The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, December 30, 1915, Image 2

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Of General Interest
Chicago—All records in the history
of railroad traffic were broken in Octo­
ber, when the flood of export ship­
ments for Europe, coupled with the
unusual peak of Autumn activity, Field Crop and Seed Growers’
Conference to Be Held
gross revenues of United States rail
ways were carried to a total of more
Corvallis—One of the moat impor­
than $313,000,000.
tant meetings during Farmers' Week,
Simultaneously, for the first time in January 3 to 8, 1916, will be that of
almost two years, expenses recorded the Oregon Field Crop and Seed Grow­
an increase over the year before. ers’ association. This association was
These are features of figures for the organized last year.
Its object, on
month compiled for roads which oper the one hand, ia to bring together all
Live News Items of All Nations and ated mileage of more than 266,000 of those growers in the state who are
producing seed crops, such as clover
miles, omitting the smaller roads.
Pacific Northwest Condensed
October. 1912, the previous record seed, vetch seed, alfalfa seed, potato
corn, grains, etc., and, on the
month, reported a total of about $306 seed,
for Our Busy Readers.
other hand, to effect a general organ
000,000. The old record thus is beat­ ization of those farmers particularly
en by about $7,000,000.
Striking as interested in field crop production and
this October gross seems against the allied subjects. The specialized agri­
The Federal baseball league has quit. poor earnings of recent years, it is cultural pursuits, such as that of the
fruit grower, the dairyman, or the live
Seised "opium” valued $450,000 at
stock breeder, all have their state or
San Francisco, proves to be bogus
ganizations. As a matter of fact, or­
ganization of these, because of the
The French make considerable gain
limited number of men concerned and
at Hartmans-Weilerkopf, and capture
the highly specialized interests in­
1200 Germans.
volved, is a natural procedure. The
great mass of farmers of the state,
Canada will raise a total of 260,000
however, are not specializing in live
men for Engalnd; 136,000 have al­
stock production or dairying or fruit
ready gone overseas.
growing but are devoted chiefly to the
It ia estimated that the Federal gov­
production of field crops.
ernment will lose $260,000 in revenue
The chief agricultural wealth of the
when Oregon goes dry.
state is produced by these crop grow­
ers. It is highly important that they
Eighty-five thousand pupils of the
should have an organization which will
Chicago schools are absent because of
bring them together and promote their
an epidemic of influenza.
The barkentine S. N. Castle ia in
It is hoped the Field Crop and Seed
distress off the coast of Washington,
Growers' association will become one
with six feet of water in her hold.
of the largest and strongest associa­
tions in the state as the years advance.
According to a dispatch an Austrian ;
All farmers interested should drop
submarine has been captured by tw o '•
a line to the secretary of the associa­
torpedo lioats, presumably Italian.
tion at Corvallis and secure informa­
Nine Portland lawyers win a dam-1
tion regarding it.
The meetings of
age suit for $10 started by a woman
the association will occur on Wednes­
over possession of a hen and eleven |
day and Thursday (January 5 and 6)
during Farmers' Week, Thursday be­
A large number of cannon hidden by
ing devoted especially to the interests
the Serbe in their flight from Aus­
of the Potato growers. Prominent
tria-Hungary, have been recovered by
seed and crop breeders and growers
the latter.
and seed buyers and dealers from Ore­
gon, Washington and California are on
Voulntary retirement'of the British
the program for these meetings.
In Gallipoli is denied by the Turks,
who claim the English were defeated
by their troops.
Thousands of Girls Are Taking
S e n a to r C harlea S. T h o m a s of Colo­
The Washington board of parole are
Domestic Science and Art
withholding the freedom of paroled rado, ch a ir m a n of th e se n a te com ­
Salem—" It is impossible to tell
convicts until after January 1st, when m itte e on w om an suffrage, pacified th e
su ffragists by providing for a hearing what lines of work our school boys will
the state goes dry.
pursue when they grow up; but it is
Fifteen hundred men working on the before th e co m m ittee on th e S u san B. pretty safe to predict that most of the
Alaska railroad are icebound and will
girls will become housekeepers,” said
be compelled to live through the win­ th e ballot th e qualification of sex.
