The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, December 16, 1915, Image 1

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Has the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley— It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket.
S T A Y T O N , M A RIO N C O U N T Y . O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y ,
21st Year, N o. 50.
Coming !
Wed. Dec. 22
JT '
11 t
J .•
i Hi
lV' i
jfr&xx: '
At Stayton High School Auditorium
Under the direction of JACK W ALTEM EYER
Assisted by Stayton High School Orchestra
4 A ct C om edy-D ram a
Dr. J. D. Turner, formerly of
l.owe & Turner eye specialists
of Portland will be In Stayton again
Friday Dec. 17th at Stayton Hotel.
Don't fail to consult I)r. Turner about
your eyas and glasses. No charge for
consultation or examination.
The Children’ s Choice
Little Ones as well
as Grown Ups de­
“ Alias Jimmy Valentine”
Under The Auspices of The Stayton High School
Warden Handler
0. P. Lesley
Mr. Doyle
Chas. P. Burmester
Gustave Blickendolfen'back V
A. D. Gardner Jr.
William Ryan
Geo. Fay
Leo Klecker
Bill Avery
Jack Waltemeyer
Dick, The Rat
Guy Hurt
Blinky Davia
Ralph Kelley
A. D. Gardner
Mr. Lane
0. P. Lesley
Red Joselyn
Ralph Kelley
Guy Hurt
Lee Randall (Alias Jimmy Valentine) - Jack Waltemeyer
Miss Gladys Hill
Rose Lane
Miss June Keans
Mrs. Webster
Mrs. Moore
Miss Margaret Fehlen
Act I—Warden’s Office at Sing Sing
Act II—Parlor in Albany Hotel. Albany, N. Y.
Act III- Office in Mr. Lane’s Bank at Springfield
Act IV—New Vault of Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stayton wish to
Adults 35c
Reserved Seats 50c
thank the kind friends and neighbors
Seats on Sale at Beauchamp’s Drug Store
for their help and sympathy during the
illness and death of their infant daugh­
ter. Also for the many beautiful floral
1000 lbs of country bacon want- offerings at the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stayton.
id at Meeker's.
light in the delicious
The Comedy-Drama advertised above
is an entirely different entertainment
from the series of school entertain­
ments which start to-morrow night
“ Alias Jimmy Valentine” is a PLAY
staged by Mr. Jack Waltemeyer and
the high school, ami is one of the latest
comedv-dramHS before t h e public.
Make your arrangements to see it. It
will be worth the effort.
Chocolates & Mixed
Candies at Sloper’ s
In last week’s Mail in C.A.Luthy’s
ad, the date should have read Dec. 24
instead of Dec. 4 as was stated.
Go in and see Mr. Luthy and find out
all about the Free Diamond Ring. Read
his ad.
We have some Special Xmas
Boxes that are always ac­
ceptable Xmas Gifts
Serial N o. 1031
At a pretty home wedding at «even j The forerunner of The April Frimar-
n'clnck Friday eve at the residence of tea ia at hand, and one of the moat diff-
Mr. and Mra. C. K. Kout. Miaa Ellen leult problem* that ourjcounliea, state*
Violet Hln* became the brido of Dur - 1 and munlcipalitlca have"to aolve I* the
rail C. Davia, inatruetor In the commer- j aeleetinif of the right man for the right
rial department of the Slayton high place.
achool. Dr. J. K. N. Bell performed
To find a man broad enough to lay
the ceremony in the preaence of only a
peraanal prejudice and vote for
few relativea and friend*, the ring measure* that are beneficial to the
ceremony being uaed. The houae wan I mnaae* i* the wiah of the voter* of
aimply decorated with potted fern* and of Marlon county.
chrysanthemum*. Miaa Frankie Houtj In looking over the Held for a repre-
played Lohengrin’* B r i d a l Chorus, aentative from the south east portion
which heralded the immediate appear- of Marion county, it is found that a
ance of tha bridal party. The bride very large number of business men,
was admired in n gown of white wool farmer*, and voters from every part
crepe elaborated with lace, and the bri- of this section are in favor of placing
dal bouquet waa an artistic shower of the name of Mr. Geo. Keech on the
bride's roaes and lilies of the valley. ballot next April aa the Republican
Miaa Lillian Hina, maid of honor, wore Canditate for Representative from thia
white chailia. Cecil Blakely, attended precinct.
