The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 30, 1916, Image 2

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or oinntNi week
P ari» - The moat im portant confer­
ence of the en ten te alliea since th e out­
break of the w ar begun in P aris Mon­
day under th e presidency of Prem ier
Briand. The prem ier» of G reat Bri­
tain. Italy, Belgium and S erbia par­
The B ritish foreign secretary. Sir
Edward G rey; secretary of war. Field
M arshal Karl K itchener, and comman­
der of the continental forces. General
S ir Douglas H aigh; the French com­
UNIVERSAL HAPPfNINGS IN A NUTSHQ1 m ander in chief. General JotTre, and
the Italian general, Cadorna, also have
seats a t the council table.
R ussia is
represented by the foreign m inister.
Live News Items of All Nations and M Iswolsky. and G eneral Gilenaky,
aide-de-camp to th e em peror; Japan
by the Japanese am bassador at Paris,
Pacific Northwest Condensed
and Serbia by Prince Alexander.
for Our Busy Readers.
Probably nothing will be disclosed
concerning th e questions under discus­
sion or th e decision reached, but it is
expected th a t th e allied powers will
Russians take three lines of German come to an agreem ent concerning com­
trenches w ith bayonets.
mon m ilitary and political actions.
V illa is reported to have held up a
train and searched it for Americans,
Property Destroyed and Traffic
but found none.
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
O f G eneral In terest
About Oregon
Seattle Firm Will Establish
$300,000 Shipyard at Astoria
A storia—W ith th e acquisition of
1200 feet of fro n tag e on Y oung's Hay,
a t th e foot of Seventh stre e t, in th is
city, the J. A. M cEachern company, of
S eattle and A storia, Monday com pleted
Anal d etails th a t will give A storia a
$300,000 shipping concern w ith ex ­
pansion unlim ited.
W. W. Clark, vice president, who
built th e b attlesh ip N ebraska for
Moran Bros., now w ith th e S eattle
Construction & Drydock company, will
be m anager.
Soundings have been made and show
th a t deep w ater fro n ts th e property
w ith a deep channel to th e m ain chan­
nel entrance.
The concern will employ 400 men
when the plant opens.
The firm is low bidder on barges for
th e A laska Railw ay commission, and
has o th er bids in for vessels.
T im ber can be secured close a t hand.
Local capital is in terested in the e n te r­
prise. The capacity of th e yards as to
wooden vessels will be unlim ited.
M A u th o r o f M ‘G h e AMATEUR
O W Ìci
R A FFL E S. E t c .
___________________ c o f v a u . H T
O . IT tW lM
c»v. r e m - r w » « i u
c< w»\rA/-t v--
the oth er door. "W ell? A ren't you
going too? You were near enough,
you see! I'm so accessory all rig h t"—
he dropped hla voice "but I'd he prla
elpsl If I could Instead of him I”
But Toy# had coins back Into the
room, tw tnkllug with trium ph, even
rubbing hie hands. "You didn't see?
You d id n 't see? I never m eant to go
at all; It was a bit of bluff to maka
hint own up, and It did, too, bully!"
T h s coupls gasped.
"You mean to tall m s," crlsd Casa-
let. "th at you bsllsved my story all the
tim e?"
“Why, I didn't have a m om ent's
doubt about It I"
C azalat drew sw ay from th e chuck­
ling c re a tu rs and hla crafty glee.
But Blanch» cam s forw ard and held
out her band.
"W ill you forgive me. Mr. T oys?”
"Sure, If I had anything to forgive
It's th e other way around. I guess,
and about tim e I did som ething to
help." Be edged up to th e folding-
door. "T his le a two m a n Job. Casalet.
the way I make It out. Guess It's my
w atch on d ack!”
"The o th er's the way to the police
station," said Cazalet densely.
Toye turned solemn on the word.
" I t’s th e way to hell. If Miss Ulsnche
will forgive me! T his Is more Ilka
the o th er place, thanks to you folks.
