The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 30, 1916, Image 5

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K If Ik
W ashington MU.. P o rtlan d . Or.
The homelike a tupping place
for those who appreciate the
dollar's full worth.
R m m » I lk llalli.
H w a » I l k IM a rtia d H ath
llr a a k fa .t
I lla n .r .
ta l
Ig a r b o v a
I' -
Fem inina.
"T hera la one good thing about buy­
ing a really handsom e and expensive
dross," said Mrs. Hunting to Mrs. L ar­
"W hat Is th a t?"
“Why, you feel as though you really
ought to buy ano th er not quite ao good
to save your best one.”—i*uck.
Even th e Children.
"An em busqiie In French, a Blacker
In England, moans a man who shirks
the dangerous duties of war, and
am ong the w arring nations th e pur­
suit of em husques and slacken goes
on relentlessly .”
The speaker was Edna W allace Hop­
per, who has Just retu rn ed from
Franco. Hhe continued:
"Kveii the little children tak e th e ir
SUMtll pari In thin y l — US— pursuit.
They tell u story about a little girl In
Parts whose m other nald to h er In tho
" 'Look In th a t big autom obile—
iimt I- ii'ii. Joffre.'
"T he little girl looked a t th e v en er­
able com m ander-ln chief and frowned.
“ 'M amm a.' she nald severely, 'why
Isn't he In the trenchesT' “
Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School
Ihky and night clnaaoa. F*|mrt training
In rv|»*irtmr. tlrlving and machín# work,
Inrtuiting furar. lath*«, «hat^r, drill i»r»e*.
tractor«, ft»* Tlm<* Qi)limlt*l. t'OMI'K.-
ICV » U I 'I 'l . l F D
W K lT fc UH
T h e only AutumoliilK Hch««it on th e l*a-
eifir t ’>a«t m aiittain in g n t.a« Trartur
D ip l . t s in g H i l l t il U n H I U r , < L ltr»i
T rarltlayer and W hrel Tractor*. both In lit«
arhool an i u peratln g field.
4 i i lla w th o i ne A te ..
P o rtla n d . O ra.
Ktrhantfr your I'rotluff for («nod l\ Irosi
Ws want 1 ream, Kgs a. loultry. Drraaod
M—U Mths u» your n n l nhipirrnl.
P o rtla n d , O re g o n .
Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires
M—lr fm m your uld onou
f.» « l long
ns fir» 'i N«*w T lr r a
fur Junk.
)b m p»y as httfh *• 10 c
per III for su rh un w v c«n uw« in D oubl#
Tr+axl w ork. iut«l tb * hitfhcuit m ark et
S h ip yt»ur T in « » t on e# or w rit# un.
OftEtOft VULUftUDfc CO. SSO V«
i Si. f.tlâ*. On.
A Cartoon Jab From India.
Many nutlons have expressed their
b ittern ess again st Uncle Bain for
''m aking money out of the w ar.” We
have been held up to ridicule Im par­
tially by England, G erm any, Greece,
France. Italy nnd Japan. Now India
may be added to the list. In a cartoon
from Hindi Punch, of Bombay, repro­
duced by Cartoons Magazine, Uncle
Ham and Japan are seen, each with
large money hugs under hta arm s. Tho
caption reads "M ake Hay W hile the
Bun Shines," and underneath we read:
Jap : “ I'm filling iny bag w ith In­
dian silver while the A ustrians nnd
G erm ans are busy with the war. And
Y ankee: "Ditto, ditto. And som e­
th in g more. I'm filling mine w ith tho
gold of the allies, besides."
W elsh Product.
K. G. Grace, president of the nethte-
hem Bteel com pany, said In W ashing
to n :
“Though we can get any prlco we
nsk for our m unition products from
Kurope, we haven't Increased our price
to the American governm ent one cent.
"Y et th e re uro people who, In the
face of this, necuse us of overcharging
Uncle Sam These people nre as Indl
crously Ignorant as the schoolboy who
w as asked:
" 'W h a t do we get from W ales?'
“ 'Jonahs,' the schoolboy answ ered.”
A Fireside Grouch.