Superintendent of Public Instruction J.
ter on canned goods.
A. Churchill, of Oregon, in speaking
noteworthy that the growth in three
Members of the Ford peace party are years since October, 1912, was only of the vocational courses offered in
the high schools. Mr. Churchill con­
reported experiencing an epidemic of slightly more than 2 per cent.
tinued saying that 7194 girls are now
grippe, Mr. Ford himself being unable
Since then about 7500 miles of oper­ learning cooking and sewing in the
to appear at a meeting in Christiania. ated mileage have been added. Nor­
public schools of the state.
Of this
The Roach Timber company of Mus­ mal growth in traffic, with which number, 3840 are in the high schools
catine, Ia., has raised $300,000 by single exceptional months cannot and 3345 are in the grades.
If one
trust deed and will build a logging wholly be compared, is considered may judge by the number of students
railroad to its holdings near Sutherlin, about 8 per cent a year.
enrolled in the two courses, cooking is
Abnormal conditions in expenses, not quite so popular as sewing, there
being 3214 girls taking Domestic
Twenty-six food dealers of Washing­
net revenue, continued in Science, and 3980 taking Domestic
ton, D. C., charged with raising prices bearking
and another new high point Art. The total value of the equip­
on eatables duing the first few months October,
for net was set at nearly $120,000,000,
of the war, pleaded guilty and were over $7,000,000 above September's ment for teaching the former course,
consisting of stoves, cooking utensils,
fined $26 each.
dishes, etc., amounts to $24,916, while
A Central News dispatch from Am­
the equipment for the latter, including
sterdam says that Count Zeppelin,
sewing machines, tables, etc., amounts
builder of dirigibles, has been elected
to $14,950. Nealry all of the teachers
a member of the first chamber of
employed in these courses are gradu­
ates of the Oregon Agricultural Col­
lege. Mr. Churchill states that Do­
The movement for an increase of
Damage of probably $100,000 to mestic Science is being offered in 69
taxation by the German states has
begun with Baden, where the Diet has $150,000 was caused to the plant of standard high schools, and Domestic
just passed a bill increasing the in­ the Emerson Hardwood company, at Art in 73.
come tax 20 per cent on incomes above Twentieth and North Front streets,
2400 marks.
Portland, at 1 o’clock Tuesday morn­ Siuslaw Valley Gets Big Shingle Mill
Eugene—A shingle mill on the Sius­
Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, the famous ing.
The fire broke out in a dry kiln at law river to employ 20 men at full ca­
actress, is reported dying in Paris.
12:06 o’clock. One block of the yards pacity has been announced by L. C.
Great Britain now demands enlist­ burned.
Reynolds, formerly of Coos Bay. Con­
ment of her eligibles to full strength.
It was estimated that 200,000 feet struction on the plant will be com­
lumber had been de­ menced as soon as a location can be
Samuel Gompers, president of the of hardwood
It was valued at $50 to $150 selected and two are under considera­
American Federation of Labor, gave stroyed.
a thousand feet, according to the tion, one on an old mill site a mile
considerable evidence before the grand grades
west of Florence and the other at
of wood.
jury investigating the activities of the
Cushman, the most western point on
Labor’s National Peace Council in fo­
between the Willamette Iron & the new railroad.
menting strikes of employes in muni­ land
Mr. Reynolds has a body of timber
Works and the Eastern & West­
tion plants.
ern Lumber company, on the water­ on the Siuslaw, it is said, which will
be handled. His machinery is now
According to figures announced in front.
The Eastern & Western plant was located on Coos Bay. The plant will
London the number of casualties in
Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria and Wurtem- not in any danger, but the firemen be­ cost approximately $10,000. His loca­
burg up to November 30 were 2,524,- gan playing water on the iron works. tion will allow him to ship both by
The Northern Pacific owl train, leav­ water and rail.