Guess I'll leave (he augels In ch a rg e!”
Angelic or not, the ;>ulr were alone
at last; and through the doors they
heard a quavering croak of welcome
to the ra th e r huuiuu god from the
American machine.
"I'm afruld he'll never go back with
you to the bush," w hispered Blanche.
"I'm afraid, too. But I w anted to
taka somebody else out. too
I was
try lu g to say so over a week age. when
we were talking about old Veuus
t’otts. Blum hie. will you come?"
CHAPTEft XIV—Continued.
Toye rose In prom pt acceptance of
— 13—
th e challenge
"Seriously, Cazalet,
T o re cocked his head at both ques­ you ask us to bellsva th a t you did all
tion and ausw sr, but inclined It quick­ th is to screen a man you didn't havs
ly as Cazalet turned to him before tim e to recognizer*
'T v * told you the facts.”
"I went In and found H enry Craven
"W ell, 1 guess you’d b etter tell
lying In hts blood. T h at's gospel—it them to the police." Toye took his
was so I found hliu—lying Just w here hat and stick, th ru to n »»» struggling
he had fallen In a heap out of the from his chair. Blanche stood p etri­
leather chair at his desk. Tho top fied. s dove under s se rp en t's spell, as
right hand d raw er of his desk was Toy# made her a sardonic bow from
open, th e key In It and th e rest of the the landing door. "You broke your
bunch still sw inging! A revolver lay sldo of the contract. Miss Blanche! I
as It had dropped upon the desk—It guess It’s up to me to com plete."
hsd upset the Ink—and th e rs were
"W alt!"
cartridges lying loose In the open
Blocked by Middle West floods
One of th e A m erican columns pene­
It was Mention's raven cro ak ; he
draw er, and the revolver was loaded had to ttered to hie feet.
trated 50 m iles into Mexico before it
I sw ept It back Into the draw er, turned
was discovered by the natives.
Chicago — Blizzards,
"S ure,” said Toye, "If you've any­
the key and removed It with the bunch thing you w ant to say as an Interested
It is believed th e governm ent will w arm w eather, rain and snow much
But th ere was som ething else on the party."
soon define clearly its a ttitu d e tow ard colder w eather, all crowded into a few
desk—th at silver-m ounted truncheon
"Only th is—he's told th e tru th !"
the entire subm arine question.
- a n d s m an's cap was lying ou the
sickness and d istress in Middle W est­
"W ell, can he prov« It?"
President Wilson was back in W ash­ ern states. Floods also are now ta k ­
Grangers Hear Address.
“1 don't know," said Scruton. "But
ington F riday a f te r a b rief v isit to ing a toll in human life and destroying
flrst Instinct. I confess It, was to re
P ortland —In his address on “ Money move every sign of m anslaughter and 1 onu!"
Philadelphia to have his eyes examined. property.
"You?" Blanche chimed In there.
N orthern Illinois cities rep o rt many and M ark ets’’ before Woodlawn G range to leave the scene to be reconstructed
Congress avoids any unnecessary
"Yes. !‘d like th at drink first. If you
discussion o f th e Mexican question, stre e ts subm erged and light and power Saturday, A. D. Stillm an, of Helena, into one of accid en t—se izu re—any
don't mind, C a z a le t" It was Blanche
but is ready to authorize w ar m easures statio n s out of commission. W arnings Mont., pointed o ut th a t farm ers can thing but what It was!'*
He paused as If waiting for a ques who got It for him. In an Instant.
are issued in Chicago and all the assist them selves through co-operation
a t a m om ent’s notice.
N orthern Illinois te rrito ry of im m i­ and said th a t under th e regional bank­ lion. Non# was asked Toy#'» mouth "T hank you! I'd say more If my bleae-
Yuan Shi Kai renounces th e throne nent peril of typhoid.
might have been sewn up, bis eyes ing was worth h aving—but hero'a
E astern Iowa
of China and proclaim s th e restoration and Southern Michigan, N orthern In­ ing system farm ers may organize n a­ were like hatpins driven Into his head som ething th at Is Llateu to thta, you
of the republic, but his opponents say diana and Ohio a re also facing typhoid tional banks, saving from 3 to 4 per Ths oth er two simply stared.