"C harley, dear," said young Mrs.
T orklns, "you enn never com plain th a t
I am a frivolous society wom an.”
"No. Your Idea of a pleasan t even­
ing Is to sit down and nsk mo to ex­
plain all about preparedness, tho bal­
ance of trnde, orders In council, and
tho subnm rtno controversy all In two
hours and a half." W ashington S tar
He Knew.
“ Did you ever know th a t there Is a
lot of symbolism connected with a
deck of cards? H earts, for Instance,
signify love.”
“ Yes, I know. Last night 1 held n
spado flush ngalnst four accs and I
had to dig."
Never Mixes 'Em.
"H ave you studied political econ­
om y?”
"No, sir. Kconomy Is all rig h t In
Its place. I’m one of thoso who be­
lieve keeping business out of politics."
— W ashington Star.
P. N. U.
No. 14. 1916
I U H E N w r ltla c io ad vertía
tio n itila papar.
les Is Used in O rchards to Retard
N ear Luting, T exas, a num ber of or-
chnrdtsta a re trying out a ra th e r In-
terentltiK pluati of retard in g the bud­
ding of th e ir fru it trees until all d an ­
ger of dam age by late frosts has
T he experim ent consists of
burying about fifty pounds of Ice
around the base of a tree when the
w euther becomes mild early In the
season. The supply la replenished at
Intervals of two weeks until It is safe
in allow tho too— to burgeon, ice la
being supplied to several grow ers by
a local producer to encourage th e te st
with a f»-w trees Although a consid­
erable expenditure would he rep re­
sented w ere the schem e csrrled out
on a really targe acale. It m ight not
prove excessive If successful In pre­
venting crop losses. I a te fro sts are
n source of much anxiety to grow ers
of early fruits, not alone in th e South,
but elsew here as well.—From the
April I ’opulnr Mechanics Magazine.
H anford's Balsam,
large sites. Adv.
H opeless Remedies.
J. P. Morgun said at a dinner In New
"T he G erm an financial position Is
desperate. T he rem edies proposed for
It rem inds me Of the home-thief.
"Two men w ere sentenced by a vigi­
lance com m ittee to be hanged for
horse stealing, and th e rope was
sw ung from a bridge over a river.
"B ut th e first horse thief got off.
Tho noose slipped, he fell Into the
w uter aud swam down strea m to safe­
"W hen they cam e to deal w ith the
• i - -ml h o r s e th ie f , he said anxiously,
a s they tied th<- rope 'round hta neck:
“ ‘Make su re o' th a t noose th is time,
w on't you. gents? I c a n 't sw im .'"
B etter th an a p laster—H an fo rd ’*
Ilulsam when thoroughly applied. Adv.
F air Enough.
"I.ook here, H iram ," aald SI, "w ken
N- yon g"in' to pay me them $8 for
p astu rin ' your heifer? I've had h e r
now for about 10 w eeks."
"W hy, HI, th e r c ritte r a in 't w orth
mor'n $ 10 ."
"W ell, s'p o sln ’ I keep h er fer w hat
you owe mo?"
"N ot by a Jugful! Tell you w hat
I'll do; keep h er two w eeks m ore and
you can have her.”
Portland — W heat — Blueatem, kee­
per bushel; fortyfold, 87c; rad Fife,
8Be; club, 86c; red Russian, 86c.
H ay- E astern Oregon tim othy, 121
4(22 per ton; valley tim othy, $10; a l­
falfa, $20.
M lllfeed Spot prices: Hrsn, $2.V<i
28.60 per to n ; shorts, $26.60 46 26;
rolled barley, $31.604(32.60.
Corn— Whole, $37 per to n ; cracked,
V egetables— A rtichokes, 75<<(90c per
dozen; tom atoes, $3.76 per c ra te ; cab­
bage, $1.266(2.60 per hundred; garlic,
10c per pound; poppers, 174 (<l 20c;
eggplant, 224 c; horseradish, 84c; cau­
liflower. Il.3 6 u tl.6 0 ; celery, $4.60
per o rate ; lettuce, $2.26; cucumbers,
$1.26 <ui 1.60; spinach, $1 <Ui 1.16 per
box; asparagus, 104(16c per pound;
rhubarb, $ 1 . 664(2 per box; peas, 94(
10c per pound.