460. Of this number 484,228 men
A delegation of Siuslaw business
were killed or died of their wounds, ing Portand at 12:30 o’clock, was
men is expected in Eugene at the an­
864,198 were severely wounded, 27,674 halted by the fire.
The fire was most spectacular, being nual taxpayers’ meeting to lobby for
died of disease and 381,149 were miss­
ing. Naval casualties were not in­ visible through the mist from nearly the construction of more than $17,000
worth of road on the Siuslaw river.
every part of the city.
cluded in these figures.
About Oregon
Brief Resume of General News
"From All Around the Earth.
Hardwood Lumber Yard Burns
At Portland With Great Loss
The Northern hemisphere produced
In 1915 3,590,000,000 bushels of
wheat, an increase of 19.4 per cent.
An Athens dispatch to Reuter’s
Telegram company says that a British
submarine has sunk the German
steamer Leroe and other craft in the
Sea of Marmora.
The nitro-glycerin plant of the Aetna
Powder company at Fayville, 111., was
blown up when 3000 pounds of nitro­
glycerin exploded. The explosion was
due to chemical reaction.
E sta te G o e s to C harity.
New York—Mrs. I,aura S. Rockefel­
ler, wife of John D. Rockefeller, who
died last March, left an estate valued
at $1,490,471, according to the ap­
praisal filed in the Surrogate’s court.
The bulk of the estate, as announced
when the will was probated, goes to
charitable and educational institutions.
Mrs. Rockefeller’s wedding ring,
which she bequeathed to her son, is
apparised at $3. Her most valuable
piece of jewelry, a diamond watch
One woman is killed in Klamath chain, valued at $12,000, goes to her
county, Oregon, and one man wounded daughter, Mrs. Edith McCormick.
in a fued over ownership of a piece of
W ar Airmen N ot C itizens.
D. C.—State depart­
It is announced from Teheran, that
the Russians have occupied the town ment officials have indicated that no
of Kum, 80 miles southwest of Te­ action would be taken on demands for
heran, after a great battle. The op­ the internment of Elliott Cowdin, Nor­
posing force was completely defeated. man Prince and William Thaw, three
Americans now home on furlough from
The National Tidende, of Copen­ the French army.
The department
hagen, prints a statement of a Dane probably will take the position that
from Constantinople that the Krupps when the three men joined the army of
works outside Constantinople have a foreign power they renounced their
been destroyed by bomba dropped by Ameircan citizenship and entered this
Britiah airmen.
country as soldiers unarmed.
Liquor Patrons Stock Up.
Marshfield—As January 1 approaches
the determination of Marshfield liquor
dealers to rid themselves of stock is
noticeable in countless advertsements
appearing in the local newspapers. One
firm is running half-page advertise­
ments. Another firm, the National
Bottlng Works, reports heavy business
in ‘‘futures,” in barrels of bottled beer
and general sales in bonded goods. Dis­
trict Attorney Liljeqvist has announced
he will be looking about January 1 for
infractions of the liquor law and ex­
pects to prosecute vigorously.
R obins Visit H o o d River.
Hood River — Hundreds of Alaskan
robins are now making their winter
home in the Hood River valley. The
birds, while similar to the robin that
nests here in the summer and seeks
a warmer clime further south at the
close of fall, are duller in color.
Orchardists welcome these winter
guests, for the birds clean up any fruit
left in the orchards to harbor possible
disease pests. The robins also feed on
Insects and seeds of troublesome weeds.
"But I told you w hat tim e h> set I t ! ”
Flodle fairly yelled now "And I told
you half an hou r ahead on p u rp o s e !”
