political n|ioech,
and tile audience wan ready to give
liltn an eiitliusluNtlc greeting. lie up
pealed promptly at tile hour named
uud wan Introduced by the president
amid vociferous applause.
"Ilenpectablo fellow citizen»," began
I be orator us lie got Ills feet planted ou
Hie proper spot, “ two weeks ago dar
was a Is,ruin' In dls famous hull which
has made talk fur lU.OtJO.MIO jieople.
It was ile Isiruln' o f u new isdltleul
"M y fr'eu'n, I hud bln wallin’ thirty
y'urs fur do dawn o f freedom. I bev
bln waitin' thirty y arn fur de birth o f
do Possum party.
“ Freemen o f free land, patriots who
ar’ lakln’ yo'r fust breath o f liberty.
I m lookin' at dut stuff possum which
we have adopted nn our sacred emblem
mi’ arter which we Itev taken our
[Typhooulc je lls .)
Dar him
elier bln a bond o f sympathy between
de cull'l man an' de possum.
liaveu't luid a show will de big game.
1'ey bus hail to keep still (111 folks look
ed upon 'em as dead. (Signs o f groaim
and repres*ed agitation I
It's gwlue to astonish a hull continent
de way dut imihsuui will let go an'
drup down Into de row nn' demand an’
tight fur Ills sheer o f de spiles. [W h irl­
winds o f applause, during which the
stove fell over unheeded |
" Yo’ Jest git out yo’r pemdls nn'
llgger n min It. Here's otier 3.0U0.0OH
black Mien In ills kentry who am enti­
tled to walk to ile polls ou iecknllUU
day nn'east a vote. If dev but bang to­
gether yo' can't count' ctu out nor keep
'em back.
Item 3.000.000 votes am
gw Inc to lie east for principle, but
dotin' make no mistake lim it principle.
W e used to ililnk dnt It meant votin'
on sortin' Hues nn' dot George Wash
Iniftou, Abraham Lincoln, de eonstltl-
n I h i ii o f de I id le d States an' neliernl
odder things was mixed up wid It. an'
we walked up an’ put in our voles as
If each nn’ etierj' one wns gwlue to
save de keutry.
Hut we Turned It
from d " w hile man. (Cries o f 'Y o' bet
we l i e i !' J W e hov Tamed dat be sots
out on a jMdittenl campaign wid a cart
load o f principles to gib away free
grails an' punctuate Ids speeches, but
when de ballots am counted up lie lays
down Ids principles to plek up Ills o f
"W e am gwlue to take a flyleaf from
do white man's book. W e'll stick to
pi luclples, but we'll look out fur de
spiles as well.
"M y fr'eu's, daylight has cum at last
fur us
W e's got our bundles packed
an’ bev started on de road, We'q got
headed right, ini' we's only to keep on
to Mud de lsve tree an' bo on band
when tie honey am divided up. (Yells
for honey. J Keep yo'r eye on de |*is-
ninu nn' jo 'r brains in yo'r heads an'
j o ’ll win n victory dnt Hunker m il
couldn't hold a candle to.
hoarseness, blit prodigious applause.|
I want a word mo' befo' I close. Ids
am lo be a plain, almost campaign on
our part. W e ain't gw lue to say much,
but wlint we do say will lilt do barn
doah like a load o f buckshot. Doan'
git de Idea dat big words am gwlue to
help yo' win w hat belongs to yo’. Ho-
fo' ills mootin' opened tonight I heard
Waydown Hcliee obsarve dat de malig­
nant Innuendo o f de torrid alMlashun
would enhance de glncrallty of de pom
poslty. lie probably meant well, an
utehlie Ills observation has helped us
to git started, but I hope he won't do
it agin. Doan' nobody do It. Dls am
no dictionary campaign. (No, no!] It
will lie plain pudilin’ an’ milk at homo
an’ plain I'.nglMi when yo’ am walkin’
up nnd down wid a possum badge ou
yo'r breast an' a Mag o f liberty In yo'r
hand. Nullin' counts quicker nor hard­
er dan to call a man n liar, an' do
langnltfge am no simple dnt n child kin
understand It. 1 will now return yo’
my thanks nn' b<#v my gratitude fa r
do welcome hnndcd out to me."