P otatoes — Oregon, $1.406(1.60 per
sack ; Yakim aa, $1.60 (0 1.76; new
Florida, 10 4( 12c per pound; sw eets,
$3.266(3.60 per hundred.
Onions — Oregon, buying
$1.60 f. o. b. shipping point.
G reen F ru it — Apples, $14(1.60 per
box; cranberries, $11 per barrel.
Kggs — Job b in g p rices:
ranch, candled, 20c per dozen; un­
candled, 1846(19<*.
P oultry — Hena, 16c per pound;
springs, 16c; stags, 12c; broilers, 20
4 (26c; turkeys, live, 186(20c; turkeys,
dressed, choice, 244(26c; ducks, 134(
16c; geese, 10c.
B u tter — P rices from w holesaler to
re ta ile r:
cream ery
prints, 60-pound case lots, standard
grades, 84c; low er grades, 31c; O re­
gon country cream ery prin ts, 60-pound
case lota, standard makes, 81<&38c;
low er grades, 304(804c; packed in
cubes, 2c less. P rices paid by jobbers
to producers: Cubes, ex tra s, 294(30c;
firsts, 27<«,274e; d airy b u tte r 14<&184c;
b u tte rfa t. No. 1, 38c; No. 2, 80c.
V eal— Fancy, 11$4(12c per pound.
P o rk — Fancy, 114(114c per pound.
H op»—1916 crop, 104(13c per pound;
1916 contracts, 114<(i-12c.
Wool— E astern Oregon, 20(g,30c per
pound; valley, 27 46 28; m ohair, O re­
gon, 30o/,31c per pound.
C ascara bark — OI<f and new, 4c per
C a ttle — S teers, choice grain and
pulp, $8 <m 8.60; choice hay, $7.50 4(
8.15; good, $7.254(7.50; medium, $7
4(7.25; cows, choice, $6.504(7; good,
$6.26 4 ( 6.60; medium, $5 60 4( 6.25;
heifers, $4 4 ( 7 ; bulls, $2.60 40 5.76;
stags, $36(5.25.
Hogs — P rim e light, $9.20 46 9.85;
good to prim e, $8.2661.9; rough heavy,
$86(8.25; pigs and akipa, $ 84 ( 8 . 26 .
Sheep — Y earlings,
$7.76 60 8.25;
w ethers, $6.756(8; ewes, $6.266(6.76;
lambs, $8.766(10.
S tead y E g g M ark et L oo k ed For.
Portland— T he egg m ark et has set-
' tied a t th e 18-cent basis, w here it will
probably rem ain during th e re st of
the storage season.
I t ia expected,
w ith w arm er w eath er a t hand, th a t
: receip ts will increase fast, b u t th is is
not likely to cause any difference in
th e m arket, as speculators are pre­
pared to ta k e all th a t come in a t th is
r r O W A R D E . I1UR TO N — A naaycr a n d O w m t a t | price.
A l lyoadvillc, Colorado, R porim on p r i e : Gold.
The follow ing notice to eg g shippers
S ilv er. 1 „•«,!. |1 : Co ld. S liv er. 7hc; Gold 60r; Zlne
or C opper, f i. M ulling en v elo p e s and fu ll p r ie s list has been issued by a leading local
s e n t on a p p lica tio n . C ontrol and U m p lr# w ork ao- b u y e r:
Ucltod. R éféren ça : C arb onate N a tio n a l bank.
“ To fa c ilita te th e rapid tran sactio n
of business during th e eg g -sto rin g sea­
Von Jagow as a C artoonist.