Mr. lH>r«mua held u p hla hand. “ HI-
le n c e l” ha thundered. "Mr. Ilasalng-
bury,” ha declared solemnly, " th e re
a re w itnesses enough p re s e n t to prove
th a t Mr Bonlstelle was m arried b e­
fore midnight. Aa you a r e aw are, I
seldom ta k e sides In any con tro v ersy,
but In th is case, my little friend here,
F lo d le- R onlatollo -com pletely
me over. T h e re 's no possible doubt
th a t Mr B onlstelle will lu h erlt hie
uncle’s fo rtu n e "
Hall b u rs t out of his tr a n c e with a
c o o w / » v r b y e n r r r bw h h tss
whoop. " H u r r a h ! " he scream ed, "I've
won four million* of d o lla rs! "
" H u rry , Mr IHiremus, h u r r y ! ” F lo­
C H A P T E R XIV— C ontinued.
Flodle stre tc h e d up on tiptoe and
— 16—
pulled down hla d ram atically extended
It in dicated tweuty- hand. "No, sir," ah* announced. "1 won
F lo ats laid an affectionate hand on to tho clock
poor A lfred's shoulder. "It simply eight m in u tes past twelve.
It m yself!"
m ean s t h a t A lfred's tru e blue," sh e re­
Hall, how ever, w as lit no haste. "Oh,
plied soberly. “ He has th e loyalty of 1 know, Jo n a s ; but you aoe Flodle and
a dog. It was awrful of m e to do It, I have decided to lose no m ore time.
though. I d o n 't know w hat you'll You can give h e r aw ay. If you w ant MOST PERFECT OF PLANTS
th in k of me. Hall. Uut you h a v e n 't to." He sa t down, laughlug a t bla cou
W orking of th# H um an Body Makoo
told him , yet. Alfred. Oo on I Aud do aln'a co nsternation.
Any Invention of Man Sasm Lika
"B ut It's paat tw e lv e ! " J o n a s In sist­
hurry, p le a s e ! ”
“ Well, she a sk ed mo to go down to ed. pointing to th e clock.
the city hall with her. for to get a m a r ­
“Oh, 1 know th a t ! T h a t proves H'a
Th* moat coropllcalad m a n u f a c tu r­
riage license. T his afternoon. It was. a love match, d o esn 't It?"
“Come here. Hall, an d stand up by ing plant t h a t ev er existed Is tho h u­
aud you know w hat I thought. Well
we w ent up to th e desk and we got a me! Anyone would th in k you d idn't m an body aa controlled u n d er tb* sci­
application -a printed p aper It was w a n t to g e t m arried I" Flodle called entific m a n a g e m e n t of th * b rala aud
nervoua sy stem No factory e v e r b o ast­
tellln' all about w hat we was and how nervously.
ed a m ore efficient p ro d u c e r plant for
old, like, and we sat dowu to a table
Hy th is tim e th e co m pany had be
c onverting fuel Into energy. No p lan t
and Miss Fisher, here, sh e took a pen gun to enter, and soon Hooded the
e v e r had so well-designed a pumping
and Ink."
studio, laughing, w ondering. Joking
system , nor on* an p erfect for the
" H u rry , Alfred, h u r r y ! ” cried Flodle with Hall.
dlapoeal of w aste and sew age. T a lk
Im patiently.
"Go a h e a d ! " cried Flodle. " W e 'r e of up-to-date heatin g an d ventilating,
"W ell sh e w ent to work and w rote ready, Mr. Iiorcm us. q u ic k ! ” tthe
or In te rd a p a rtu ie n t telep h on e!
T h*
y e s s e a ' an d 'Does' on th e lines. And stam p ed h e r foot angrily.
beet th a t o u r modern science can p ut
th e n sh e signed her name. Miss F is h e r
"Oh, wait a m in u te." Hall I n t e r ­ Into o u r sh ops Is c ru d e Indeed as com ­
did, an d sh e handed me the pen." S u d ­ posed. "w e w a n t th is th ing arr a n g e d pared with th a t furn ished hy th e
denly Alfred tu rn e d his head, and a little. It w on't do to ru s h I t ” He Groat Designer.
Buppose th a t you
busied him self tor a m o m e n t with his tu r n e d to his guests.
" I n d i e s aud went to a pum p m a n u f a c tu r e r with th e
handkerchief. H e re tu rn e d to his n a r ­ gen tlem en ." he began, when J o n aa following specificatio n ;
rativ e a lm o st choking
"1 was j u s t broke In again.