The orator sat down amid npplnitso
that broke windows nnd put out lights,
and It was continued tintII the | n >II co
came up the alley stairs and dropped
th'-ee women nnd four men down upon
Hie sand pile below The I ’ossum | tar­
ty may be said to have got hold o f Its
nursing bottle with a good grip.
tJDgesiisn So Great Third Bu­
llig li n i; Plan Fourth.
l ’un no i Siin e Ilio ni'cnlng o f tho
cullili II JC.II ago lite slilpplng In tho
i- i "i t'rluobal. ut tbo nortliern end
. water a j, liua Incrensed so rap­
limi ilio iw o 1.000 foot sfoci end
coll lei,- pli-l'M. costlng
f i n ii,
are no I ingcr adequato lo curo for ilio
»■ni uni uni of frclgbt blindici!.
I III ni pier I< being bulli, and plana for
I re inclitiy thè congesllon ut Ilio two
idei - I h ., timi slilps liut o t<>
« ni Ihelr lin a In order lo gei dis-klng
co c.i i bis ir eausilig considerati« do­
lly lo trafile. oH|H'<dully lliut whleh
<o .e. io Hie btlinius io I h ., resblpped
lo i-oliii- a long ilio colisi« o f (.'entrai
and Sonili Ainerlcu. Theso brokeu enr-
g '« " are freqiH-ntly deluyed from a
monili !<• slx weeks.
li timi I mmii lliought flint Hiillsiu, thè
laiiliein teriiiluus of ilio canal, would
bee -aie llie numi Importiiut transshlp-
l-lii pori o f Mie ranni tcrnilnul. Tw o
l. io i foni plora extendlng luto tho In­
ni i li ri or. Is'sldes |wo long sliore line
nici . nere pliinned and are now la
• ou >• of con-.iructlon
DMbials now,
ho .-, l'Ver. are o f die opinion that tlil»
wlll in* far more tinnì lini boti wlll ro-
qulre for some yeara to come.
li u.c. e\|-ecied that thè South Am er­
ican i.ti-niushlp lliics would mako that
thclr teruiltial port nini tliut probaldy
some of thè Atlantic eonucrtliig links
w uld pii » lliiougli Ilic illuni to dellvcr
tlmtr • r
(he Hnllioa dock»; also
II i . ih thoiight that thè cargo whleh
di i noi come through thè canal In this
uianncr v.uuld he handled hy tho Pan
ulna rullriNid.
The Smith American stentnahlp linea,
howeVfr. suddcnly deelded to pass
through The canal and pirli tip thelr
ciug-sM nt thè Crlstohal terminala l>e
eau • lliev leiirmsl thev could uso thè
canal, pa; big thè tolls oli a ballast tin­
si» olle way. return wiili a full hold
and do It ebeii|ier than If tbey rnade
HalUiii Thelr terminal. The lilgh tldcs
ut thè H. i II mni terminala nlso had muoh
tu do tritìi thelr deiiston.
fretg'iì rates mi thè Panama ratlroad
are subì to he vcry blgli
Dog Warns by T.lephona.
Paris. An - i* "In ; to the Gurett* <lo
France, a c« rtnlu French regiment pos-
senses n ilog \. hi i Is sent out from *(1
vnilooil si'ntrv |»ost.N nt night with n
telephone sjroipe.l over Ills mouth nml
a wire "Tin •- ¡lug the In irument with
the pH- i
li the il"g hears the Ger­
mans Mppn>:ii tilng It barks quietlj- Into
the telephone
Dalica^o Instruments.
Though the man In the street might
ensllj' mistake a slight seismic dla-
turbance for the rumbling o f a trac­
tion engine or an explosion, the tunr-
velotislj- delicate Instruments which
record earthquake alto- ks are tmniune
fro'.u such deceptions
Sunk In the
earth on solid foundation*, the record­
ing pen o f the seismometer Ignores
uny I" al tremblings which have uot a
seismic origin, liut the fnlntcst real
earth quaking*, though they have trav­
eled thousands o f miles through the
earth. s«q the pen tracing the telltale
griipli bj means of which the seis­
mologist calculates the place, lime nnd
magnitude o f Hie happening.— London
< 'hrontele
Splendor of Venus.