If Mr. Keech aecurea the nomination
the groom. Following the ceremony a
wedding luncheon waa served. Potted he will use every effort to be elected at
fern* adorned the table, and the place the fail election.
cards were dainty Ja|>aneic girla under
blue and yellow puraaols, the favora
coming from Honolulu.
Mr. and Mra. Davia left at 8:16 for
Albany enroule to Stayton, where they
will reside. The bride has been em­
ployed a* bookkeeper and cashier with
The sympathy of their many friends
the Oregon Power company and ia an
attractive girl, beloved by her friends. went out t o Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. Davia grew tn manhood in Corval­ Slayton last weak when the death of
lis, attended the local schools, and for their infant daughter occurred. Both
*”tim*eTtudi#d" law with'Attorney ^ . F. P*rent* having been born here they
—Corvallis Gazette-Times.
we" know" *nd ■ >*r** numbcr ot
> people attended the funeral service* at
the grave on Sunday, The child was |
but five days old, weighed nine and a
half pounds, and waa of fine form and
countenance but being afflicted with
hemorrage o f the bowela, Dr. Guy \
Mount, a friend of the family and a
specialist on bowel trouble, waa called
Mr*. Joe Peery entertained the rtfw-
from Ofegon City in an efTort to save
ly named "Oompimanio” Club at her
the life of the little on*, upon the sug­
home on Second St. Tuesday afternoon.
gestion of Dr. Beauchamp, the attend­
The home was prettily decorated in
ing physician. The Oregon City spe­
holiday attire of ted and green and
cialist stated he had seen but two or
made a very pleasing appearance.
three of such cases as that of the Stay-
The full membership besides Mrs.
ton child so rare are they.
J m . Knnaek «rat Mrs. Roy Hall were
The funeral service* Sunday, Rev.E.
present and all had a splendid time, not
B. Lockhart officiating, consisted of a
the least was the luncheon provided by
prayer in the home of the parents of
the hostess, Mr*. Peery.
Mrs. Stayton, Mr. and Mrs.A.D.Gard­
The club presented Mrs. Peery with
ner, where the child was born, and a
a beautiful crumb tray.
short service at the cemetery. Only
The next meeting of the club will be
close relativea were present a t the
held with Mrs. C. H. Brewer.
C ver $40 was cleared by the Christ
ian Endeavor Society by their annual
Bazaar and dinner last Saturday, De­
cember 11.
The dinner was served cafeteria style
and was enjoyed by over 30 people.
One of the features of the window
decorations of the Santa Claus Sale by
the Christian Endeavor society, was a
beautifully derorated cake being made
and donated by Mrs. Thos. Hirst of
| this city.
The society wishes to thank all those
! who so kindly helped make the affair
a success.
F o r a limited time approximately
three acres of unimproved land within
a few blocks of t h e Stayton High
W. Gregor of Wisconsin and a school I Shool can b e purchased a t a very
mate of B. Klecker of city, also a :easonable figure. If interested write
neighbor, when Mr. Klecker lived in r call on S.H.Heltzel, Stayton, Ore.
Wisconsin is here visiting at the Kleck­
er homes. Mr. Gregor is on his way
Miss Vida Chrisman of Marion is
home from California where he visited
1 working at the Stayton Hotel.
---------- the two expositions.
Sloper’s Drug Store
After an illness of only five days of
pleura-pneumonia, Peter M. Mermens,
one of Sublimity’s most respected and
substantial citizens answered the Great
Call Wednesday. December 15, at the
age of 43 years.
Mr. Hermens was bom in Wisconsin,
and had been identified with the busi­
ness interests of Sublimity for many
years. He was highly respected and
will be missed not only by his widow
and immediate family, but by a wide
circle of friends, made by being the ac­
tive manager of the Sublimity Dairy
Association, as well as by his sterling
The funeral will be held in the Cath­
olic church of Sublimity, Rev. G.