W anted, a pump with ra p a c ity of
a-goln' te sign Alfred J. S m allish;
"See here. I o b ject to t h l a ! ” He one-quarter gallon a minute, to handl*
th a t 's m y nam e an d what I alw ays sign walked up to Mr Doremua angrily.
w arm salty fluid, to work for sev en ty
it. w hen she sa y s to me, Miss F is h e r
Mr. Doremua. how ever, had already y ears night and day w ithout a s h u t ­
did, 'You w rite down th is hern nam e begun to t h u n d e r out. “ Hall Uonlatelle, down, a t t b s ra l e of sev en ty s t ro k e s
w h at I tell you
Hall C utler |o i l do you ta k e this woman, Flodle Flab
par minute. Must be g u a ra n te e d to
Stella' sh e says. ‘You asked me to ask er. to be your wedded wife?”
o p e ra te for th a full period of tim e
you to do som ething h a rd for me, for
" J u s t wait a m i n u t e ! ” cried Jon as, without re p a irs or a d ju s tm e n ts , to rw
to prove you r love for m e!' sh e says, i looking a t bis watch.
quire uo a tt e n ti o n , m u s t h a v s a u t o
and Indeed I did, Mr Bonlstelle- and
" W e ’re off!" ca m e In a ch o ru s from matte control and con tain Its own m o­
so I signed th e paper, and we had it j the excited guests.
tive power, and m u s t h ave a duty p e r
sw ore to."
"I d o ! ” replied Hall. "S ee here, million foot pounds su p e r io r (o th *
"Woll. give m e the paper. Alfred! ; Jonas, you m u s tn 't In te rru p t the gam e, best triple-expansion high d uty u n it
Do h u r r y ! " Flodle cried anxiously.
you know. Sit dowu and be q u ie t ! ”
e v e r made.
A lfred drew from bis pocket tho
"B ut 1 got so m eth in g to say a b o u t
Do you th in k th* m a n u f a c tu r e r
docum ent, and han ded It over to Hall. I It—”
would bid for th* job? If he were a
Flodle ben t o v e r It. "You see. Al­
"F lodle F is h e r do you take— be timid m an he would probably a g r e e
fred had to pretend be was you, th a t 's | quiet. Mr. H asslngbury, I'm ruu nlng with you and tell you to come arou n d
all. H e's the sam e color, you kno w — ” th is—”
n e x t week, m eanw hile edging you
Hall looked up a t Alfred, and smiled.
" I t's a schem e! It's a fr a u d ! ” tow ard th e door before your Insanity
“Well, I mean h e ’s white," Flodle J o n a s appealed wildly to the company. took a violent form. O r If h e w ere
explained anxiously.
" — thla man to be your lawful wed- not afraid of lu natics ho would aay:
"Yes, he certainly Is r a t h e r w hite,” I ded h u sb a n d ? "
"You poor bug. auch a pum p as you
Hall re m a rk e d and tu r n e d again to
"Oh. you old scam p, you. you've to ld speak of n e v e r existed nor ev er will
look a t th e d o c u m e n t
me o u t ! ” Jo n as shook his fist a t the except In tb s brain of a p erpetual mo­
"Of cou rse we did h ave to lie a little,
tion freak such s s 1 see before m e ! ”
W hich sh ow s how m u c h he know s
th a t Is, Alfred did—ab o u t your fath er
j about It, for both you and ho c a rr y
and m other, you know. I didn't know-
Just auch a pump aroutid with you,
w hat t h e i r nam es were, so we had to
an d each of you th in k s too much of
call th e m J o h n and M ary—you don't
your possession to sell It for any
mind, do you ?”
money.—Jo h n H. Van D eventer, In th*
"N ot a t all."
E ng ineering Magaxtuo.
"And you h a v e n 't an y fo rm er wives,
have you, living or d e a d ? ”
"N o t o n e ! " Hall was em phatic.