"L ike his distinguished superior son, we have decided to suspend the
E m peror W ilhelm ," says C artoons established rule for g rad in g eggs dur­
Magazine, "H e rr G ottlieb von Jagow , ing th e m onths of March, A pril and
G erm an secretary for foreign affair*. May, 1916, and su b stitu te th e re fo r th e
Is a ca rto o n ist and designer. W hen | follow ing sim ple and, we believe, en-
not engaged in w riting notes to Secre­ I tire ly ju s t method of buying eggs at,
ta ry L ansing he ts busy w ith his pen­ as it is commonly called, ‘case co u n t.’
cil. As you en ter tils offlM you will Prices quoted will be fo r fresh un­
observe a large clean b lo tter on his washed h en s’ eggs as b ro u g h t to m ar­
desk, and this, ns ho talks, he g rad u al­
ly ro v ers with sketches. H is serv an t k et by th e producer (not culled or
brings him n new b lo tter for every vis­ skim m ed) and to w eigh in reg u lar 30-
dozen standard No 2 eg g cases not less
th sn 64 pounds.
Such eg g s shall be
known and designated aH ‘fresh cu rren t
W illing to Change.
"T here Is n very excellent reason re c e ip ts .’ I t is fu rth e r understood
th a t 'fre s h c u rren t re c e ip ts’ shall be
why a girl shouldn't sm oke.”
accepted as good delivery if th ey do
"W hat?" she dem anded.
"M akes h er less agreeable to kiss." not show to exceed two dozen d irtie s
"W ell, I'll w ait till Somebody w ants and cracks per case of 80 dozen.”
to kiss me.” she said, "w hen they do
I'll give up c ig a re ts—and ta k e to a
A sparagus H igher; R hubarb L ow er.
pipe.”— W om an's Home Companion.
P ortland — A sparagus was firm er
Tuesday in response to higher prices
For Cash.
in C alifornia, and th e local m ark et
"T he C lym ers a re determ ined to
get Into society, no m a tte r how much was advanced to 10 and 16 cents.
C alifornia rh u b arb was ea sie r a t $1.66
It costs.”
and $2 per box, according to grade.
"W h at have they done now ?”
“ L ast year they bought a coat of A nother shipm ent of Oregon cauli­
arm s nnd a fam ily tree for th em ­ flower arriv ed and it was held firm a t
selves. anil now th ey 're try in g to buy $1.35 and $1.50 per dozen.
a pedigree for th e ir dog.”
T here has been an advncei in or­
anges in C alifo rn ia and h ig h er prices
T he Growler.
are looked for on th e s tre e t in th e near
Bacon—Your dog?
fu tu re. A single car of bananas a r­
E gbert—No, my w ife’s.
rived in P ortland Tuesday.
"Uld the dog growl when you had
to muzzle him ?”
London Wool S ales Now O ver.
"No, hut my wife did.”—Y onkers
London — The wool auction sales
S tatesm an.
do sed Monday w ith offerings of 8600
f la r e H e a lt h j , S tr o n g , B e a u t if u l R j« a
The selection w as good and it
O c u lis t« a iu l P h y s ic ia n « u s e d M u r in e K j e bales.
R em ed y m a n j y e a r s b e fo r e It w a s o ffe r e d a s a
was readily absorbed a t firm prices.
D o m e s t i c E y e M e d i c i n e . M u r in e la S t ill C om ­
The fe a tu re of th e series was th e re­
p o u n d e d b y Ovir P h y s ic i a n s a u d g u a r a n t e e d
by th e m tit a K cliah lw R e lie f fo r E y e s t h a t N e e d cent recovery in m ost grades in a n tic i­
r a r e . T ry It In y o u r R y e s a n d In B a b y 's E y e s — pation o f fu rth e r governm ent orders.
No S m a r t in g — J u s t E y e C o m fo r t. B o y M u rin e The usual A m erican dem and w as lack­
of y o u r D r u g g is t — a c c e p t n o H u b s tlt u te , a n d it
through difficulty in g e ttin g li­
i n t e r e s t e d w r it e fo r B o o k o f t h e E y e F r e e . ing,
1U U 1N I I Y K R E M E D Y C O ., C H IC A G O censes.
Com pared w ith th e la st auc­
tions, fine m erino and cross-breds |
d o sed unchanged, w hile o th e r grades
6 to 10 per cen t lower.