I.ainck, officiating, at 9:30 Friday, De­
cember 17. Interment will be in the
cemetery at Sublimity.
The Sons of Veterans organized last
Friday night with a membership of fif­
teen. The next meeting night will be
Monday, December 20. when several
more are expected to join.
The camp was organized by J. F.
Dunlap of Salem who was accompanied
by a truck load of boosters frem the
Capital City.
A splendid time was had by all pres­
ent, and all enjoyed the luncheon at 11
p. m.
The newly organized lodge ia headed
by Jno. Thoma as Commander, W. A.
Elder, Senior Vice: J.M. Downing.Jun-
ior Vice; V. A. Goode, Sec. E. M.
Olmsted, Treas; Lee Bailey, Chap.
The visiting people from Salem were:
Rev. F. T. Porter, J. Frank Dunlap,
U. G. Boyer. H. Siegmund, W. P. Rin-
gle, Dr. G. V. Elies, Emerson Cooper.
H. A. Goode Mesdames Lizzie W.
Smith, May Dell Smith, Clara Gribbie,
Country bacon, lu O O lbs. want- Marion Snoover a n d Alma Morgan,
Mr. and Mrs. I. L McAdams, and Mr.
ed at Meeker's.
and Mrs. H. R. McWhorten.
Mrs. Fred Lau and Mrs. Louie Sch-
nackenberg of Gooch were here Sunday
to attend the funeral of the infant
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Stay-
ton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle of Mon­ Teachers training class Wednesday
roe are visiting at the home of Mrs. 730 p. m.
Union Prayer meeting Thursday 730
Gansle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.
p. m. Service—The study of John’s
Staab, until after the holidays.
Gospel will be continued.
Ladies Aid Meeting Friday afternoon,
Barney Friedsam and wile left Sat­
i Bible School Lord’s Day 10 a. m.
urday for their home in Perham, Minn,
after a very pleasant visit here of sev­ Remember the auto contest i s on.
Come and bring someone with you.
eral weeks.
Preaching service 11 a. m.
Subject—“ The Christian’s Race’*.
A. R. Tiffanv, registrar of the Uni­ Communion 12 m.
versity of Oregon at Eugene was here 1 Junior Congregation 3 p. m.
this week visiting his sister Miss Grace All children are invited to attend.
Tiffany, who is one of the Stayton Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. ro.
Preaching Service
730 p. m.
Subject-“God’s Unspeakable Gift” A
The Brode Club met with Mrs. Olm­ Christmas sermon.
R. L. Putnam, Pastor.
sted last night. The next meeting will
be Wednesday, January 5 with Mrs.
Joe Peery.
Mrs. E. D. Alexander returned to
her home here Friday evening after an
There will be special services at tha
extended stay in Iowa. Mr. Alexander
met her in Portland.
Methodist church Sunday morning,
Dec. 19 Special music by the choir in
charge of Stanley A. Starr, will be oi e
Ernest Long of Sale m was in town
! of the features.
on business yesterday. He is a broth­
er-in-law of Archie Caspeli and at one
time wa3 a resident of Stayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker we
here from West Stayton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Von Behren of
W. F. Harris ant wife of North San-
Aumsville visited at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. R. L. Putnam here tiam were business visitors here Satur­
Xmas Presents !
Holiday Good
Mayo’s Cash Store
Toys and Dolls Half Price
Our Mill ends of blankets slightly damaged, preparatory to taking inventory to close up our year’s business, and we offer what we have at a very low price, in fact less than
cost should we have to replace them at the present high prices of wools.
9 ale
ends this week, after which regular prices will prevail.
These blankets will wear a3 long as perfect ones. Come in and look them over.
Our Pre-Holiday
Saturday at 3 p. m. we give away the beautiful Dress Pattern Free to some one, YOU Might get it, come in at
tlje Woolen Mill Store (at the Mills) and we will tell you how, and show you Handsome, Useful. Christmas Presents.
We thank our many customers for their patronage
for the past year and wish you all A Merry Xmas, and prosperous New Year.
M IL L S CO., S T A Y T O N , ORE.