" T h e n it's a perfectly good license,
aad it fits you and th e r e 's your n a m e
Small Dog I* P etted as a H era In th o
and everything, and mine, too. You
P a ris Hospitals, as Reward
don't mind, do you. Hall, d e a r ? ” Flodle
for Faithfulness.
began to blush violently, an d was vary
confused. "You see. 1 kind of th o u g h t
In one of the P a rts h o sp itals lives
you w ere going to ask me, I so rt of felt
• dog, a brown and w hile se tte r,
It coming, and I knew you'd be too
nam ed F en d I'AIr (cleave th e s i r ) ,
stupid to get one y o u rs elf!"
who Is a real hero of th e war. HI*
"F lodle— F is h e r— B onlstelle!" he ex
m aster, a se r g e a n t of zouaves, is a p a­
claimed, and th r e w up his hands, "you
tien t In th e hospital, an d he ow es his
c e rtain ly a re a busin ess woman!
frail hold on life to tho devotion and
don't see w hat c h an ce I'll have a f t e r
Intelligence of Fend I'AIr. W hen th e
w e’re m a r rie d ! But I'm perfectly wll
re g im e n t left Algeria for F r a n c e Ihn
ling to let you m a n a g e me, Flo. 1
dog was left behind, but th e faithful
c e rtain ly h ave botched th ing s w h e n ­
little c r e a t u r e leaped Into th e w a te r
e v e r I’ve tried to ru n th e m myself."
and iw ain along behind th e ship u ntil
H e tu rn e d to Alfred, who stood,
the cap tain, tak in g pity on him, h ad
looking a t bis shoes. “ And you com
him tak en on board
From th a t tlra*
m ltted perjury, Alfred, j u s t for my
be has n ev er left hla m a s te r.
During th e fighting a t R ochlncourt.
Alfred drew him self up proudly.
n e a r Arras, an exploding bomb burled
“N ot a t all. Mr. Bonlstelle. It was for
the se r g e a n t and sev en o t h e r m en
Miss F is h e r I done I t ! ”
with earth. T hey w ere badly Injured,
" T h e n you did It for me. By Jove, Alfred Drew From Hla P ocket th e an d so deeply ro v e re d th a t no m an
Alfred, let me s h a k e your hand. A
had the stre n g th to fight his way ouL
m an c a n ’t be th a n k e d for a service like
But, lusklly. Fend I'AIr escaped tho
bride end was pulled furiously back by
that, and he c a n ’t be re w a rd e d ; but If
bomb. Ho at once beoan to scratch,
th e r e 's a n y th i n g I can do for you, you
and he s c ratch ed and sc r a tc h e d until
“I d o ! ” Flodle scream ed. "I never,
nam e I t ! ”
he had reach ed his m a s te r an4
Mr. H assln g b u ry ! I only prom ised to
" T h e r e 's only th e one th in g I w ant
dragged him out to safety. T h e sevei
now, Mr. Bonlstelle. Would you leave
o th e r men died.
me be you r b e st m an a t th e w eddin'? n ev er sa id —”
T h e w ounded se r g e a n t and his dn|
"I’u t on th e ring! P u t on the r i n g ! ”
T h e re w as once when I hoped 1 could
w ere se n t from one relief station tf
be bridegroom myself, Mr. Bonlstelle,
a n o th e r until they found p e r m a n e n
b u t I see now th a t was foolish. But It Hall. He obeyed.
ca re In th is P aris hospital. Good n u r t
" T h e n I pronounce you m an and
would be a satisfactio n to see the last
Ing has saved the man, b ut too muc,’
of Miss F isher, If you don 't mind.”
a tte n tio n alm o st kljlerl th e dog; fat
"I n ev er said I w ouldn't g e t him m y­
the n u rs e s and o rd erlies fed him s<
Hall, laughing, slapped him on th e
s e l f ! ” Flodte's words were sm o th ered
lavishly t h a t prom iscuous feeding h n
back. "Sure, Alfred! You can be the
In H all's kiss.
to be forbidden.
chief m ourner, Alfred— th a t Is. If th is
Im m ediately she w as su rro unded by
license Is all right. L e t's call In Mr.