E ighty-seven
.3 0 ®
thousand bales w ere sold.
w / a
* K ir s tin
You can do it with our new Doybk Leverage 6 Speed'
KIKST1N. Move and operate it alone. Output!* foil ,
! horaea. Absolute aatisUction guaranteed o r y
' money back. 7 modela to choose from.
tr M
o u t low ra s a * will lim ra n a voi
«s (.Nirewu
G ood O ffers fo r K lam ath Wool.
K lam ath Falla, Or. — George Mc­
G innis, a wool buyer fro m Red Bluff,
Cal., who buys wool in th is county
every year, was in tow n recen tly look­
ing a fte r business in te re sts . He is
offering 22 cents a pound for coarse
wool fo r sp rin g deliveries. Sheepmen
hereabouts view th e wool outlook w ith
aa much pleasure as laat season.
Carried Safely Through Change
of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham ’«
V egetable Compound.
N ash v ille,T en a—-"W hen I was going
through the Change of Life I had a tu ­
mor as large as a
child’s head. The
doctor said It was
th ree years coming
and gave me medi
cine for it until 1
was called a w a y
from th e city for
so m e ti m e. O f
course 1 could not
to him then, so
>y sister in-law told
e th a t she thought
Lydia E. Pinkham s V egetable Com­
pound would cure It. I t helped both
th e Change of Life and the tum or and
when I g ot home I did not tu rd the doctor.
I took the Pinkham remedies until the
tum or wits gone, the doctor said, and I
have not fe lt it since. I tell every one
how 1 was cured. If this le tte r will
help others you are welcome to use i t . "
—Mrs. E. II. B e a n , 626 Joseph Avenue,
Nashville, Tenn.
Lydia E. Pinkham ’a V egetable Com­
pound, a pure remedy containing the
ex tractiv e properties of good old fash­
ioned roots and herbs, m eets the needs
of woman s system a t this critical period
of her life. T ry i t
I f t h e r e Is a n y s y m p t o m in y o u r
c a s e w h ic h p u z z le s y o u , w r i t e t o
t h e L y d ia K . P i n k h a m M e d ic i n e
C o ., L y n n , M a s s .
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Grippe. Price 26c of your
ir d di ru g g ist
I t ’s good. Take nothing else.
Acute Hearing.
A num ber of candidates for th e po­
lice force w ere being questioned by a
doctor the o th e r day. aud a p retty stiff
exam ination it was. too. At length It
cam e to te stin g the m en's sense of
h earing, and aald the exam iner:
"Do you see th is w atch?"
“ Yea."
“ Do you h ea r It tick?"
“C ertainly; quite plainly.“
“ Stand fu rth e r back."
C andidate re tire s th ree paces.
“Do you h ea r it now?”
"Y es.”
"W ell, you m ust be sm art, fo r the
w atch has n ot been going for a w eek."
—Chicago H erald.
W ashington, D. C.—P resid en t W il­
son’s patience b a a reached th e point
or exhaustion In connection with the
destruction of passenger-carrying ves­
sel* In the E uropean w ar zone. He la
g athering all the facta In relation to
the sinking of the Sussex.
W hen
these are In his possession he will de­
cide w hether to advise congress th a t
a situation has arisen which necessi­
ta tes a ru p tu re of diplom atic negotia­
tions w ith Germany.
So far as the s ta te d ep artm en t has
been advised the circum stances thus
fa r developed:
F irs t—T h a t th e q u arterm aster of
the Sussex saw th e torpedo coming
and sheered aw ay In th e hope of es­
Second—T h a t the th ree A merican
p assengers aw ear they distinctly saw
th e w ake of the torpedo.
T hird—T h a t a bronze fragm ent was
found on board th e Sussex which a
F rench officer says was a p a rt of a
G erm an torpedo.
L ie u ten a n t Sm ith, th e A m erican
naval a tta c h e In P aris, h as been di­
rected to exam ine th e fragm ent. If
his opinion should coincide w ith th a t
of th e F ren ch o fficer P re sid en t W il­
son will conclude th a t th e circu m stan ­
tial evidence is sufficient for action.