American gentlem an: 1 was the mau
cent on sh o rt-tim e loans.
T his has
the change is too late to save him.
"It was a mad Idea, but I bad gone who w rote to him In Naples l.euve
been done, he said, in Montana, w ith
Instructions to rec ru it th e 12 Na­
D ispatches from Southw estern W is­ th e resu lt th a t th e farm ers are g e ttin g mad." continued Cazalet "I had hat ! [* at , « b . . , t I . * I . I t . , e t a ««»
________ a
a .....
tional Guard companies of A rizona to consin accentuate recent reports of money to handle th e ir crops a t 6 per ed th e victim alive, and It "couldn't Letter to him ; the first was to A ustra O N E O N T H E F L O O R W A L K E R
lla. lu answ er to one from him
w ar stren g th im m ediately were tran s­ flood dam age.
Seven have been cent.
" B e fo re th is co-operation,” change me th at he was dead or dying;
m itted to th e company commanders by drowned, w ith many d istric ts en tirely said Mr. Stillm an, “ th e farm ers were that didn’t m ake him a w hite man. wss th e full history of my downfall I Presum ably Hs Knew Duties of Hla
Almost one-eighth of paying 8 per cent for money to pay for and n either did It necessarily blarkon got a w arder to sm uggle It o u t T hat
order of the W ar departm ent.
Position, But Hs W ss Not Pro­
R eports tell of th e m ark etin g o f th e ir crops. When the poor devil who had probably suf­ le tte r was my one c h a n c e ”
ficient In Spelling.
An arm y av iato r was found by a the sta te is affected.
"1 know It by heart." said Cazalet.
wagon train a fte r being lost in the
“It was th a t and nothing else th a t
Tho w orst thing shout tho following
Mexican desert for 48 hours. He re­ Richland county and one in G rant they w ere told th e banks could not and only struck him down In self-
made me leave before the shearing."
Is th a t It Is trua. uud w hat's more,
paired his leaking tank, received a county. Two perished when a bridge loan them money fo r less th an 8 per defense. The revolver on the desk
“To meet me when I cam e o u t!” th at It happeued tu one of P ittsburgh's
supply of gasoline and was soon on his gave way. O thers w ere drowned try ­ cent. The farm ers got to g e th er w ith made th a t pretty plain. It was out
ing to g et through flooded stream s by th e resu lt th a t they moved th e ir crops of the way- but now l saw blood all Scruton explained In a hoarse whisper. stores.
Tbe girl, stylishly attired, stepped
over the desk as well; It was souklng "To—to keep me from going straig h t
last y ear on 6 per cent m oney.”
The house education com m ittee voted
One in G rant county died try in g to
into th e blotter, and It knocked the to th a t man. as l‘d told him I should up to the still more stylishly sttlr.<d
unanimously to ta k e no action on pend- lead his cattle from th e stable to the
bottom out of my Idea. W hat was to In my first letter! But you can 't hit floorwalker and Inquired where she
Long Closed Mill Busy.
ing bills to reopen the N orth Pole con- hills, when they becam e so freightened
be done? I had meddled already; how these things off to the day or the would And the chiffon. T h e floorwalk­
troversy. Dr. F rederick A. Cook re­ th a t they tram pled him^to death
R a in ie r — A fte r closing down for could I give the alarm w ithout giving week; he d told me w here to write e r consulted a notebook. Her surprise
cently asked the com m ittee to investi­
more th an tw o years, the old Pacific myself away to th at extent, and God to him on his voyage, and I w rote to esiue w h e n bo gilively told her th a t
gate his claims.