Now F en d I'AIr lives In th e hosplta*
th e g e n tlem en of th e company, who
kitchen, w here he h as assu m ed th*
D o rem u s; h e ’ll tell us.” H e s t a r te d
passed h e r from lip to lip, pro testing,
duty of guard, and grow ls savagely
for th e door, but Flodle had alread y
laughing, struggling to speak.
a t any one who e n te r s th e k itch en —
beckoned to the a tto rn e y , who now
Mr. D orem us pressed Hall's hand. unless they belong th ere. Every d ay
cam e In with her.
"I c o n g ra t u la t e you, Mr. B o n lstelle!” a nu rs e ta k e s him to th e w ards to
"W ell, we're going to h ave a c e re ­
he cried en thusiastically.
visit h it m aster, and Fend I'AIr pnta
mony. a f t e r a l l ! ” said Hall. “ I’m going
"T h a n k you, s i r ! ” Hall answ ered. h it nose on the se r g e a n t's sho uldar
to ta k e you a t you r word and let you
‘T v e got a fo rtune In Flodle.”
and sta n d s con ten ted as long a s he to
m arry m e.”
"I th in k you h av el T w o ! ” was Mr. p erm itted to remain. T h e g re a t af­
Flodle Interrupted his reply. “ W h a t
"Mr. H assln gbury, fection t h a t exists betw een th e s e r ­
Is the s h o r te s t possible way you can D orem ua' reply.
do It, an d h a r e It legal, Mr. D o rem u s ?” would you mind telling me w h a t tim e g e a n t and his dog Is very charm ing.
It Is?”
— Y outh's Companion.
she asked, nudging him anxiously.
J o n a s tu r n e d white, and s t a rte d h u r ­
"Ob, I ’ll fix th a t ,” said th e lawyer.
riedly to leave w ithout a word. F lo ­
" I t w on’t ta k e tw o m inutes.”
A Strenuous Final*.
" W h a t ’s goln’ o n ? ” ca m e a h a rs h dle, alert, ca u g h t him aa ha tu rnad,
“W h en P rofessor S crapeso play*
voice a t t b s door. Jo naa H a ssln gbury an d an atebed out hla w atch aa daftly th a vlalln his very soul s e e m s on fir*,”
a s a pickpocket. She held It up to the
was looking In.
exclaim ed Mrs. Prebson a f t e r th e oon-
"C om e In, Jon as, co m e In and be company. " W e ’ve w ont Eleven if ty - eert.
‘a m o n g th o s e p r e s e n t ’ It's my m erry
“U m p h l "
T ho co m p an y took It up, an d shout- whoso favorite a m u s e m e n t Is baaebalL
m a r ria g e m orn I” cried Hall gayly.
F lo dle w hispered to Alfred. “ Run,
"I d o n ’t know about his soul, but w ha*
from a dozen pockets, co m pared and he w as finishing up th a t las t pise* I
Alfred, b rin g everybody In, q u ic k !”
Alfred d isappeared Into th e office th e tim e corroborated.
expected a t any m a m e n t to so* hla
" I t's a llo!” J o n aa protested, "w hy, fiddle s t r in g s sm oking.”
and could be h eard a n n o uncing t h e In­
look a t th o clock I
It’s half paat
Jon as, how ever, had b eg u a to bristle. tw elve! H e ’s too late I tell you I T ho
Would B* a Boan.
He s tr o d e up to his cousin b ellig eren t­ m o n ey ’s m i n e ! ”
Any guy who would In ven t so m »
"Why, t h a t ’s l i g h t 1" said Hall, th in g effective to ta k e th e c u t o ut ol
ly. "W hy, It a in 't no use to git m a r
rled now. Hall, you know th a t! D on’t am azed by the su dden eonfusloa. ”1 tho cu tw o rm would bo sur* of s v o r
sot th a t clock m y s e lf!”
be fool Ufa!”
laatlng fam e — Boston Olob*