T he G erm an em bassy does n ot be­
lieve th a t a G erm an su b m arin e was
responsible for th is catastro p h e. It Is
pointed o ut th a t th e re w as no m ilitary
ad v an tag e to be gained by th e sinking
of th e Sussex. In case of th e im prob­
able, how ever. It Is d eclared positively
th a t th e G erm an g o v ern m en t will dis­
avow th e a c t of th e su b m arin e com­
m ander, punish him, o ffer rep a ra tio n
and satisfy th e A m erican governm ent
th a t th e o u trag e w as in d ire c t viola­
tion of th e In stru ctio n s issued by the
G erm an adm iralty.
But th e p resid en t Is a t th e point
w here such step s a re of no conse­
quence. T he fact in th a t G erm any gave
explicit assu ran ces th a t p assen g er
ships would n o t'b e torpedoed w ithout
w arning, nor su n ’: un til p assen g ers
and crew had had an o p p o rtu n ity to
escape. If G erm any should deny th a t
any of h er su b m arin es com m itted the
outrage, w hich Is regarded as extrem e­
ly probable, th e ad m in istra tio n will
have to rely upon circ u m sta n tia l evi­
dence. Such evidence, it Is pointed
out, is stro n g er th a n a denial.
T he ad m in istratio n know s fu rth e r
th a t no E nglish subm arines w ere op­
e ra tin g In th e ch an n el and I t scouts
as im possible tb e suggestion th a t one
of th ese vessels fired th e fa ta l to r­
pedo. In th e firs t place th e B ritish
governm ent would h ard ly jeopardize
th e lives of its own su b je cts as well
as those of its ally. Again th e B ritish
governm ent does n ot use th e bronze
torpedoes em ployed by th e G erm ans.
N or could G erm any sh ift th e blam e to
one of h er allies—A ustro-H ungary or
Bulgaria. N eith er of th ese pow ers has
subm arines in th e A tlantic.
If you have eczema, ringw orm or
o th er itching, burning, sleep-destroy­
ing skin-eruption, try Reslnol O int­
m ent and Reslnol Soap and see how
quickly th e Itching stops and the trou­
ble disappears. Reslnol O intm ent la
also an excellent household rem edy
for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds,
chaftngs and for a score of o th e r uses
w here a soothing, healing application
is needed.
Reainol contains nothing of a h arsh
Spokane, W ash.— S hortly a fte r th e
or Injurious n a tu re and can be used N orthw est p rep ared n ess conference
freely even on the m ost irrita te d su r­
face. E very druggist sells Reslnol began h ere T uesday a teleg ram w as
received from th e w ar d e p a rtm e n t a t
O intm ent an d Reslnol Soap.—Adv.
W ashington In stru ctin g arm y officers
F o r chronic pain In the back apply not to ta k e p a rt In th e conference. T h e
H an fo rd 's Balsam. Rub it on and rub
teleg ram w as received too la te to af­
It In thoroughly. Adv.
fect th e ap p earan ce of L ieutenant-C ol­
Proof In Leanness.
onel David J. B aker. Jr., of V ancouver
T h ere w as once an old G arrabost B arracks, who spoke on th e n ecessity
cro fte r who, when giving evidence be­ of ad eq u ate p ro tectio n fo r th e n o rth ­
fore the cro fters' com m ission, adm it­
ted th a t w hile he was the ow ner of ern Pacific sta te s.
P rep ared n ess questions affecting tho
th ree cows, “th e beasts w ere as thin
Pacific N orthw est from th e view point
as P h aro ah 's lean kine.”
T he chairm an, th inking to corner of m ilitary and naval officers featu red
old K enneth, asked him to say how the ad d resses d esp ite the teleg ram
from th e w ar d ep artm en t. U nder th e
lean P h aro ah 's kine were.
E ven a 17th-century divine would circu m stan ces pains w ere tak en by th e
have w anted a day o r two to th in k It officers to say n o thing th a t could be
over. B ut K enneth answ ered a t once. construed as h aving a political effect.
"T hey were, sir, so lean th a t they oP bearin g on th e m easu res now be­
fore congress.
could only be seen In a dream .”