N ational Lum ber com pany's mill, re ­ knows how much fu rth er? The most Naples, but that le tte r did not get they did not keop chiffon
President Wilson Warns Public
cently sold to th e M ultnomah Box & awful moment of th e lot cam e as I
"W h y !” she gasped, "you cannot
The Hay arm y increase bill, provid­
ing for a regular arm y peace stren g th
poaslbly mean that."
Against Mexican War Rumors Lum ber company by th e receiver, h esitated—the dinner gong went off In
sta rted saw ing lum ber Tuesday.
the hall outside the door! I remem
of 140,000 fighting men instead of the
In bor eagerness sbo stepped closer
T his sam e company has purchased her w atching the thing on the floor
present 100,000, passed the house by
to the stylishly attired man than Elea­
W ashintgon, D. C.— P resident W il­
a vote of 402 to 2. I t goes to th e sen­ son has issued a w arning th a t " s in is ­ the O. K. Mill, one of the Dodge prop­ to see If It would move.
nor Gale suys a styllsbly attired wom­
a te for im m ediate consideration.
"Then I lost my head—absolutely. I
an should, and looked over bis shoul­
te r and unscrupulous influences” are erties, which adjoins the Pacific Na-
der a t tbe notebook.
A dispatch to the Balkan agency spreading alarm ist rep o rts about the tional mill, and, according to M anager turned the key in the door, to give
M itchell, th e new ow ners will tak e myself a few seconds' grace or s ta rt;
"Oh! I see." she said, flatly, as she
from Bucharest says th e chief clerk of Mexican situ atio n w ith the object of
enough of the m achinery from th e O. It rem inded me of th e keys In my
moved off to ask the girl s t the glove
the A m erican legation a t Sofia is re- forcing in tervention by the U nited
K. mill to b rin g th e capacity of th e hands One of them was one of those
counter about the chiffons The man
ported to have been arrested by th e S tates “ in th e in te rests of certain
other up to 175,000 feet a day. The little round bram ah keys. It seemed
had been looking under the
B ulgarian authorities, accused of giv- A m erican ow ners of Mexican proper-
rem ainder o f th e m achinery will be fam iliar to me even afte r so many
tim ore Star.
ing a present to an employe fo r using ties. ’
sold and th e buildings razed.
This years. I looked up. and th ere was my
g re a te r haste than ordinary in issuing
in a form al sta te m en t the President
will give th e mill about 8900 fee t of father's Michael Angelo closet, with
told th e people of th e U nited S tate s to
T rapping P artridges.
be on th e ir guard and not cred it such w ater fro n t and for yards and loading !ts little, round bram ah keyhole
How purtrldges are trapped In Vir­
Men of th e H ungarian landsturm stories. He urged those who dissem- facilities.
opened It as th e ou ter door was
ginia and N orth Carolina. In tho win­
born in 1868 and 1869 and also the inate news to te st th e source and au­
knocked at and then tried. But my
ter. is described as follows: A net
men belonging to th e classes of 1865 th e n tic ity of every rep o rt from the
Cattlemen Lease Range.
mad Instinct of alterin g every pos
m caaurtng front 15 to 30 feet, ami
and 1897, who hith erto have been em­ border, and called atten tio n again to
B aker—To m ake possible th e run­ slble appearance, to m islead the po
eight Inches high. Is put down
ployed in m aking w ar m aterials, now th e governm ent’s announcem ent th a t ning of a large num ber of c a ttle in lice, stuck to me to the last And I
with stanchions; horizontally in the
are dism issed from th is service and th e sole object of th e punitive expedi­ E agle Valley, for which g razin g priv- took the m an's watch and chain Into
cen ter Is an opening sim ilar to tbe
ordered to join the arm y on A pril 5, tion now in Mexico was to punish (ileges were denied by the F o restry the closet with me, as well as th e
hoop nets fo. fishing; the opening
according to a R euter dispatch.
V illa and his followers.
Bervice.the C attle and H orse R a ise rs’ cap and truncheon th a t I had picked
In tho uet Is cone shuped. dim inishing
The news services supplying news- association o f th e section will lease all up before.