Venus Is the nmst brilliant of all tho
planets. When east o f the sun she ap­
pears In the west after sunset, but
when near the western elongation she
given only matinee performances be­
fore sunrise
Through the telescope
slip presents much the appearance o f
burnished silver without spot or blem­
ish. So dazzling Is she that astrono­
mers have been able to discover little
concerning our neighbor, except that
she is surrounded by nn atmosphere
tilled with dom ls. making It doubtful
whether any view o f the solid h sly o f
Hie planet can ever be obtained liven
through that veil she Is sometimes so
bright ns to east a distinct shadow.—
London Telegraph.
M it M irctr.ary.
t ¡. .It
M ill
m er-
-A t—
a loiirtli lui ve bei li d ra w ii up.
O um bi'l Drothar Laborer.
Ml- "lia . Mont. Alex I nimba, broth
er o f the Austrian amlinssador at
Washington. Is « section hand at 8t.
Itigi.s. Mont., for the Northern Pacific.
’. lex said lie was denied the ad
vantages and education his famous
brother re clved.
Alex was angered
when he l -arned o f Ambassador Dum-
t-a's recent trouble.
Leo Gray ar.d wife of Orenco,
Oregon, were visiting relatives
here for the past few days.
Tiie Siiverton Dramatic Club, under the Direc­
tion of Mr. Jack Weltemeyer, in a
Three Act Comedy
A Regular
Same Cast that Played Peg O’ My Heart here
Several Weeks Ago.
Prices 15c and 35c
W. W. Williams, the inventor
and maker of the Auto-writer,
visited Stayton and the Stayton
schools during t h e week-end.
On Monday he was in the school,
: demonstrating the practical val­
ue of this little device. It seem­
ed to be the opinion o f all the
teachers that this device will
render material assistance in se­
curing muscular movement i n
State Sup’ t Churchill and as­
sistant Sup’ t Carleton on their
recent visit t o t h e Stayton
schools were very much impress­
ed with the playground appara­
tus. They are preparing a new
recreation manual and are send­
ing Mr. Harrington of the State
Department to Stayton to get all
information possible in regard to
our playground equipment.
is very pleasing to the teachers
to have them take our plans as
Several new pieces o f appara-
t is will be built soon, which will
make the grounds here the best
equipped in Marion county.
Mr. Williams, the penmanship
teacher, who visited us this week
had nothing hut praise for our
work in writing.
He said that
the work done here by Prof.
Hoffer, was far above the aver­
age and only equalled in one or
two schools throughout the entire
c nmty.
The Parent-Teachers meeting
ntonejr held at the high school auditor­
W ill U
I ’ itts
IV l' il 1•iMMlVll
fo r
It.' *
ium last Friday evening was at­
burgh P.'si
tended by a very large crowd.
Italian Staff of Lif*.
T o those who know the Itiillnn stalt Si veral pleasing numbers were
o f life only in one or two forms It will rendered by the school and or­
come ns n surprise that there are some
S. H. Heltzel a mem­
forty-four varieties, nil carefully d if­ chestra.
Neapolitan macaroni is ber o f the School Fair Committee
usually made simply o f household made a report as to the progress
Hour, well mixed, rolled Mat and then
shaped by various machines, but the being made on organization.
111* J o t •s il 1 rifi*
111 I O
paste may tie mixed with other In­
gredients. Thus tnglintell! Is produc­
ed by the addition of eggs, and Into
the composition o f gnocchi potatoes,
butter nnd cheese enter. Itnlinu chil­
dren may learn their letters and nu­
merals from edible copies, nml leaves
nml shells are some o f the many forms
which macaroni takes as biscuits do
with us.—London Chronicle.
West Stayton
Glenn Porter left for Alaska
J. C. Johnson and wife and
Roxy Gunsaules motored do n
from Corvallis Saturday a n d
spent the day at the Gunsaules
Sylvanus Neal made a business
trip to Salem this week.