D elegates w ere p rese n t from W ash­
ington. Oregon. M ontana. Idaho and
Paradoxical Result.
"H ow did prohibition w ork out In W yoming. T he conference elected N.
W. D urham , of Spokane, ch airm an ;
C rim son Gulch?"
“ Fine,” said Bronco Bob. "T he boys F rank W. H am m ond, of S eattle, sec­
have saved up so much money th a t retary , and P. N. B ernard, of K altspell,
m ebbe w e'll have to let a few saloons Mont., a s s is ta n t secretary .
Colonel B aker w as n ot in uniform ,
open so's they can celeb rate th eir
and In th e pream ble of bis ad d ress re­
prosperity."—W ashington Star.
ferred to th e fac t th a t h e spoke only
as a p riv ate citizen. In speaking of
Sim ilarity.
the Ja p an ese question. Colonel B aker
"H ave you any references?"
"Yes, mum. b ut I left them at home. said:
“I th in k th e re is d anger of tro u b le
Like me photygraphs they d o n 't do me
w ith Ja p an through th e ignorance, ax-
Justice."—Boston T ran scrip t.
rogance and narro w n ess of our own
people on th is co ast who lack know l­
edge of th e Ja p an e se and th erefo re
m isu n d erstan d and m isjudge th em .”
Delegates Talk Preparedness;
Gag Order Comes Too late
Keep Your
Stomach Well
It’s the Secret
of Good health
T h e S to m a c h is th e co n ­
tr o llin g p o w e r in all m a t ­
te r s p e r ta in in g to h e a lth
a n d i t m u s t b e k e p t s tr o n g
a n d a c tiv e .
A t t h e firs t
s ig n o f w e a k n e s s ,
Stomach Bitters
Fertilizers, Cte.
h r boria* a ia * .
N e w C a ta to « N o . M F r eo .
1 M - 1 7 I 2m4 I t
w ill fit any am bition« y o n n * M aa or W mm -
a a for high -elaM ^ oaltioo in
Stesography, SiltiNikiUp
To m en thin in clud e« v a lu a b le a th letic,
aq uatic and m em berahip g r ir ile g e a . a l­
th ough tu ition coot 1« leaa th a n ei»*-where.
V alu able course« ca n a lso b e bad la
Gram m ar grad e and C ollege P rep aratory
Monamobile Oils and Greases
Fra* Tira S ervie*.
M O TO R C A R S U P P L Y C O , In e.
33 B ro a d w a y No.
Portland, Ore.
W* w a n t all too have
W rite for price* and
a b ip p ia c tag*.
T ill N. F. NORTON CO.
S 3 N orth f r o n t S t.. P o r tla n d . O r a ,
H flllT C n
E v ery o n e to k now ab out DAD*X
l i n A n N ■
i X L 1 R iu H
n n A . N
v u I) l LIGHT.
ju u a . m
r«*l. g r e a t big lig h t, u / e . b andy and cheat*«' than
oil; w in d and »torm -proof. F u lly illu stra ted c ir ­
cu la r. Raallrdfr Sead k Flani C* . 169 24 J l . f r t f c U
W e trill move to o u r new g o a r t m on or about
M ARCH 15th u . evth. from F lra t »treet. w hara w*
have bean located m any year*. AH old cue to m a n
and new one* a re invited to inepect o u r new etorw
a t 2W M om aon at.. P o rtlan d . O ra. STA PLES.
W A N T E D — A gen t*. Hve one*, in e v e ry kx-aHty la
t h a e t a t e . O n ly D ay tig h t E « * T ee ter in th e aoon -
N o co m p etitio n .
M on ey-b eck p top ccitlon .
Send S1.M for teete r and e x p la n a to r y m a tter and
g e t buay in you r neigh b orh ood . A ddraoa X -R ay
E g g T eeter.
R a ilw a y E x c h a n g e . P ortlan d. O r.
Safety F irst.
They w ere w atching th e boy* c o a st­
ing down the snow-covered stre e ts
on th e ir sleds.