Losses in th e Russian arm y, killed.
In size. The nottur m ounts a horse
wounded and m issing, for the year 1915 papers had been asked, th e P resident p rivately owned range lands rem aining
“I don't know how long I was above
and sta rts at the distant side of th e
w ere 2,542,639, according to Boris S. said, to assist in keeping th is view on P ine Creek, according to F o rest ground, so to speak, but one of my
field, riding In a walk backward and
Schumacher, a Jew ish new spaper cor- constantly before th e Mexican and S upervisor Barnes, who retu rn ed re­ fath er’s objects bad been to make his ‘You Broke Your Side of the Con- forw ard, his objective point being the
tract. Miss Blanche."
respondent, who exhibited printed lists A merican people, to th e end th a t the cently from a tr ip to E agle Valley.
retreat sound tight, and I could scarce-
net. If he encounters a bunch of
which he said were official Russian re- expedition should ta k e on th e color of
The stockm en also decided no im­ ! ly bear w bat was going on In tbe room. |
birds they will run before the home.
ports and which he said he secretly ob- war.
prove on the s ta te regulations provid­ T hat encouraged me; and two of you smuggled o u t My w arder friend bad Ho then begins to so direct his horse
to put , . w hat I'd , as to drive them to th e net, being
tained while in P etrograd.
ing a m inim um proportion of one bull don't need telling how I got out got the sack. . I . bad
got to say _»o_ th a t you could read It „ ays , car«rul
careful not
not o o flush
flush them.
In a telegram to P resident Wilson
Steamer Hits Log; Sinks.
two ways. So I told you, Cazalet, I was When bn reaches the net the birds dis­
th e Aero Club of A m erica offered for
P ortland—A fter strik in g a 30-foot Barnes reported th a t th e range is in lelf as a boy in tb e floor under the ' going straig h t up the river for a row cover th e opening and enter, the
arm y use in Mexico two high-powered
sunken log, which to re a huge hole in fine condition.
oilcloth. It took some finding with —and you can pronounce th a t two whole process being sim ilar to driving
aeroplanes, which, th e club says, excel
her hull a t th e port bow, th e steam er
single m atches; but tb e fear of your ways. And I said I hoped I shouldn't sheep Into a pen. When the birds
In every way th e present arm y flying
Twin C ities, of The Dalles-Columbia
: neck gives you eyes In your finger- break a scull—but th e re 's an o th er way are safe th e n etter dism ounts and so
equipm ent.
The telegram also said
Rangers Will Gather.
line, began to sink near the m outh of
I onds, and gim lets, too. by Jove! Tbe of spe'.llng that, and It was tbe other euros his Kamo.
th e club had already listed 19 licensed
B ak er—To conduct th e annual m eet­
N orth Portland harbor S aturday night.
worst p art was g ettin g out a t the way I m e an t!” He chuckled grimly.
aviators as volunteers for service in
ing fo r th e fo resters employed on th e
end, Into the cellars; th e re were "! wanted you to lie low and let me
Food by Prosy.
struggle. Quick work on th e p a rt of Minam N ational fo rest, C harles H. heaps of empty bottles to move, one lie low if th a t happened. I w anted
Most of us know sumo p articular
Advices received from Dover by the j th e officers in charge, and th e coolness
by one, before there was room to open
food or drink, tho desire for which la
Press association say th a t a second of th e members of th e crew, prevented v iso r’s office in Portland, arriv ed in tbe m anhole door and to squirm out done It. But th a t’s how we cam e to stim ulated lu us by reading about It.