Ed. McCormack and family are
intending to move on the Brown
ranch this week.
Frank Mack and wife of Hol­
ley, visited at the Briggs home
last week.
Mrs. Loose and Leona Forrette
called on Mrs. Dively Saturday
Dorthy Teman was a Salem
visitor Saturday.
The singing at the Fallneh
home Sunday evening was v.e.1
Mr. Fannauga and John H .r-
tog o f Portland, were visiting
about the city the first of the
Carrie *Bouck called on Mrs.
Arthur Forrette Saturday.
Sylvanus Neal and f a m i l y
moved to Silver Creek Thursday.
High School Notes Sublimity Shots
I'tiarj } "
“ No!
A number from here attended
the funeral of Pearl Humphrey,
who was burned at Rocky Point
cemetery Monday afternoon.
Victor Point
The entertainment given by
Theo. Highberger and family
Ava Darby and her pupils
were trading in Salem Tuesday.
Saturday night was well attend­
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Schinder ed and a success in every way.
from near Salem, were visiting
Mr. Reynolds of Salem, is
her folks, Mr. Peter Burghart.
spending the week at the N. W.
of Sublimity.
Savage home.
John Hughes and Arthur Seh-
Orville Doerfler of M a r i o n,
rieber, of Siiverton were seen in visited with relatives here the
Salem one clay last week.
first o f the week.
Miss Mary Burghart is visiting
A. Conait and family spent
her sister, Mrs. J. C. Schnider, Sunday at G. E. McClellan’s.
near Salem.
Miss Margaret Doeifler is
Mr. Frank Cretnet and family spending the week with friends
were visiting their daughter Mrs. in Salem.
John T. Hafner, last Sunday.
Mrs. I. Fisher will be the char­
Mr. Clem Schnider of Mount ming hostestfor the “ Idle Hour”
Angel, is visiting at the Peter club Wednesday.
Burghart home this week.
The V. P. Dramatic Club will
“ The Girl from the “ L ”
Harry Weaver of near Aums-
the W. 0. W. hul Sat­
vilie. was visiting at Joe High-
Don’t forget
berger’s this week.
the place and date.
Warren Richardson motored to
Albany last Thursday accompan­
ied by Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Schott
and son, Harold.
Jack Richard is making good
Jos. G. Etzel and wife of
use o f his Ford by hauling grain.
Salem, is now working for Ge-
Joe Brand motored to Jordan
hard Toelle
and purchased some clover seed
W. W. Hill of Springfield and
from Frank Rohwein.
family moved to the old Tyson
Frank Rohwein and sons are
place and is now farming on the
place for M. C. Bressler of Ash­ busy clearing land.
John Mielke and wife, Jessie
Chas. Hottinger brought his Shepherd and wife, and Chas.
new “ Buick Six” home from Crawford visited at the B. Broth-
Salem Saturday.
erton and F. Rohwein homes
M. C. Bressler o f Ashland,
was up to Sublimity on business
S. S. Brossart and w ife and
last Friday.
While in town Mr. Mrs. Marking visited at the F.
Bressler sold five head of cattle Rohwein home Sunday.
to Walt R. Heater, of Union Hill.
Jordan Valley Stock Farm is
Mathieu Gibson, our deputy as­ receiving many orders for wool
sessor was assessing the town as wool is in good demand this
last week.
John Heuberger returned home
from his visit in Kansas one day
The question o f ap|>oinling last week.
special committees t o instruct
Our road supervisor, J o h n
the children in their work was
d . i*t: sc 1 an I thought to be a ivintz has begun road work <>n
good plan. A t the next and Inn! the Nick Welter hill northeast of
Parent T.p.c’t ers meeting' l it e town.
plaits for the School Fair will be
aUve Tablet*.
Jordan Jingles
. l<
Business Directory
A Directory o f each City. Town and
Village, giving descriptive sketch of
each place, location, population, tele­
graph, shipping and banking point;
a lio Classified Directory, compiled by
business and profession.
R. L. ro i.K ft CO., REATTtaE