“Ah.” said th e elder of th e two men,
“th a t’s th e sport! D oeesn’t It m ake
you th in k of your happy childhood
“No,” replied th e o th er, "It m akes
me th in k how slippery th a t s tre e t Is
going to be afte r aw hile and how easy
it would be for you or me to fall and
break an arm or a leg w hile try in g to
cross It. E very m an should provide
ag a in st such contingencies by ca rry ­
ing an accident policy. I happen to
have an application b lank In my
p o c k e t You’d b e tte r sign It now be­
fore It’s too late.”
Cteanaes the Wounds.
For Injuries from ru sty nails or any
o th er ex tern al h u rts, apply H anford’s
Balsam. I t should kill any germ s,
cleanse th e wound and rem ove sore­
ness. T hen quick healing will follow.
T he Soft Pedal.
A sto ry Is told of a ce rtain w ell
known th eatrical m anager, who has a
h ab it of, by hook or crook, g etting hla
own way.
"T h a t's too loud.” he called out one
day, as th e o rch e stra sta rted a t a r e ­
“I can ’t help It, sir,” replied th e con­
ductor. "It’s m arked 'fo rte.' ”
••Well,” w ent on th e m an of power,
Im perturbably, “ju s t m ake It 36,
T ender, Also T rue.
E dythe—Did th e duke say he loved
Kate— He said he loved th e ground
I w alked on.
E dythe— W here w ere you when he
■aid it?
K ate— O ut visitin g papa's gold mine.
—Pall Mall G azette.
Not W anted.
“W illie!” called his m other. “Come
here this In stan t! How m any tim es
do you w ant m e to call you?”
"W hy, m a,” said W illie. “W here
did you ever g et th e idea th a t I w ant­
ed you to call me a t all?"
Very In terestin g .
"T h a t em otlcnal ac tre ss says she
cannot descend to an y th in g like gross
business d etails.”
“H um ph! S he's In terested enough
In th e gross receip ts.”— B altim ore
Help! Help!
"Do you know, Miss Peaches, 1
think you m ust be egotistical."
“W hy, Mr. Sympe! How can you
P ap er C o st ts S erio u s.
Im agine such & th in g ?”
“‘Because you have such capital
W ashington, D. C.— A resolution fo r
sn in v estig atio n of th e news p rin t pa­ eyes.”
per situ atio n by th e d ep a rtm en t of
And N ever Will.
Commerce was introduced in th e house
“T h ere goes old Tightw ad, th e mil­
by R ep resen tativ e Copley.
Much of lionaire. T hey say he landed in this
th e supply of raw m a terial for p rin t tow n 15 years ago w ith ju st 67 cents
paper th a t came from Germ any, was in his pockets.”
"Yes, and h e h a sn ’t sp e n t It y e t “
cut off by th e w ar. O ther m a terial is
being shipped from th is country to E u­
Tim e to Bewsre.
rope fo r use in th e m anufacture of mu­
“A m an dot show s off too much
nitions. According to Mr. Copley th e sm artn ess." said U ncle Eben, ‘"gets
price of paper has advanced so fa r th a t so he enjoys about as much confi­
th e lives of many sm all new spapers dence as a sleig h t o’ hand m an In a
poker gam e.”—W ashington Star.
are threatened.
Wilhelm H o n o rs Sultan.
Berlin, (By w ireless to Sayville, N.
Y .)— The semi-official O verseas N ew s
agency has received advices from Con­
stan tin o p le confirm ing rep o rts th a t
Field M arshal von M ackensen had
reached th a t city on a m ission, given
him by E m peror W illiam , to pre­
sent to th e Sultan th e Field M arshal's
baton which th e em peror had bestowed
upon th e T u rk ish ruler. The dispatch
describes th e Field M arshal’s recep­
tion as m ost en th u siastic.
B ring* quick raaalta. Soceoaa s n a r a a -
taad. Coat* laaa th a n h alf s f oral ta a tra a -
P lan * . O rgan, Violin. Banjo,
M a a M la . G a ita r a a i C araat
t w f ht.
W rit* today fa r C atalog and 4 fra* l u anna
M K flC U XRMH M n u J C .
MS f ia a .a .a .1* MM.
N r r u » , M UM