German seaplane was brought down *oss °f life.
over tbe slab; and I thought they rang m iss each other, for you tim ed It to a But th e w riting m ust ho skillful, or If
a fte r the raid made by four German
The 1° passengers aboard, and the estry work will be gone over, special | like a peal of bells, but I put them tick. If you h ad n 't m isread me about not skillful, artlessly good The cruder
tbe river."
aeroplanes over th e K ent coast, last livestock which formed p a rt of the atten tio n , however, being paid to the all back again, and apparently . .
method of tho stag« produces the sam e
A lthough
He drank again, stood stra lg h te r and
Sunday. I t is said a B ritish airm an cargo, were landed in sa fety before subject of fire prevention.
i nobody overheard In th e scullery.
effect; ail sm okers have experienced
who was crossing th e Channel in a
vessel settled in the shallow er it is th o u g h t th a t th e fire season th is
"T be big dug barked at me like
tbe alm ost overwhelm ing desire to
new aeroplane saw th e raid in prog- w ater near th e bank. The steam er lay
"Y et I never m eant to do It unless smoke which comes upon them when
blazes—he did again tbe o th er day—
ress, and joining in the chase of th e J p artially subm erged a t th e south bank, one, due to th e heavy snows, forest but nobody seemed to bear him either. he made me. and at the back of my someone lights a cigarette on the
Germans, succeeded in bringing down near th e mouth of th e N orth Portland
I got to my boat, tipped a fellow on brain I never thought be would. I stag e; these itra n g e and rapid restau ­
harbor. A portion of th e-rail around chances.
one of th e ir m achines.
; the towing path to take It back and thought h e’d do som ething for me, ran t m eals of the fashionable theater,
th e upper deck was awash and the
; pay for it—why h aven't the police got after all he'd done before! Shall I when a party sits down at a table and
A storia, Oregon, is visited by a w ater, which was risin g rapidly, was
$80,000 Ore Is Reported.
Is whirled through s ti courses la
| hold of him ?—and ran down to the tell you w hat he did?"
$60,000 fire.
expected to flood the passenger cabins.
B ak er— A gold strik e so rich as to bridge over the weir. I stopped a big
"Got out his revolver!" cried Caza­ about live m inutes, surrounded by
be alm ost unbelievable has ju s t been car with a sm art sh av er smoking his let In a voice th a t was his own Justifi­ cham pagne bottles In Ice buckets and
Food supplies are said to be becom-
made on Canyon M ountain by Denver pips a t tbe wheel. I should have cation as well.
ing short in th e Torreon d istric t of
S hackleton S h.p Is S afe.
tray s of liquors, have an absurdly ex­
Mexico and rio tin g is feared.
! London— Reports received here Mon- Leedy and Lynn George, who have thought he'd have come forward for
"P retending It was going to be his citing effect.
' day stated th a t th e auxiliary ship Au- been w orking on a claim belonging to tbe rew ard th at was put up; but I pre­ check book!” said Scruton. through bis
A German av iato r has dropped sev-1 _
, ,, ou i . i .
. .
„. , .
» ,
. rora, of the Shackleton A n tarctic ex- J . A. Muldrick. A verage sam ples of tended I was late for dinner I bad In teeth. “But I beard him trying to
Not a Nation of Singers.
eral smoke bombs near a French bat- M itio n > which WM ,Jama(fed in the th e ore, which have been tak en to * town, and I let blm drop me at tbe cock It InBlde bis draw er. T h ere was
country, though we have pro­
£ ry' .
18 " P o r te d from the front. ,
¡B n(jW proceedinjr to N* w ZeaIand Canyon City, assay from $60,000 to Grand H otel He cost me a fiver, but his special constable's truncheon duced many tine voices, we have never
T his is the first tim e since the w ar be- *
• _ * . .
$80,000 a ton. The m ine had been I had on a w aistcoat lined with notes, banging on the wall—silver mounted,
gan th a t such bumbs have been used. for repalr8 and 19 not ,n d,8treB8 or ,n yielding only average retu rn s u n til i and I’d more than five m inutes In band for all th e world to know how he'd become a nation of singers. T here are.
need of assistance. The la test m essage
It Is true. In m ost of the leading cities,
N ot in them selves dangerous,
indicates th a t the A urora is p ro c e e d ­ last week, when a sudden increase in a t Charing Cross. If you w ant to stood up for law and o rder In tbe sight choral societies, but the singing of
bombs give fo rth an intense smoke
ing under her own steam . A New the values contained in th e vein was know, It was tbe tlm s In hand th a t of men! I tell you U was a Joy to large groups of people Is com parative­
which persists fo r a long tim e and
Zealand w ireless sta tio n is in commun­ m anifest. I t is reported th a t th e re is gavs me the whole Idea of doubling feel tb s w eight of th a t truncheon, and ly uncommon among ua. Here Is a
serves as a guide for th e hostile a r­ ication w ith her.
more in sight, b u t it is not known how back to Genoa; I m ust have been half­ to see tb e hero of T rafalg ar Square
m atter for regret, for among all largs
tillery .
S ir Douglas Mawson, th e A n tarctic large th e high grade ore body will be. way up to town before I thought of fum bling with a thing he didn't un­ bodies of singers where there has bsen
derstand! I b it him as hard as God more or less training tbe effect Is beau­
: It!”
The imm ense Simpson holdings in explorer, expresses th e opinion th a t
B eavers C ut F ruit T re es.
He had told tbe whole thing as he would le t me—and the rest you know tiful and Inspiring. In fact, th e re are
Coos Bay d istric t have been sold for a th ere is no cause for alarm .
A lbany — H. F. S truckm eier, of always could tell an actual expert —except th a t I nearly did trip over
sum said to be near $1,000,000.
few things In music m ore im pressive
Thomas, has appealed to th e county j sn es; th a t was one reason why It rang th s man who sw ors It was broad day­ than th s singing ef hundreds of
F ires W orst In O regon.
The effort to increase the arm y bill
W ashington, D. C.— More th an 72 au th o rities for assistan ce in p ro tectin g ! * o tru e to on# listen er a t every point, light a t th e tim e!”
to 220,000 enlisted men was defeated
He to ttered to the folding doors, snd
per cent of all th e dam age done by his property from th e beavers, who But th e sink m an's sunken eyes had
by th e house. The bill will probably
fo rest fires in governm ent fo re st re­ are freq u en tin g his fru it orchard. They a iv sn e sd from th eir sockets In cornu- stood th e re a moment, pointing to
T hrottling a Scourge.
rem ain a t 140,000, expandable to 175,- serves during 1915 w as in Oregon, ac­ have cu t down 50 prune trees, accord- latlv# am azem en t And Hilton Toy# C asalet with a hand th a t tw itched as
Prediction Is m ads by governm ent
cording to a bulletin ju st issued by the ing to a sta te m en t made by the county laughed shortly when tb s and was terribly as his dreadful face.
h asltb officials th a t In a faw m ors
inspected th e reached.
T hrough argum ents before the R ail­ F orest service. D uring the past year fru it inspector, who
"No—tb s rest you did—tb s rest you years typhoid fever will be alm ost as
“You figure soma on our cred u lity !" did to save w hat w asn't worth sav­ ra re as smallpox. T his prophecy la
road commission of C alifornia, it is fo rest fires burned over 300,000 acres prem ises, snd th ey also cut down five
learned th a t the H ill lines w ish to of fo rest reserve lands, and destroyed peach trees. D uring th e recen t high was his flrst com m ent
ing! But—I th in k —I'll bold out long based on th e rapidly Increasing use of
e n te r th a t sta te through Lakeview , 156,000,000 fee t of tim ber, valued a t w ater a portion of th e orchard was un-
don't figure on anything from enough to thank you—Just a little!" th e vaccina and consequent im m unisa­
O re., and also th e W estern Pacific $190,000. The rep o rt says th a t 87 per der w ater, and i t is supposed th a t th e you. Toys, except a pair of handcuffs He was gone with a gibbering smile
tion of sn tlra localities from ta e d l»
seeks to extend a feeder intoJReno, cent of th e to tal loss was confined to beavers cu t down th e tree s in an effort
* first Installm ent!
C azalet turned straig h t to Toye at